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Hi, everybody. The time has come at last :) It's just mod of someone else's(Rubaka) game... i can't ask for money for it. So, now it's public :)

I can't call this update big.  But rather, it concludes all the unfinished quest branches. I tried to make it a well-becoming mod ending. On a scale of the game, quite a number of new arts has been added. Just as before, I tried not to alter the main storyline, because I am too fond of the original to do it.   

I had to abandon the idea of implementing disguise changing, as it would require the entire code to be rewritten, and likely cause a million moronic situations, like that in any other mod with this feature (e.g. Hermione lifting a skirt SHE IS NOT WEARING). 

All new routes (Phoenix, Daphne, Cho Chang/Harry Potter, school paper) are currently finished and have a logical end.

As far as I am concerned, quests are fairly simple. Just buy every new item you see in the shop and you won't have a problem.

Newspaper route begins at whoring level is 12(task for a ball gown). 

Having worked on this mod, I realized that only one person can make the raddest sequel, and you all know who he is :) Rumor has it, he's been busy with something like that, masking it as a game about some star channel.

I began working on this mod when the situation was somewhat different. Arts for my own projects took way too much time to be produced, and I was looking for something to give to my audience, and I think I found a good option. Today the situation have changed, I'll elaborate on it along with posting the annual report.

Once again, thanks to everyone who made this release possible :) 


Русская версия обновлена(багфикс), если были проблемы в ветке с Чжоу Чанг, перекачайте. 12.02.2018

10.02.2018 - updated (bugfix).



С Демоном квест очень круто придуман, но много мелких багов, как и с Дафной в принципе, линейка с газетой видимо совсем вырезана была т. к. у меня она не появилась.


i don't arrive to open the file, the message is: damaged archive


The English version fails to unzip


I'm sorry everything is fine ... I've had problems with my pc


android_rus version please download please


When i try to open the game (mac), it shutting down without reason


Если есть желание переводить Элану, то я могу помочь с этим, я видел ты писал разработчикам. Главное напиши как с тобой связаться, здесь я не понимаю как личные сообщения писать.


Что делать с ЧЖОУ дал ей возбуждающее зелье прошло пару дней ничего с неи не могу сделать и поттер про нее 1 и тоже отвечает


После этого в один из дней должен прийти Снейп и сказать про пропажи учеников, после этого позови ее и Гарри и спроси что произошло


Еще вопрос почему когда выбирал купить юбку вылазило окно с кодом


Is there walkthrough?


How do you unlock further the phoenix? She tells me the story in agrabah and thats it. Also, how to unlock the other girls. SO far i had seen only Hermione.


Actually, unlocked the phonix and the slytherin girl, but Cho denies selling me sexual favors and the demon never appered again.


A walkthrough would be great to achieve the additions at least.


I downloaded the game on android but cant find anyway to do the equivalent of right clicking to save the game. I keep having to start from the beginning each time i launch it. Is there any way to save on android?