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So, testing(5+) of the last fanmod version was started. It will be carried out within 1-2 weeks. 



So anybody can tell if it's already playable? I am $3 patreon and considering to upgrade to $5, but not if there are too many bugs.


not sure if this is a bug but i found that there is no way to check hermonies mood or perverseness. is this just not part of the game or will it be added later?


i got a bug bro


this is with greengrass; if i ask her to do something and she gets upset and storms out it leaves a version of her art in the screen. and if i switch it to hermione it became permanent creating a double character


fixed it by calling greengrass back in


for reference <a href="https://imgur.com/a/gnFmr" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/gnFmr</a>


i found a glitch i was using the dhars oddity book a parcel was at the window and any time i clicked it something different would happen like hanging with snape during the day then i found a cheat section like the girls no longer being mad at u or getting 10 of every item but it would not let me use the book again and since the package was still there is always said just wait have not found a way to fix just thought i should let u know and if there anyway to access that cheat thing i seen and not the help one


I had something similar. Do not remember when, had to load an earlier save.


no i just re installed it seems fine now