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Hello, everybody!  Traditionally, I'm immensely grateful to my patrons :) 

Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to finish the update this month :( I'll make a run down on what's have been done. 

Several mechanics have been introduced :) In this version new skills will be acquired gradually. The soul-distribution mini-game has been revised to make sense. A mechanic of interactions with characters has been reworked. I struggled for long time on a bulky system that involved a separate menu for each character in each scene, but tests proved a simpler variant to be far more convenient -_-  Your cover-up will weaken during you-know-what interactions, those patrons with access to cheats may have already seen the consequences :) And, sure enough, new locations and new thematic scenes are coming :) 

Again, lots of time spent on GUI, and again I'm not satisfied -_- It's seemingly reasonable to outsource, but the previous one was outsourced, and I am not content with it, and neither of those I've seen in people's portfolios was a right fit :( 

I'd like to once again apologize for the releases being that spread apart, and thank for your patience... I'm doing my best -_- I'm somewhat bound by the necessity of regularly releasing at least something new, that makes me simplify everything only to rewrite it from anew later. 

I'll try to have finished the update by the end of September, beside that, I and Nesh Morgan are preparing a little surprise for you (August – first week of September).  


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