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Hi, everyone! It's time to present a new version :)

On the occasion of the opening beta-testing, I made a channel at Discord that'll stay open in the future. Will it be useful? I don't know. But it will definitely not harm :) Link: https://discord.gg/eeUqsUj

This time all you need for installing a bug-fixes is a small file less than 1 mb in size ^_^. 

I've been testing the game for about a week now, but there still can be minor things that could slip my attention. Should you find any bugs, please report them via comment section here, PM or Discord.

Unfortunately, this version, too, cannot be regarded as just a part of the game that only needs a continuation -_- Not all the mechanics that were supposed to be used in the beginning have been made, and some scenes are still missing. For this reason, some parts of the script are just fillers, the upcoming versions will have most events rewritten. 

There were too many changes to compile a changelog. I've rewritten 60% of code to fix certain bugs and implement mechanics that the previous releases missed. Patrons with cheat codes can see a mechanic, effect of which is inaccessible legally at the moment :)

Just a few notes regarding the update:

1. Yes, saves do work correctly.

2. Old saves naturally do not work.

3. Souls distribution and quests from Hell in this version affect nothing. They'll be brought back in the future.

4. All powers are enabled by default.

5. A "whoring" parameter is introduced, it affects events with Anabel and her behavior (in its infancy yet).

6. Some of the new events happen after the plot selection at the party; to access them one must make Anabel leave the party or not to attend it altogether.

7. In later versions, most of the events will be rewritten. So far mechanics required to make an intended story have not been finished, that's why I decided to just show you what's completed (I realize what I work with, and I don't want to release updates without thematic scenes).

8. Later i will made smaller version with short animations (2-4 frames), renpy can't work with big animations correctly :((

New thematic events:

1. Anabel's new dream.

2. An event in Anabel's room at 50+.

3. An event in the academy at 60+.

4. An event in the academy at 70+.

5. An event in the academy at 80+.

Link:  Download  



Hi, could you tell me what is the band name that is playing before you start the game it's f***in awesome