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In our new game "Erotica" combat will work a little differently than it was in "Viv".
My goal is to make every fight interesting and unique. Each opponent will have his own characteristics and tactics of combat, some will have a large number of different strikes, some will prefer to perform throws.
Victory can be obtained in several ways: knockout, forced surrender, or win on points. I also plan to add a mechanic that allows you to rip the clothes off enemies, but I do not know how this will actually work.

In addition to xp and stamina as added a special ability that becomes available after three successful attacks.In addition to the hp and stamina strip, I added another one. this is a special move strip that will fill up during the battle and allow you to use the ultimatum move.

Clicktime events will also change, they will become more interesting and will be aimed at testing your reaction.

Anyway, it's all in my head and I still have a lot of work to do to get it to code.




This sounds fun