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I'll tell you an interesting point. Did you know that Vivien can die? In the future we will certainly add this moment to the game, and more than one. Remember that scene with the wolves? where Viv can start screaming and the wolves can hit her. Initially we wanted to do the following: the wolf takes Vivien by the neck, and starts to slowly squeeze her. after that her neck just crunched. At this point would have been your first death. But we gave it up because we thought it was a little early. but here's a little information for you. 



Nathaniel Wall

Interesting! Makes sense since if you werent being submissive for them they wouldnt want any attention to them! I like the concept!


I’ll just say making this something that can happen can add drama and make your choices matter. But I hope it doesn’t fetishize death. That might be too much.