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Together once and for all, from now on, our team, which consists of one coder and one artist will live together under one roof!

Yes, that's us.

We have walked a long way toward this goal, and now we have reached it only because of your support, thank you so much for this! Bisamon is sitting in my room right now, painting one of the pieces on his ipad as I write this post. We are expecting some packages soon, these are things that will make her work faster.(Computer table and gamer chair. )

(Her pc is of little use until we set up her workplace.)
We haven't posted much lately because we've been so busy moving.
However, we will try to post the next update at the end of this month anyway!
(We're almost done.)
She also asked to write that she has coronavirus, and in spite of all this she is trying to work, albeit very slowly without her pc.
If you have any questions, you can ask them under this post...





Рад за вас, ребята)


Congrats! I hope she recovers from the virus soon.


Congratulations. Don’t drive each other crazy now.

Muffin Glove

Grats you two! Love the chalkboard wall.


Aye ' tis some good news. Be safe you two!