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Yesterday a person subscribed to us and immediately unsubscribed, personally, I think there is nothing super-outrageous about this, which Bisamon disagrees with :/
She becomes enraged when faced with such obstacles.
For some reason it seemed to me that patreon should protect against such manipulations.
Otherwise, all content can be obtained simply by subscribing and unsubscribing.
She says it's outrageous :3
As for me, my mind draws a bright future for our game.And I am not angry with such people, because I am the same as them.
By the way, the question for those who are waiting for the game, from which resource would you prefer to download the game?
 :Torrent, or some kind of cloud services like mego or something like that



Bastian Meza

Looks so good and for the problem and question i sent the answers to bisamon