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I'm gonna let you Plushies in on a little secret ;) The "knowledge" that Boot's currently holding over Cameron's head!!! You're all sworn to secrecy now!

You see, Cameron is a collector of sorts. She has a vast collection that has taken YEARS to procure. A collection of what, you may be asking?

Why, her collection of fairy figurines of course! Cameron has loved fairies ever since she was a little girl. She started gathering a collection from her favorite manufacturer, and now has over 80 little figurines on a bookcase in her room. But of course no one at the station can know about this! Think of her reputation!!! ;) Too bad Boot saw them when he went into her room looking for some pajamas for her during her drunken episode! Haha!




None shall pry this knowledge from Boot’s lips, even under threat of violence.


If I were boot, I wouldn't really ever reveal this, but I would pull a move like he did and make her think so because this is just too perfect not to give her a little hassle over. Again I wouldn't say anything but this is just perfect knowledge to have in the back pocket.