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Where am I? What is this place? Did I trip in the rabbit hole and hit my head?

These questions flood through your mind as you crawl out of the dark and dank tunnel you had been sucked into only to find yourself in a colorful world filled with amazing creatures. Some friendly looking, and others...not so friendly looking. You walk down a path for over an hour, hoping to reach a town with someone who could tell you what the heck this acid trip was and how are you supposed to get home? Suddenly, you see houses! Oh thank goodness! And it seems as though the townsfolk are out and about! But...wait...those people look suspiciously...rodent-like!


Thistlewhisk the mouse - The Red Knave - Script (c) LittleRagdoll VA

Humdigger the mouse (c) Flyboy

SFX (c) Pond5



Luis Montoto

Will there be a tea party with a nice serving of oysters


Excellently done, Ragdoll. Even if I’m left in suspense for the next part of the story.