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Hi hi everyone! hope you all are doing great, and are looking forward to Crimmnas and new year's! 

This is just an update post to inform everyone that you will NOT be charged for january's pledge, the piggybank has a healthy amount in it already and I don't want it growing too big before I get some big work on it! The rest of december I'm focusing on comm work and rewards, with the 22nd and 24th being the birthday celebratory comm series project thingy :D 

January I want to tackle two or more comic pages, the krok x helio poll set, and ideally have a second poll propped for the start of february! Very ambitious! But it's smart to take a lil' pause on charging before stuff gets done :D

For the peeps on the token pledge, you'll NOT get a token, since no charge is being made. 

Thank you for your support! Much love, and merry christmas!


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