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First Revamped Poll

  • Patron-Only Chillstream 2
  • PxMxD Swamp dad series finale, ice packs on the weenie, hydration, and a son to deal with *wink wink* 3
  • Biker Blaz--iken claining a Dew---ott for his personal use 3
  • Krok--orok and Heliol--isk boyfriends move beyond size comparing, and into some humping <3 9
  • Kobold, in a Grove-like dungeon, enjoys some private slime time while adorned with some Cursed Items 8
  • Vampire Noiv--ern feasts on a caged Asbie, QTE and losing to a boss themes 5
  • A swarm of Salan--dits try to subdue J, but just get the typh REALLY riled up to breed them all 5
  • 2023-11-17
  • —2023-11-21
  • 35 votes
{'title': 'First Revamped Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Patron-Only Chillstream', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'PxMxD Swamp dad series finale, ice packs on the weenie, hydration, and a son to deal with *wink wink*', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Biker Blaz--iken claining a Dew---ott for his personal use', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Krok--orok and Heliol--isk boyfriends move beyond size comparing, and into some humping <3', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Kobold, in a Grove-like dungeon, enjoys some private slime time while adorned with some Cursed Items', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Vampire Noiv--ern feasts on a caged Asbie, QTE and losing to a boss themes', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'A swarm of Salan--dits try to subdue J, but just get the typh REALLY riled up to breed them all', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 21, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 17, 23, 18, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 35}


Let's gooo!

Since it's been a while, everyone gets an extra vote in the comments to make up for no polls in a few months, and as a reminder, 4 and 80 pound pledges get ONE comment vote, with 10/22/45 pound pledges get TWO, outside any actual poll votes you may cast <3

While I usually keep these ambiguous-ish on purpose, I'll detail each option a bit! LMK if you'd prefer clear and specific poll choices or more ambiguous ones!

 -(1) Patron-Only Chillstream, everyone can make one request (with 45 pound pledges getting two), can include OCs, and up to 2 characters, or a small gang if they're simple & small (think of imps or salan--dits). We prep a date and I'll handpick winners before the stream. RNG is not allowed by Patreon ToS!

 -(2) Swamp dad and son return home, and after some tending to, son demands some loving from the dad >:) Tender oral, smooching, prooobably not anal as that sosig kinda sore, but who knows! (Image Sequence)

-(3) Biker Blaz--iken (img on attachments) stuffing a dew--ott rough~ Probably put in some mea talk, too! Otter boi do be small, but he can take a good fucking >:) (Single Image)

-(4) The two boyfriends (img in attachments) decide to put krok's sosig to good use, tender & loving sex. Proly some focus put into the helio's semi hard dick bouncing as sex happens, krok would want to have the bigger dick, but he loves seeing his boy's weenie bounce when he fucks him >:) (Image Sequence)

-(5) A lost kobold in Grove's slime cave, wearing some unfortunate items meets one of those sentient, shape-shifting red slimes!(Img in attachments) It's not enough that his privates are captured by the slime for milking purposes, but more shall be taken from him... Or maybe it's given, who knows >:) Corruption, bondage, kinky grove-like themes <3 (Image Sequence)

-(6) Noi isn't satisfied with a single meal, he wants to ravage that badger /good/~ Part two of the image in attachments. Horny blood-hungry bat turnt into a frenzied boss, Asbie is not very good at doing those QTEs :> (Single Image)

-(7) Gang of punky Saland--its try to gank of J (my hisu typh, img on attachments), not aware they're just gonna fuel the badger into a sex frenzy, leaving none of them untouched >:) Big top on a few small bottoms, horny stuff (Image Sequence)




+votes on krok and heliolisk


Extra vote on the vampire Noiv!