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Heyo everybody! Hopefuly the art spam wasn't too annoying, trying to keep them batches not too big or too many at once to not spam yer inboxes :D

Figured I'd make an update post to keep everyone up to date! 

As it stands for patreon work, I still got two poll sets to work on, one being the Grove fanart batch, and the other a follow up/conclusion to swamp dad in the shop. Besides this, I REALLY wanna go ham with the rhyd-on quil comic that has not been worked on for a few months (apologies). 

As it stands comic wise, I own 3 pages, and I think to make it fair, will just charge a very discounted price for the following ones until its done. That way the piggy bank will not get ludicrously high before the project's over. 

Talking about that, the piggybank as for this month is 210 pounds, wooh! 

Normal work-wise, I am ALMOST done with the queue I had to take last time, just 2 comms left, then we can get them polls & patreon stuff done, until I inevitably need to make a bit more cash haha

BUT YEH! I'll get a proper price table for Patreon-lead projects done quite soon, I don't wanna delay Seekn Heat comic for much longer, I apologize for that D:

Work work work!


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