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Sushi is a character I used a lot some years ago (she was the host of an OC character tournament) now that that thing is over, I barely draw her. I felt like doing it, originally I was only going to post the sketch, but I got carried away. She is a character I feel more comfortable lewding than others.


Sushi es un personaje que usé mucho hace algunos años (era la anfitriona de un torneo de personajes de OC) ahora que eso se acabó, apenas la dibujo. Tenía ganas de hacerlo asi que aquí la tienen, originalmente solo iba a publicar el boceto, pero me dejé llevar. Ella es un personaje con el que me siento más cómodo haciendo cosas mas atrevidas.



Agent Quasar

That design is honestly very cute.


Thanks! This is a character I suspect people who follow me might have seen. But at the same time, she was kinda separate from Macoatl and Rayah so maybe not, time to reintroduce her.


She is so cute! Awesome character!