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Here is next friday comic! I always intended for Coatlaltecas to have huge size discrepancies (like in the Dr. Zeus book) I don´t know if thats been obvious in the comic.


¡Aquí está el cómic del próximo viernes! Siempre tuve la intención de que los Coatlaltecas tuvieran grandes discrepancias de tamaño (como en los libros del Dr. Zeus) No sé si eso ha sido claro en el cómic.



Agent Quasar

Better hope she doesn't belch from the meal. Also, Checomal saying that reminds me of Mr.Krabs saying "At the Krusty Krab! We serve all kinds."


Checomal and Mr.Krabs have many parallels, it's a challenge to make him different. I like to think, Checomal is not that greedy, he is just a little bit confused about his priorities.

Agent Quasar

Yeah, he doesn't seem stupid or malicious moreso just being a bit absent-minded. He seems to do a good job when he has a clear plan in mind.