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Kaira´s "hair" doesn´t work in 3D, its always facing to the side she is looking


El cabello de Kaira no funciona realmente en 3D, siempre apunta para el lado para el que ella mira.



Agent Quasar

This is one of the best things about traditional art, you can get away with doing stuff like this.


In this day and age, you can fake these things with 3D, it just takes cleverness and a really good rig (but its still way easier to do in 2D)

Agent Quasar

Oh, I'm not doubting that you can. It just is way easier and more natural in 2D art. 3D has come a long way since it began, I'm sure you could mimic it regardless.


It kind of reminds me how Mickey Mouse always has both of his ears facing forwards at all times regardless of what direction he's facing.