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Some time ago, I had this idea that one of the typical Mexica women's hairstyles would work really well on a triceratops girl, Tone came out from that idea. Unfortunately, I have no idea of what to do with her, so I have been using her to teach my students several things like lighting, character construction, posing, and other stuff.


Hace un tiempo tuve esta idea de que uno de los peinados típicos de las mujeres mexicas le quedaría muy bien a una niña triceratops, de esa idea salió Tone. Desafortunadamente, no tengo idea de qué hacer con ella, así que la he estado usando para enseñar a mis alumnos varias cosas como iluminación, construcción de personajes, poses y otras cosas.



Agent Quasar

I love her design!


Thanks! I also really like her concept, I just really don´t have any idea of what to do with her.