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I finallly ran out of Ko-Fi wishes, so Im thinking on letting you patreons make  a couple wishes, No extra charge needed! (after all, all of you already paid more than what a wish is worth) Think of it, I will ask for your wishes latter this week (I will even let you pick who should grant it, Rayah or Ifrit)

P.D. If you don´t want to make wishes, thats ok too!


Finalmente cumpli todos los deseos de Ko-Fi, así que estoy pensando en dejarles a ustedes pedir unos sin cargo extra (despues de todo, todos ustedes ya han dado mas que suficiente para ello) Piensenlo y en la semana hare el post oficial preguntandoles sus deseos (Incluso les dejare decir quien quieren que lo cumpla, Rayah o Ifrit) 

P.D. Si no quieren pedir deseos tampoco es problema




Questions: 1) Can they be sent via message? 2) Will they be any different to normal/Ko-Fi wishes at all?


It will be just like any other wish, Rayah will in the end troll it. The only extra I am giving here, is the chance to pick who will grant it, Rayah or Ifrit. You can send it by message but I do need the screencap to post at the top of the wish, so I don´t see much the point.