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When I introduced 7 many years ago, part of the idea was that she was from a "tribe" caucasian people, probably  the only left on the world of Coatlan, and until this day I not introduced any other caucasian (Thats not her sister or Mother) to the cast. Still, she has 22 sisters which created the oposite impression (that there are tons of blond people in this world). Looking back, If I had to  redo everything for some reason I would do it differently (she was not even planed to be one of the main characters) and this came to my mind.

 Im not changing anything (I really like 7´s current design) but I also like this one, Maybe I could repurpose it in some other way.




Pues, a mi personalmente me vusta mucho mas como salio, desde el primer diseño que yo vi, hasta el actual, me gusto mucho su concepto y el echo de que sea la unica rubia me parece que es otro factor que la hace especial, esta 7 no me gusta del todo, aunque es solo mi opinion


Probablemente no pasa de un dibujo al azar, era algo que me tenia que sacar de la cabeza.