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For starters, I'm sorry for my unexpected absence for the past month and a half.

Here's what had been happening.

I've been half a world away on a post covid family reunion trip, and helped my brother with two major events while we were over there. He was moving over there, and he was having his wedding and I was his best man.

All of these factors already meant I was away from my workstation and the options I had there were limited, but it gets even worse.

I screwed up during my packing and forgot my portable hard drives; so any works I had already started, I would have to either start from scratch or wait till I returned to resume them.

My family has a habit of changing their plans on me at the last minute. So I was planning to announce my absence once I arrive there and get the full picture of how long I'm gonna be away. But because of the portable hard drives I forgot, I couldn't log back into patreon on my phone that had decided to log me out automatically.

I had to bite the bullet and change my password just to reply to messages, but by that point, additional headaches had been piled on me that I decided to wait till my trip is over to announce what's coming up next.

What's next:

Now that I'm finally back to my workstation, I've got a huge to do list.

  1. Finish the wip 2nd page of Double payback.
  2. Resume a commissioned comic page.
  3. Resume a commissioned interactive animation that I can hopefully get working on HTML5
  4. Start another kinky commissioned drawing between his OC and Mrs. Gloom

As I'm working on these projects I'm going to be moving to a smaller house. Having to now manage all of my monthly payments alone right at the start of this major inflation means I'm going to have to pull triple duty just to manage the bills month to month, with property tax being the big money drainer.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting me during such a crucial time in my life. Even if you left during my month and a half absence, I thank you for supporting me nonetheless.

But now that I'm back, time for this lemur to get busy delivering some kinky art :3


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