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From Tobie

So, a week has passed since the release of the teaser. Our artist came back from his vacation and we are ready to continue our work. This week has also given us a lot to think about. While we do not like to admit it, some of the comments on forums were quite demoralising. Now we have recovered from all the unreasonable critique and are ready to continue in the same direction as before. Text will be more heavily edited, as the support of our project has not gone down, and even increased a little bit, we will try to replace existing art with our own originals in 0.1.

The plot is reaching its climax. Putting all erotic plot lines together, was a lot more interesting than we expected. Much of the code is done already. Second act is almost ready, though we are planning on adding more variety to it, since quite a lot of people have requested it. However, dialogues will not become shorter. You have to understand that we focus on developing the characters and improving your understanding of them. If our player doesn't understand the problems of our characters, we consider it a failure.

Focusing on the public release: we will continue to build-up the atmosphere. We will try to make more text skippable. If the text that you are planning to skip contains some essential information, we will somehow alert you to that fact. Though, Tobi is not a fan of a possibility to just run through the game, we understand that while testing, game can crash, save files get corrupted and etc. The most likely option is that we will introduce passwords, that will allow you immediate access to the acts you are interested in.

And some strawpool


От Тоби

Итак, прошла неделя спустя выход тизера. Вернулся художник и мы готовы продолжать. Неделя дала нам много тем для размышления. Как бы это ни было прискорбно признавать, но у двача получилось подорвать наш боевой дух. Сейчас мы оклемались от необоснованной критики и готовы продолжать в том же направлении, что и было ранее. Редактура текста, скорее всего, будет. Т.к. поддержка не уменьшилась, а даже увеличилась, мы постараемся часть арта заменить еще в 0.1

Сюжет уже почти подошел к своему апогею. Не ждал, что сводить эролинии будет так трудно и интересно. Многое уже в коде. Второй акт практически готов, необходимо только немного его разнообразить, по многочисленным просьбам. Диалоги меньше не станут. Но нужно понимать, что основной упор идет именно на раскрытие персонажа и на сопереживание ему. Если не погрузить игрока в проблемы девушки, основная цель будет провалена.

Касательно общего релиза: основная цел по прежнему нагонять атмосферу. Мы постараемся большее количество текста сделать “по желанию”. Если пункт уникален и пропуск уже не восполнить, будем помечать его особым цветом. Хоть я и не являюсь сторонником позволения всё быстро промотать. Но мало ли - вылет, потерянные сейвы и прочее. Скорее всего будут пароли на отдельные акты для тех, у кого они еще не разблокированы.

Следующая неделя ознаменовывает завершение работы над вторым актом. Ну и еще я видос должен. И вообще мне на стриме не особо-то и интересно было, не особо-то и обидно. Я бы и сам себя потом забанил, чтобы не писать там.




Honestly, I think the problem with the prologue is not that it's too long, but rather that it's too long WITHOUT ANY PLAYER INPUT. Just reading through hundreds of lines of text without a single choice or dialogue option can get boring no matter how good the writing was - and it was pretty good, all things considered. I suspect that it will be 1-1,5 hours of just text reading before the action starts for real, which is honestly way too long. And if there are two more acts before the action starts, then it really is too long a read. It's worse than a Japanese visual novel in terms of complete lack of player input. I would really recommend that you try and add a few choices along the way, even if they don't actually change anything. Stuff like choosing how to respond to others characters in dialogues (polite/arrogant/with sexual innuendo, for example) would be enough to engage the player's attention once in a while. It doesn't have to change anything in the story or the game at all, just give the player something to do! However, that aside, it was really a hell of a lot better than I expected - and I had high expectations to begin with! The story is very well thought out so far, the characters appear to have depth (will see in the future). I love the references to actual Harry Potter lore and characters, and the attempt to make everything fit in the universe we all know and love. It's really a very well done prologue, and if the rest is on the same level, I don't see any other game of it's kind coming close any time soon. Excellent job, guys!