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Well, crabs, this day has finally come. Today, closer to midnight (every additional hour we have, allows us to polish the game), on our web-site, forum and tracker we will publish our teaser for “Innocent Witches”. We have not told you about it previously because it is not an actual game release and we are not seeing a reason to make a celebration out of it. Anyway, it is our first release. Our strong advice is to only play it if you have doubts about our project. If you can wait we would recommend to wait until completed 0.1 version.

Release of the teaser also marks the start of a testing season. Following two months we will release following acts of the story in a testing mode, as soon as the level of the game will satisfy our standards, all acts will be compiled together in the version 0.1 and only after that will release the game to the public.

All the wishes are already taken into account, some things will change during the testing, others will be delayed to be developed further in the future. You will also see some roughness from time to time. Let us assure you that at this stage it is impossible to do it some other way, or we are already working at the issue.

Also we would like to remind you, that chibis will only stay for the first release. In the future we are planning on using other king of graphics. That will not affect 1.6 version, that will also be release with the teaser. It will not be affected by the changes in our game. We made some additions to the original to make the end of it more logical and it will no longer be developed any further. With the exception of bug fixes.

We are aware of your wishes and trying to manage your expectations. So that we can avoid the situation, where people who played through the teaser, spoil the story to the rest, the discussion of the plot and the game will only be allowed in specially created threads. There will be a few: one for discussion, for your wishes and for the questions.

We hope, that our work was not in vain, and that we have managed to present you our story the way you liked to see and hear it.

Ну что, крабы, этот день настал. Сегодня, ближе к полуночи (каждый час для нас повод лишний раз шлифануть), на сайте, форуме и трекере будет опубликован тизер нашего проекта “Невинные ведьмы”. Мы не сообщали об этом широко ввиду того, что это не выход игры и устраивать из этого праздник особой необходимости не видим. И в результате он выходит.. Мы по прежнему настоятельно рекомендуем познакомиться с ним только тем, кто имеет какие либо сомнения или опасения. Остальным рекомендуем дождаться полноценной версии 0.1

Выход тизера ознаменует тестовый сезон. В течении двух месяцев мы будем выкладывать последующие акты в тестовом режиме, а как только уровень игры будет соответствовать желаемому, все акты будут собраны и выпущены вместе в версии 0.1  и только после этого она вновь появится в открытом доступе.

Все пожелания уже учтены, что-то будет изменено по ходу сезона, что-то откладывается на дальнейшую разработку. Местами видны бросающиеся в глаза недочёты. Уверяем вас, что либо на данном этапе сделать по другому невозможно, либо уже проводится работа по исправлению.

Так же стоит напомнить, что чиби существуют только первый релиз. В дальнейшем мы будем использовать другой метод графического обозначения. Это не коснется версии 1.6, которая так же выйдет вместе с тизером. Там всё останется, как раньше. Были введены некоторые дополнения, история доведена до логического завершения и более поддерживаться нами не будет. Исключения составляют только фиксы и исправления.

Мы учитываем все пожелания и стараемся объективно их оценивать. Дабы предотвратить ситуацию, когда посмотревшие тизер спойлерят остальным, обсуждение сюжета и игры будет разрешено строго в определенных разделах. Их будет несколько: для обсуждений, для пожеланий и для вопросов.

Мы надеемся, что наша работа не прошла даром, и мы смогли предоставить вам историю такой, какой её приятно слышать и видеть.






They can explain what is the difference of version 1.6 and version 0.0.1?


Very excited you guys are awesome!


No you will quit the chibis in the Future :o I hope it's Not going to be a Visual Novel Game :/


The downloaded versions I got were in Russian. Is there a way to convert to English for non-speakers?


Took me a few moments to find the switch. In 1.6, the EN/RU is on the left hand side in the fireplace pillar. And it's above the main menu in 0.0.1


Will there be a walkthrough for the 1.6? I cant find some thing, like a different ending with a phoenix.


Are you planning to release some version of Innocent Witches before the end of the summer or it's just this teaser ?


I was wondering the same thing, This is just a Teaser, or is the "summer release" we were all waiting for.


Personally I think they should be ashamed to release THIS! after 1 year of promising horrible text alone, and no art in demo. Don't even know why the hell people support it. This innocent witches is not worth any attention right now. it is plagiarism.


ignore the hate. People are just surprised that we users get no decisions or gameplay at all. Like the story so far. Fun to read, but no replayability.


new member here, how do i get witch trainer translated into eng?


Took me a little time to find as well


If you require any help with improving the flow of the English translation of the innocent witch let me know. Some of it was a little clunky but look forward to later versions


Ok...Demo was really short. I hope the next Act will be a while longer, follow soon and let us take actions. To much text is not so good...


Its a teaser, not demo. A lot of text in order to understand the plot. It can be skipped


Yes, there was a LOT of text there. Hopefully the explanatory text in the game is a little bit more spaced out or interrupted by Hermione or one of the other girls entering the room just as so to break it up.


Just my opinion, but I felt it was a bit too text heavy. I did enjoy reading it, so I think your plot is really good! But, I don't really look forward to reading it all again when the next demo is out, but I don't want to skip it either, because I don't want to miss any changes in the intro. If possible, could you please try to make it more succinct? Or, maybe you could break the whole intro into multiple scenes, and then the player will occasionally (maybe once every 4 to 10 in-game days) see one of the scenes as a dream. That way, you can still express the same plot, without making it feel too text heavy. It'll make the plot exciting as well, as we would get little pieces of it, and would have to wait to see more. :)


Will you finish the photoquest in witch trainer? Love your work guys :)


Alright, so the wall of text did not bother me that much. In the long-run, it might pay out and the game might be more than just the average porn game. There were things that bothered me, like the fact that the text wasn't placed well on the paper scroll (in the beginning) or that there were a few grammatical mistakes here and there, which should be fixed. Other than that, it's really well done.


In the test version we will give a many stages. In the final 0.1 will be really different prologue. We will think how to solve this problem without need to read so much text at one time. May be we will give a some "special" art in the beginning.


Sorry, but Witch Trainer isn't our work. We tried to realize some ideas in there, but it will be honest to stop rape Akabur's project and gather all our ideas together in our personal project. At least, some ideas of it will be in "Innocent Witches"


It will be honest to say that good native-speakers always welcome to show us all problems in the EN version.


I can help with the English version. Looked at the 0.0.1 version some of the English was pretty terrible.


Ребят, с уважением к вам, но мне вообще не понравилось. ОГРОМНОЕ количество просто убивает наповал, даже перестал дальше читать. Хотите чтобы читатель вник в суть, урезайте и оптимизируйте текст раза в три! Вы уже показали свою безграмотность в плане количества текста в обычных объявлениях и совершенно зря напрягали переводчика для работы над целыми сочинениями, которых можно и нужно было избежать. Так и не понял почему используются арты от Акабура. Вы вроде долгое время работали над игрой и в итоге половина артов чужого человека. Ну а ваши собственные арты абсолютно не вяжутся с героями акабура (профессором Снейпом). Ну вот вы просто сопоставьте его арт с любым вашим. Видите разницу? У вас как будто срисована картинка по фото. Снейп же выглядит более живым и по настоящему нарисованным. (Понравился арт обложки, вот там хорошо сделали!). В общем не могу понять как и многие другие, что вы делали, что сделали и почему все так.. Ребят, текст вырезайте, здесь не конкурс кто больше напишет, людям не интересно читать так много текста. Если вы ровняетесь на Акабура, так и ровняйтесь! Посмотрите как оптимально у него количество текста. Вся суть выкладывается в нескольких предложениях . Его диалоги интересно читать!


Мы не равняемся на акабура. И арт его уйдет уже в версии 0.2. Это вопрос времени, человек это должен нарисовать. Мы идем своим путём и не пытаемся на кого-то походить. Эта игра взялась, как единственная по ГП. И цель - продолжать развивать именно вселенную ГП. Акабура стоит поблагодарить лишь за толчок и вдохновение. А так же за опыт, который команда переняла, занимаясь модификацией. По поводу текста: вступление версии 0.1 - уникальное, более его в игре не будет. Это первая встреч героев спустя столько лет, далее встречи будут гораздо короче описаны. Об этом говорилось ранее. Если же вопрос в количестве текста в целом - мы попробуем учесть ваши пожелания. Кстати, переводчику очень понравилось, так что он взялся за перевод без сожалений или сомнений.


i wont be a bad guy cause i know u've done a lot for witch trainer but...is this a joke? there is nothing on this version of witch trainer,mod cosmetic or else ,there is just no content ,u release a witch trainer 8 mounth after the last uptade with much less content ,i dont think its funny i was waiting for someone to put all the mess together and make it stable,all the news outfit ,the map thing ,new dialogues ect and u just do that ,thanks man u just broke my heart


Oh Nooo, you received a free game that doesnt fit your expectations? feelsbadman.


I actually like the 3D poster. It looks realistic and makes me feel connected with the original story. May I ask who created that fine work? And btw, is there anything like that in the final game?


You can find the description there. This art was created by Gedeon special for WT: RE team, that was formed by our members. Sorry, but connection with him was lost many months ago. Art will be different.


Hey guys, stumbled upon this 2 days ago and have since been playing WT... Initially i attempted IW, going in without a clue as to what to expect. The heavy dialogue works, i shared in the characters frustration with the continuous hounding, so well done there. I have to say it does appear to be a more refined version of the gaping black holes left by Akabur, though kudos to him for the "planting seeds" concept of WT. The English team you have now are far more competent, but still a little rough around the edges, for this call on me anytime!! And honestly, if the next patch follows suit i intend to become a patron to help this project reach its climax.


1 more thing, BDK states that there is a lot less content in WT 1.6? If this is true should i revert to the previous version?? If so what version is it??? I can only find 1.5.2


<a href="https://boards.fireden.net/vg/thread/115036941/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://boards.fireden.net/vg/thread/115036941/</a>


In this picture she looks 8 years old, not good.


in Witch Trainer 1.6 ..... i am almost at the end of the game and i still dont have Daphne available, she already came in and i got letter from her parents... i think snape said to wait for her to come in on her own or something.... i just bought Hermione's dress so the end is near but i never had Daphne, is she not in this version?


sorry to jump ship but sadly this is mine and I think many others last support of your work. the discrepancies between your stated goals, ideas and actual work are too great to be over looked at this point; for example you insult the very people you want to shell out huge amounts of money to see your backgrounds which are then not even available in the teaser, you state that you no longer want to "rape" witch trainer but do just that by adding essentially no original content to innocent witches so respectfully this is no longer a venture I am willing to fund


Dear crab! Now I know why you are sad: with the release of 0.0.1 and 1.6 you have shown your worth which is "sad", pathetic even. I have also seen all 4 of the new sex illustrations you included in 1.6 and I believe this can be a lot more. The stories are still unfinished =&gt; big turn off. I mean really?! After 8 months or so you add 3 more chapters in the reporter story and finish Daphne? That's all? As far as I remeber you do not like unfinished things and you planned to finish WT. Now you "don't wanna rape WT anymore". Well guess what: that's precisely what you were and still are doing. Furthermore tThe illustrations you presented for IW were done by someone else that does not work with you anymore and it shows. Your project is not worth a pledge so far and after all I have seen I believe it's time to stop following you. I might check on you in a year or so and see if you have a stable release by then, but I doubt it.

Austin Feyh

Hey Sad, love your work! I do have a question about Innocent Witches, if you aren't comfortable talking about certain features yet then no biggie. Are you planning on including the whole Public Favors? I know I've seen some calling it Akabur just being lazy but I've always had a soft spot for listening(reading) ladies describe the gorey details of their sexual adventures. If yes is it just going to be a Hermoine exclusive thing or are we going to be able to send the other 3 ladies off on slutty errands and hear about them when they return?


In english version of WT 1.6, It switches to russian while working with Daphne. I'm at a point where Genie says, "MGHM. I think neither." Daphne speaks in Russian though, so I dont know how to proceed.


You need to ask Hermionie about her but only once she's reached perv level 12. Buy some perfume, examine it, THEN summon Hermionie. There will be new dialogue where you give her the perfume, then click "chit chat" and she will tell you about her. after that you can summon Dalphne


I can not play , I did that discussions between characters . it's normal ?


Also I need to say that IMVOIS was exactly for it ;)


Are you playing witch trainer or innocent witches? Innocent witches is just text at the moment.


Hello Sad Crab Сompany Sorry for my english. I do not speak English. I signed up here and tell you I love your game it is I efach just horny and I enjoy! I always wanted to play your games, but I can not speak English. Therefore I would be happy, as all of their German fans who do not speak English! If you were in your games Innocent Witches Translated in German! If you do that you would all make your German fans very happy! I hope that you answer me me! Your fan!


Hallo Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Wenn Sie feststellen, Menschen, die übersetzen das Spiel ins Deutsche, gerne informieren wir Sie Dateien für die übersetzung. Sorry für mein Deutsch. Mit besten GRÜßEN Khan


Hello Sad Crab Сompany! I was very happy on your answer! I know 20 people who wait very long for a German translation! And there are certainly more people who are waiting for a German translation! You würdem me and make all your German fans happy,, if you would do a German translation as soon as possible! We all love your games and want to play this brilliant game that you have created! So I ask you, no, we all ask you make a German translation please! And if you do not speak German, you can perhaps find someone who can do? It would be glad if you would answer me! Your fan!


Hallo nochmal. In unserem Spiel viel Text ist , Übersetzer wird nicht einfach aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Wenn wir solche Menschen, und Sie helfen uns dabei zu finden, sind wir glücklich, alles zu tun, zu übertragen, im Spiel war . Wir haben im Moment in der Entwicklung des Spiels beteiligt sind , ist das Spiel nur die englische und russische Sprache besitzen Individuen übertragen . Khan

javier darku

hello im a new patron, i dont know how to play this game in english, i mean i downloaded 1.6 from mega and when i open the game is in russian... could you send me the link for the english version or something like that? please and thanks


Hm. I have an idea! Can not you post the text file here? And ask if someone has lust to translate it? And if you've done. Can he send the text file. by email! Would it work?


I am stuck on the witch trainer bit when you have to ask hermione about Daphne. I saw someone say that i had to use the perfume but I have tried that and she stiill gets upset with me, what do I do?


Go into the cupboard before summoning her. Choose the perfume and Genie will spray some. Hermione will like the smell and you will be prompted to give it to her. If it doesn't work the first time, just try on different days.


guys how do i change the text to english??


Any trick to getting witch trainer to work on android nougat? Or will the mobile version of 1.6 be compatible?


Nice one