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What time is it? Right, it’s time for the new update for Innocent Witches - 0.7B!

This one consists of four side quests with yummy rewards like a fullscreen scene with one of the prefects, teaser of the new uniform for the prefects, as well as a number of other additions and fixes.

Here’s the full changelog:


0. (Most of the new content is available in the new story)

1. Added four side quests with juicy rewards

2. Added a fullscreen scene with one of the main girls

3. Added new uniform for the main girls

4. Restored unofficial meetings with main girls

5. Added random encounters in the corridor

6. Added new minions in bedrooms for the last stage of the main quest

7. Updated x-ray acquisition and functionality in new plot

8. Slightly updated the new plot scene with Minerva

9. Added 7 new music tracks

10. Fixed a number of annoying bugs (thanks for the reports!)

11. Added a number of QoL improvements

12. Added new bugs in accordance with multiple requests

As always, the version is (or will soon be) available on our website - https://www.teamsadcrab.com/

Additionally, we also want to inform you that we already started working on the next version, 0.8A, especially the art team. We’ll have more news in the coming weeks, and as always, we’ll share teasers and previews from the upcoming version. Stay tuned!

Thank you for your continuous support, we will do our best to satisfy your hunger for quality lewd art!


SadCrab Team



Всем привет!

Оп-па, а что это тут у нас? Неужели… Все верно, настало время для новой версии Невинных Ведьм - 0.7B!

В этой версии вас ожидают четыре сайд-квеста в новом сюжете, которые порадуют вас сочными наградами, а именно новой полноэкранной сценой с одной из старост, тизером новой униформы для ваших любимых ведьмочек, а также несколькими другими добавлениями и исправлениями игры.

А вот и полный список изменений:


0. (Почти весь новый контент доступен в новом сюжете)

1. Добавлены четыре квеста с сочными наградами

2. Добавлена полноэкранная сцена с одной из старост

3. Добавлена новая униформа для старост

4. Восстановлены неофициальные встречи со старостами

5. Добавлены случайные встречи в коридоре

6. Добавлены новые миньоны в спальни на последнем этапе основного квеста

7. Обновлен процесс получения и работы рентгена в новом сюжете

8. Немного обновлена сюжетная сцена с Минервой в новом сюжете

9. Добавлено 7 новых музыкальных треков

10. Исправлено множество надоедливых багов (спасибо за репорты!)

11. Добавлено несколько общих улучшений геймплея

12. По многочисленным просьбам, были добавлены новые баги

Как обычно, новая версия доступна (или будет доступна в самое ближайшее время) на нашем официальном сайте - https://www.teamsadcrab.com/

Мы также рады сказать, что работа над следующей версией уже кипит, больше всего заняты наши художники и писатель. Как всегда, в ближайшие недели мы будем продолжать делиться с вами новостями и превью арта из следующей версии. Следите за новостями!

Вся команда сердечно благодарит вас за постоянную поддержку и интерес к игре. Мы будем продолжать и дальше утолять ваш голод к качественному арту!

Всегда ваша,

Команда SadCrab




I cannot access 7b download page even though my membership should allow it


Hi! Sorry to hear that. If you can't access it, then please make sure that the currency of the pledges for our Patreon is set to $US. If it's already in $US, then try to log out and log in into the Patreon, and then give it a couple of minutes. You can also try another browser or Anonymous mode in Chrome if you use it. If after several minutes nothing is changed - please contact us in Discord or via PM.


When are we going to see more ginny content


to acces the sidequests do I need to restart the story or can I just continue from the part "put on the diadem" ?


В спальнЕ - "6. Добавлены новые миньоны в спальни на последнем этапе основного квеста"


when will lower tiers have access to the update?


Is the new stuff only available in the new plot?

Mark Manders

I can't wait to continue playing the game :)


Yup, old plot was not changed apart from fixes and QoL improvements


This version will be out when the next alpha will be released, ~1-2 months or so.


Тут имеется ввиду, что спален несколько, поэтому "в спальни" тут верно использовать ;)


You can access the new content in the new plot, so if you finish the old one you will transition to the new plot and get all the new content, or you can start from the new plot right away via the New Game menu.


ฉันขอช่องทางการดาวโหลด เวอร์ชั่น 0.7B ได้หรือไม่ฉันหาไม่เจอ


How do I unlock the challenge of "Where's my waifu?" Because the scene with Susan doesn´t appear.


The Persistent save file isn't working, none of the memories are unlocked.


I'm having the exact same problem. It will load me in in but immediately kick me out


You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn


You can find answer on our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn


i am at the 5 dollar tier am i supposed to be able to download 0.7B, if so I cant figure out where to find it.


I also cant find it, It just keeps asking me to connect patreon but nothing changes on the site. No download link or anything


Hello! Can you write to Benq in our discord? He will help https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn


I gotta say, you guys have addressed most my concerns with this update. The amount of gameplay vs lewd content feels well balanced, the story is progressing nicely, and things are shaping up nicely. At some point, having a way of viewing the non-full screen scenes again would be nice, but I get that's not a priority and I don't blame you. The added full-screen scene in this version isn't my cup of tea (I don't care for Susan), but there's no denying its quality. You guys keep it up, I think you found your momentum finally! :)


Здравствуйте! У меня тоже бета не появляется. Можете исправить?


Попробуйте еще раз. Получилось скачать?


Same problem; is there a workaround you can just share here without me using discord?


No need, I was being a dumbass and didn't read the installation instructions on the website and forgot the roaming filepath!


Hiya, is there any Ginny content? Just playing right now, up to the drinks making part, and after you have completed that task the journal says about there being an optional task to make cocktails for her but it's struck out, as if completed, but that only happens when you have won vs Snape, no notice given beforehand in the journal. Is it dependent on the path you choose, as I chose the light path? Apart from that, I am enjoying it :-)


There is, I believe it was before what you did and I dont know if there is a way to access it after. It is worth doing lol


Yeah, I have tried sending both official and unofficial messages to Ginny but no joy, any help on how to get that content would be much appreciated :-)


Ah ok :-) Was trying all kinds of minor things to see if it might get the content to no avail...


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