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Here we are again.

Another ten days have passed, and we have more news from the devs to give to you. This newest release is a bit different from our other releases so far, as there’ll be a lot more content in this newest patch compared to its predecessors. The important question is, though, is will we manage to make the deadline by the end of the month? That's a very good question, and we hope the eventual answer is “yes” and that you'll continue to have a little bit of patience with us. We pray you guys understand that if or when we inevitably meet some sort of delay or roadblock that the best course of action would be to delay our release, but we hope that it doesn’t come down to this in the end - however, please keep in mind that this is all for the betterment of the game, making it the best that it possibly can be. But by the looks of it, we’re coming down to the wire with this newest patch, so we very well might have to delay the release after all in order to get it properly tested and ironed-out. As stated before, this release is unfortunately a lot bigger than our previous releases, which is both a blessing  and a curse - it’s good, of course, in the sense that you'll be receiving a lot more content than usual, but, naturally, it's bad in that we have loads more bugs and issues to squash and fix, so please, bear with us. There’s a reaction to every action, after all. At the end of the day, we try to honor our obligations as well as our timelines as best we can.

 Прошли очередные десять дней, а значит настало время ещё одного апдейта.  

Предстоящий релиз будет отличаться от наших предыдущих, так как мы планируем ввести в нём очень существенный объем нового контента. Важный вопрос, однако, удастся ли нам уложиться в срок до конца месяца? Это очень хороший вопрос, и мы надеемся, что в конечном счёте ответ будет «да». 

 Мы надеемся на ваше понимание, что если, а точнее когда мы неизбежно встретим какие-то проблемы на нашем пути, то лучшим вариантом будет задержка нашего релиза, так как только так у нас получится выпустить достаточно качественную версию для вашего удовольствия, а не неиграбельную поделку, хоть мы и пытаемя уложиться в срок. К сожалению, судя по нашей текущей работе над версией, вполне возможно, что нам придется отложить релиз, чтобы достаточно оттестировать его и устранить баги. Как мы уже упомянули, эта версия будет существенно больше предыдущих, что конечно очень хорошо с точки зрения игрока и игрового контента, но и ведёт к дополнительным трудностям с интеграцией и общей полировкой игры, так что мы надеемся, что вы проявите терпение. В конце концов мы будем продолжать пытаться выполнять наши обязательства как по качеству игры так и по срокам её выпуска. 



Will wait. Better to be late and have a decent game, rather than early with bugs!


We appreciate your honesty and hard work! Do what you feel is best. This is a content update, not some slated release. Additionally, it's not like the game is in development hell where it gets pushed back every few months. We have faith that your team is doing an A+ job, as always. Can't wait!


Obviously it'd be fine if it were delayed, you're making a quality product. Just wondering if you could shed some light on how a potential new timeline would look like, are we talking about pushing forward the release another month, or something closer to a week or two.


I can wait


No art this week?


When I signed up, the plan was content updates on a monthly basis, but the schedule seems to be getting more and more drawn out. I'm fine with the occasional delay to squash some nasty bugs during a final release, but I'm not convinced it's as necessary for alpha and beta releases. It seems like the project is falling prey to feature creep, rather than striving for goals that can be met as they were initially described. Is the current plan to return to a monthly delivery schedule, or are we looking at the future of development? Don't get me wrong, I love the game and think the quality is at least as good as that of commercial games. But I also think it's important to plan well and deliver enough to retain current patrons, while attracting new ones.


First, we would like to thank all of you for your continuing support! And now in order: 1. Unfortunately right now we are not able to predict what will come next. All the team member are indeed human beings who face various problems at home, work and life. 2. And update was already released, and right now now the animations are going through alpha-testing, this is in large a conclusions of an enormous work we have done, and believe us Ren’Py engine is certainly not the most welcoming one for such things. 3. We are trying to make every update to have new content, even for those that aren’t directly supporting us. 4. On the release map we the June point has been put in advance. As so, there are a number of possible solutions to our situations: 1. We can force the development and release at the end of the month with numerous bugs and unfinished content (if we were to do it today you would face broken text, new scene with Daphne, unavoidable crashes half way through the game and other problems about which we don’t have a clue) as such there won’t be much beside a scene and a few new dialogues. 2. Delay all of the new content in the final versions, so that we could have a month to fix bugs and add new branches, which in the end will be used for the benefit of the Patrons. 3. Keep at it as is, which would mean we fall behind our schedule for 1-2 weeks, squashing bugs + the same patrons as you in Discord will be testing the game.


I think it's important to go with choice 3 at this point, since quality is what sets you apart from others. My point, which is coming from the perspective of a career software developer, is that cautious planning can help reduce the number of "sorry for the delay" updates you need to put out. I was only suggesting that if you set smaller goals in terms of new content, you could release more often, with more focused testing, and potentially come out ahead of where you would be trying to test multiple content updates with potentially interacting functionality and bugs. My fear, for your team, is that with releases occurring further apart, some patrons might opt to pay for content when it is released through itch.io, rather than maintaining their subscriptions. My observations are only meant to be friendly and helpful, so I hope they're taken that way. I feel for you guys, with all the ups and downs of developing this project - I know how it goes. Hope all the barriers fall away and can release on your own terms soon!


I agree with BetaMax, give us some release and we will debug it for you; otherwise, what's the reason to be Patreon?


If you dont mind to restart you whole game from the begging after hourly patches, we can release it now. We want to give you quality product without critical bugs and put content as much as we have. So be patient it won't be long


well, ok... maybe when they are not-so-critical bugs :-D