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Media news 02.02.2020

Preview of the "Fervor" ability (work in progress). Тизер применения способности "Страсть" (в процессе разработки). https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn If you have any questions, please use this discord link so that you can ask the devs directly! Если у Вас есть вопросы по игре, пожалуйста, используйте эту ссылку, чтобы зайти на официальный сервер игры в дискорде. Там Вы сможете задать любые вопросы и получить ответы прямо от разработчиков!



Looking good! It's nice we are getting to some of the tasty parts of the gameplay now ^_^


Will this be in 0.5F?


When will the next update arrive?


looks awesome!


Looks plus ultra!


Аплодирую стоя!!


It is great but it looks too fast at last...


Will we have the next update in this month?


Yes looks like I'd have a hell of a trouble getting her dress off, if the selection is random each time. Unless of course the more you try the spell each following day it gives you more time. So that if you can't get it at first, with more days put in you will get there, maybe reduces the number of things to remember as well the more you put days in. Can always hope


sorry, I was your patreon a year ago, could someone tell me if in the current build they have any witches' H-Scene? hermione / luna and etc? I haven't been watching for a while, wanting to know the current game situation

allot F

well ,the cellphone is the best tool to cheat in this ;)