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Ahoy, we have received lots of feedback on our latest release, both good and bad. We are proudly looking forward to serving you with the next release which will provide an actual H-Scene, as many have been requesting. With a main girl as well! We really hope you are as excited as we are about it. And many have been asking about when we will bring back more with Ginny, however, she will be on hold for a while. We want to give you more plot and game play and make your relationships with the girls on both the light and dark path meaningful. So please bear with us while we work on it maties!  

We have some new art in line for this next release, along with a continuation of achievements and new abilities. So batten down the hatches and prepare to ride the tides that be coming.


Всем доброго времени суток, и сразу к новостям. Уже прошло несколько дней с последнего релиза и мы уже получили кучу отзывов, как плохих так и хороших. И спешим обрадовать что уже в следующем релизе мы введём новую секс-сцену, более того, сцена будет с одной из главных героинь! Также многие из вас интересовались Джинни, к сожалению на данный момент мы хотим сконцентрироваться на основной истории и главных героинях, так что особо продолжения она не получит. Вместо этого мы планируем углублять светлый и темный пути и добавлять все больше контента.

Ну а пока, у нас уже готова часть артов для следующего релиза, а заодно мы завезём новые способности и достижения. Ну и на этом собственно всё, удачного нам всем плаваниям!



The Ginny scene set the bar quite high for all future h-scenes. I'm definately looking forward to them!


It will be great if added new ability to controlling or manipulating all girl mind.


Also if my english is very bad I try to expalin what made me angry in the last release: (warning contains spoiler) - Daphne mini game, she show herself in underwear, I really want to see the special reward when I finish this minigame, and the special reward is: she show me her underwear... also more covered... - The same with Susan minigame a lot of times to try to understand the fucking recipe, finally she make a nice cake with her .... and ok go away... wow it's time for this game to have a real change. I'm really tired of playing 2-3 hours to always see the same drawings


The game has a very slow pace, too much lyrics. I spent two days playing just one hot scene and one blowjob. This is miserable. That's why I only switched to $ 1. NLT and Decent Monkey have much more frequent updates. That's why I give them $ 20. Graphically, it's very nice. Too bad, maybe more work on the game and little to be at Discord.


I, when I see the best Susan's cake: "Finally, Some Good Fucking Food."


Appreciate the feedback, it took us a while to get the plot logically filled in where more sexual scenes would make logical sense. Hopefully the lewdness quickens pace going forward.


Удачи вам!


Thank you for a great and beautiful game! I agree with many though that it is little too slow and repetitiuous, and no ingame hints. The Ginny scene is too early and out of character in my mind, showing her tits or something like that would be brave enough reward. Also, I don't understand why one would need to choose waifu, a principal should look after all pupils and not favor (or commit!) to anyone specific :)


Will the next updates of the game be as huge as the last one? You really did a good job with the amount of content as well as the quality of it, until now I didn't donate because I felt there was not enough content in the monthly update, but I will probably join next month if you keep it up. I feel like people mostly complain about what they don't like and omit all those things that you do amazingly, so I thought it was important to say it. BTW, amazing artwork in the new sceneries (as always). (:

real ripper

hermione granger sex scene is there

real ripper

Can u telll me her I thought it was there