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Ah! We will be makin’  port soon, so what should ye scallywags be expectin’?  Well, first, we have committed to making an Android release, this slowed down a bit of progress along with team members having personal lives, so this release will be mainly lots of bug fixes and some new sexual content with Ginny, the scene has been expanded along with Susan’s minigame.  We be havin’ more story in wait, with upcoming art as well, so expect a few nice surprises around the corner.  If we have limited bug reports, we might have some additional surprises as well.

Apologies for the short update, as always release will be soon, and we are focusing on that.

As always, we do have a poll:

How likely are ye to play the android release?


 Ну что, уже скоро мы зайдём в порт, а раз так - самое время разогреть вас новостями! Как мы уже сообщали, мы полным ходом готовим релиз андроид версии, что замедлило другие направления, так что приближающийся релиз будет состоять из баг-фиксов, небольшого дополнения к Джинни и мини игры со Сьюзан. В то же время, мы готовим продолжение основной истории и арты к ней. Так что в будущем, вас ждёт немало приятных сюрпризов. А если ближайший релиз получится с маленьким количеством багов - количество этих сюрпризов возрастёт!  
Так что просим прощения за небольшой апдейт, релиз - уже не за горами.  
Ну и голосовалка:  
"Каковы шансы, что вы будите играть в андроид-версию игры?" 

1. Точно буду.

2. Скорее всего гляну.

3. Очень маловероятно.



I personally prefer android games


PC Master Race forever. Why play on a pleb-like phone?


Is it not easier and more time and man power efficient to finish the game on pc first and port the final game to android?


Please prioritize content and PC end first

Red Claw

I play on PC and don't use my phone for playing. Neither do I have a planet.


Na, not realy interessted in supporting a mobile game development. Pls finish PC first


There’s so much more you guys plan to do with this game, just focus on getting it further along.

angel of caine

id have to agree id be more concerned with the main game b4 moving in to mobile that way all bugs are fixed and you can just move the full game over


new release pls


I will admit I have no idea how making an Android version will affect the process. Will it take a lot to make a basic build and then will it be easy sailing just by importing and twitching the updates? Considering how every update you seem to give a new spin on how certain mechanics will be utilized to progress the stories, maybe it would be better to wait a little bit more before going for Android, but hey, if you already started it go for it. Its going to be great I'm sure.

Jules Valar

If you're sure that android will target a new audience and thus attract more patreon then yes. Else, I (IMHO) play phone game mainly when I'm not at home and sadly I can't play IW at work or in the subway so no it's not worth it :S. But again if it bring a new audience to the game then why not ?