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Avast! Sadcrab again makes port for a short stop on our way to the mysterious island that we only know as 0.3a. So what progress has been made with or journey thus far from our last stop? We have a test version of our new stats system, as well as some mechanics to ease the grind of such a system.  It’s not hard to imagine that some of ye only want the booty which we bring ye, so why not speed it up a bit, eh? As well, our boatswain has been hard at work modernizing our ship, he now brings a new system to display the girls we have grown to love so much. Much credit to him as well for helping right the Renpy engine with the 7.2 release.  We have new meetings planned with the main girls, and as one might expect corruption is around the corner. Who will you pick? And what will ye do with them? Here we hope to offer ye more freedom in the future. We see the diverging of paths, where choices in the journey truly matter. But alas matie, we must get well abouts our way. The seas await, the winds are strong and gustin’ up the stern to bow. With that we bid adieu, till next time maties, kind words and thoughts to push us forward.

And so for this posts’ poll:

We have multiple things we need to fix with regards to the game, without slowing current progress… which one do you think we should tackle first?


 Ну что ж, опять пришло время новостей!!! Наш корабль зашёл в небольшую бухточку на нашем пути к 0.3А.

   Ну и заодно, у нас есть время сообщить самые свежие вести. Уже отправилась в тесты новая механика характеристик, а также более мелкие введения, сопутствующие этому нововведению.  Ну а для тех из вас, что алчет девушек и их красоты, наш плотник очень постарался, улучшая наш корабль, для введения обновлённой системы отображения девушек. И, как некоторые наиболее любопытные из вас, могут знать его вклад, который был самым существенным  в последнее обновление Ren’Py за номером 7.2. 

  В планах же - у нас вставка новых встреч с основными девушками, а также начала их развращения. С кого вы начнёте? И что именно вы будете с ними делать? Решать вам! Также, в ближайшем будущем, мы планируем разнообразить пути на этом этапе игры. А стало быть - ваши решения таки будут влиять на игру. 

 Ну а сейчас нам пора отчаливать, ветра зовут, и код сам себя не напишет! Так что не поминайте лихом и следите за горизонтом! 

  1. Фиксите купальники, квест - чёрт ногу сломит!
  2. Дайте нам реально разветвлённую историю!
  3. Режьте текст товарищи, режьте! (Ну или быстрый режим добавьте!)



My game came to a screeching halt with the swimsuit. Even with detailed instructions, I can't get it. I am willing to start a new game, but not until I have some sense that my game will progress further


Have clearer objectives: for instance, if you have to wait for something to happen, then 'wait for something to happen' should be the objective. Also reconsider the branching part - what's the benefit for the player to need different savegames to unlock all the girls/scenes? At least make it so one can easily manage the different branches in the savegame screen. And about the scenes themselves, make them replayable: add a catalogue or some other way to browse already seen scenes.


So actually neither of the three options. With clearer objectives the quest would not be so confusing. And to make it easier just make it not reset on Mondays, or just have some way you can skip all the work and/or text for those only looking for the scenes. Personally I think you've done a good job with the text, and it adds flavor for those who enjoy it. So instead of removing it, create a corresponding note from each dialogue: for instance, after all is said and done, the steps the player has to perform should be kept in a bullet list somewhere. For those who skip the text they can still have all the clues to solve the puzzles, and for those who want to skip the puzzles just add that option, where the game "plays itself" for the player or something.