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Well, it is finally here, the end of the summer season is finally upon us, which means that it is time to summarise just what Sad Crab team has been doing for the past 3 months.

One of the biggest parts of the update - is the introduction of achievement system and knowledge base. Which has been the main objective for the summer season on top of possible fixes and optimisations. The tutorial girl, Sonya, also received a bunch of clothes and other stuff. For now they all will be available from the start, however in the future, as their number will increase, they will be separated into categories and levels and will be gated behind game progression. With the release of this public version we will put on hold our further development of Sonya and will focus on advancing the story.

In other great news, we have found an author to work on branches of Luna and Susan. For now, all girls have caught up to the same stage, we plan to advance them at a similar pace for foreseeable future. In the future, we may change it and focus on a single or a pair of girls for an update, we will see how the story and development goes.

And with that we also start our autumn development season. During next three months we plan to finish our first act and work on the beginning of the second. Main features of the next update, is a rework of character screens, introduction of basic monetary system, with basic income and shops systems, and also further development of things linked to your characters characteristics. In the next news update we will talk about planned features in greater detail.

And finally for the moment many of have undoubtedly waited, the release of the public version 0.1F that you will be able to see in a couple of days. We just need to tidy up a few things and make sure there isn’t any critical bugs.

And with that we finish this news update. It is time to go back to development, wait for the release announcement and changelog. Don’t forget to check the horizon!


Вот и завершается летний сезон. И с вами снова экипаж Ревнивой Роджеллы, команда Sad Crab. Пора подводить итоги и запускать новый сезон.

Главное наше достижение - это ввод достижений (каламбурчик) и базы знаний. В целом это было основной задачей на летний сезон, помимо всевозможных фиксов и оптимизации. Для неё уже предусмотрено несколько базовых вещей и образов. Пока они открыты все сразу, но со временем, когда их станет больше, мы распределим их по уровням и условиям. В тест уже было отправлено две версии, и теперь очередь за публичной. На этом мы временно приостановим работу с Соней и сосредоточимся на продолжении сюжета.

Не менее приятной новостью будет то, что мы нашли автора для двух отстающих девушек. Начиная с последнего релиза мы будем стараться по возможности вести сюжет для всех девушек равномерно. По крайней мере, пока сюжетно их ветки взаимозаменяемы. В дальнейшем, возможно, мы вернёмся к системе поочерёдного ведения девушек. Это будет видно по процессу продолжения сюжета, а точнее - в следующих месячных новостях.

И теперь объявляем новый, осенний сезон: “Мужчина в школе”. Этот сезон будет посвящён завершению первого акта и началу второго. В него войдёт переработка меню персонажей (я бы даже сказал создание), создание базовой экономики, построенной на примитивных заработках, ввод необходимых магазинов и, главное, будет всё больше условий, завязанных на наших характеристиках. Работа по развитию механики прокачки также запланирована, но точнее будет видно всё там же - в следующих месячных новостях. Там же мы и расскажем подробно обо всех упомянутых введениях и доработках.

Ну и, конечно же, публичная версия 0.1F выйдет уже на днях. Необходимо финализировать задел на будущую информацию и вещи для гардероба. А также перенести туда прохождение игры. После этого можно будет дать себе волю в выборе механик прохождения: одним вызов, других Соня выведет из любой ситуации.

Мы возвращаемся к работе и рвёмся вперёд. Ждите анонс и ченджлог. И следите за горизонтом!




when is 0.1b getting release as a public build


Уже 0.1F? Только же 0.1S вышла. Ну, и попутного ветра в паруса.


Хотим в этом месяце закончить летний сезон и начать осенний


То есть развращение не планируется даже на осенний сезон?


Наоборот, планируется, читайте внимательнее


Кстати, Тоби стримил уже 3DCG игры?


Если вы имеете ввиду игры сделанные на Дазе - нет.


Когда продолжение сюжета ?????


В версии 0.2а сколько процентов сюжета планируется?


Никто вам даже примерную цифру не скажет




Dear developers, let me use anatomy analogy in my comment to interpret my thoughts. I think a good game should contain a strong and quality skeleton (story), more or less complex, which will be the base and quality basis for muscles connected to it (gaming mechanics), organs (character characteristics), blood vessels (relationships between characters) and then skin (good graphics), shortly for the whole body (game). I had a chance to play at friend's home your latest unpublic version 0.1S, I was looking forward to a progress in the story since the May public version 0.1A to try out new mechanics such as looking through a keyhole, when visitor come, which was shown as GIF in the public news 1.8.2018 or I try Sonya as help mechanism. But I was disappointed, the story ended at the same moment as in versions more than half a year ago, just after showing a swimsuit by one of the girls. The possibility of seeing via keyhole through the door upon the arrival of the visit was nowhere, nor to look behind the curtain during the dressing of girls is, so far, possible. Sonya's help, even though the Active option was selected, did not appear during the game. Only in the first scene after arriving to Hogsmeade appeared a band of about ten items, but without icons and in the help itself, many items have just a question mark instead of text (even at the end of the game, when they should be discovered during the game passage). Nowadays, when the game is still under development, whether we have a body torso, which already contains part of the above anatomical comparison, with hints of the limbs (parts of the game started, but unfinished, now unnecessary to play in the current version of the game). I guess you were too early focus on parts of the game, which would be more appropriate to create and debug to the end of the development (Help system, detailed graphics, broad branch of the story). And that scatter your attention. I feel that you have caught this in your own trap, when any change in the story or its continuation, while maintaining the present quality, it means a lot of work around (adding a help item, creating a scene / character / event graphic, storytelling), sometimes even several times. Would it not be better to create the bare skeleton of the story first, let your contributors evaluate whether it is attractive enough for them? And then, when you no longer need to modify it, start gradually replenishing the body of the game with muscles, organs, blood vessels, and eventually giving it nice skin?


Hello, thanks for your feedback! You are right, not as much has been done from may to June as we would like due to the diploma exams of the two team members. Now they have finished training and are fully working on the game. We have tried dozens of different combinations of mechanics, and only now came to a consensus. We want to make a really interesting gameplay, and not to pump power to 10 then you can touch Hermione Boobs. To create a good gameplay has almost all the mechanics, there are a couple and you will see them in the next version + changes in the first Chapter. Art is already drawn on the front, which is great for us because before we had to wait stupidly to create something, so we can say that we have only now become fully engaged in the game.


New Member how do you download the game do you need a key?


Send a private message to Sad Crab and they will send you a key.


Здраствуйте, есть примерная информация когда планируется закончить игру?


Здравствуйте, примерная есть, но говорить её не будем, т.к нам потом припомнят её


Можете написать точную дату выхода версии 0.1F ???


Не можем, но осталось ждать совсем чуть чуть


how do i get luna and susans address


<a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nc733oxh_dlxQwF9tPBlyzlltR5cEEAhA07D0soKxlY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nc733oxh_dlxQwF9tPBlyzlltR5cEEAhA07D0soKxlY</a>




10-дневных новостей для патронов ждать?


почти полмесяца...


вроде писал этот коммент, сорри , но почему 0.1F только для патронов, или публичный релиз тоже будет?


When v0.1F release for Public


Публичным он станет в воскресенье вечером


Walkthrough of v0.1s


<a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nc733oxh_dlxQwF9tPBlyzlltR5cEEAhA07D0soKxlY/edit" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nc733oxh_dlxQwF9tPBlyzlltR5cEEAhA07D0soKxlY/edit</a>


0.1f будет доступен всем уже сегодня? =)


Уже 22:06 а ссылки нет((


Не жди ссылку, смотри новости релиз F, новость разблокировали


Walkthrough of v0.1F

Josh Spicer

I understand that people are busy, but I feel like considering the amount of time spent on the game and the amount of money y'all are given every month, the world building, story building, and exposition (please slow down on the exposition, there is WAAAAAY too much, especially for an "adult" game like this), the content in this game is way too sparse. And let me clarify: the adult content. Ravenclaw boobs and some Minerva shots, as well some wands in places. No sex, no peeps, nothing but exposition after exposition, wasting time and dragging along a game that leads to absolutely no pay out. I understand you want to build everything together, but there has been zero rewards for ANYTHING that's being done. Let us see Sonya naked, let us actually have sex with Minerva, let us TRAIN the four girls to do something. You're losing a lot of interested people because the content isn't there to back up all the story.


We doing slow corruption, not like Hermione will suck you dick after first day for a 5 points to Griffindor. If you dont understand this, you chose the wrong game


I'm torn here, I also despise the wait, and the slowness (or the perceived slowness) with which updates come, but then again, I know nothing about game developing, and this is HIGH QUALITY stuff, and within the game itself I think we all can feel an embedded promise of so much more. And that is why people is pissed, is becasue we love what we're seeing and we want more. That's one reason, then there's also the fact that many games in this genere never get finished, and people feel righteously scammed. I truly hope that doesn't happen here. What I do understand is that it must be enfuriating dealing with comments like the first one on this thread but this "We doing slow corruption, not like Hermione will suck you dick after first day for a 5 points to Griffindor. If you dont understand this, you chose the wrong game" This won't help you. Don't attack your customers, or potential customers, I know you guys have talked about this before, but just repeat it. Because that reply makes you look very bad, and will make you lose support. And since I want this game to go BIG I advice against that. Just look at what's happening with battlefield V. Anyway, this got way too long. Keep up the good work, I hope this game gets big, you guys get rich, and focus on the Daphne bits ; )


Thank you very much for the review. Unfortunately, the same questions are asked all the time and we just get tired of saying the same thing, if we have gone too far with this phrase, we apologize. Next year everything will go faster and better. We will try to do our best from us. Thank you again