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Captain Sad Crab crew gives you yet another news update. A few days ago we have finally released a new version of our game. And frankly - we feel it would have been better to delay some of the content. Now we are focusing on polishing on things that are already in the game, adding new emotions and edit text. That also should result in absence of major bugs in the new version, meaning we won’t need to release multiple hotfixes.

For the most part, you could have seen the results of our labour for the past days in the recent release. Though there are some things that didn’t make it into this version. For the rest of this month we plan to add small amount of text and few images. The complete version of it you will be able to see in March. The February version will mostly consist of editing and polishing.

We continue to go through your reviews and change things accordingly. And we still need your opinions, as it is still not too late to change some of the things.

Now, the two coming weeks promise to be quite boring, since most of the work will be done in the background. The following release will be for the +5$ patrons. And in March the time will come for our first public release.

For now, if you are impatient you can check the current version or you can wait for more polished version in two weeks. This has been and update from Sad Crab crew under the flag of Jealous Rojella. We will soon see you ashore!

It has been a few days since the release of the latest version, so we assume that the most impatient and interested ones had time to go through it. So this and next few polls will be dedicated to gathering your opinions on the game. For this week, we will focus on the text of the game. What are you general impressions of the text? 


Команда Капитана Сэд Крэба приветствует вас вновь. Несколько дней назад мы выпустили очередную версию. Честно говоря - немного поторопились. Нужно было разбить контент пополам. Сейчас нам предстоит к следующей, февральской версии привести игру в порядок, подредактировать текст и доставить эмоции. Надеемся впредь мы обойдёмся без пулемётной очереди из хотфиксов в первые дни релиза.

Практически весь результат нашей работы (как за неделю, так и вообще) вы могли увидеть в игре. Безусловно, есть то, что туда не попало. Это касается и изображений, и текста. Всё это будет доделываться и выйдет в конечном виде в марте. На конец января же прогнозируется больше работа над ошибками. Февральский апдейт, 0.0.4S будет крупным фиксом всей игры.

Мы продолжаем собирать отзывы и применять их к игре. К чему-то мы прислушиваемся, что-то откладываем, а что-то - уже личные пристрастия. Но мы по прежнему рады получать необходимый фидбэк, т.к. это позволяет вносить изменения, пока не поздно.

Ближайшие пару недель предстоит самая нудная и самая важная работа - приведение изнаночной стороны в порядок. Следующий билд также будет для действующих членов экипажа (+5$). А в марте уже настанет время снять гриф секретности и вернуться в порт, из которого мы отплыли почти полтора года назад.

Можете пока изучать игру или ждать обновлённой версии через две недели. С вами была команда Sad Crab под флагом Ревнивой Роджеллы. Полный вперёд!

Ну что, теперь мы уже с уверенностью можем сказать, что все имеющие доступ к новостям могли ознакомиться с игрой. Соответственно, можно начать цикл голосований по впечатлениям по игре. Поскольку я засранец, начнём с меня: каково ваше отношение к новому тексту в игре? Заметили ли вы разницу? В какую сторону эта разница.

1. Текст сильно преобразился. Читать стало гораздо проще и интереснее.
2. Текст стал другим. Появились свои плюсы и минусы.
3. Особой разницы не заметил. К старому тексту относился хорошо.
4. Текст по прежнему плох. Изменения не затронули его основные проблемы.
5. Текст стал хуже. Раньше было интереснее.
6. Текст стал ещё хуже. Удивительно, но вы нащупали новое дно. Вся надежда на Скерга... 



How far are we currently supposed to be able to go? I get stuck at having my next step to be to “really solve” the girls’ problems


The text, at least the english version, still has almost no flow and you have to actively think about what it's trying to say and reread almost every passage to actually understand it. There's also way too much text that has no real function to either the story, the atmosphere or the humor in the game. It just becomes a chore to read and makes me just skip it after almost an hour reading. Why is there so much text? Is this not a game, should there not be choices to make now and then? The rythm in the gameplay is way off. Because the neverending wall of text eventually makes me skip it, I don't actually know what the full story is! Your dialouge is actively discouraging me from delving into the story! This can't be a good way to do things. You need to condense the text down and have it sound natural when read aloud. I imagine the text flows a lot better in the original russian version and perhaps there is a case to be made for having so much text in that version. But even then the text serves no real purpose other than being funny and making the game seem longer than it actually is. It needs more purpose than that to defend its prominent place in the game. When it comes to the English version, almost 40-50% of the text could go and no one would miss it. In fact, it would make the game better many times over. The game absolutely looks amazing visually now though, good job on that! And I will continue to support the game and hope that the story, the dialouge and the text in general sees vast improvements. I also realize how hard it can be to make a game and I will still be patient for quite a bit longer. Eventually though, at least for me, something has to change.


I stopped reading that much text. It's a friggin game, not a friggin novel. Many people complain all over the internet about the walls of text. Act 1-3 is almost just reading and doing some things, near the end you slowly see some content (at least the main hero in her bathsuit, nothing more). If you would stop trying to push so much story/text into the game, we would have a lot more content by now. Why don't you get this in your heads already? Give us finally more friggin content to see and enjoy and less text bullshit everybody is skipping after at least 20 minutes. READING IS BORING.


Im sorry art and text are good from my point of view. But its still a non sex content game a this point and its .4B.

percy Jackson

I agree and disagree here. You guys have a huge story with history and textual history behind each character I love that but in the scene where you talk to the painting in front of the fire and then with snape. You shoved so much exposition that it became more of a novel than a game. I am just afraid that when the actual sex scenes come in, there will be a lot more talking than sex. Please be a little less text heavy and more on the progression of the story.


Walkthrough on ENG docs.google.com/document/d/1nc733oxh_dlxQwF9tPBlyzlltR5cEEAhA07D0soKxlY/edit?usp=sharing


Sad thing is not a lack of dirty pictures. Sad is that nowadays people are afraid of reading text longer than 3 lines. That's perhaps why crab is sad...


No it's sad that they let us wait over 2 years for something now and we still get like only 90% text. If i want to read porn i go read some sex stories for free.


Great Art. Dialogue is fun at times. Gets tedious. I ended up repeating actions due to forgetting what I had selected. Couldn't even peek behind the curtain??? I mean throw us a bone.... Good start hope its completed soon