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EDIT 12/8/2023: Just wanted to remind everyone to please keep the model rip requests to one at a time. Requesting multiples at once, or not waiting for me to finish one before asking for another, isn't going to get them done any quicker. If anything, I'm more likely to move all your requests down the list and prioritize someone else's request.

Thanks for the understanding.

Also, please send me a DM with your requests as it makes it easier for me to keep track of everything.

EDIT 4/21/23: Updated the Premium Tier. Premium patrons can now request 1 Advanced rig per month

EDIT 4/24/2022:  Updated the Executive Tier. Removed the "book a match" option (it was causing more confusion than anything else) and added the option to request an "advanced rig".


It just occurred to me that I don't have any sort of "Welcome Message" here on the patreon. This is my attempt to fix that.

First of all, whether you sign up or not, thank you for stopping by. You just being here makes me think you're at least somewhat interested in my artwork and I greatly appreciate it.

Secondly, as of March 1st 2022, this is a pay up front page and the way patreon handles it is a bit weird. Essentially, when you sign up, you're charge for the month and then from there on you'll be charged on the first of the month every month until you cancel. This means that if you sign up on the last day of February you'll be charged for the entire month of February. You'll then be charged for March the following day.

Here's a quick rundown of the various Tiers and what's offered in them. If you have any questions don't be afraid to shoot me a Private message either here or on deviantart.

Tip Jar Tier = $1

This tier is for people who enjoy all the free stuff I post on deviantart and just want to show some love. Members of this tier will occasionally receive access to various photo sets and can request model rips with basic rigs (no face bones).

Official Patron = $3

Members of this tier will receive access to the majority of my work featuring WWE 2K renders. .

Premium Patron = $9

Members of this Tier get all the perks from the previous Tiers as well as exclusive premium zip sets that tend to be slightly more exposing than the normal sets. The premium tier will also get special previews of what's coming up and the right to request an advanced rig (face bones) of any WWE 2K model from 2K20-2K23. Limit per request is one a month.

Executive Patrons = $20

Executive Patrons receive all of the previous Tier’s benefits but also reserve the right to commission artwork featuring any WWE 2K20 or 2K22 model. Image sets will be no less than five images featuring one character.

Please be aware that the WWE 2K models don't have nipples or genitalia. I don't have any plans to change that so don't expect any full frontal nudity. I mostly do cosplay, swimsuit, and lingerie style pinup sets.

Commissions are limited to 1 per month.


Everyone has the right to request a model to be ripped from 2K20, 2K22, and 2K23 with a basic/simple rig (no face bones). There's no limit to how many you can request in a month but please try to limit yourself to one at a time as it's just really hard for me to keep track of everything. Once I finish your request feel free to ask for another right away.