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This is it, the final chapter of Consensus! Thank you all for joining me on this journey I started last year! Hopefully, it lives up to the hype! It's the longest chapter yet!

Christina pulled a fishnet stocking slowly over her shapely calf to match her other leg.

Bateman—just another man of the week—grinned from the bed, his abs rippling as he shifted himself up on the bed to his elbows for a better view. "Don't you ever get a snag in those things?"

She smirked as she bunched the sexy stockings at the knees, then drew it upward over her perfect, smooth thighs. “Of course! But I have a little mind trick to deal with such things…” She simplified, dumbing down her explanation for a creature she saw as beneath her in every way. He was pillow talk at best.

“I should have known,” Bateman chuckled, his eyes alight with amusement. He loved watching Christina get dressed. She knew. With her in control, she had the final say on what constituted fashion these days.

Christina stepped into a skimpy bodysuit, pulled it over her hips, then slithered her arms through the shoulder loops. She adjusted her breasts until they were comfortable in its tight confines. When she finished, she pointed her index finger at her lover, only so that he’d have the slightest inclination of what was about to happen.

Bateman felt a warm hand slip into the covers, running a finger sensually along the outside of his thigh. He threw off the covers and leapt from the bed, but there was nothing there. He turned to Christina, eyes narrowing. “Very funny.”

“Wasn’t it, though?” she giggled, buttoning a white tuxedo shirt over her sleek stomach so that she was equal parts smoldering supermodel and respectable businesswoman. “Then again… with reality at my fingertips, I could just make it funny.”

This time there was no tell, Bateman just started bursting out laughing uncontrollably, wheezes of pain heard between his endless chuckles and baritone giggles. It was as if his very DNA was being tickled, the proteins themselves wriggling and writhing with a fear response often misinterpreted as joy. An amusing thought experiment, though Christina quickly grew annoyed with her weekly experiment’s laughter, removing his vocal chords altogether.

“Ah, the sound of silence. How I missed it,” Christina mused. “It’s like they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, wouldn’t you agree, Bateman?”

She couldn’t help but stifle a giggle of her own as he was unable to retort.

“Oh well, it’s not like you’ll be talking much in a morphed liminal space.”

A twirl of her finger and reality twirled with it. When Bateman was a man of the week, she had meant it. He existed only for 7 days, then he simply ceased to exist further. Christina never considered herself anti-social, no—the term she preferred was “controlled socialite.” She could handle people’s presence, but she found that when they crossed a week of knowing her, they became rather unbearable.

It went from “oooh, you’re the sexiest, most intelligent and powerful woman we’ve ever met!” To “You’re a terrifying person who’s completely unethical!”

She didn’t mind the scientifically factual statements, but when all their terrified minds could do was generate the same tired thoughts over and over again, she couldn’t bring herself to invest any more time in such a person.

Besides, a week was all she needed. In the rare case she found herself nostalgic over a particular servant’s praise, she could simply wring time’s neck until it returned her to that exact moment in time. She didn’t have to be so rough with her metaphysical concepts—they already obeyed her whims as they had with her original owners—but she could be rough, so she would. Y’know, for the sake of science or whatever.

Now having returned to her throne room, Christina’s eyes naturally fell upon the dozen or so members of her cabinet. They were much like Bateman, hunky men who obeyed her every whim. They told her everything she wanted to hear—how pretty she was, how powerful she had become, how smart she always had been. She made sure to shift them around if their compliments became stale or repetitive in any way. It was perfect.

But it could be better.

Often she found her mind returning to the women she had usurped to get to this point. Mae, Violet, Carrie, Mabel, even Tessa. Was she into women? She wasn’t sure. Was she into rival women suffering? Absolutely.

If there was one lesson her accursed mother had been correct about, it was all about the journey, not the destination as much. Sure, the feeling of lazing about as magical entities far beyond what humans could conceive of kissed her slender feet in what ultimately amounted to banal worship was heavenly, but that look on Carrie’s face when Christina literally drained the life from it was downright orgasmic. She felt the heat on her cheeks and a stir in her loins at the mere recollection of the act. Then she recalled her brain drain of that magical woman and came.

An erotic pulse erupted through reality itself, imploding all of her loyal servants in less than a millisecond. They were all due for replacements anyways. Now that the thoughts of her previously slain adversaries were locked in her mind, they weren’t going away anytime soon.

This was all simply too stressful! She needed some light fun and she needed it now! After all, it would be a while until her true intentions would finally come to pass. No need to rush now.


Christina sat down in the back row of the lecture hall, her customary place and, today, it's only occupant. She tapped her pen against her earring as she removed her laptop to take notes.

Professor Smith began his first lecture of the semester the same way most of the professors did—listing their rules and expectations for his students over the next three months. A few minutes after the lecture began, Christina already beginning to nod off to the soporific monotone of Professor Smith’s first-day overview, she heard the door across the room creak open. As her eyes rose questioningly to the source of the sound, they found a beautiful blonde slinking into the room and taking a seat in the back row, perhaps a dozen seats away.

The girl slid into the cushioned seat, pulling a tablet from her backpack. As she set it on her slender, denim-clad leg, she noticed Christina looking her way and flashed her a quick, brilliant smile. Christina felt her heart flutter with its dazzling impact as she snapped her eyes forward, once more, to the banal lecture.

After a few moments, Christina felt her eyes drawn once more to the latecomer, surreptitiously drifting her sidelong gaze over the slim, elegant lines of the girl’s body. She worked out—that much was certain. As the girl flicked a cobalt glance toward her, Christina turned her eyes forward once more.

Christina began to twirl a long, raven lock of her hair as her eyes were drawn once more to the side. The other girl turned her head at the same time, and azure eyes met hazel-green in an electric connection. Christina’s hands trembled. Her lips quivered. The other girl’s fingers rose to fiddle with an earring as a blush rose on her cheeks.

The brunette’s eyes dropped to the floor, long, mascara-laden eyelashes lowering nearly to her reddening cheeks. Christina’s gaze never left her this time, and when the girl’s eyes rose once more, they locked onto her own as if by a magnetic force.

Christina felt her finger press against her lips as she continued to hold the other girl’s gaze. She felt a smile forming. It slowly, inexorably pulled the corners of her mouth upward.

The other girl’s smile returned, hesitant this time, but just as gorgeous. Christina’s smile, Cheshire now, provoked a slight widening of the blue-eyed girl’s irises. The blonde’s embarrassment began to fade and she licked her lower lip, not in a blatant display, just a quick, fleeting moistening. Still, it planted a satisfied warmth in the pit of Christina’s stomach.

When class ended, Christina hopped up from her seat strode along the empty row and handed the girl a slip of paper on her way out. As she opened the lecture hall door, she glanced over her shoulder. The girl had her phone in one hand and the paper with Christina’s phone number in the other, thumb wiggling over the touchscreen.

A moment later, Christina heard the telltale ding of a text on her phone. Her smile immediately curled into a devious grin. “See Violet? Look how easy it was for you to totally fall for me. Not even a straight girl like yourself could resist a fiery latina such as myself.” Her voice did not echo the halls, it simply permeated every inch of existence as if Violet was wearing headphones that only excreted Christina’s voice.

A twitch of her finger, reality and time collapsed around the two of them, the puppeted recreation of the professor melting into unrecognizable sludge. Bloody scratches that read “LOVES ME” and “LOVES ME NOT” violently etched themselves within Violet’s skin as Christina mulled over the debate in her head a thousand times a second until there was no more surface area to write upon.

“You were willing to rupture the space-time continuum for that pathetic little boyfriend of yours, yet you don’t even really love him that dearly, do you?” Christina asked, neglecting to mention Violet’s rich history with Zach as well as neglecting to mention what was possibly her own feelings towards Violet at the time.

“All I had to do was approach you and you would’ve been mine, as would any other desperate, horny loser at that school,” Christina recalled, even though this current imagined scenario depicted a college setting instead of a middle school one. “But no, even the wheelchair girl was too good for the nerdy girl, hmm?”

With every vitriolic word, the multitude of gash-based text on Violet’s body began to thicken and deepen. Her body was now bearing bone, with her mind unable to vocalize her suffering with destroyed vocal cords.

“In case you were curious, the result was ‘loves me’. Oh well, I am unfortunately rather taken at the moment,” Christina continued her one-way dialogue with Violet’s mutilated corpse. “Anyhoo, time to flirt with some other Violets a little.”

She allowed the recreated Violet to be consumed by the decaying reality as Christina traveled into various different timelines. The businesswoman wasn’t the least bit concerned with paradoxes of any kind, as she had a stranglehold on time that effectively allowed her to utilize any kind of traversal she wished. In one instance, she could ensure that events perfectly looped and her presence had no lasting butterfly effect. In other instances, she completely changed the course of history and allowed the consequences of said changes to spiral into a world that could not help but approve of Christina as their ruler.

That was simply the power of a woman who had science by her side.

What would have once been a shoddy corkboard of photos linked together by thumbtacks and string were now entire clusters of stars effectively relegated to the same tasks. Why waste time pulling out my phone when I could simply look upwards? Not to mention, everyone else now has the privilege of basking in my genius! A twirl of her finger and millions of planets were eviscerated in an instant as she created a new drawing board to catalog her expansive list of thoughts. Orion’s stars were used to denote bullet points as she crafted a new theorem to harness matter from alternate universes and even dimensions above her own.

Whatever magic was within Howard’s lips, Christina still could not fully comprehend its scope. Sure, she was able to bend it to its whims to give her much of what she desired, but that was merely because she could exploit complex patterns within them that still somewhat followed conventional Earth logic.

The mind had been conquered. Reality had been conquered. Time had been conquered. Magic was all that remained.

And magic wasn’t too far off from being figured out and optimized.

As Christina continued to tinker with alternate Violets and even a few Carries, she felt an unshakeable presence press itself down upon her mind. A smile grew upon her face. She had been waiting for this moment, time itself had foretold this encounter.

“This was not what my gifts were intended for.”

Before her was The Goddess of Magic. There was simply no other way to express what Christina was seeing with her very eyes. This Woman of Ivory Skin and Hair towered five feet over Christina, tresses of white silk barely concealing her supple curves and delectable hourglass figure.

“Took you long enough. What, too busy with glorified cocktail parties in heaven to check in how your little messenger was doing?” Christina immediately asked, summoning a chain with the magical woman attached to the end of it by her neck, which the businesswoman proceeded to tug on twice just for fun. “She’s doing great, by the way. Isn’t that right babe?”

“Ngghh… yes…” the woman responded drunkenly, still in a hypnotic trance after Christina returned to the past to drag her into the present. “Never been better, heehee.”

“Of course, she seems happier with me, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Stop.” Was all The Woman of White responded with, her solitary word causing existence to shudder.

“Whatever do you mean? Cease an unstoppable operation? I finally get almost everything I desire and you tell me off? Pfft, give me a break.”

The Goddess crossed her arms beneath her sizable breasts. “Corrupting an officer angel, manipulating others into your power-hungry, lewd affairs. These are not crimes I respond to lightly.”

Even within The Goddess’ sparse words, Christina saw an opening. An opportunity to take what she wanted and have fun doing it. Lewd. Why had The Goddess chosen that word in particular? Sure, some of the raven-haired woman's actions could be interpreted as motivated by lust. Unless… well, she wouldn’t put it past a Goddess to be sexually repressed.

A gamble, but one certainly worth taking. With a limited understanding of magic at her disposal, she’d have to tap into the one aspect of this Goddess that was unmistakably human.

“Goddess of Magic… I gave them what they wanted,” Christina lied, leaning into the sexual aspect of her power-hungry grab. Her reality, dark matter and mind manipulation powers spun together some supplementary material showing her many conquests being subjected to pleasures beyond their mortal understandings. “Every desire, and they didn’t even have to ask. Why bother when their powers combined allowed me to figure out instantly? For the first time in their miserable lives, they all got to experience true pleasure…”

Christina braced herself for the last line delivery of her ultimate pitch. It was all or nothing now.

“...And I could do the same for you.”

Immediately, Christina was whisked away from her grand castle, from any semblance of reality she was familiar with. This was it, the lion’s den. Perhaps The Goddess had grown tired of her insolence? Then why did the ground beneath her feel so comfortable? Sure enough, she was laying upon a bedspread that resembled a field of stars.

“You will not manipulate me, human. I am above everything you know and could comprehend. Your arrogance has no power here.”

By all accounts, Christina should have been terrified out of her mind. But the comfort behind her back egged her into doubling down on her bluff. “Mmm, and yet the bed is so comfy… are you lonely, Goddess of Magic?”

And that’s when Christina saw it. The faintest hint of a blush on the Goddess’ perfect, unblemished cheeks. One that was gone as soon as it had arrived. Whatever happened next, Christina knew she had skin in the game.

“Make no mistake, mortal. To me, you are just a pest,” The Goddess replied, stripping down to Her nude form, one of perfection. Christina had to channel all of her mind manipulation onto herself just to resist the sight. “But I am nothing if not merciful. I will afford you one last act of perversion, but then, you will be eradicated from this reality. Understood?”

A wide, toothy grin spread ear to ear on Christina’s face. One equally as genuine as it was played up for The Goddess. All the Woman of White had to do was snap Her fingers and Christina’s powers were no more. But no, She was indulging Christina’s played-up arrogant, lustful personality. This was something The Goddess wanted as well.

Then, almost uncharacteristically for both of them, an awkward moment of silence occurred. Christina assumed that The Goddess had some sort of legendary sexual experience she would have to overcome, but apparently The Woman of White assumed differently Herself. Not willing to lose the advantage she accrued, Christina quickly took hold of the reigning reins.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Get down on your knees and begin to pleasure me, Goddess!” Christina commanded, spreading her legs and waiting for The Goddess’ face to meet her there. The Goddess quietly and dutifully fulfilled this request, dropping to Her hands and knees as she crawled sultrily towards Christina.

Now, the businesswoman-turned-guest was growing worried. If Her foreplay was anything like this cat-like strut She was employing, Christina would surely lose her mind to ambrosiac pleasure at the touch of this Goddess’s fingers. Sure, The Goddess might’ve been a bit uncomfortable about the act, but She was still a Goddess. Even with all the power Christina had rightfully obtained, it was a drop in the bucket compared to the intensity that the actual bestower of said power possessed.

Christina’s expertly-tailored suit practically burned off as The Woman of White grew closer. Her heart rate rose with fear but her stalwart face remained loyal to her intentions. Selecting two lithe fingers from Her svelte hand, The Goddess pierced through the folds of Christina’s sex and began feeling around within to a clockwise rhythm. It was…

It was…


“That’s it? A sloppy fingering?” Christina said, a brief moment of honesty turning into a devastating blow to The Woman of White’s resolve.

“I am not done!” The Goddess replied, anger growing in her usually flat tone. “B-be quiet!”

Holy shit, She just stuttered. Christina thought. This is seriously The Goddess of all Magic?

Eager to move on, The Woman of White quickly put Her mouth to Christina’s netherregion, Her lengthy tongue substituting for what Her two fingers seemingly could not accomplish. Already a marked improvement, but still… surprisingly nothing to write home about.

“Not bad, Goddess,” Christina spoke, “For someone who’s apparently a turbovirgin, your tongue at least knows what it’s—”

Christina’s train of thought was derailed as a jolt of confused arousal shot through her body. The Goddess had finally located the businesswoman’s clit and had executed what Christina could only describe as a kiss where one mashed their lips against the opposing surface instead of applying any sort of suction.

Christina couldn’t help herself. She burst into laughter. “Seriously? You’re supposed to kiss the clit, Goddess, not whatever it is you just did.”

“Spare me your foolish mockery, human!” The Goddess replied, now more furious than ever. “Are you telling me that was not a kiss of one thousand passions?”

“Have you ever kissed someone before, Goddess?” Christina asked with a raise of a sculpted eyebrow.

The Goddess’ face faltered slightly. That only caused Christina’s devilish smile to grow even wider.

“Holy shit, you’ve never even kissed anyone at all! I can’t believe it!” Christina exclaimed, unable to contain further laughter. “I always suspected Gods would be prudish morons, but this is ridiculous.”

“Pr-prudish m— why I’d never! You have a lot of nerve assuming I’ve—”

Then, quick as a flash, Christina kissed The Woman of White right on Her lips, shutting The Goddess up instantly, save for a soft moan that barely rendered above a whisper. Not only was She desperate for it, She was wildly out of practice.

Breaking the kiss, Christina saw an opportunity to be cheeky. “Pssh, even your little officer angel took longer to shut up.”

That enraged The Goddess, who wrapped a solitary hand around Christina’s throat. Immediately, the businesswoman was reminded that she could be killed at any second. But that didn’t deter her one bit. Christina had this Goddess right where she wanted Her.

“You do not compare me to my subordinates. Apologize at once.”

“I… apologize…” Christina spoke, though even a child could deduce that her words were underhanded. “...It’s just a little hard to control myself when The Goddess Of All Magic is here before me, bent over, desperately trying to extract some sort of pleasure out of me, meanwhile, I’m able to bring her to near orgasm from just a kiss…”

Christina could feel a dangerous cocktail of furiousness and desperation brewing within The Woman of White. This was no time to slow down on pillow talk.

“Pretty soon, I’ll have your face buried into this bed, your muffled moans begging me to make you into my personal, omnipotent fuck doll. Doesn’t that sound enticing?”

The Goddess sneered, tightening Her grip on Christina’s throat, though the human never stopped smiling. “Do not push your luck, or it will be your face that is buried—nghh!”

Once more, The Woman of White’s retort had been interrupted by Christina. This time, the businesswoman caught her adversary off-guard with two fingers to Her netherregions. “Gotta say, that regal speaking pattern of yours makes for great dirty talk, Goddess. You’d make a great bratty sub, y’know.”

The Goddess’ free hand pulled Christina’s fingers from Her dripping sex, though it was trembling in the process. The Goddess’ body language betrayed her demands once again. Christina couldn’t help but double down even further.

“Stop teasing yourself and give in. I could show you otherworldly pleasures beyond your comprehension once I bring out the strap.”

“I am in control here, you impudent little worm!” Immediately, Christina found her whole body pressed down by some sort of invisible force. Her skull was threatening to crack under the pressure, but she did not show weakness. The Goddess could only threaten her, nothing more.

“Prove it.”

And the Goddess did try. She imbued Her hand with holy magic, adding an extra finger for good measure, before plunging deep into Christina’s already-stressed netherregions. A cacophony of moans exploded from Christina’s vocal chords, her face contorting with pleasure to The Goddess’ new rhythm. The Woman of White smiled deviously.

“Oh, Goddess… Oh Goddess…” she exclaimed with higher octaves each instance, surely building up to a devastating climax.

“...Really, the fingers again? Are you trying to waste my time?” Christina replied instead with complete monotony, showing that she had been faking it the whole time and that The Goddess was a sucker for ever believing she was genuine. The Goddess’ face was panicked and disheveled, in legitimate disbelief that what she was doing hadn’t worked. Once more, she was not deterred.

“You filth! You abomination!” She exclaimed, rubbing Her larger, more bountiful body against Christina’s. Though this only seemed to plunge Her deeper into the pits of lustful despair. “Nhgghhh… Soon you will be… unf… completely under my control… and you won’t… guh~... be able to fake it any longer… Haah…”

With every passing second, The Woman of White’s control over Christina lessened. Her grip loosened, Her words became less potent and room-shuddering. The stress placed upon the raven-haired woman faltered and Christina was able to flip the Goddess onto Her back like a beached crab with little effort.

“Pssh, pushover,” Christina stated, though her words were barely audible over the self-induced sexual frenzy The Goddess was in. While the businesswoman could have left Her to Her own devices, Christina wasn’t about to take a half-measure after doubling down on every opportunity so far.

She hopped atop the whimpering Goddess, kneading a plush breast in one hand and filling up Her pulsating sex with the other.

“Y’know, I may not know everything about magic…” Christina started, ready to deliver a devastating blow onto the being which made her what she was. “But I noted in my scientific findings that magical manifestations have a sort of pleasant yet quite distinct odor when they are first brought into reality. They lose this stench after a while, but this room… positively reeks of that smell.”

Her giggles erupted into full-on laughter. “You created this room just for the two of us, didn’t you?”

There was no response from The Woman of White. Christina already knew the answer.

“Don’t worry, we can keep this little secret between the two of us. After all, you won’t be getting much use from it here on out, will you?”

The Goddess’ whimpers echoed sentiments of confusion. Christina had Her right where she wanted Her.

“Well, after this little tryst you were going to kill me, right? Aww, that’s sad. This is just a mere taste of my capabilities. Wouldn’t you like to see more?”

More whimpers, accompanied by a little nod. Christina rewarded The Goddess’ correct answer with another passionate kiss to the lips.

“Very well, I will give you another sample. After all, that mouth of yours looks tantalizingly empty. Ah, but I only have two hands and one pussy… what to do, what to do…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take up on that assist,” came the voice of a puppeted recreation of Mae. If The Goddess could barely handle one enhanced human, two would surely put her over the edge. The manipulated Mailwoman wasted no time pressing her netherregions atop The Goddess’ face, gyrating her muscular hips as she suffocated the breathless entity.

“Heh, I’m sure I could help as well…” came the indecisive voice of Violet, who began tag-teaming The glowing Woman’s tits with her tongue alongside a silent but proficient Mabel.

“Ugh, like, don’t cum too soon!” came the distant voice of Carrie, who was waiting alongside Tessa for her chance to get in on the action.

“Y-you deviant… unf… Don’t think you’ve won yet… haah…” The Woman of White barely spoke between Mae’s thighs. “I just need… to hang in there… bide my time… mmf… You won’t outlast me… Y-you’re human… OH!... Y-you have limits… No mortal is truly insatiable…”

“Having limits is what makes sex hot, dumbass,” Christina retorted brutally. “If anything, this would be even more appealing if you could feel some semblance of pain from me.”


A snap of Christina’s fingers and all the women in the room besides The Goddess and herself vanished. Instantly, The Woman of White was hit with a surge of desperation. Deprived of a constant source of pleasure, Her body immediately went through violent withdrawal. Pretty soon, She was resorting to bargaining.

“Pl-please! Let me feel it again! Something! Anything! I’ll never doubt your methods! I’ll… I’ll make myself vulnerable if it means you’ll hold me again. You’ll… Touch me again… unf…”

“Then do it,” was all Christina had to reply with.

And so She did. Channeling her magic in reverse for the first time in millennia, She stripped Herself of Her godly protections. They were on standby, but The Goddess was prepared to never use it again.

“I’ve… done as you asked. Please, human… ravage me as you promised… make me feel that which I’ve never felt before.”

Christina grinned madly as she leapt atop The Goddess of Magic once more. The fair-haired Woman awaited the ultimate offer of pleasure, only to be betrayed with a literal punch to the gut.

The Goddess, shocked and unprepared for the sudden attack, felt the uncaring feeling of pain as Christina’s comparatively small fist slammed into her abdomen with untold power. The Woman of White felt the equivalent of her diaphragm buckle inside her body from Christina’s punch as her breath whooshed out, followed closely by a splatter of blood. Her doe eyes found their way to Christina’s but found only coldness, harshness in response to her unspoken plea. Tears welled in The Goddess’ eyes as the nigh-omnipotent businesswoman’s hand pulled back for another blow.

Christina laughed as she repeated the motion over and over, her fist nothing but a blur, until The Goddess sagged from the blonde’s grip on her hair, coughing and retching from the damage inflicted by the young woman’s unbelievable power.

“Damn, credit where credit is due, even with your defense toned way down, you’re still a tough cookie to break.”

Christina gave a smug smile, and released her hold on The Woman of White’s hair. The Goddess crumpled to the ground in a heap. She was supposed to be above such petty flaws such as weakness or even gravity. But the forces of the universe were no longer on Her side—and they hadn’t been for a while now.

For the final time, Christina retrieved the pneumatic extraction device from her personal hammerspace, activating it with a mental flick of a switch. The human-crafted device shouldn’t have worked on a Goddess such as Herself, yet it did anyways, puncturing her perfect skin and sucking up whatever power it could detect. The woman of white felt something she had never experienced before—weakness. A lot of it. She was powerful enough to survive the extracting process, but perhaps that was a fate worse than death.

The Goddess had a moment to look toward Christina. The girl’s head was tossed back as she absorbed unbelievable levels of power that far exceeded anything she had ever ingested before. A massive river of swirling energy streamed into the gorgeous raven haired woman, her already superpowered arms and legs tensed and trembled with the sudden overwhelming influx of energy. The Goddess watched as Christina’s omni-powerful body tremored, her lips curling into a victorious smirk.

Christina’s human body was unable to handle the influx of power, so she simply crafted a new one. Nothing crazy, she already loved how she looked before, but now, she was simply more.

“Heh, and you know the funniest part about all of this, pitiful goddess?” Christina gloated, her words aching the former goddess’ mind with every syllable. “I don’t even care that much about sex stuff. You’re so pathetic you bought into my grift hook, line and sinker.”

The immortal woman wanted nothing more than to die at that very moment. She wanted to scream in rage, her sole gift to the women of the world weaponized into a tool which ultimately brought her to ruin. Worse off, all she could do was moan in ecstasy. Venting her frustration simply wasn’t possibly anymore. Christina had broken the former goddess beyond repair.

All the goddess could do was lay there, body convulsing periodically, her hungry mind desperately devouring the best moments of her life, which had been delivered by a traitor who—worst of all—didn’t actually care about the sex one bit.

Meanwhile, Christina was in ecstasy. She finally understood magic. She didn’t need to write anything down or discover how to manipulate it to discover the unknown beyond. There was nothing left. She had discovered it all. And she would ensure that everyone knew her story and how a mere janitor ascended to everything that ever was. Best of all, she got to witness the woman she just usurped suffering.

Consensus would agree, Christina was everything, all that ever was. All that ever mattered.

And Christina was finally happy, something that mean old Howard Grove never could be.


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