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I wrote a little fun humorous story for the 1st contest on the Discord Server Omnitopia, it was really fun to do!

Contains Futa, so it'll be going on the HikerDevil account in a week.

Working hard on the LucaG winning submission as well as other stories!

For Omnitopia’s 1st Writing Contest


Within the quiet basement of one Marion Banks, if you were to quell your breath and put your ear up to the door, you might just hear the clickety-clack and heavy breathing of her unemployed son, Clyde Banks. He was usually quiet and composed, as he was one of the best Team Fortress 2 Soldier mains in the game.

TF2 might have been a primarily team-based shooter, but he didn’t need a team. He’d join a casual server and pubstomp the enemy team, rising to the top of the scoreboard. Then when he was inevitably auto-balanced to the other team he’d just shrug and do the same thing again.

But today, he was not as quiet as usual. It started with a mild annoyance—he had rocket-jumped all the way to the team spawn, as he usually did. Immediately exiting spawn was a Scout, a Heavy and a Medic. Before the Scout even noticed, two rockets had reduced him to giblets. The Heavy revved up his massive gun, but Clyde had prepared for such a response, hiding behind some terrain so that he would dodge the barrage of bullets.

After waiting, giving him time to reload, his surround-sound headphones detected the heavy attempting to flank him. He rocket-jumped into the air, blindsiding the Heavy as he barraged his opponent with his entire clip.

All that remained was the Medic, but Clyde wasn’t worried. It was a Medic. The healing class. Even Medics playing at the top of their games couldn’t land hits on him, much less kill him when he was out of immediate rocket launcher ammunition.

But then, something unexpected happened. Clyde expected the Medic to retreat back to spawn, which they appeared to do at first. He switched to his shotgun, firing off a blast and preparing himself to follow the Medic’s trajectory. Right before his first blast had been fired, the doctor turned the other direction, dodging all of his bullet spread and retaliating with an attack of their own.

The Medic fired off a bolt from the Crusader’s Crossbow, immediately reducing Clyde’s Soldier down to half health due to prior damage from his rocket jumping. Disoriented and slightly panicked, he still attempted to win the interaction, but the Medic had already fired a second shot and it just happened to be a critical hit, striking Clyde’s Soldier true and killing him instantly.

Clyde grunted and shifted uncomfortably within his seat. “Ugh, little fucker got lucky,” he muttered under his breath, pausing to take a handful of Doritos as a closeup of the Medic who had just killed him appeared on screen, along with their profile picture and name. What he saw utterly baffled him. A cutesy, white-pink head of a bunny-cloud hybrid creature winking at him with a star for added effect and a pink background. The Medic character himself was no different, clad in pink-colored cosmetics.

Had… he just been outsmarted? By a cushy gamer girl Medic, no less?

No. It was a lucky shot. Served him right for playing on a casual server with critical hits enabled. She probably had no idea what she was doing. He’d get that prissy pink Medic next time.

The respawn time of twelve seconds felt painfully long as he tapped his foot and breathed heavily. He was gonna dedicate the rest of the game (of which he already contributed none to the actual objective) to hunting this Medic down just to show her that what she just accomplished was little more than a fluke.

Rocket Jumping out of the respawn gate with a vengeance, he blew past all of the competition, his eyes darting about to catch a pink blot amongst the gun metal grays. Strangely enough, she was nowhere near the fray, appearing to be lost on the map like any inexperienced player world.

“Bingo.” Clyde muttered under his breath.

Risking a chunk of his health pool on a rocket jump ambush, he came in from the sky once more. The plan was simple: pepper her with rockets she couldn’t dodge. He had four ready in the clip as well as a full shotgun magazine ready for her. It would be enough to take out an entire clustered team, but he was saving it all for just her.

But upon firing off the first rocket, he was greeted to a rude awakening. The Medic switched to her medi-gun and activated her ubërcharge, making her invincible for a brief moment and completely negating the barrage. She then switched to her primary weapon and fired off a few shots, dealing enough damage so that when he hit the ground from the rocket jump the fall damage was enough to kill him.

He seethed as the respawn timer showed up once more, spit bubbling from between his teeth. She had made him look like a fool once more, outplaying him once again with the worst one-versus-one character in the game.

He tried twice more to approach her, but no matter how he varied his tactics, she always came out on top. Clyde’s rage grew until a loud noise sounded out exclaiming that the Medic was now dominating him in game, the chat notifying it to everyone that she had killed him four times without him ever killing her once.

Was she using an aimbot? No. Her movements were far too graceful to be coldly assisted like that. With no excuses left, Clyde resorted to the last deflection method he had: he took to the in-game chat.

ugly no-life *****

bet ur not even a real girl

However, as soon as he pressed send on the second message, a response from G0dd3ssG4m3r appeared in the chat.

Trust me, boy, if you saw my true form you’d be unable to comprehend it.

He scoffed, the air from it brushing crumbs off of his protruded chest. She probably had a hotkey designated to such a lame response or something of the sort. Needless to say, he returned on the attack.

yeah thats because ur probably so ******* ugly id collapse and die

Once again, almost immediately, there was a response:

Is that so? Well then, perhaps I should show you the briefest glimpse of who I am. Then maybe you’ll understand.

Once again, a scoff. While Clyde had anger brewing within him, the strange way that this “girl” typed made him almost want to laugh. People in his circles would call it “cringe.”

And then, for the briefest moment, an image appeared on-screen. It overlaid his entire game, gone as soon as it had arrived, but that didn’t stop Clyde from sucking in every single detail of the image in question.

She was beautiful. Simply the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. Her lengthy, thick hair floated around her head as if to cast it in a heavenly veneer, its wispy strands disobeying gravity—no—gravity simply could not affect her. There was nothing to deny obedience towards. It was simply a non-factor.

Her eyes—how endlessly complex they were. Even in just the .001 seconds she was on-screen, he could witness his entire lifetime, past and future, within the milky blue of her irises. (His past was gaming and his future was more gaming, bleak to everyone but him). In contrast to her irises were her pupils, so perfectly pitch in their blackness they were like black holes, sucking the life force out of him, only so that it could be restored by the serene Ivory of her sclera.

While the image was little more than a snapshot of her face, it was like an interactive map in his memories, restructuring his mind so that he could zoom in and focus on whatever he desired—which he did. Even though only a second millisecond had passed since the writing of these last three paragraphs, an eternity had been lived within his head.

Clyde’s mind would have been irreparably demolished then and there, but his sheer narcissism was just barely able to overpower the millisecond that she was onscreen. While his TF2 Soldier was impressive, his ability to bullshit his way out of self-created problems was his finest ability.

His weak hands shook as he conjured up a response.

i dont know how u did that! But idc! bet that’s just a photoshopped image, slut!

For the final time, amidst other confused players in the chat log wondering what the fuck was transpiring between these two players, the strange girl responded. Her words immediately captivated his attention.

Your mind is one of great arrogance. Unfortunately for you, so is mine. I’ll make sure to fix that.

She wanted to play that game, huh? Summoning all of his brain power, Clyde quickly crafted a brilliant response to her threat.

ur mom is one of great arrogance

For the first time, the supposed goddess didn’t respond immediately. As if even she couldn’t fathom such an asinine response. After ten whole seconds of everyone waiting in anticipation, she finally responded.

And your mother spends all day and all night wrapping her heavenly lips around my feminine penis. But it’s not even my truest penis. Neither you nor her deserve to be associated with me. At best, you’ll get my cutesy profile pic. Despite this, it will still be the best sex your mother has ever had and will ever have. For all 27 years of your life I have preformed sexual acts with your mother that your puny little human mind could not even begin to conceive, despite the fact that said intercourse is what conceived your mind…

The insult continued to stretch on far longer than what the text limit should have allowed. Clyde blinked his eyes in disbelief at the sight on the screen. The chat was popping off at the sight of her strangely formal roast, as if everyone suddenly believed it was the greatest comeback of all time—even if it seemed to amount to little more than “I had sex with your mother lol.” Was she seriously suggesting that she was his “father” of sorts? Even with her strange hacker powers that she apparently had, there was no way such an outlandish claim could be true.

He angrily hit the key to bring up the chat box, already drafting up another response, but instead, the scoreboard displayed. Assuming he had pushed the wrong button, Clyde deliberately watched his finger press the key assigned to the chat, but once again, the scoreboard displayed. His anger was twofold: not only was his high-end gaming keyboard not doing as it was told, he could see her at the top of the scoreboard, whereas he had fallen to second place in his respective team. He frantically hit another key, but all he was greeted with was the condescending wink of her profile picture once more. He started mashing buttons, the only result being the scoreboard flickering in and out of frame, the cloud bunny creature commanding his attention every time.

His rage reaching its peak, he slammed both of his fists down upon the keyboard, shattering it into three parts. His bloodshot eyes drifted upwards, gazing upon the scoreboard that would not leave the screen. It appeared to be glitched, all of the profile pictures and names of the players not displaying—all except for G0dd3ssG4m3r’s. The cheeriness of that cloud bunny taunted him, but he couldn’t look away. He wasn’t sure how much time he had spent staring at its one cutesy, unflinching opened eye.

The air grew denser, thick enough that even Clyde took notice despite the already pungent odor that perfumed his entire room. He watched intently, as if expecting the profile pic itself to acknowledge his presence. It was taunting him, that pinkish cloud bunny creature. He could tell it was a harbinger, a sense of anxiety building within him. He just couldn’t prove it. If he looked away to turn his computer off, a last-ditch attempt to free himself from this monster that ailed him, she would torture him further, he was sure of it. It was as if she had him strung up like a puppet. All he could do was dance.

Clyde was prepared to stare at it for as long as it took, but he was shaken from his trance as the screen abruptly changed.

You have been kicked from the server due to inactivity.

A nervous chuckle escaped his quivering lips. It was over. All she could do was threaten him with hack-y computer stuff, but now, he was finally free from her influence. She had nothing over him anymore. “Goddess?” What a joke.

And then, a more pressing problem made itself known. He was hungry.

“Mom! Where the hell are my tendies!? Mooooom!” He shouted up to the ceiling.

No response.


Once again, no response.

“If they’re not done by the time I get up there, I’m gonna be pissed! Mom!”

Clyde hobbled up the basement stairs, the wood creaking under his mass. But as he peaked out into the kitchen, Marion Banks was nowhere to be seen. Honing his less-than-average hearing, he detected a strange rhythm coming from her room. What was going on in there?

“Mom! I want my chicken tendies!” He shouted.

There was an irritating pause, then his mother’s response.

“Ah! Oh! Just… just a minute, sweetheart! Unf. I’m just a little—ah! Busy at the moment!”

Clyde couldn’t believe this. Since when was his mom suddenly too “busy” to cater to his needs? Unwilling to listen to his mother’s request, he barged through the door. Before him lay the unbelievable.

There was his mother, Marion. She had the same motherly curves and the same slight wrinkles of age. She still had the same doe-like expressions, even as she lay bent over and fucked doggystyle on the cheap bedsheets by an all-too-familiar-face.

The cutesy pinkish bunny mascot plowed new life into Clyde’s mother, using her cotton-candy cock to pull out pleasured moans of an octave never thought humanly possible. She screamed and shrieked and sang a new melody while the lovable soft bunny rabbit played her like a gilded violin in Beethoven’s own orchestra. As it turns out, G0dd3ssG4m3r was right. No mortal would have been able to handle her physical truth. So instead, she had come with a compromise. Here she was, her true unabridged presence made flesh. Or, more accurately, made cloud-fur.

Lost in a pit of sensual superhuman satisfaction, Marion didn’t even seem to notice her son’s haunted unblinking gaze. Her eyes, glazed over, seemed to see through to something else entirely. He managed to pull his eyes away from the spectacle towards the profile picture bunny, who was already staring at him. Their eyes locked, and she gave her signature open-mouthed wink. It twisted into a sinister smirk. Her eyes remained fixed on Clyde, even while his mother screamed in ecstasy as cloud-bunny spunk poured from her hungry pussy.

“Oh my… oh good heavens… you truly do manage to make a woman feel young, love,” Marion expressed as she panted for breath, her face smothered into the bed sheets.

Clyde continued to watch speechlessly, waiting for some pause, some slowdown. His arch-nemesis seemed to lose interest in him as she returned to violent thrusting. He began taking in the fullest details of the scene. The slow drip of cum from the bed onto the floor, which smelled faintly of sunshine and magic and ponies and lemon. The cracks and wear at the wooden bedframe, which seemed almost fit to break in two if it wasn’t sustained by the literal grace of a god. G0dd3ss herself, whose attention was not at all with the mother she treated more as a flesh pillow than a person but instead with the wide screen television framed on the opposite wall. There floated a keyboard, mouse, and mousepad which seemed to move with intense speed and precision as the game he had been thrown from continued on without him. It was this single, pointless injustice that gave him the courage to speak.

“Wh-what are you doing with my mom!?”

“Wow, you’re an impatient little boy,” the cloudy bunny responded, her intoxicatingly sweet and pretty voice straightening Clyde’s spine as it passed his ears. “Didn’t I ever teach you not to barge in on your mothers during our private time?”

“M-mothers?” he replied in disbelief, extra emphasis placed on the plural. “What the— y-you aren’t my mom! You’re that stupid profile pic from that hacking bitch!”

“Sweetie! Language!” His original mother, Marion, responded with as offended a tone as she could take while being fucked twenty trillion ways to the heat death of the universe. “How dare you call one of your mothers such an insulting, d-demea- oh, uumgh- fuck

Clyde winced as mother came to orgasm again, the bunny girl’s wide toothy grin visible even as she continued on her current killstreak.

“Clyde, when I said in-game that I engaged in intercourse with your mother last night, I meant it.” Her tone fell deathly serious. “I don’t play around or fabricate my insults. When I claimed your mother was a whore who guzzled my girlcock for 27 years, I did not exaggerate.”

Despite all the demeaning things G0dd3ssG4m3r was saying about her, Marion gazed dreamily at the strange creature as if everything it said was not only fact, but actively turning her on more with every passing second. Clyde, caught between his fear and his indignation, nearly choked on his own words.

“No- that’s- fuck you! Fuck you that didn’t happen fuck you you’re lying fuck you get out of our house fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!”

Marion was too busy softly purring her wife’s leetcode riddled name to respond.

“Come on now little one, try to remember. Has there ever been a single instance in your life where you have seen or even heard your mother not having sex with me?”

Against himself, Clyde’s mind raced. He tried to visualize the trip to the groceries she’d roped him into last Saturday, but could only see him struggling to push the shopping cart through the aisles as G0dd3ss railed his mom atop, could only hear the quiet hushed whispers from other shoppers as they watched the obscenity, either too oblivious or too afraid to do anything more. He moved to think about the resort she’d dragged him off along to with her short-lived boyfriend one summer, only to remember how badly G0dd3ss had mangled that man into a pile of bloody string while his mom eagerly lapped at her cock in the boiling summer sun. He strained to drag out the photos from the hiking retreat she’d gone on with her church friends, but in every image he recalled he saw that same oversized plushie fucking his mother over the side of a log, maybe a few other older women dangling from a tree or stuck to a rock formation by a splurch of glitter-rabbit cum.

“B- but, I- I-”

“Every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Of every week, month, and year. She stays clean by my Will of course. I can’t have my beloved going off to be sullied by the need to eat or sleep or freshen up. It would only distract from more important things.” G0ddess continued, not even acknowledging Clyde’s objections. “She was an animal. I fucked her like an animal. And she loved it, dear. Loved it more than she could have loved any of the pathetic men who tried to creep into her life instead. Isn’t that right, darling? Aren’t you so happy to exist as my fuckpillow?”

Marion smiled, opened her mouth to speak, and burbled as decades of bubblegum cum poured from her mouth.

“Do you see, Clyde? For twenty seven years, this has been her life. This, right now, is her rightful place. My saccerine cock fits in her cunt like the sword in the stone, and thus it shall always be, because I said so.

And in that very moment, Clyde came to a realization even more terrible than any that had come thus far.

“Ah. You finally noticed, dear. Your mother has had sex with none beside me from the instant of your conception to the present moment. Abstracting away the mechanics of your birth on the basis that I truly do not give a singular rat’s ass about them, what does that make me?”

Tears started to form in Clyde’s eyes.

“D.. d-dad?”

“Very good, Clyde! Although, I prefer the term Higher Mother myself. Though, that does remind me- I’m pretty sure your birth name was actually Cumulus_C0ttntail, no? I should know after all, I named you. Why even think about changing such a gorgeous name?”

Cumulus_C0ttontail nodded sheepishly. His mind grew foggy as it effortlessly accommodated the reality that was always meant to be.

“And not even my online gamer tag would spawn such a disgusting man.” The bunny continued, as if the goddess herself was merely speaking through the creature before him. “No, she’d only settle for the prettiest, cutest cloud-bunny girl for a daughter.”

Cumulus_C0ttontail fell to her hands and knees, a subtle warmth that had started in her stomach suddenly bloomed outwards, overtaking her limbs. She could feel the fat of her body become weightless as it became fluffy—no, it was always weightless; Always fluffy; Always the same cloudy substance that one of her mother’s bodies was composed of. Cumulus_C0ttontail had always been told since she was a kid that she had her mother’s face, and it was never confusing as to which mother they were referring to.

C0ttontail looked up at her mothers, so distant now. So high.

“Now, apologize to your Lesser Mother for acting so rude and indignant online.”

C0ttontail’s cutest little face scrunched up. “Hey, I’m not gonna- not… gonna…”

“Hm? Something wrong, precious?”

“I’m not.. Gonna… I don’t… why? Why can’t I…?”

G0ddess exited the game. There was a pressure that popped, as though a tension had been in the room that had only now vanished. Or, more accurately, that C0ttontail had not known true tension until her superior mother had shifted her full divine attention to her own frailness.

“Why can’t you hate me? Cuss me out? Tear me down with your pathetic feminine virgin rage?”

C0ttontail blushed, despite herself. “Y- yeah…”

“Because you love me dear. Because I am your mother, and I have done nothing less but raise you with the same love that I vaguely associate with my profile picture that in my divine mystery I am both fully present in and completely separate from. And as I am boundless, so too are the things I vaguely associate with my Steam profile picture boundless, and thus follows the love I pass onto you.”

C0ttontail felt as though she could barely meet G0dd3ss’s gaze. Her body was frozen in a lovely fluffy feeling somewhere between embarrassment, appreciation, and existential terror.

“It is my truest revenge upon you, and my greatest gift to you, my dearest little Cumulus_C0ttontail. I have made you decent, and I have trapped you in that decency, such that in all your impotent lust for my second rate divine perfection and your grief over the life of pointless rage and self-destruction I have stolen from you, you will be able to do little more than thank me for the pleasure. This is my punishment: a happy ending.”

C0ttontail smiled widely. “That’s horrible,” she beamed.

“I know I am, darling. I would say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but, well, I suppose it does, no?”

“Nope!” C0ttontail said, shaking in her own divinely muffled anguish, torn between feelings that felt as equally real as they did equally fake. She felt a wetness at her knees, only to realize that the bed’s overspill had finally poured out to her.

“Now, I do believe you were here to ask your lower mother to make you dinner, but I think we are both more than aware of why that would be… difficult, now.”

C0ttontail nodded, crying tears of something or another.

“And while I would love to help, and while I could make an eighteen course meal from a whim, then discard it, then recreate it, then discard it, then toss it from the window into the street below…”

A loud crash of pots and plates and pans rang from outside.

“I could think of no better way to belatedly crown our new-old family than by letting you prepare us something nice. I already have a few ideas in mind.”

And then Cumulus_C0ttontail did too.

“Why, that sounds like a lovely idea, mom!” she responded with a happy smile, cupping her hands together and bringing them to her cheek. “Why don’t I get the oven heated up in preparation of that Mountain Dew turkey for my two favorite moms”

“Oh boy! That might just beat out chicken nuggies!... But just barely.” G0dd3ss remarked in mock dismissiveness.

Leaving her two mothers to continue fucking as they had always and would always long after the furthest aftershocks of human civilization had crumbled to dust, Cumulus_C0ttontail went downstairs, skipping a little in ingrained habit as she did. But as she moved into the kitchen to begin preparing whatever airheaded idea for a meal her gaming and glamor riddled mind could come to, a photo frame caught her eye.

The cloud bunny daughter gazed longingly at a photo of her two mothers, adorned in their wedding gowns, smiling happily for the camera. But… there was supposed to be someone else there that day, wasn’t there? Someone Cumulus_C0ttontail just couldn’t quite recall…

No, she remembered when that photo was taken. The church bells that rang on that day, twenty-four years ago. Her two mothers, already having a kid, finally decided to bite the bullet and get married. She was surprised Marion would be able to resist marrying someone like G0dd3ssG4m3r for that long, but that was how the events played out. She’d been left to sit outside the chapel like a good little girl, and only now did she see why.

There, right framed, in front of her grandparents and aunts and uncles and their own friends and families, was her mother, her human mother, on her knees as she eagerly "****ed" the bride. The “bride”, framed elegantly in the center of the frame, seemed even as a still image to struggle from snapping the all-too-small ring that had been framed around it. She was pretty sure it was still somewhere around the house, buried under years of happy living. And right from its fluffy wonderland tip dripped the holy waters that marked their eternal covenant, marked her own covenant into the happiest little gamer family. And as she grinned, staring at this professional photo of her mother sucking her other mother’s cock, tied between outrage at what had been done to her and gratitude at the love she’d been shown, she wondered what she’d done to find herself in such a wonderful life.

Of course, she could always ask her mother for an answer. She knew the facts. She had them down to a razor point. Various tyrants over the years had tried their hardest to erase history, restructure it so that it fit a particular worldview in order to justify atrocities. But they could never completely succeed. History was history—it couldn’t be changed, only interpreted from who was there and what was known about the facts.

And one fact was immutable: G0dd3ssG4m3r fucked Cumulus_C0ttontail’s mom last night.


CW Moss

Is Omnitopia still up & running? I have not been able to get there for weeks. I use this link: https://omnipotent-girls.net/


The website is down, unfortunately. However, the Discord Server is still lively from what I've seen!

CW Moss (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 02:43:54 I am just a big fan of Kaleb's stories and he had quite a few there. He had 2 accounts there with stories: Kaleb and I think Kaleb2 (or something). I am interested in the ones without futa (no offence intended). I have saved: Astrid's Hypersphere Kimmy’s Plaything Sun Worshipper The Lab of God The Log of Phineas Bradley The Power of Pink 1, 2 &3 From other places: Annie Dreambook Genie The Relic in the Wall From Amazonlove: Kim's Tome Orgasm Juice Patient Zero The Cave User Error Wishing Rod, Parts One & Two Writing.com 2 Threads: in "Endless Beauty" (Kaleb’s Threads Started by Sowega Returns) I just hate when a good site goes down before I had a chance to archive everything. I wonder if Kaleb will be posting elsewhere now. He has really produced some of the most fantastic work in his long presence in these forums. As well as the HikerAngel Team of course. Thanks
2022-08-04 18:41:28 I am just a big fan of Kaleb's stories and he had quite a few there. He had 2 accounts there with stories: Kaleb and I think Kaleb2 (or something). I am interested in the ones without futa (no offence intended). I have saved: Astrid's Hypersphere Kimmy’s Plaything Sun Worshipper The Lab of God The Log of Phineas Bradley The Power of Pink 1, 2 &3 From other places: Annie Dreambook Genie The Relic in the Wall From Amazonlove: Kim's Tome Orgasm Juice Patient Zero The Cave User Error Wishing Rod, Parts One & Two Writing.com 2 Threads: in "Endless Beauty" (Kaleb’s Threads Started by Sowega Returns) I just hate when a good site goes down before I had a chance to archive everything. I wonder if Kaleb will be posting elsewhere now. He has really produced some of the most fantastic work in his long presence in these forums. As well as the HikerAngel Team of course. Thanks

I am just a big fan of Kaleb's stories and he had quite a few there. He had 2 accounts there with stories: Kaleb and I think Kaleb2 (or something). I am interested in the ones without futa (no offence intended). I have saved: Astrid's Hypersphere Kimmy’s Plaything Sun Worshipper The Lab of God The Log of Phineas Bradley The Power of Pink 1, 2 &3 From other places: Annie Dreambook Genie The Relic in the Wall From Amazonlove: Kim's Tome Orgasm Juice Patient Zero The Cave User Error Wishing Rod, Parts One & Two Writing.com 2 Threads: in "Endless Beauty" (Kaleb’s Threads Started by Sowega Returns) I just hate when a good site goes down before I had a chance to archive everything. I wonder if Kaleb will be posting elsewhere now. He has really produced some of the most fantastic work in his long presence in these forums. As well as the HikerAngel Team of course. Thanks

James Stevens

I don't think I've read "the relic in the wall", could you share that somehow?

CW Moss

Here you go: https://mega.nz/file/hsFmDRxY#PfrF4XQwRYYxoeoQ8FHRalfdJ20VrmksZphyF5Cg1nE