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Written by HikerAngel

Commissioned by Zaikerwriter

This is a sequel to Corruption Part 2 (Alternate) which itself is a sequel to Corruption by Luchodemeyer. Read those first if you want to understand this one!

Tears rolled from Lizzie's gorgeous blue eyes as she spoke with the lab tech who was preparing her next treatment.

"I just feel so terrible about ruining my friendship with my best friend Charlotte and her boyfriend. I didn't do anything at all! He just... he has this fantasy about Supergirls, and when he overheard I was one, it was like I became the center of his attention. I don’t even care about him! This whole thing is a curse!" Lizzie said to the tech in frustration.

Lizzie’s sadness and frustration was genuine. But, at the same time, she didn't know if she really meant it. Hell, it was as if she wasn’t even aware exactly why Charlotte was furious with her. She had promised him that she would become a Supergirl and failed to deliver. How was that any of that Lizzie’s fault?

Looking in the mirror each day to find out how much more beautiful she had become was thrilling, as much as she tried to deny it. She was already well beyond the level of attractiveness that any normal woman could hope to achieve, and she was growing prettier—as well as stronger and smarter—by the day, for the rest of her life.

Meanwhile, the lab tech considered his options. He had been working with these Supergirls—these queens—for the past 12 years. They were all incredibly haughty and conceited. Usually by the time they were ready for the second of their three treatments, they were unbearable. Not this girl, however. She seemed…more considerate than the others. More human. More caring. He had never had one of his queens venting to him about their guilt over accidentally stealing another girl's boyfriend.

He had been waiting for someone like her. Someone who wouldn't be corrupted. Someone who might be able to resist the ultimate corruption that accompanied ultimate power. The Supergirls needed a leader who was benevolent. They needed someone who could rule them and get them to serve the rest of humanity rather than expect humanity to serve them. This girl seemed the closest to meeting that profile than any other he had come across in his many years. He decided to risk it. She would be the one.

He tripled the dose of the Supergirl formula that would unleash the second phase of the girl's development and injected her with it.

The Supergirl’s back arched as she felt the formula enter her bloodstream. Her burgeoning powers could—somehow—sense her own hesitation, stemming from a guilty sadness brewing within herself for—somehow—stealing her friend’s dream of becoming a Supergirl. However, as the super serum coursed through her veins, further empowering her beyond her limits, this sensation of guilt and shame diminished while another grew, a sense of happiness and righteousness that reminded Lizzie of what truly mattered.


Fate had chosen Lizzie, not Charlotte, to become a queen, an empress among mere mortals. She would no longer deny her destiny. She would fully embrace it and show it to the world, especially Charlotte.

At first, she resented Marjorie—that devil on her shoulder was the last major obstacle between Lizzie and total control of her own life. But as accelerated transformation left her reflection truly breathtaking, a new thought formed in her head. What if Marjorie was right?

Her superiority was palpable. Just one look at her flawless form would convey that to anyone. Sure, she used to hate Marjorie’s controlling attitude towards her, but now she could see there was a reason for it, it was to help Lizzie come to terms with what she was always meant to be.

A crooked, villainous smile grew upon her face, one that was beginning to worry the lab tech. Lizzie could sense the fear within him. She drank it up, knowing how warranted it was.

But she put on a kind face as Marjorie arrived with a suit for her, a bundle of red and blue fabric with an "S" shield on top. Her eyebrows rose as she gazed upon Lizzie's truly stunning features.

This girl is really going to be amazing! Marjorie thought, yet would never possess the humility to admit aloud. I don't think I responded quite as well to my second treatment...

But Marjorie didn’t have to say it. Lizzie could tell just from the woman’s emotional state. Her readings of others was already becoming more complex, able to suss out intricate emotions such as hidden admiration… and jealousy.

“How do I look, Marjorie?” Lizzie asked with a knowing smirk.

The queen smiled. “You are catching up, but don’t get your hopes too high. Supergirls come in beauty of all shapes and sizes, but they all share a relatively consistent level of abilities. That's all.”

The smirk was replaced with a frown. Of course Marjorie wouldn’t be too upfront, she had a reputation to uphold. She’d never admit when she had been bested! What a bitch!

Eager to change the subject, Marjorie tossed Lizzie the suit. "Put this on. You will need to begin wearing your uniform now that you've had your second treatment."

“Do I really have to wear this? I like my own clothes,” responded Lizzie, annoyed at the idea of changing her fashion style.

“You don’t have much of a choice,” replied Marjorie with an air of absolute authority. "First, no human clothes will be able to fit your body soon, anything you wear will be ripped apart by your superior body. This won’t.

“Not to mention, this uniform is virtually indestructible and can handle flying at high rates of speed as well as hypersonic collisions and other situations in which you may find yourself in your new role.

“Finally, the public needs to know that you are their queen and that they must treat you with the proper respect. Should they fail to do so, you must punish them. Should you fail to do so, then I will.” Marjorie's gaze was icy as she made the last statement. Lizzie just scoffed internally—if those beneath her suffered Marjorie's discipline for disrespect, then it would happen. As if anyone would even fail to worship Lizzie at this point. They’d be all over her like ravenous zombies like Mark, begging to be treated like the trash they were.

Lizzie took the uniform from Marjorie and put it on. Modeling it in front of the mirror, she found her gaze drifting more and more towards how awesome she looked within it. She remembered that moment, days earlier, in which she had donned a common suit in front of her friend, driving her red with envy. I can’t wait to see Charlotte’s face when I put this on, Lizzie thought, a smirk rising across her face.

The lab tech watched silently, as a grin of delight formed in both Lizzie and Marjorie’s faces. He was seriously beginning to think that his gamble hadn’t paid off at all.


Charlotte tried her best to arrive at school early. The thought of seeing her once-friend strolling through the hallways, being not-so-subtly admired by every single student that she walked by, filled the former cheerleader with hidden rage. However, her choices in life hadn’t left her in the best shape, so to speak.

What was once a brisk jog from her house had turned into quite a workout. Charlotte’s sweaty clothes stuck to her chubby curves as she took time to catch her breath at her locker. But she had made it—fifteen minutes before class started. Lizzie was usually somewhat late, so Charlotte hoped and prayed the gamble would pay off.

But as she prepared for her first period, she heard something…no—it was the lack of something. A lull had befallen the typical bustle and chatter of the hallway. Charlotte knew exactly what it was, but didn’t dare turn her eyes away from the backpack dangling in her locker. Her teeth gritted and her breaths became heavy. Even without a direct line of sight, Charlotte could still feel her presence.

It was as if her very body couldn’t help itself but be drawn to her. Charlotte found herself expending energy just trying to keep her gaze away from her. But, after the tiring trek to the school, Charlotte couldn’t resist her body’s most basic desires.

What she saw left her stunned.

Lizzie was striding down the hallway—carried by longer, luscious legs that fit better on a comic book character than a high school student. She was adorned in a Supergirl uniform, riveted eyes following her every voluptuous curve, her every graceful movement. Men and women alike stared at the newest queen to join the ranks of the Supergirls. Seeing the "S" shield on her prodigious chest, several of the freshmen kneeled before her, a sign of respect for this being they knew to be so vastly superior.

Seeing their actions, Lizzie's exquisite features hardened, a self-assured smile growing upon her face. "Good. You lot know your place in this world already. You will serve me well once my Supergirl transformation is complete.”

Sure, Charlotte could tell that she was playing up the act, but skepticism and malice had hardened her. The younger students didn’t know any better. They had looked upon her perfection and fallen to their knees. How could they help it? They were looking at a goddess amongst them. She hadn’t even asked them to kneel, they knew it was simply within their nature to do so.

Those were people that should have been kneeling to Charlotte. To her perfect body. She deserved to be the smug, superior girl who walked over anyone she pleased, but instead, Lizzie was blessed with it all.

Worst of all, she seemed… happy.

How dare she be happy!? It wasn’t fair! Lizzie didn’t even want to be a Supergirl mere weeks ago! She hated Supergirls and everything they stood for! Why was she relishing it now!?

She paused in the middle of a 4-way intersection in the hallway, stopping to pose like a runway model surrounded by thousands of adoring fans. Charlotte could feel her heart begin to race as she watched Lizzie trace her hands up her smooth, firm legs, “accidentally” popping her outfit’s small, red skirt up briefly to give the students a look at her supple thighs and exquisite, rounded ass.

Lizzie smirked as her eyes traced the drooling faces of everyone who bowed to her, likely reading their thoughts. Charlotte recalled how she had read about the powers Supergirls were capable of, imagining that one day, the virus would come to her and she’d be allowed to revel in the thoughts of others, the things they’d want to do to her sensational body. But when she fantasized about such power in front of Lizzie, the girl found it disgusting. But now Lizzie was engaging in that very act! The hypocrite!

But today was about to get even worse for Charlotte.

As Lizzie arrived at her locker, Charlotte noticed Mark standing there, completely in awe, a bouquet of flowers held in his quivering hand.

“Th-these are for you,” Mark stammered, unable to look Lizzie in the eye.

Lizzie simply stared at the pathetic man before him, unable to form a response. It was as if she didn’t even remember his name, yet he dared to believe he was worthy enough to date her?

Charlotte knew that Lizzie couldn’t wait to turn down Mark for the second time, but that didn’t stop her from going the extra mile. Her eyes suddenly drifted leftward, making direct eye contact with Charlotte. A dirty smirk grew on her face, as if to say “look, that pitiful man you love so much and I want nothing to do with wants me instead, and I’m about to crush his dreams.”

Her gaze then returned to mark, all vestiges of her smugness wiped clean from her face. “So, you think you can woo me now that I’m a Supergirl, do you Mark?”

“Uh-I-um, well, I-um.” Mark’s voice immediately failed him to deliver a response.

“Just a quick question, do you really, truly love me, Mark?” Lizzie asked, employing a sing-songy voice as she bent down to forcefully look him in the eyes.

“O-of course I do! You’re literally the girl of my dreams!” he replied, a sense of hope restored in his voice.

“Then why didn’t you fall head-over-heels for me when I was but a mere mortal?”

All hope was then immediately decimated in his voice. What spilled from his mouth was completely incoherent drivel—partly because of his embarrassment, with the other part being his brain’s inability to form a rational thought at the sight of Lizzie’s magnificence. So, the Supergirl finished his thought for him.

“Sounds to me like you’re just a feeble-minded human who can’t help but be enamored by my perfection. I almost can’t blame you for acting the way you do, but I will.”

Lizzie then laughed cruelly, Charlotte could tell the Supergirl was getting nothing but satisfaction from doing this. Lizzie was beyond pretending to feel terrible for what she was doing. Now, she was able to avoid all this pointless human drama and tell Mark how she really felt about him. His desire may have been strong, but nothing could overpower the cold, steely resolve of a determined Supergirl.

“I’ll assure you this. No matter what you do and no matter what lengths you go to do them, you will never be with me or any other Supergirl—ever. You wanna be my little bitch boy and do whatever I tell you? Then listen to me when I tell you to get fucking lost.”

Then, as if on cue, the people around her began to cheer, as if she had just defeated some great villain that was threatening the way of life as they knew it. Charlotte couldn’t believe what she was seeing, it was as if everyone was completely hypnotized to the point where they forgot what right and wrong was.

But Mark, having his sole dream denied so bluntly, was not cheering alongside everyone else. He was crying. Realizing there was no better time like the present to make a break for it, he ran from the scene. Student’s cheers turned to mocking laughter as they saw who they perceived as a jerkish villain fleeing a deserved defeat.

Charlotte knew this was her chance to turn this all around.

Deciding to skip class, she followed Mark’s tear trail to the empty gymnasium—where he sat on the bleachers alone, bawling his eyes out.

“Mark!” Charlotte called out, but once Mark looked over to see it was her, he averted his gaze.

Oh no, he probably thinks I’m under Lizzie’s weird influence too and I’m here to make fun of him, Charlotte thought to herself, now even more distraught at the state of what her life had become.

She ran to him, once again her out-of-shape body hindering what should have been a confident and easy run across the maplewood floor.

“Mark! *huff* Mark, I- *huff*” Charlotte started, her fatigued state only exacerbated upon sitting down next to him. She swallowed some sour spit before properly catching her breath.

“I’m not here to make fun of you or laugh at you or anything. In fact, I empathize with you, Mark.”

“You… do?” came his creaky voice, red eyes turning to face Charlotte. He seemed curious more than anything.

“I’ve been burned by that superpowered bitch before. I know what it’s like to be betrayed by a

“B-but you don’t understand!” Mark whined “Being with a Supergirl is all I’ve ever wanted out of life! I’ve never even met one until yesterday and the very next day she tells me I’ll never be loved by any Supergirl!”

“Well… you are loved, maybe that’s all that matters,” said Charlotte, trying her best to redirect the conversation in her favor. It seemed to work, catching Mark’s attention.

“What… do you mean by that?”

“Mark, even if Lizzie doesn’t love you, I still do. W-we can still make this work out, just the two of us! Doesn’t that sound nice?”

Even though she tried to hide it as best she could, the desperation was still seeping through. She needed this to work. Without something to look forward to in life, she was close to the breaking point.

But, exposed desperation or not, Mark was not having it. Rage was building behind his teary eyes.

“No! We can’t make this work! This is all your fault!”

“M-my fault!? How the—how is this my fault!?” Charlotte was baffled by what she was hearing.

“When you came to me, telling me you empathized with me, I expected an apology! But you just tried to get back with me again!”

“An apology? What the hell are you talking about!?” Now Charlotte too, was furious.

“If you hadn’t seduced me into a relationship with your promises of being a supergirl, I would have noticed that Lizzie was becoming super! That way, she wouldn’t’ve rejected me when I came to her begging for a relationship the first and second times!”

Charlotte simply had no response for what she was hearing. Mark’s rationale was insane. Clearly, Lizzie had warped his brain beyond understanding, to the point where he couldn’t help himself but to redirect the blame from the Supergirl to Charlotte.

“If it wasn’t for you, maybe I’d already be together with Lizzie! Living the only dream I’ve ever wanted!” He then stood up from the bleachers, chucking the flowers that were originally for Lizzie into the nearby trash can. “But now I know that’ll never happen! All because of you, Charlotte! She’s just going to reject me again and again because I missed my chance—all because of you!”

Without another word, Mark stormed away, furious and upset. Charlotte didn’t bother chasing him down, he was as good as dead to her. After all, she already had her sights on who was truly responsible for Charlotte’s life spiraling down the toilet:


Charlotte stomped out of the gym, an unflinching scowl present on her face. Sure, she knew she couldn’t physically harm Lizzie, but she was sure going to give that super-bitch a piece of her mind one way or the other!

Parking herself outside of Mr. Marionetti’s class—Lizzie’s first period—Charlotte was prepared to wait for as long as it took for those doors to open, ready to intercept her ex-friend at a moment’s notice.

So, she waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

The minutes dragged on, but she remained as determined as ever. She had a script practically memorized in her head, mulling over it as she prepared the myriad of ways the future encounter could play out. At one point, she got curious and peeked her head into the classroom, only to see Mr. Marionetti bowing to her, devouring her mind-numbingly delightful body with half-lidded eyes and a slack jaw. But such a sight only strengthened Charlotte’s resolve. That super-bitch may have everyone under her little spell, even the teachers, but not Charlotte! She saw through Lizzie’s devilish eyes, towering demeanor… supple thighs… firm, plush breasts that Charlotte just wanted to stuff her head in and lose herself in the comfort…

“Ack! No! Get a hold of yourself, Charlotte!” She spoke aloud to herself, slapping her cheeks a few times to shake the feelings of desire off.

And then—as if right on cue—the bell rang, signifying the end of the first period. Steeling her resolve, Charlotte watched the door with squinted eyes, knowing that if anyone would be the first to leave that classroom, it would be Lizzie.

After all, everyone else would be too stunned watching Lizzie walk from point A to point B to actually get up from their seats.

As predicted, Lizzie was the first out of the door.

“I can’t believe how much of a bitch you’ve become,” Charlotte shouted, seething with anger. “I can’t believe I thought you were my friend. I can’t believe I ever trusted you.”

But Lizzie strode right past her, not even looking Charlotte in the eye, as if her former best friend was nothing more than a ghost to her.

However, Charlotte would not be ignored so easily, jumping in front of Lizzie and commanding her attention. The Supergirl just rolled her eyes. “What do you want? Haven’t I humiliated you enough for one day?”

Charlotte’s face fell from anger to sadness. Her retort in shambles from the sheer unexpectedness of Lizzie’s apathy. She had hypothesized fifty different scenarios, and this was not one of them. They were supposed to be best friends, but it was as if—like Mark—the newest Supergirl had all but forgotten Charlotte’s name too.

After Charlotte didn’t immediately respond, Lizzie sighed, preparing to push her aside. “Look, I’ve got a very important meetup with Marjorie that you’re standing between. Just because you’re fat doesn’t mean you make for a good wall.”

But Charlotte found her response, the initial shock wearing off.

“No! You aren’t going anywhere. You’re a liar and a hypocrite! And you’ve ruined my life! Just because you’re a Supergirl doesn’t mean you get to treat the rest of the world like dirt! You’re not superior at all! You’re just a huge bitch now!”

Charlotte expected a response of anger, physical violence directed towards her. She had seen such retribution hundreds of times on the news, city blocks demolished from a Supergirl’s righteous anger.

Instead, Lizzie merely burst into laughter. A loud, wild cackle that attracted about fifty or so students to her and Charlotte’s location, all immediately becoming enthralled with Lizzie’s stunning vistage.

“What, do you want me to apologize to you? A mere human?”

Now Charlotte’s voice failed to deliver a response. “Well, I, uh…—”

“Because, for the briefest of moments, I almost considered it.” Lizzie interrupted, holding her index finger and thumb a millimeter apart to emphasize her point. “But here’s the thing—you’re worse than just a mere human, Charlotte. At least a human is born with good intentions, even if they don’t amount to much under the shadow of the mighty Supergirl. But you…” she held on that last word, looking Charlotte up and down as if she was struggling to find words demeaning enough. “You’re the awful, lying, hypocritical backstabber. If given the opportunity to become a Supergirl, I bet you’d turn me into a little plaything of yours. You wish you had this power because you think you deserve it. But I never wanted this power, that’s why I deserve it the most.”

The situation had quickly turned on Charlotte, she was left stuttering and fumbling for a response, but no response came. When the only thing that exited her mouth was hyperventilation, Lizzie continued on the assault.

“And look at you, suddenly all ‘anti-super’ now that you personally know one? Imagine my shock,” she mocked dryly. “You just can’t live with the fact that your friend got what you wanted so badly, and now you want to make it my problem? Yeah, right.”

Lizzie then leaned forward, tapping Charlotte’s temple with a perfectly manicured fingernail. Her face briefly became deathly serious.

“Drill this into your thick fucking skull—you will never, ever be a supergirl. No matter how much you complain and rage on, all you’ll ever be is a pathetic little human, and, if I might add, comparing them to you is an insult to humans.”

Charlotte fell to her knees, sobbing as she mumbled inaudibly about how unfair the world was. Except it wasn’t inaudible, not to Lizzie’s super hearing. A smile slowly encroached upon her face as she drank up every word of agony that slipped out of Charlotte’s lips. The students around them began to laugh, understanding that Lizzie had demolished her opponent, who was then to be mocked relentlessly.

Even if Lizzie lost the debate, she still would have ultimately won the confrontation due to her amassed following of the student body that was completely under her control. But it was even worse—Lizzie had won the debate. She was right about everything. Charlotte wasn’t sure if this was the effects of the Supergirl on her lowly human brain or the truth breaking through the seams, it didn’t matter. She had been demolished.

And now Lizzie was setting up for the overkill.

She flexed her arm—powerful, feminine muscles enticed the entire audience. That brought an even wider smile to her face, realizing she didn’t even need them in this encounter.

“I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of what I can do. I will forever stand at the top alongside my fellow queens. Who knows? After that third dose I might even surpass them all…”

She walked past the slumped Charlotte, but not before turning her head ever so slightly to shoot her ex-friend a side eye glance. “And if I do that—rise through the one hundred and eighty-six ranks to become number one, living and enjoying my new superhood to the fullest—it will hurt you far worse than any physical punishment ever could.”

With nothing left to say, her audience was left in star-struck awe as she strutted out of the school. She didn’t need to attend any more classes, her work here was done.


Lizzie didn’t get far, upon exiting the double doors at the school gate, a feminine shadow blocked out the sun. Lizzie smiled knowingly as the outline of Marjorie descended onto the concrete.

“What? Here to give me another lecture?” Lizzie asked, squinting one eye playfully, albeit slightly annoyed.  “You know we can just meet where we were supposed to meet.”

“You’re right, we could, but there is a pressing matter I need to address regarding you, one I’m very proud of.”

Lizzie raised a perfect eyebrow. “Go on, I’m listening.”

“I was tuning into that little confrontation with that chubby friend of yours…”

“One, she’s not my friend. Two, of course you were listening, creep!” Despite her harsh words, Lizzie had a playful, chummy nature to her response.

“Right, anyway, so I was about to intervene and politely ask if you were going to teach her some respect, but then I didn’t even have to show up! You completely and utterly demolished that girl, and all without laying a finger on her!” The Bitch Queen herself didn’t even try to hold back her excitement. “To call you a lethal wordsmith is almost an understatement!”

Getting a compliment was nice, but getting one from Marjorie? That was a big deal—well worth a confident smile.

“You bet I utterly demolished her! And, damn, it was satisfying!” Lizzie was getting giddy, shaking her fists in excitement as she recalled the event. “It's nice to be loved and feared, but there's something special and delicious about being envied and hated by someone who desperately wants to be in my place and it fills me with such joy!”

“That right there, you get it.” Marjorie spoke with a reinforcing finger wag. “That’s the mentality that makes a Supergirl. That special feeling of being so dominant, you make those beneath you delve into insanity just to make sense of it all. It’s a wonderful feeling and I’m glad I could share it with you!”

Marjorie then chuckled, shaking her head slowly and closing her eyes as if to reminisce. “Initially—I’ll admit—I was a bit worried about you. You seemed…too cushy. But now I see that I was wrong. You are a damn fine Supergirl and you’ll make a damn good queen once you get that third dose in you. I think the two of us will get along just fine at the top.”

“Yes… the two of us…” Lizzie replied ominously, tapping her chin with her finger as her gaze drifted wistfully into the sky. “So, about that third dose you mentioned?”

“Eaaasy there, tiger.” Marjorie spoke, putting her hand on Lizzie’s shoulder from behind. “Let’s not rush things here, okay? You’ll get it in due time.”

But Marjorie was shocked to find a significant amount of resistance from Lizzie, though she kept her emotions concealed. The force was enough to effortlessly break free from Marjorie’s shoulder hold, Lizzie turning around and flashing her mentor a knowing smile.

For the briefest of moments—Lizzie saw Marjorie’s facade crack. Her true feelings were exposed for mere milliseconds, yet Lizzie’s powerful eyes practically took a picture of the moment. An expression of fear, knowing that her status was being contested.

“Hey now, I know what you’re thinking. Trust me, it’s not worth it. It’s better for us to work together in the long run. That’s what we Supergirls do, we stick together.”

Lizzie just nodded, her thoughts already elsewhere. How quickly Marjorie—her friend—had become nervous and afraid around her… it almost reminded her of Charlotte. Marjorie, like Charlotte, had talked a big game and expressed how powerful she was, but when true power was in her midst, she cowered like the inferior being she was.

“Well, then, I’ll see you tomorrow for some more training, huh?” Asked Lizzie, putting on a cheery smile.

“Oh, yes, I’m sure you will,” replied Marjorie, still rather frazzled at the implications of what had just occurred with the shoulder hold. “Talk to you later, fellow queen.”

Lizzie flew off, returning to her home. As she soared high above the skyline, letting the breeze flow through the silky strands of her perfect hair, she reminisced about how well her day had gone. Every student loved her, they all wanted to be her servants. Not to mention, those who opposed her rule were left humiliated without even a single punch throne. Perhaps her new friend, Marjorie, would fall into the latter category as well. No, perhaps not, Lizzie thought.

Not yet.



We will have the new part4 ,is it?


Really well written and Lizzie is certainly living up to the title of the story. The shift in her attitude and thought process about her ascension, how much she enjoys her ever increasing power and beauty, is extremely sexy and pretty much picture perfect in how it was described throughout. A great, great chapter!