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Here's the version of the story that will remain Patreon-exclusive! The one where Hilda wins! Enjoy! (alt version will be posted by the end of the month)

“Alright class,” the overpaid professor spoke in a thick accent. “If you've read the syllabus like I told you to at the start of the semester, then you’d know that today is the start of the team project that will account for 50% of your total grade.”

I tensed up. Shit, that was the one thing I had forgotten to do!

A sense of dread washed over my pale face as I glanced around the lecture hall, only to find out that everyone else had found two partners they wished to be with. The maximum number of people in a group was three. My apprehension became fully realized. There was only one student left in this class that I could partner with.

I turned my gaze towards my “partner,” only to find that she had already been staring at me for quite some time, judging by how she quickly averted her gaze away from mine.

Mindy was her name, Mindy Jexel. She looked exactly like what you would expect a dorky name like hers to entail. She wasn’t hideous, but she definitely lacked presence whenever she was around. Her short stature combined with the thick-rimmed glasses she often wore was basically a death sentence to any social status she could have hoped to obtain. Even in a far laxer college setting, people took one look at her and reverted to their high school instincts.

Her cornflower eyes did a triple take before mustering up the confidence to meet mine.

She was shaking like a wet puppy, unsure how to act now that someone was actually paying attention to her for the first time in her life. Her hands fiddled with a vial full of an alluring blue substance, rubbing along every curve in a desperate attempt to give her tempered fingers something fulfilling to accomplish.

She clearly had a crush on me, I’d have to be stupid not to notice that, but unfortunately for her I wasn’t sure that I shared the same sentiment. She was waifish, tiny and as flat-chested as a child. I hated to be shallow about these kinds of things, but I also couldn’t lie to myself about what my brain wanted.

But what she lacked in a potential romantic partner she’d certainly make up for in an amazing lab partner. As if living up to the cliche—she was a certified genius, on track to graduate two years before everyone else. I wasn’t a slacker by any means, but if someone this smart and this infatuated with me wanted to be my associate, I wasn’t about to shoot them down.

“S-so…” she spoke, her voice froggy and unsure of itself. “...I guess t-that makes us partners, doesn’t it?”

“Um, I guess it does?” I replied with a hesitant tone, a raised eyebrow forming on my face in preparation of the unknown response.

I watched as a crooked smile grew from cheek to cheek, her neck scrunching in some sort of equal and opposite reaction to her giddiness. She was shaking like a volcano, possessing an equivalent threat of a devastating eruption. I caught a tiny squeal escape from her teeth, all the energy building within her unable to be properly contained.

She gripped the vial tightly in her grasp, her violent shaking only increasing in tenacity. But she caught herself, pausing to take a few breaths and calm herself back to ‘normalcy.’

“U-um, sh-should we do it at my place or y-yours…?” her eyes then lit up in fear and a blush came across her face, likely realizing how that statement could be interpreted as an innuendo. “I-I mean— w-wait I didn’t—! I-I’m so sorry! I meant the project!”

I hadn’t even said anything in response yet. She was biting her lip as if the threat of death was looming over her.

“Uh, my place should be fine,” I responded casually, trying my hardest to pretend that this was just a conversation between two normal people.

That put her right back into the feverishly excited camp, her AC current of emotions never ceasing to surprise me with its fluctuation.

“Y-yes! Your place sounds great! Y-you don’t have to tell me the address I already know where you… um… live.” Once again, she only realized how weird something sounded after it had already partially exited her mouth.

I didn’t take her for the stalkery-ish type, but now I was really glad my gut told me to go to my place instead. I was beginning to realize I may have dodged a bullet with not going to hers.

“Righty-o then,” I said, trying my hardest not to sigh. “I’ll see you at 5 then?”

She hastily reached into her book bag and pulled out a notebook full of what I could only assume was messages and reminders. How she could read the chicken scratch on the page was beyond me, thank goodness this was a typed assignment.

“Um, is that 5pm or 5am?” she asked. Mindy then looked up at me expectantly, waiting for a genuine answer.

I blinked twice in disbelief. “5pm.” She didn’t seem to pick up on my incredulous look.

“Got it,” she spoke, hyperfocused on jotting it down.

“Cool.” I spoke through my teeth. “I’ll see you then.”

All I could hope is that she only acted like this in public. Otherwise, this was going to be a looong project.


I heard a knock on my dorm room door literally the second the clock hit 5:00. I shuffled out of the couch and opened the door. Sure enough, Mindy Jexel was at the door. I didn’t even get a chance to say “hello” before she did all the talking for me.

“Hi Poe! I showed up a bit early but since I didn’t know if you were busy I mayhavewaitedoutsideyourdoorsilentlyfortenminutesorso.”

She was speaking so fast she was barely intelligible, but I didn’t have the wherewithal to bother parsing her speech.

“Yeah, um, just come on in, Mindy,” I said, inviting her in with a hand wave. It took a bit of hyperventilating in place for her to actually accept my invitation, but pretty soon she was within the walls of my room.

“W-wow, neat place you got here!” she said, her eyes inspecting every single corner of my room with rapid head spins. I was beginning to wonder if she had ever been to anyone’s house before this.

“Yep, it certainly is a place I’ve got,” I responded, trying my best to liven the conversation after Mindy gave me little to work off of.

She took off her bookbag and side-satchel, placing them onto the floor. I swore that by the time I had opened my eyelids from a blink, she had an entire web of papers splayed out upon my carpet.

“Alright, I’m thinking we base our group project off of a website designed to make people healthier. I’ve already planned out ten different home pages, each with links to a different ARG-style game that only eagle-eyed viewers would notice. That should fill the teacher’s ‘uniqueness’ requirement for this project. There’s also a lot of CSS work I’ve drawn up schematics for, I’m thinking unique graphics with different, complimenting color schemes for each of the main pages as well as corresponding chiptune soundtracks, which I’ve already composed a few of right over here with this sheet music.”

Her hands were frantically moving around the mess of paper as she spoke like a sleep-deprived detective on the verge of a breakthrough in a case. There was so much visual and audio stimuli I literally couldn’t process anything.

“Uh, Mindy?” I spoke up, getting her attention with a snap of her head, her unkempt hair flailing about in front of her face.


“You did all of this in just three hours?”

Her face morphed into a trembling frown. “I-is that bad?”

“No, it’s…” I sighed, knowing my words could send me down a dangerous path if I let them. “Shouldn’t we just take a breather first before we jump into the project right away? Would you like some water?”

“O-oh! Y-yes! I would like some water, t-thank you!” Her voice was stuck somewhere between the new feeling of relief and still processing the anxiety of her previous statement.

I poured us two glasses of water from the tap and handed one to her. Clearly lacking impulse control, she downed the large glass in just a few large gulps, coughing and sputtering afterwards. At this point, I should have expected her to mess up the act of drinking water.

Eventually, she spoke slowly enough where I could actually begin to comprehend what she had been talking about in that wall of text earlier. I noticed that she was beginning to make advances my way.

The approaches started rather subtle—at least for Mindy. I noticed her scooching over to be closer to me almost immediately as we kneeled in front of the cacophony of documents before us. She did the thing where we’d both reach for something at the same time, except she was clearly trying to predict where I’d end up with very obvious tells.

Eventually, I got sick of the charade. I wanted to be nice, she was clearly new to flirting, but I couldn’t hide my annoyance any longer. She tried to reach for my hand and I pulled it away in anger.

“Stop that! I’m not interested, Mindy!”

Admittedly, I probably shouldn’t have shouted at her. She took it hard.

Her lips trembled and her eyes became glassy. Not only had I hurt her feelings, I revealed that I could see through her feeble attempts at advancements from the very start.

She brought her narrow arms up to her head, gripping the sides of her face with fingers splayed, her glasses going crooked as a result. The hyperventilation returned, her pupils twitching back and forth trying to find a place to flee towards. She quickly settled on my bathroom, running inside and locking the door behind her.

I tiptoed until I was as close as I could be without making any noise. While what I heard was muffled, it became audible once I put a conscious effort into it. My ear was pressed to the door intently, trying to make sense of what I could only auditorily perceive.

“...Oohh! I’m such a failure, I ruined the chemistry we had by being too stupid! I knew I should have taken it before I came here!”

What exactly was this “it” that she was referring to? Anxiety medication perhaps? But before I could pry farther, I heard something land in the trash bin and from that general area Mindy’s footsteps making their way towards me.

I returned to my original position, acting as if I heard nothing from her bathroom breakdown. But it wouldn’t have mattered how convincing my poker face was, she was too afraid to look me in the eye.

“I’m… just going to go home…”

It seemed like she wanted to say something more, but no words came out. Instead, she just sulked to the exit without giving me a second glance, shutting the door behind me.

“Uh, okay then, see you tomorrow, I guess.”

Once she was out of sight, I quickly ran over to the bathroom.

I peered into the trash can. Inside was something I didn’t quite recognize until it hit me about two seconds of racking my brain later. It was a small vial, the one Mindy had been fondling during our first proper encounter in class full of the unknown blue liquid.

It was now empty.


I flipped through YouTube video after YouTube video on my TV, just trying to find something— anything—to take my mind off what had just happened.

A sigh passed through my lips. Like usual, nothing good to watch.

I heard someone fumbling with the lock, but thought nothing of it. It was likely my roommate, even though it sounded like he was home unusually early for a night owl.

The door opened and someone walked inside. It wasn’t until I heard a very sultry “hey~” before I lurched my head over in confusion.

Was I…dreaming?

The woman before me was nothing like I had ever seen. Long, black curls spilled down her face with the artistry of a waterfall in an oil painting, surrounding large eyes with the perfect amount of mascara and full, plush lips with a modest sheen of lip gloss.

My eyes scanned further down, but she recaptured my gaze with a mere introduction.

“Hildagard Hyde, but you may call me Hilda, if you’d like.”

“Um, I’d like it if you’d, uh…”

My snarky response, which I had desired to finish with “leave”, was cut off with a simple jutted hip from her posture. My eyes were locked in place, unable to distance themselves from her majestic curves and overwhelming breasts, ones that her college hoodie was struggling to contain within itself.

“Oh, I’m sure what you were about to say was really interesting, but I don’t really have time for anything you have to say. I’ve got a bit of a one-track mind in that way, if you get what I’m saying.”

I did not. But I also wasn’t about to say no. She had this commanding presence to her, one that made me want to follow all her orders like a sheep to his shepherd.

“Uh, Hilda, I think you…” but she silenced me once more with just a repetitive tug of her tenuous finger, beckoning me towards her. As I found my body siding with her, my hypnotized legs sauntered over to her. As I closed the gap, the distinctive aroma of cherry filled my nostrils. Despite me being a reasonable 5’9”, she was almost as tall as I was, her luscious lengthened legs making the difference between our two bodies.

“Now, there’s something I need from you, Poe. You are going to include me in that little project of yours, however, I will be doing none of the work. Is that clear?”

My poisoned mind couldn’t help but mutter “y-yes” drunkenly.

“Good. And another thing, you aren’t to tell Mindy about this, understand? I will find out if you do, and you wouldn’t want to disappoint your brand new girlfriend, would you?”

My lust filled brain didn’t even question the logistics of anything she said. Don’t tell Mindy? Understood. I was her boyfriend? Of course, it made total sense.

I couldn’t even bring the words to come out of my mouth, so I just nodded slowly. It was as if her aura was radioactive, her sights, smells and sounds creating a carnivorous cocktail that ate away at my common sense and energy.

Now all I needed was her touch.

I reached my hand forward, but a simple pivot backwards from Hilda put her out of reach.

“Ah, ah, ah,” she taunted, speaking down to me as if I was a child. “We’re not at that level yet, Poe. Maybe if you finish this project for me, I’ll let you touch my perfect, flawless skin. Maybe.”

She had me by the throat. I wanted to give her the world and she probably wanted to spit in my face.

With a wave of just her finger, my reaching hand was thrust downward, held in place as if bound in chains.

This wasn’t her allure, this was different. This was a force beyond mere lust, as if gravity itself was commanding my arms to fall to my sides. Just who was this girl?

She then leaned forward slowly, purposefully, until her tantalizing lips were mere millimeters from my ear. I could feel her haughty breath on my skin, causing my hairs to stand on end.

“Now sleep, Poe.”

With just three words, I was knocked unconscious. It was as if my soul left my body, my vision observing my own slowly falling body in a third person perspective as it collapsed onto the floor.


When I awoke, I was immediately greeted with a numb pain in my backside. Gaining my bearings, I immediately noticed that I was still lying on the floor from last night.

Wait… last night…

What the hell was all that!? Some sort of mystery woman breaks into my house, declares herself as my girlfriend and seduces me effortlessly—all for credit on a school assignment? Thinking it over, the events just sounded like a surreal dream. God, spending time around Mindy must’ve made my brain desperately imagine the exact opposite type of girl.

However, a scroll through the notifications on my lock screen mortified me.

Jexel, Mindy, 9:00 AM

Hey! I know you’re probably still sleeping, but I just wanted to say that I made great strides on the project! Do you think I could come back over? I promise I won’t act like I did yesterday.

Jexel, Mindy, 7:22 AM

Hey. I just wanted to say sorry for how I acted yesterday. That wasn’t professional of me. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Chris (Roommate), 6:04 AM

Wassup Poeski just wanna let u know that i probably wont be home tonight. Got smashed at a babes place lmao.

Unknown, 4:00 AM

What you saw was not a dream. I am very real, Poe. Get to work, babe!

I wasn’t sure how long I stared at the message from the unknown caller. My vision literally couldn’t focus on anything else.

So it wasn’t a dream. That girl was real.

The worst part was the burning sense of desire overshadowing my fear. This extraordinary-in-a-bad-way woman was deranged, but I found my cheeks burning at the thought of her being my “girlfriend.”

She was literally using me for a grade in a class she probably didn’t even need. If Hilda wanted, she could just take up modeling and be a millionaire by the end of the month. But if she did that, then she wouldn’t let me touch her if I finished the project for her. God, I was pathetic.

But who wouldn’t be? My brain’s unending crusade to please Hildagard at least made sense. If the words written on the page could even do her majestic form justice, then anyone who laid their eyes upon her would fall for the same siren’s song.

Mindy’s unending crusade to please me, on the other hand, made no sense.

I told her that it was fine to come over, just as long as she didn’t make a big deal of what happened yesterday. Lo and behold, she made a big deal out of it.

She kept apologizing, but that didn’t stop her from saying questionable lines like “after this is all over, d-do you think we could try again?”

Unfortunately for her, I was in no mood to humor such an idea. Unfortunately for me, I had to distract Mindy so I could sneak ”Hildagard Hyde” into the source code of all the files for a chance at her delectable touch.

It was a dangerous game of cat and mouse, but I managed. After all, there was so much code to parse through thanks to Mindy’s insistence of elaboration on every small detail.

But then, just as we were wrapping up for the day, Mindy noticed.

“Hey, Poe? Who is this Hildagard Hyde person you put in the credits?”

I froze. I simply didn’t have a good answer. I was told I couldn’t let Mindy know that Hilda existed, but accomplishing that appeared to be an impossible feat. If I told Mindy it was a joke, she’d likely delete the name and then my girlfriend would get no credit. If I told her that it was Hilda, She wouldn’t be my girlfriend anymore.

But then, I remembered the one power I still had over Mindy.

“Uh, don’t worry about it, Mindy.”

“B-but who is it?” she insisted, showing a meek resistance.

“I said don’t worry about it, Mindy! Do you want to stay friends with me or not?”

It was a low blow, I’ll admit, but I had no other options. Better to keep Mindy in line arbitrarily than risk losing Hilda arbitrarily.

“I-I understand, Poe. Please forgive me, I-I don’t have any other friends!”

“I forgive you, Mindy.”

God it felt dirty saying that. She really hadn’t done anything wrong and I had just played into her confused worldview.


I went straight to bed that night, but it was hard to get to sleep. There were too many thoughts swirling through my head. I didn’t hate Mindy, per se, but Hilda was giving me very little wiggle room to not seem like a total asshole to her. But if anyone had to be a stepping stone to get to the girl of my dreams, Mindy was a rather convenient casualty.

But the deed was done. I had snuck Hilda’s name into the project. Then why did I still feel anxious about the room around me?

“Sit up, Poe. I can tell you’re not sleeping.

Ah, that explained it.

My body did as the angelic voice commanded, rising to the occasion. I quickly came face-to-face with Hilda’s playfully dismissive eyes. She was kneeling upon my body, at least, that was the only way her position made any sense. Despite this, I couldn’t feel her weight at all, as if she were floating just above my knees, taunting me like an Angel… or a Devil.

“Well done, Poe. You’ve kept our little secret. Such a good boy.”

My cock throbbed at her compliment, as condescending as it was.

“But you’re not out of the woods yet. Far from it.”

Somehow, I knew that was where this meet was heading.

“Your project… It's good, but it’s not what I want. A health-based website with silly little games strewn about is not the empire-building creation that I need. It needs to be bigger. It needs to have franchise potential. And you’re gonna do all of that for me, isn’t that right, boooyfrieeend?

She finished with a sultry wink, perfect eyelashes fluttering a subtle breeze on my face that sent my pleasure centers into the stratosphere. I had to do whatever she asked. I had to. She was the most beautiful woman in the universe.

“We’re gonna turn it into a website for my brand new fashion line, expensive dresses and high heels galore… got that?”

Was she taking advantage of me? I didn’t care. She wanted me to be her partner. Me. She could have picked anyone but she chose me.

I nodded drunkenly. My head felt lighter than the air around it, yet it pained me to move. Hell, it pained me to think. Hilda’s aura was like Ambrosia and Carbon Monoxide mixed into one, a dangerous cocktail that left me wanting more despite its danger.

Her beautiful body snaked closer and closer towards me, hips and head traversing like a hypnotic metronome even though such movements were unnecessary. She was already so close to me and her body seemed to ignore all laws of gravity anyways.

She was as close as she could be without touching me, her tantalizing cleavage bleeding through her unzipped hoodie and tank top. The stoned college look had never been so sexy. Her brilliant, thick black hair absorbed all light shown at it like a wormhole in spacetime, cascading down her head and shoulders as if putting effort into an effortless look. There was no style to it, yet it looked purposeful, as did everything else about her body.

But, something didn’t add up. If she was doing all of this for the sake of a fashion line, why were her clothes so… dorky? I had been so enamored with her gorgeous face and proportions that I didn’t even realize she was wearing a D&D shirt. Why would a borderline bimbo play a game like that? Wait…


A sculpted eyebrow was raised on her face, calling my attention back to her. My train of thought was immediately derailed. Where was I going with that? Why did I just bring up Mindy’s name? Hilda seemed equally confused.

“Oh, and is Mindy someone I should be concerned about?”

“Um, well, I…” I legitimately had no answer. Hilda was so supernaturally pretty I had forgotten any leads to where my thought process was heading.

“So… even though I’m literally millimeters away from you, you’re still thinking about other girls… Interesting.”

“N-no, Hilda! You don’t understand! It wasn’t—”

“Hmmph, and I was thinking about letting you finally touch me,” she spoke, disappointed in me as her gaze drifted to inspect her nails. “I knew you were an unworthy boyfriend.”

“P-please Hilda! Give me another chance!”

“Well…” she put her finger to her chin, pondering with an airheaded expression even though she had likely made up her mind already. “...if you really go above and beyond on this project, I’ll forgive you. How’s that sound?”

I nodded as soon as I realized it was a question.

“Good boy. And to prove I mean it…”

Her hands gripped at the seams of her tank top, where the crack of her cleavage divided her body nicely. In one perfect motion, she ripped her shirt down the middle, exposing her perfect breasts to me. Just how strong was this girl? Even Hulk Hogan faced resistance from such fabric, and he had made a career out of it!

The twin titties jiggled and bounced from the momentum, hypnotizing me like a metronomic watch. She moaned as the cool air struck them, giggling as she shook her shoulders, which in turn added additional momentum to her perfect breasts.

I came in an instant, my boxers becoming damp. She could somehow immediately tell, laughing as she taunted me without even feeling or seeing my cum. “Wow, if that’s all it takes, imagine what’ll happen when you actually touch them for the first time?”

All I could do was sputter and moan in response. The brain fog was seeping back. I could feel myself losing consciousness.

“Hmm, I think I’ll taunt you further by laying next to you the entire night. Should be fun. You want me sooo bad and I’m right there next to you, isn’t that right, Poe?”

But I couldn’t even utter a response anymore. My overworked mind was collapsing in on itself. I quickly passed out, Hilda’s devious giggle echoed in the distance as I fell into delightful dreams.

But then, I awoke to a nightmare.

“Oh em gee! The serum totally worked! I-I’m in bed with him!”

My eyes shot open to a horrific sight. Mindy was in bed next to me. Had she broken into my house!? Why was she so happy about it!?

My brain was running a mile a minute, I practically fell out of bed, scrambling to hide my morning wood that bulged my boxers from dreaming of Hilda.

Hilda… was this her way of taunting me? She had some sort of hold over reality, perhaps this was her way of punishing me for thinking of Mindy…

Wait a minute…

My brain immediately pieced everything together, and then I immediately wished it hadn’t.

“Um… Poe? Are you okay?” came Mindy’s nasally voice from atop the bed, but nothing she could’ve said in that instance would have mattered. My mind was laser focused.

“You’re… Hilda…” I spoke, my words almost haunted in their delivery.

“Who?” responded Mindy, genuinely. Did she really not know her own alter ego? The lady’s name was literally “Hyde”!? Well, it was Mindy we were talking about.

“Hildagard Hyde. You’re wearing her clothes… Sh-she’s wearing your clothes…. She went to sleep in that very bed next to me and you were the one who woke up.”

I sounded insane. But if there was anyone who’d believe me wholeheartedly, it would be Mindy.

“You’re saying… my serum created a new persona?”

“I-uh, guess so? Though to not even be aware of your own persona? And your persona was… that?”

“What do you mean by ‘that’? Was she hot? A-at least to you?”

I resisted the urge to say she was the hottest woman I had even seen. “Mindy, that doesn’t matter! What matters is that you used weird science to seduce me! I told you, I wasn’t interested in a relationship!”

There was that familiar face of sadness, but it was quickly overcome with overwhelming determination.

“But you fell in love with me anyway! I know you did! Why else was I sleeping in your bed!? A-admit it! Y-you just don’t like me because I’m Mindy Jexel, the loser idiot!”

She kinda had me there. If Mindy was half as confident as her alternate Hilda, I might’ve been more open to the idea—but they were clearly different people. It was like being catfished, in a way.

“I don’t have to admit anything! I’m gonna call the campus police if you don’t get out of my dorm room now!”

The anxiety returned, but now there was sheer terror accompanying it in her eyes. She begged and pleaded, but I was already turning around and reaching for the phone.

And then I wasn’t.

My entire body suddenly stopped in place. I could see the air around me contort and stretch as it too attempted to resist, but it was just as stuck as I was. My pupils darted back only to see Mindy stretching a shaking hand outwards towards me, she seemed just as confused as I was.

But then everything made a bit more sense as Mindy suddenly gripped her head in pain. She dropped to her hands and knees, panting heavily as if going into labor. She was turning back into Hilda… and so soon no less!

Despite how occupied Mindy appeared to be physically transforming into another woman, the hold on reality around me never broke. Damm, this Hilda girl was powerful! How she was able to utilize her powerset even when only a glimpse of her form existed was beyond me. If Hilda was even the girl commanding it.

The rip in her tank top from yesterday provided a viewpoint for her swelling breasts, engorging from beestings to B-cups in an instant. But they weren’t finished—continuing to scale across the alphabet until they reached firm E’s.

Her legs shook as they thickened, shooting her jiggling butt higher and higher in the air as they continued to lengthen to mind-boggling perfection. The transition from Jexel to Hyde was seamlessly smooth, but it still seemed impossible to process. Even seeing the transformation in real time I still couldn’t believe that the infinitely gorgeous Hilda could even occupy the same space as Mindy. But it was reality no matter how unbelievable it seemed.

Whichever girl was in control now licked her plump lips, feeling their increased thickness as if she could taste the enhancement to her beauty. Her mouth then morphed into a smile. Hilda was back in charge for certain.

The transformation completed, the woman who stood tall at six feet would have caused me to stumble in my posture if I weren’t still frozen in place. She took but a moment to sigh with satisfaction, reveling in her existence as if being trapped within Mindy was comparable to being trapped within a dusty box.

Hilda’s sultry steps traced a semicircle around my body until she was face to face with me properly. The smile remained, but it was one of malintent.

“Ooooh, big mistake, Poe. Now look at what you’ve done. Now, Mindy knows about me instead of just blindly trusting me to get the job done. I told you not to talk about me, but you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

A twitch of her finger and all the curtains shut themselves. I then heard a electric crackle, looking to the source I had found that the burglar camera I had installed had been “disabled”—appearing as if a bomb had been set off inside of it.

“But soon you won’t have to worry about that Mindy Jexel. Her time on this earth is becoming more and more limited with every passing day. Soon… I’ll have you all to myself.”

“W-what do you mean!?”

“Let me spell it out for you. When Mindy first turned into me, I was allowed to be myself for about three hours. Then, it was about ten hours before I returned to myself, of which I was then present for six hours. Five hours later, I’m back to myself again. You’re a smart boy, Poe, you do the math from there. Pretty soon, there won’t be a Mindy Jexel left to bother you. How’s that sound?”

I didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure how to answer that. Mindy would just… cease to exist? What would her parents think? Would her grades start to plummet? She did drink whatever was in that vial because of me…

“Well, do you think you’re smart enough to spearhead the project alone? As you know, I can’t code for the life of me, but I know you can.”

Sure, Mindy was easily the smarter of the two, but with Hilda by my side… that was a frighteningly sexy thought. Who needs a college degree? Hilda could effortlessly seduce reality itself to make sure I got the stupid paperweight of a certificate anyways.

Turning around this project would be easy. Mindy was dead weight. Unattractive, nerdy dead weight.

“Y-yeah, I know enough about HTML that I could likely rework her project into exactly what you want.” I spoke, trying not to slur my words before her magnificence.

She clasped her hands in victory, a wide smile beaming across her face. “Good boy, you really are the best boyfriend I’ve ever had, Poe.”

Then, she approached me. Before I could realize what was happening my body was suddenly overwhelmed with euphoria. She hadn’t just let me touch her body, she was actively hugging me. It was passionate fireworks consuming my whole form. I was trying my hardest not to just start convulsing in pain and pleasure, my erection straining against my jeans, as aroused as it had ever been.

A soft “mmmmm” escaped her perfect lips. Was she enjoying this as much as I? Or was this just another elaborate ruse? I couldn’t tell and honestly I never wanted to find out. All I knew was that this was heaven and I never wanted to leave her pearly gates.

But the hug did not last forever. In fact, it ended quite abruptly. Like leaving a body of water too quickly, my body was left cold in the open air. But she was already moving on to the next step of her plan.

“Make the website look presentable by tomorrow and I might just reward you with a kiss. I have work to do, but I shall return.”

She walked to the door, but not before turning a perfect side glance toward me, fluttering her eyelash seductively. I came on the spot. She was able to finish me off so effortlessly it was embarrassing. Though imagining what she could do to me beyond a hug returned me to full mast.

I got straight to work, sitting in one spot for nearly ten hours as I painstakingly reworked all of the code that Mindy had left me. She had created a great framework with smooth, optimized code, but Hilda’s demands were hefty.

Even though her actual description amounted to little more than “make a website about fashion stuff and make it marketable” it was as if the hug from earlier had imbued my brain with all of her intentions. I could perfectly visualize her desires as if they had materialized from my own mind. Had mere skin contact really been the catalyst? I couldn’t confirm it but I wouldn’t even be surprised at this point.

I would have worked for longer had Mindy not unexpectedly interrupted me, a barrage of knocks sounding off from my door shattered my concentration. Only then did I realize how hungry I was, nearly collapsing as soon as I sat up from my work.

Taking my time to get food in my stomach, I found myself almost ignoring Mindy’s knocks, even as they became more and more frantic. I could hear her desperately calling my name, knowing she didn’t have much time left. But I didn’t rush, as if knowing her fate of becoming a far superior girl was inevitable.

Taking a slow, satisfying sip of water, I meandered over to my dorm room’s entrance. Mindy practically spilled into the room, losing her balance as I opened the door without warning. For some reason, she was dressed in rather fancy attire, a blue dress that made her look like a princess, though it resembled more of a halloween costume on her with how out-of-place it looked.

“P-Poe! Thank goodness you opened the door! I-I need to discuss something with you!” she exclaimed, looking up to my unamused face from the floor.

Awkwardly returning to her feet, she produced a flash drive and held it in front of my face.

“It-it says ‘watch with him’ on the front of it. T-that must mean you, right?”

My first instinct was to tell Mindy to leave, wanting nothing to do with her at the moment, but the flash drive intrigued me. Somehow, I knew the handwriting on the front was Hilda’s. There was a certain allure to it. It sure as hell wasn’t Mindy’s chicken scratch.

What appeared to be me listening to Mindy was actually Hilda commanding me subconsciously. The words of “watch with him” putting one foot in front of another as my body acted of its own accord. Whatever this mysterious file was, Hilda had made it for me and Mindy to see. But Hilda would be there in spirit, as if watching through Mindy’s eyes.

Inserting it into the side of my laptop, an LED light on the USB drive shimmered green with success. Immediately, a folder containing a singular MP4 file presented itself on the screen. Opening it up, a minute-long video played.

On the screen before the two of us was Hilda. She was sitting on a couch identical to mine, likely because each dorm room had the same type of seating arrangement. I could only assume this was filmed in Mindy’s dorm—a quick glance to the nerdy girl’s horrified reaction confirming my suspicions.

Hilda was adorned in the same blue dress that Mindy was currently wearing, her body proving to be far more form-fitting in the attire. I had never seen her in anything other than clothes fitting for a college student, so this mind-bendingly sexy outfit that fit my desires flawlessly left me aching to see her resplendent form once more. Even though the footage was low quality and the audio was poor, the sheer beauty of Hilda could not be hidden behind such obstructions.

“Hello, Poe and Mindy,” came Hilda’s voice from the pre-recorded video, as if she knew Mindy and I would follow the instructions on the drive to a T. “I’ve called you two to this meeting because I need you both to be aware of what happens next.”

Mindy exchanged a look of confusion with me, but I knew exactly what Hilda meant. Only after our eyes returned to the video did Hilda resume her speech.

“By now, it should be 6:30 PM, which means Mindy only has a few precious minutes of free will left before I take control completely.”

Sure enough, the clock on the top right of the monitor corroborated that exact time.

Hilda’s eyes then drifted whimsically away from the camera. “Oh Poe, won’t it be great? To know that the annoyance that is Mindy Jexel will soon be gone from your life? Replaced with the most beautiful girl you’ve ever known? I think it will.”

To say the look on Mindy’s face was one of abject horror was an understatement. She was forlorn, yet terrified. She was going to be replaced, every single attribute of her body shifted out for a superior one and she would reap none of the rewards. Superseded by a woman who had succeeded where Mindy had failed time and time again, and all through Mindy’s own hubris did she manifest.

A terrifying fate, and yet, the thought of Mindy vanishing didn’t faze me. It wasn’t because she was annoying or that she was in my way, but because Hilda Hyde had her hooks so firmly etched inside of me that I wouldn’t budge in any direction she didn’t desire. I was hers. She did with me as she pleased even when the only remnant of her was a video recorded hours in the past.

“But don’t worry, Mindy,” came the video, addressing her alter ego directly. “I’m a kind and caring woman. I’m giving you one last chance to look at your truest love, and he’ll be the last thing you see before you cease to exist. That should serve as a nice goodbye for your final moments.”

I could feel Mindy’s eyes burning into the side of my face, but my attention was still firmly glued to the computer screen. With a wink, Hilda blew me a kiss. I swore I could feel her real, physical breath on my face as she did.

“See you real soon, Poe.”

The video ended and the room was filled with silence. But Mindy was desperate. She leaped off the couch and thrust herself into my line of sight.

“D-do I look beautiful to you, Poe? I-isn’t this what you wanted?” Mindy rambled frantically, a jagged, unsure smile forming on her face. She was desperate for something—anything—from me. A look of approval, a gesture of anything that wasn’t disgust or apathy. But I couldn’t bring myself to even fake one.

The dress was beautiful and she was trying her best with makeup, but my brain was corrupted beyond repair. All I could think of was how much more beautiful Hilda would look if she were in that dress right now. How her voluptuous curves would stretch the dress to its limits. How her endless legs would hike her dress up just high enough so that I could gaze longingly upon her dainty feet in those pristine high heels.

And I knew I wouldn’t have to wait long to see Hilda in that dress either…

Mindy’s trembling jaw fell still, as did Mindy’s entire body. Her eyes became distant and cold, staring off into my face yet clearly seeing none of it. Her form began to spasm, bucking and convulsing as her alternate self found its grasp in the dominant consciousness.

And then, Mindy Jexel drew her final breath…only for it to be exhaled by Hildagard Hyde. A worried face contorted into a knowing smile, then contorted further as unimaginable beauty chiseled itself from Mindy’s human mold. Her cheekbones rose, her eyes became larger and more radiant, her lips thickened, adopting a cherry red sheen without any applied makeup.

A low moan was released from her throat as her voice dropped an octave, transitioning from Mindy’s squeaky annoyance to Hilda’s husky perfection.

The top of her body lurched forward, adopting a hunched position similar to what a test-tube creature of her creation would resemble. But even in that state, she was flawless. If she was a monster meant to represent the evil within humanity, then I wanted her to ravenge me like one.

“Hiiiiii Poe,” came her frighteningly perfect voice, carrying a terrifyingly beautiful cadence that sent shivers beyond my spine. All the blood in my body rushed to be the first to my crotch. I felt lightheaded, yet I had never been so energized.

“I can tell you’ve made great strides on the project. I suppose I owe you a little reward for being such a good boy and loyal follower.” She put a coy finger to her lip—that could only mean one thing.

It was going to happen. Hilda was going to kiss me.

Without skipping a beat, Hilda pushed me to the couch and straddled me. Her toned knees dug into my crotch as she pressed the full weight of her flawless form onto mine. I struggled to exhale, but I knew that such a pointless act would be followed by a futile act of inhalation, so I gave up trying. Hilda knew what was best for me and I had done everything as foretold.

Her mouth locked mine and it was as if the world paused for a moment to let me savor it even longer. Her thick lips practically engulfed my own in their endless red, parting only for her tongue to probe its way around my mouth. There went my breath, sucked into her endless abyss of pleasure and pain, where the two blurred into the experience that was Hildagard Hyde.

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t see. There was nothing I could do anymore except lay there and accept my fate. I had just been kissed by Hilda. That was like introducing ambrosia to mere bacterium. My lips couldn’t handle the passion and power and—apparently—neither could my brain.

I felt my mind fading, my own consciousness slipping backwards into the recesses of my own mind. Sure, I never got past second base, but it didn’t matter. Hilda’s beauty was too powerful for me and I was a fool for thinking my frail, human body was capable of handling it when even reality couldn’t.

As expected, Hilda made no effort to save me. She simply shook her head knowingly and clicked her tongue. I knew the consequences and I took them. This was the fate I deserved.

But, despite everything, Hilda spoke one last sentence to me.

“Don’t worry, Poe, even if you can't withstand me, you’ll go down in history as one of my favorites.” She wasn’t lying, she really was a kind and caring woman.

Those were the last words I heard as my mind was erased from reality, fading into the darkness of Hilda’s dominance just like Mindy had.


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