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Written by HikerAngel

Commissioned by Rory Syers

The world was in peril, nay, the galaxy was in peril. Gok the Sun Eater had returned, an extraterrestrial eldritch monster who, as the name implied, enjoyed the swallowing of stars. But he found hypergiants too time-consuming and red dwarfs rather underwhelming. Thankfully, there was one star that was just right. Our star.

But his conquest was not to last. Unlike many of the galaxies before him, this one was inhabited by living beings. Not only that, but one among them possessed the might to stop his callous consumption.

Mighty Girl.

Her name struck fear into the hearts of criminals around the universe. She was tough, resourceful, smart, sexy as hell, yet most importantly: had no known weakness. Just today she had already outsmarted a supercomputer in the Orion Nebula that threatened all known life before it had gained complete sentience and it wasn’t even dawn on the western hemisphere.

But Earth time mattered little to her at the moment. If she didn’t act quickly, there wouldn’t be an Earth to keep the time of. Gok had already descended. His strange tentacle-like body weaving around planets as he approached the center mass of the eight-planet solar system. Each inch of his body was a mini brain of its own, all combining to form an all-knowing hive mind that could suss out any opposition and react accordingly. Or at least, Gok thought his mind was capable of such a feat.

Before he could even react, his body was ripped into billions of pieces. Mighty Girl flew in undetected, tearing him brain from brain, limb from limb as his collective consciousness proved unable to consolidate an effective countermeasure.

Only after his brains were scattered out into the cosmos did he manage to get a good look at her form to assess a weakness. Of course, at that point it no longer mattered. Separated from the central brain, the small chunks of his body wouldn’t last a day alone.

The people of earth had been saved, but Mighty Girl needed no thanks. This was her purpose in life, to protect those who could not protect themselves from threats beyond their comprehension and she had done it all before breakfast without anyone noticing she was gone. Life was good.

Slipping into the window of her house, she quietly slipped back into her civilian outfit: her senior year high school uniform. To her classmates, she was Lisa Starr, an unassuming nerdy girl who hid her stunning eyes behind thick-rimmed glasses and voluptuous curves behind baggy jackets and sweatpants. But it wasn’t just the physical appearance that suggested her nerdy demeanor. She took extra care to sell the illusion. She was the lead of the D&D club and often heralded legendary campaigns; She had ten different backpacks, each themed around a different member of the Sailor Guardians of Sailor Moon; Every wall in her room was plastered with posters of some cheesy 80s horror movie she had fallen in love with even though she was not of that era; Her lingo was even riddled with inside references to Manga mistranslations no one else would possibly pick up on.

But she didn’t do it all for show, she genuinely reveled in her hyperfixations, even if bullies made fun of her for it.

Ashley, Brittany and Casey were three such bullies—the ABC squad, her D&D group often referred to them as. They fit the one-dimensional, bleach blonde, valley girl archetype to a T. All rich, pampered, long-legged bimbos who cared more about a social status that would ultimately vanish in a year than grades that would decide their future lives.

But Lisa was never concerned. She knew deep down that these surface-level insults they always threw her way were just that. Even on the roughest days, she could rest easy knowing that she was the strongest superhero in the universe and they were just wannabees propped up by their daddies.

But, unbeknownst to all parties, Mighty Girl had made a grave error.

“Brittany! Casey! Like, look at all these totally sexy selfies I took on the way to school! I think these just may be the best set I’ve ever taken!” Ashley commanded, her eyes remaining glued to her phone as her hand gestured for them to come closer. Sitting at their “reserved” lunch table before classes started, they had plenty of room for schemes and gossip.

“Oh em gee, Ashley! You look like such a little slut!” Brittany spoke with friendly vitriol, prompting Ashley to scoff in mock surprise.

“You’re right, Brittany! And I totally, like, wear it like a badge of honor!”

But while Ashley and Brittany resumed their back and forth, Casey’s eyes were locked on a particular detail in the background of one of the photos.

“LOL, Ashley! I think your pics aren’t as perfect as you say they are! You’ve got, like, a dorky little blemish in the top right!”

Pretty soon, all three sets of eyes were locked on to the particular detail. Just beyond Ashley’s face was a clear view of Lisa in the window above her.

“Ew! Why is that little geek Lisa Starr photobombing my photo!? She’s totally, like, ruining it!”

“Wait, what is she doing in that photo?” Brittany asked, her tone more inquisitive—eyes squinting as they examined every pixel of the screen. “It almost looks like… pff! Is she wearing a Mighty Girl cosplay!? Totally figures! She’s such a loser!”

“LOL! You’re totally right, Brittany! Looks like we caught this little dork fangirling over a hero she’ll never be! How pathetic! Even though she pulls off the look pretty well, there’s no way—”

And then, the singular brain cell shared between the three girls suddenly fired on all synapses. Everything suddenly clicked, a collective realization that only made too much sense the more the three of them thought about it.

They remained frozen, mouths agape as the grand reality of the situation dawned on them. The girl they had bullied all throughout high school—the dorkiest girl they had bullied throughout highschool—was actually the strongest superhero in the world.

And while any sensible group of people would immediately apologize for the years of relentless mockery in private, fearing retribution, the ABC squad was anything but.

They wanted her power. They wanted the influence that came with planet-bursting strength, light-bending speed and calculator-surpassing wit. If they had to kiss Lisa’s ass to get it, then they would.

But talking over it, a better plan came to fruition.

“Ugh, let’s just, like, totally steal her power from her!”

They all begged their rich fathers to fund the invention of a “superpower stealing device”, but even the men who were easily bent to their daughter’s whims had no answers to their qualms. Fits were thrown, priceless fragile objects were quite literally thrown, but at the end of the day, Ashley, Brittany and Casey were left defeated.

They moped about in Brittany’s backyard, the go-to spot to complain and whine about their problems as they bathed in the glorious Palo Alto sun next to a $50,000 pool that made most water parks jealous.

“Ugh, life is just, so not fair!”

“I know! Our lives totally suck! Why does Lisa Starr get everything and we get like, nothing!?”

But as two of the three pampered rich girls whined, Ashley’s azure eyes were fixated on a peculiar detail that confounded her.

She stood up wordlessly, as if commanded by something unseen. Her pace was slow, yet calculated in a way.

Before her, crawling out of the shadow of a potted plant, was a little black spot that resembled a beetle or spider of some sort. Once it was within mere inches of Ashley’s body, she abruptly jolted from her stupor.

“Ack! Ew, ew, ew! What is that!?” Ashley shouted, suddenly coming to her senses and backing up several steps.

“Do not be afraid. I merely used my limited energy to suggest your mind towards me. Now, we may discuss my plan unobtrusively.”

The voice seemed to come from thin air around the insect, as if projecting from the girl’s very minds. Even though the creature was mere inches thick, its voice boomed like a demonic loudspeaker.

“Ew, Ashley, is that bug, like, talking to us?” Brittany asked, probably not as freaked out as she should have been in her encounter with the strange creature.

“Yes, I am talking to all of you. I am but one of Gok’s infinite consciousnesses… and perhaps I can help you with what you seek.”

“Ew! As if we’d let some slimy creep even near us!” With that, Ashley turned around on her heel and made a return route towards her lawnchair.

“Wait!” the echoey voice responded, desperation in its voice. “I have knowledge that interests you! Regarding Mighty Girl! I know her weakness!”

Ashley paused her retreat, her tresses flowing over as a single inquisitive eye peered in the former Sun Eater’s direction.

“Keep talking.”

“When she defeated me, my parsing consciousness was able to identify an exploitable weakness, one that you may be able to harness to—”

“Hurry up and get to the point!” Brittany shouted impatiently, loudly chewing gum. Gok would have sighed in response if that was something his kind could do.

“I am purposefully obfuscating the ‘point’ from you three for leverage. If I were to speak about her weakness, I would become useless. You three may be simpletons, but you’re malicious simpletons, no doubt. Only after you personally bring me to her will I disclose the secret.”

The girls didn’t understand some of the bigger words, but his message was still clear to them. They all put on pouty faces, the idea of collabing with a disgusting creature a most unpleasant one. But then, a smile encroached upon Ashley’s face.

“But how will we know what to do when we bring you to her? After all, we’re just ‘stupid simpletons’, right?” Ashley asked, hiding her usual sarcastic demeanor well. “Like, you’ll just have to trust us. I want her taken down just as much as you do.”

The tiny blob of slime appeared to ruminate over the proposal, not responding immediately with an answer. But rather quickly, he caved.

“Very well, I’ll reveal to you the source of her power… It’s her breasts.”

All three girls were visibly taken aback. Brittany stifled a giggle.

“More specifically, one could siphon power from her from her breast production.”

Naturally, eyebrows were still raised.

“So, like, let me get this straight,” Casey began. “You’re telling us that if we drink her titty milk we’ll get her powers?”

“I wouldn’t put it so crassly, but yes.”

Casey and Brittany exchanged doubtful looks. “You sure he’s not, like, fucking with us?”

But the self-satisfied smile on Ashley’s lips remained. “Oh no girls, I think he’s telling the truth. And now that he has…”

Her sandaled foot then lifted off the ground, positioning itself over the tiny blot.

“No! Please! I beg of yo—!”

A pitiful, wet little crunch under Ashley’s foot was the only noise produced from the last living remainder of Gok.

“Let’s go, girls, we’ve got some power to obtain.”


The next day, upon arriving at school, Lisa was surprised to find that the ABC squad weren’t relentlessly mocking her. In fact, they walked right by her without speaking a word. She adjusted the thick-rimmed glasses upon her face, as if they were deceiving her about the true nature of the world. But there was no deception—Ashley, Brittany and even Casey had almost uncharacteristically ignored her.

Maybe Gok’s defeat had inspired change within them? It was all over the news last night, scientists explaining that if there was no Mighty Girl to save the Earth, humanity would have been eight light minutes away from extinction. Perhaps they realized just how fragile life could be? The optimism within Lisa’s heart wanted such a hypothetical to be true.

But as she opened her locker, a note fell out of it which immediately resetted her expectations. “For Lisa Starr” was written in handwriting that was unmistakably Ashley’s. She pursed her thick lips. Great, they had moved on to making fun of her via locker notes instead of verbally. What a fantastic upgrade.

She had half a mind to just trash the note without even reading what was inside, but the presentation intrigued her. This wasn’t a piece of notebook paper hastily folded in half and thrown into her locker—this was an envelope. One with pink lavender paper and a genuine wax seal. Would the ABC squad really go this far for a letter calling her a loser? Well, they probably would, but Lisa’s optimism hoped this was the first step toward redemption.

And even though she was right about the latter, she still couldn’t believe what she was reading.

Dear Lisa Starr,

We apologize for being so rude to you over the years. The truth is, we’re totally fans of your vibe! Meet us in the west hall science lab for a little surprise. Just don’t tell anyone ;)

Ashley, Brittany & Casey.

Even though her mind was still split about the authenticity, her legs were fully convinced. She was running as fast as she could reasonably get away with, her excitement almost turning her racewalk to the speed of a full run.

Crossing half of the school in mere minutes, she found herself in the derelict halls of the west side school. Empty classrooms as far as the human eye could see—but Lisa’s eyes were beyond human.

Using her heat-based vision, she spotted the outlines of the ABC squad through the wall, waiting for her. Even multicolored silhouettes of their bodies did not betray the sheer beauty of their hourglass figures. The outlines of each of their delicious breasts enticed Lisa even further. If someone was to turn the thermal scan onto her, they’d see her body heat increase exponentially the longer she gazed.

She was originally checking to see if she could spot some sort of prank, but it honestly seemed as if they were just sitting around, patiently waiting for her arrival as they checked their nails and made mindless conversation among themselves.

This was really happening. Lisa might actually have a chance of becoming friends with the hottest girls in the school and just as they were potentially turning over a new leaf, no less! It was true, she had a massive lesbian crush on all three of them—Ashley especially—but she knew that this was likely a mere extension of the olive branch. An opportunity for friendship.

Stepping into the classroom, she was greeted to the warm smiles of all three girls. Her heart immediately started pounding faster—without the vitriol that was typically associated with their faces, they were simply drop-dead gorgeous. Sure, they were total plastic bimbos, but Lisa fucking loved that. They looked like princesses out of the D&D games and the eye candy of old horrors, women designed to stimulate the mind and wow the imagination. But these girls were not fantasy nor locked behind the staticky image of a VHS, they were real, tangible, returning Lisa’s gaze with bright eyes and cheerful smiles.

“Glad you could make it, Lisa. We were, like, afraid you’d dismiss our letter of invitation altogether,” Ashley started.

“Yeah, we’re totally sorry for all the names we called you all throughout highschool. That was like, totally not cool of us,” Brittany continued.

“So, like, do you wanna be the fourth member of our group or what? You’d totally fit in after a makeover!” Casey concluded.

They were beckoning to her like sirens on a rock and she took their call hook, line and sinker.

“Y-you really want me to be in your clique!?” Lisa practically sputtered, unable to contain her excitement. “For reals?”

“Like, totally! If you ditched those baggy clothes you’d totally be as pretty as us!”

That wasn’t even an exaggeration on Ashley’s part. Now that the three of them knew her secret identity, they also knew how much of a stunner Mighty Girl was. With the new contextualization, the three of them actualized just how beautiful Lisa was when she wasn’t hiding behind her nerdy attire.

But that also raised a red flag for Lisa. If they saw her without her disguise, wouldn’t they immediately recognize her as Mighty Girl? No… they had looked down on her their entire life. As long as she kept denying it, they wouldn’t suspect a thing. Sure, it was totally her horny hubris talking, but perhaps just giving into it this one time couldn’t hurt.

W-well, maybe after class, I’ll consider joining the—”

Pfft, just skip class! We’re totally passing and we’ve missed, like, fifty percent of all of them!”

Lisa really wanted to say that their parents funding the entire school board was the reason they were allowed to get away with it, but chose to keep silent on that matter.

“Besiiiides, we’ve got a special surprise for you when we get back to Ashley’s house.”

Lisa’s eyes widened, her pupils shrinking to pinpricks. Brittany couldn’t have meant… could she have? Those bedroom eyes… the emphasis on the word “special”... The way she licked her lips tantalizingly afterwards…

Was she talking about… sex!?

Lisa’s entire bottom jaw was trembling with desire at the thought. She had always had her theories which bordered on mindless fantasizing: that the ABC squad would fuck each other senseless when no one was looking. But if those feelings invoked by Brittany’s words and actions were anything to go off of, it was all but confirmed at this point.

And they wanted to include her in it.

The sweaty mess she had devolved into wasn’t a part of her nerd persona. After willingly accepting the life of servitude and solitude, the chance to gorge herself in an orgy of mind-boggling proportions was too much for her to handle. Sure, she had made a promise, but now she couldn’t even remember what that promise was.

She had done so much for the world, perhaps now it was finally rewarding her?

“C-could you possibly wait until after school!?” was all she could respond with, her two halves of her brain finally reaching a compromise.

“I’m afraid this is… pressing,” replied Ashley, her lackadaisical attitude becoming far more sultry and demanding. “You’ll only get one chance at this, do you take it?”

Internally, Brittany and Casey were becoming nervous. Was Ashley really risking everything on an all-or-nothing ploy?

But it was working. The “fuck it, give into the earthly pleasures you have so wrongly denied” half of Lisa’s brain was winning. She was now fully convinced this would be her one shot at mind-altering sex with the hottest girls in the county.

“I’ll take it. Whatever that entails.”


The walk to Ashley’s house was bursting with sexual tension. Lisa’s eyes darted away everytime one of the girls looked her way, even if it was to check if she could keep up.

The ABC squad—whose six feet of height to each of their names was fifty percent leg—had long strides which Lisa struggled to keep up with. Her short stature hindered her, even if she could run faster than any creature on or off-planet. After all, she was still under the belief that these three girls didn’t know who she really was.

But she found her eyes not darting away to nothing. They fell upon Ashley’s shapely legs, Brittany’s well-proportioned hips and Casey’s bountiful breasts. Sure, one could argue that Lisa—sans nerdy outfit—was more beautiful than all three of them, she had never seen someone so confidently flaunt their beauty as much as the ABC squad did.

Maybe… just maybe… she’d be confident enough to pull it off one day.

Entering Ashley’s abode, Lisa was stunned. Sure, she could’ve had a place as luxurious as this if she didn’t find herself content with her own humble living situation. It was a McMansion, no doubt, but Lisa was wowed into silence regardless.

But before Lisa could drink all the scenery in, she was suddenly blindfolded. Not aggressively—the three girls were very mindful of their force, not that it would have mattered. Lisa played up the confusion, even though her x-ray vision could see through the thick wool without a problem.

“Wh-whu? What’s going on? Ashley?” she spoke frantically, thrusting her open palms outward to feel for objects.

“Meet us in the room upstairs, three doors down to the left,” Ashley whispered into Lisa’s ear. “There, and only there, you may take off your blindfold and will be rewarded with your prize.”

The nerdy girl gulped at the heady voice, shivering as the hot breath tickled her ear. Even though she had not actually been sensorily deprived, her natural heightened senses retained the proper illusion.

She watched in secret as the three girls giggled and ran up the stairs in front of her, before turning behind a corner where her eyes chose not to follow. She didn’t want to ruin the entire surprise for herself, after all. They had clearly put a lot of thought into this plan, which she respected.

Playing the part of a blinded girl, she slowly and clumsily made her way up the stairs after the girls, giving them plenty of time to prepare her surprise, whatever it may be. She used her enhanced vision to ascend the steps, but once she turned the corner, the x-ray was properly shut off. Despite her cheeky advantages, she genuinely wanted to be surprised when she took that blindfold off.

And genuinely surprised she was.

Sure, it was all but confirmed that every event was leading to this, but it was here. It was actually happening.

Upon the massive master bed lay Ashley, Brittany and Casey—all completely nude. They giggled absentmindedly like showgirls advertising a product, and damn did they sell that bed.

Lisa’s pupils darted about, her mind unable to focus on any fixed point of the beautiful display before her. Her teeth grinded together as sharp breaths seeped through their imperfections, few as there were.

The breathtaking bodies before her were structured like one of the renaissance greats, a painting so real Lisa felt as though she could just leap into it like her favorite 90’s video game, Mario 64.

“Well, Lisa? We’re waiting…” Brittany cooed.

And so jump in she did.

She didn’t even waste time taking off her clothes or backpack, but the girls ensured that such matters would be addressed in due time. Leaping into the bed, she was immediately peppered with kisses and feels, eager hands from all angles groped every inch of her needy body, and she responded in kind.

She closed her eyes, returning to the blinded sensation from earlier as she allowed the girls to explore and alter her body unopposed.

The aroma of their perfumes was thick, potent. Lisa could breathe in the vacuum of space and yet the atmosphere in the room was almost suffocating her. It was drunken bliss. She felt herself drifting away into an alternate dimension of pleasure, unconcerned with reality and the bigger picture.

And just like that, the final part of the ABC squad’s plan had fallen into place.

As Lisa moaned and purred with satisfaction, Ashley took to unbuttoning her shirt and subsequently unsheathing her bra.

Before the three of them was the jackpot—Mighty Girl’s breasts. Gorgeous in their own right, but the potential they possessed overwhelmed mere sexual desire. They may have found Lisa quite beautiful, but the narcissistic desire to be the most powerful girls in the universe overwhelmed all else.

Ashley’s long tongue drew circles around Lisa’s sensitive nipple, teasing it and eliciting drunken giggles from the faux nerdy girl. To her, this was just another part of the overwhelming sapphic pleasure these girls were capable of. She didn’t even consider any outside implications as Ashley placed Lisa’s entire nipple in her mouth and began to suck.

Thick, creamy milk poured into her mouth like water into a dry, dry valley. Ashley had to physically resist from moaning as she swallowed, the sensation of the breast milk sliding down her throat was almost orgasmic. The power condensed within the frothy white liquid was tangible, she could feel every aspect of her body improving as soon as gulps of it hit her stomach.

Her lips thickened as they continued to siphon more and more milk from Lisa, not content with a few mere gulps. Each swallow brought about a new change to Ashley’s body, transitioning rapidly from pretty... to beautiful… to breathtaking… to absolutely spellbinding. Lisa gasped in pleasure as Ashley’s suckling became more eager, the once-unopposed superheroine unaware of the transformation taking place directly under her nose.

Ashley’s brows thinned and cheekbones rose as more and more of Lisa’s attributes were copied onto her. Her brown eyes grew larger and more expressive, the color of her irises transforming from a haze azure to an iridescent blue, same as Lisa’s.

“Mmmm…” she mumbled drunkenly, feeling the nipples on her own enlarging breasts harden as the continuing influx of power aroused her beyond what simple sexual pleasure could accomplish. This was pure megalomania.

“Ugh, no fair, Ashley! Like, save some for us!”

Lisa stirred uncomfortably, her mind returning to reality as her eyes peaked open. She was greeted to and almost painfully beautiful Ashley staring back down at her, mouth curled into a wicked smile as a dribble of milky white substance dripped down her chin.

In an instant, the supergirl understood what had just transpired, but it was far too late.

Lisa took to squirming and grunting, unable to escape from Ashley’s grasp even after applying a modicum of superhuman strength. She increased her efforts until she was putting everything she had into fleeing, but it still made no difference.

“A-Ashley!? What are you doing!? Let me go!” Lisa demanded uselessly.

“I’ll, like, tell you what I’m doing, Lisa,” she spoke, her smile growing wider and wider. “I’m totally gonna put that power of yours to good use.”

Then, in one fell motion, she slipped around Mighty Girl and put her in a pin from behind. Wrapping her long, sinewy arms firmly around Lisa’s and repeating the same action with her legs. Now, she was held with breasts exposed to Brittany and Casey in all of their glory.

They took to her tits like hungry calfs, Brittany wrapping her lips around the right while Casey suckled upon the left. Lisa continued to uselessly protest, but found herself becoming increasingly lightheaded as they sucked and sucked, stealing more and more of her precious power reserves.

Their bodies increased accordingly, bucking their hips and moaning through Lisa’s flesh as the ecstasy of power overwhelmed their minds all the same. Power spilled into each and every limb—once they finally came for air, they looked almost more beautiful than Ashley.

“Hey, no fair you guys! You both totally took larger amounts than me!” Ashley whined, throwing the barely lucid Lisa off of her and on to the ground next to the bed. She then realized what she needed to do as a counter response and jumped off the bed after Lisa.

Placing both of the once-mighty girl’s tits in her mouth at the same time, she sucked with superhuman force, draining even more power into her body. Ashley didn’t even need it—she was already far more powerful than Lisa now—but it didn’t matter. She wanted more power. She was fucking drunk on it.

Practically sucking Lisa dry, Ashley broke from the twin nipples, throwing her head back in pleasure as she continued to ascend beyond everything else in the universe. If Lisa could take on one Gok without issue, Ashley could easily take on a hundred.

But of course, none of the girls were about to use their powers for any sort of good. Their brains were already hatching awful schemes and revenge plots now that they possessed nigh infinite power.

“I say we pay that bitch Jolene a visit,” Ashley said, looking back and forth between her other two squad members. “Let’s see if she remembers shoving me in gym class, like, three months ago.”

“And let’s totally fuck up Stacy’s house too,” Brittany added. “She cut in line before me at lunch that one time, remember?”

“Fuck yes. Let’s also totally ruin that bitch Jessica Wheeler,” Casey concluded. “Fucking bitch had the audacity to beat all of us in the contest for prom queen.”

But as they schemed and laughed at their future plans, a faint, pathetic whimpering was detected by all of their super hearing.

The blubbering was coming from Lisa, whose weakened state had her moaning and groaning incomprehensibly, lamenting semi-lucidly about her current situation. At first, the three girls thought she was planning a heroic save of the day, but quickly realized just how pathetic her pleas actually were.

“Wh-why…? You were supposed to be my friends, I-I just wanted to be loved.”

But they didn’t care one bit.

“Pfff, as if the ABC squad would have any room for an ‘L’ like you!” Ashley responded brutally, absolutely no sympathy left behind her eyes. Brittany and Casey cackled at the comeback, their voices booming with the power contained within.

They were going to have some fun today.

Wasting no time, they quickly figured out how to fly, soaring out the window without even opening it. They could skip most human conventions and were more than eager to break them. They hadn’t even bothered to put clothes on as they took to the skies. Who was going to arrest them for public nudity? The police?

Lisa was left half awake and with an overwhelming sense of dread. She couldn’t fight back, they were stronger. She couldn’t flee, they were faster. There were seven billion people in the world yet the three who deserved her power the least had just surpassed her, playing her for a fool in the process. She had promised to never give up, no matter how tough the obstacles ahead seemed. But these were insurmountable odds.

All Mighty Girl could do was give up.

“Godddd I could just, like, fuck both of you right now. I feel so hornyyyyy.” Casey exclaimed, feeling herself up at 30,000 feet.

“Save it for after the revenge, Casey,” Brittany replied. Though it was hard not to hear a similar desire behind her own voice.

“Listen girls, we’ll totally just, like, steal even more power from Lisa whenever we want then have insane sex with anyone we want on, like, Jupiter or something.”

Of course, none of them knew that such a planet was gaseous and had no surface to fuck on, but that likely wouldn’t have stopped them should they commit to that plan.

Soaring back down to street level, they were met with several gasps from the shocked populace. But the ABC Squad reveled in such confusion, their radiant beauty scorching a mental image into everyone’s eyeballs even as they moved at mach speeds. The sonic booms erupting from their flight path unleashed massive collateral, ripping up streets and tearing entire faces off of houses, but they couldn’t have cared less. Their sights were laser-focused on a very specific objective: vengeance.

They were at Jolene’s house in mere seconds, ceasing their momentum right before the front driveway. Going from 768 mph to zero instantaneously created a whiplash effect which blew her door right off of the hinges, as well as any glass windows in the area.

Jolene ran outside to see what all the commotion was, only to stop dead in her tracks at the sight of the three girls at her door. A mix of arousal and sheer terror flooded the poor highschooler’s brain, the sight of three absolutely beautiful girls who also happened to be the harshest bullies in her school and also-also happened to be floating several feet off the ground without anything supporting them.

“Br-wh-uh-huh… Y-uh-th-...”

She tried to find the words, but none came to her. Their presence was overwhelming to the human mind, a volatile cocktail of everything good and bad in the world.

But none of that mattered, Ashley had more pressing matters to discuss with her now very human and very vulnerable adversary.

“Well, well, well… you really thought you could get away with that little stunt you pulled in January, huh?”

“Ashley, wh-what happened to you!? W-what are you talking about!?” Jolene sputtered, still unable to comprehend the scenario she was suddenly thrust into with no explanation.

But Ashley was becoming frustrated by Jolene’s lack of immediate understanding. Her naked body floated forward until she was within mere inches of her adversary. Her fist struck the wall directly next to Jolene’s face, a spiderweb of cracks traveling in every direction up the concrete as if to say “this could have been you.”

“Shut. Up.” Demanded Ashley, the air around her becoming heated from her superpowered vitriol. “You’d think I’d really forget about that, like, totally disrespectful little push you gave to me in gym class?”

Jolene’s expression switched to almost pure confusion. “Yo-you mean the one I apologized for afterwards? I-it was an accident, I swear!”

But Ashley wouldn’t have cared if Jolene apologized by kissing her feet. She wanted revenge. Blood for blood. And time had only made the resulting punishment more deservedly severe, at least in Ashley’s mind.

Grabbing Jolene out of the house, Ashley sent her flying a few feet from just a middling yank. She only had the wind knocked out of her, landing atop the soft grass of her front lawn. Many would have called it quits there—Jolene was sure to never mess with any member of the ABC squad ever again—but Ashley was anything but finished. She was going to make sure that Jolene would never forget the fateful day she dared to accidentally bump into Ashley W. Johnson.

Her pupils lit up with a fiery haze, twin spheres of blinding red that expanded past the iries until both of her eyes resembled the headlights of a car with their intensity. But the light show was more than just that, as beams of pure energy were released from her eyes. They struck the foundation of the house, moving back and forth until the entire structure collapsed from the bottom up. Molten steel poured onto the pavement like silver blood, a growing fire quickly destroying all the house left.

Jolene fell limp on her knees as she watched the fiery inferno that was once her home quickly spread to other nearby houses and landscaping, powerless to stop any of it. The city code was clearly unprepared for a supergirl crisis, much less three of them.

But the ABC squad couldn’t stick around to gloat further, they had a busy schedule of revenge. After all, now it was Brittany’s turn.

Stacy wasn’t at her house. Brittany found that out the hard way after getting impatient and lifting the entire structure from its concrete foundations to check under the hood. Her parents were still home, but they didn’t seem much in the mood to talk, given how they immediately collapsed in fear, whimpering and embracing one another as they begged for mercy.

But Brittany didn’t want their money nor their secret offshore banking address, she wanted petty revenge. They didn’t even have any clue as to where their daughter had run off too. Furious, she chucked the house high into the sky, not caring as to where it might eventually land.

Still eager for revenge, the three girls flew into the upper atmosphere once more, using their enhanced vision to locate exactly where Stacy was. It took a few minutes—what felt like agonizing hours to the easily irritable teens—but they did manage to find Stacy, hanging out under a bridge with her delinquent friends as they smoked weed together.

Ashley, Brittany and Stacy descended upon the highway like vultures, the wind cones they generated sweeping up cars as they left a kilometer of destruction in their wake.

“Trying to hide from me Stacy?” came Brittany’s booming voice from above. Like Jolene, Stacy had completely forgotten about the inciting incident from several months ago and could not have possibly known about the ABC squad’s recent empowerment. But it didn’t matter to Brittany, the world revolved around her figuratively—but with enough force the literal interpretation would most certainly be possible.

Before any of the smoking teens could place the location of Brittany’s voice, the bridge above them collapsed inward, the three naked supergirls descending through the concrete as if it was little more than air to their invincible bodies.

The teens scattered like cockroaches, but only one of the scurrying creatures was of interest to Brittany. She practically teleported in front of Stacy, the unaware girl running headfirst into the supergirl’s impervious bosom before falling backwards onto her ass.

Brittany suddenly found her composure faltering slightly, the unintended strike to one of her erogenous zones triggering a chain reaction of pleasure that spread throughout her enhanced body. She moaned softly as her cheeks burned red with desire. Part of her wanted to skip Stacy’s punishment altogether and get right to the promised part where they all fucked each other senseless.

But a quick look at Ashley reaffirmed her priorities, retribution for their enemies came first.

Effortlessly lifting up Stacy by her collar, she looked the pathetically weak girl up and down. “Not so eager to cut in front of me now, huh? Maybe if I, like, make your only lunch table scraps for the next few weeks, you’ll learn some respect.”

Stacy wasn’t even sure how to respond, but she wouldn’t have to. Suddenly, Casey jumped Brittany, peppering her face with kisses and humping her like a wild animal. Brittany wanted to protest, but a far larger part of her brain told her to give in to the building pleasure, so she did.

Yet, they wouldn’t be at it for much longer. Ashley would be the one to break them up, holding them apart at an arm’s length.

“Like, get a hold of yourselves here, guys! This is totally hindering our progress!”

It took them a while to calm down, and they both could tell that Ashley was likely only a few moments away from giving in herself. She was glancing far lower than eye level as she reassured her fellow squad mates.

“Look, let’s just, like, kick Jessica Wheeler’s ass and then we can have all the raw, backbreaking sex we want, how’s that sound?”

They agreed, but that palpable sexual tension never left the atmosphere. They all wanted each other, and Ashley’s stalwart stubbornness was the last line of defense against the all-encompassing force.

Eager to get the Stacy punishment over with, they forced her to swallow a lit blunt before flying off into the sunset. The sky was becoming cooler, only heightening the sexual tension.


Jessica Wheeler was writing an essay for college, a yawn escaping her teeth as she smacked her lips at the mediocrity of the situation. Sure, she was the prettiest girl in the school, but she also understood that college was important to her future. Winning prom queen was fun and a big deal in the moment, but it didn’t mean all that much to her in the long run.

She paused for merely a moment to distance her wheely chair from the bright screen and rub her eyes, only for what sounded like a tree to come crashing through her ceiling.

Thrusting her eyes open, she saw anything but. Three naked girls who looked like prettier versions of the ABC squad were squirming about atop her decimated desktop computer, alongside the entire side of the room before her—that last line of defense from the encroaching beast of sexual desire falling on the flight here.

They were hastily fingering and fondling each other, and as soon as one mouth became free, it was quickly met with a barrage of kisses. Despite the horror of the scenario, Jessica found her cheeks reddening at the sight of the lewd act. She was scared stiff, a million questions rushing through her head that would likely never be answered.

Her first thought was that she was dreaming, but she had never had a dream this… vivid. The woodchips suddenly splintering from the force of the act and piercing her skin felt all too real, so much so that it shook her out of shock and reactivated her fight or flight response.

Fleeing from the scene, she had no time to alarm her parents. All she could think of was exiting the house by any means necessary, which she did through the second level window.

By the time the sapphic threesome had concluded, the house looked no different than the one Ashley had reduced to flames earlier with her heat vision.

The three girls emerged from the rubble unscathed, the ash and dust from the debris falling off their flawless flesh harmlessly. Despite being the direct cause, they looked as if they were never even there.

Strutting away from the second domicile destruction of the day, the three girls returned to Ashley’s McMansion satisfied. After a long day of utilizing the power they so rightfully deserved, they couldn’t wait to wake up the next day, siphon some more power from Lisa’s breasts, and do it all over again.


Daniel Zellmer

If mighty girl drinks her own milk does that mean she gets exponentially more powerful? Questions to ask for the sequel. Do you make more super girls or do you figure out how to de-power of the terrible trio ABC trio


Very nice. Very sexy. I do hope Lisa gets the last laugh (or moan, as it were).