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Here's an alternative sequel based on the second most voted prompt for the Left Behind 2 patreon poll! Enjoy!

Written by HikerAngel, assistance provided by CT117

DAY 20, continued

“C’mon Jack, cum for me.”

“Okay, Kate… I-I’ll try my best.”

“There is no try. You’ll only do. Understand?”

“Alright, stop. This isn’t working. Nothing is.”

With resigned defeat, Jack ripped off the blindfold, earplugs and other sensory depriving tools. Not even deafening his corrupted libido was enough to help him get off to anything other than the idea of Kate. Not even Jane’s best impression of Kate was enough.

Jane was supportive, but she too was suffering the same fate. They were like hopeless addicts chasing a now-defunct drug.

“What should we do then, Jack?”

“…I think we should part ways for a while.”


The tension in the cafe was so thick you could only cut it with a super-powered karate chop. A smile was present on Jane’s face, but it looked almost pained. She wanted to act like everything was fine, but her skin could not hide her true emotions. Like Jack, she had not been taking this year well.



After exchanging only what was absolutely necessary out of a greeting, they just… stared at each other longingly.

After a few months of not seeing each other, the two mutually agreed that a confrontation was necessary. They had tried to keep up a sex life—one part out of a petty desire to get back at their cheating spouses, while the other far larger part was the fact that their libidos had become insatiable and they were both eager to replicate it by any means necessary.

Jack could not help but imagine how his rather plain companion of the opposite sex would look if she were superpowered like his former lover had been. His damaged brain imagined Jane’s body suddenly blossoming before him, her uninspired breasts swelling to natural, perky flesh that hugged her thick sweater flawlessly. His breath became heavy as he pictured her muscles expanding into sinuous, feminine perfection, threatening to tear at the skin-tight leggings she wore.

Even though her superpowered body literally forbade him from entrance, just looking at a friend of Kate’s made Jack want her back more than ever.

Jane was not faring much better, her desperate mind conjuring up the exact same fantasy. Carl had hurt her, both physically with his body and emotionally with his actions, but she could not help but gaze upon Jack’s unimpressive composition. Her hazy eyes searched languidly along his form, hoping to find any attribute that bared even a resemblance to Carl’s excellence. She found nothing.

Jack opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by none other than… Carl. The cafe’s wall-mounted television suddenly blared with a state of the union address, the third one this week. Except, instead of the president, it was the new leaders expected to run the country with an iron fist, Kate and Carl.

Their superior bodies were almost ambrosial to the eyes. Both unspectacular lovers found their lips trembling at the sight through even the compressed image of the television. With their powers continuing to expand as the year progressed, they had become Titans among men. Kate seemed impossibly beautiful to Jack, though knowing her as a friend to knowing her through a hollow, parasocial celebrity relationship had certainly led to the ascension seeming grander with every new public viewing.

But TV was not the only time he had seen her. He recalled an event not too long ago, en route to his dead-end job which he had lost all passion for. His car had just been totaled, as had the twenty odd cars that surrounded it on the highway.

The target was a mere getaway vehicle and yet apparently an assault from orbit was deemed an appropriate response—on the freeway.

Cars were sent flying, spewing into the air like debris from a geyser. Jack being far enough away from the impact site was the only reason he was still alive.

He crawled from the wreckage of his car, groaning in distress as he limped aimlessly through the labyrinth of cars and opaque air. But within the smoke, a spark of initial hope. The statuesque silhouette of a woman shone through the dust, calling to Jack with its beauty. Could it be an angel? One to take him away from this misery?

No, it was worse. Far, far worse.

“Well, well, well, look who came crawling back into our lives?” Kate spat with a hint of sinister glee, a look of superiority in her perfectly purple eyes as they slowly trailed the agonizing trek Jack made towards her. “Have you been stalking me or something? I wouldn’t be surprised. I left you oh-so-blueballed last time we met.”

Her gaze shifted to the sky nostalgically. “Mmm, good times… I could make you cum just by my touch back then, I bet now it’ll be even easier.”

Jack just groaned in response. A tenuous cocktail of pain and pleasure whirling within him. Even though the blunt force of a car landing atop his own was physically devastating, his body was in a fierce battle with his engorging member. A heady mist of desire became almost more palpable than the cloud of dust that blocked out the sun.

“Mmm, it seems like just the sound of my melodious voice is enough now. Pathetic. Wouldn’t you agree, Carl?”

Another figure became visible in the dust, though quite the opposite to Kate’s. While her silhouette was sleek and feminine, boasting a perfect hourglass figure that complimented her sizable breasts and plump yet toned thighs, this was the pinnacle of masculinity. A barrage of muscles formed in flawless triangulation upon his torso, exuding raw power from the mere visage of his appearance.

“What’s up, little man?” came a destructively gruff voice as Carl drifted into view, floating above the concrete at a specific height so that his and Kate’s heads were level. They shared a quick supportive glance before their expressions turned sinister, their eyes drifting towards the pained Jack before them.

“Well, what do you wanna do with him?” Carl asked Kate, the two of them locking hands in support without even looking. Even such a simple flex of their chemistry forced Jack to fight back tears.

“I dunno, you think if we left him here he’d make it out alive?”

“I mean, if you touched him, you might involuntarily give him an orgasm. It’s becoming quite the problem lately, remember? That’s why we stopped saving victims, it’s not like the government can stop us from doing what we want..”

“Of course I remember, silly,” replied Kate playfully, shooting Carl a perfectly-mascara wink. “Both of us have flawless memories now.”

“K-Kate…” Jack managed to sputter, lifting his bruised hand into the sky. There was no way his desperate fingers were going to reach her, but he could not help but try. His delirious mind was corrupted by her very sight, unable to rationalize with the fact that she simply could no longer derive any pleasure from his pathetically standard body.

He wanted to cum. His heady, damaged mind commanded it.

And Kate wouldn’t let him.

“Alright, Carl, I think we’re done here.” the impossibly beautiful superwoman spoke, her tone dismissive as it distanced itself from the failed man of her life to the successful one. With a supportive nod, the two of them flew off victorious into the sky.

It was a miracle Jack hadn’t lost his job that day, but part of him wished he had. If Kate had just killed him right then and there, that would have been a preferred outcome. At least the last thing he’d feel would be her touch.

“I’m… assuming you haven’t been handling this well, huh?” Jane spoke, returning Jack’s train of thought to the then and now.

“No… no I haven’t. It’s like—her image is scarred into all my senses. I can’t close my eyes without seeing her. I can’t listen to another woman without part of me wishing I was just listening to her instead. I can’t…” he paused briefly to lean in towards Jane, bringing his tone to a whisper. “I can’t even masturbate without wishing I was touching her body instead.”

Jane didn’t judge him, she merely gripped her own shoulder and pouted solemnly. “I completely understand, Jack. Carl’s left me aching and unsatisfied. My brain wants me to get back with him, as if it’s forgotten how my body was broken by his titanic erection.”

Her arousal appeared to be rising at the mere mention of what Carl had done. Now it came Jack’s turn to return Jane’s train of thought.

“I think both of us could really use a break.”

“Yeah, you’re telling me. I’d kill for something like that,” she replied with a cracked voice, rubbing her forehead tiredly. “Did you have something in mind?”

“Oh, just a retreat out into the woods. Y’know, like we used to do before everything got so fucked up.”

“You sure that won’t just remind us of them?” Jane asked honestly.

Don’t worry. I’ll try to pick a place that doesn’t trigger any memories.”


“It’s a lot more quiet now, huh?” came Jack’s voice, piercing the silence of the campground. With the original gang divided in half, the usual comradery shared was replaced with the eerie emptiness of the forest.

Jane said nothing in response, as she had been since they arrived. Jack had specifically told her that he wouldn’t pick a place that would trigger memories. Yet here they were, standing in the very same camping spot that unfolded into a series of events which ruined his and Jane’s lives.

She took a sharp inhale and closed her eyes as another minute passed without Jack admitting this was some sort of out-of-season April Fools joke. Was he unaware this was the exact same spot?

Jack did seem rather oblivious to her, his attention squarely focused on the woods beyond the campsite… around the same spot where the meteorite had landed that fateful date.

“Oh, give it a fucking rest, Jack!” Jane shouted, finally at her breaking point with his failed subtlety. “There isn’t going to be another meteorite like the one we found a few months ago! Meteorites don’t just crash on earth often! And in the exact same spot as the last one? Give me a break!”

But Jack’s steeled gaze remained hyper-focused on the trees. Jane could see tears welling up in his eyes, a mixture of unblinking resolve and a burgeoning, oppressive sadness.

“I just… I just want to be powerful like her, Jane. Powerful so that I can finally please her body and she takes me back. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I was just hoping… praying…”

His sentences devolved into blubbering sobs, Jane walking over to comfort him. Even he wasn’t sure what they were doing here, a fringe of hope that another meteor would fall in the exact same place and save them from an eternity of misery. It was a fool’s errand.

And then it happened.

A blinding light pierced the cloud layer, creating a yawning gap in the night sky as it was tinted blood red with a frightening aura.

Arriving at the enclave where the sky-splitting streak had concluded, an all-too-familiar sight lay to Jack and Jane.

In the center of the same concave patch of earth lay a small, roughly spherical, glowing amber crystal. From the strange stone came a soft thrumming sound, radiating a heat alongside it that seemed almost… sinister.

But the trivial details were lost to a plethora of overwhelming emotions. Shock mixed with grief, disbelief mixed with hope.

The universe had just given them another chance.

Jack and Jane frantically dashed for the meteorite, but they were only human. Kate and Carl beat them to the space rock before they had even realized it was a race.

“Small world, running into you two here,” Carl spoke, his voice booming with a smug confidence that shook nearby trees. He and Kate landed in front of the crash site, blocking their two average flings with a wall of two impossibly sexy forms.

All that was left on Jack and Jane’s faces was that of hopelessness.

“Please, j-just let us by, Carl!” Jane stuttered, desperate to appeal to whatever fleeting sense of humanity was present within her former husband. “We could finally become super like you guys! Wouldn’t that be great?”

But Carl remained stalwart, sighing with what appeared to be boredom.

“Kate, please,” was all Jack could plead, his voice cracking in desperation. He was a far cry from the self-confident asshole he once had been.

At that moment, Jack swore he saw the smallest bit of sympathy behind Kate’s eyes. Her perfect brows rose in worry for the briefest of moments, the contour of her flawless cheekbones corroborating the action as her smile faded ever so slightly.

“Don’t forget, there’s nothing they can offer us anymore. He is so far beneath you and we have so much more strength to acquire,” Carl telepathically inserted into her mind like a scheming snake. Her smile grew once more, while Jack was only left with confusion.

The sympathy was all gone. Jane continued with her tear-filled pleas, but they fell into incomprehensible echoes—replaced with a ringing in Jack’s ears. There was no swaying Kate or Carl now. He would be forced to watch as they continued to surpass him beyond comprehension.

“After you, my love,” Kate spoke, gesturing to the meteorite as a waiter leading the way to the table might.

“Oh please, Ladies first, I insist,” Carl responded, committing to the bit with a bow.

“Seems we’ve reached an impasse. Perhaps we should touch it at the same time, letting the delightful power wash over both of us at the same time?”

“What a novel idea, Kate! I agree!” He spoke with gritted teeth that had been widened into a cheek-to-cheek smile. With his chiseled features, he almost resembles a king of all sleazy salesmen fused with a greek god.

Their radiant poses stayed true as the electricity of the meteorite washed over both of them once more. There wasn’t an immediate change in power levels, but the feeling of dread that had washed over the area was palpable. Jack felt a strange spark surge through his body, but it was written off as nothing more than merely that. Even if he had managed to siphon a fraction of the meteorite’s power, it would be inconsequential to the amount of power Kate and Carl now possessed.

If there was a layer below utter hopelessness, this was it.


When Jack awoke the next morning at the campsite, he felt… amazing. He checked the clock, 5 am.

“What the fuck…?” he whispered, only for Jane to answer his hushed qualm from outside the tent.

“You alright in there, Jack?”

“Um, would it be weird if I said yes?”

There was a pause.

“N-no, I don’t think it would be.”

More confused than ever, Jack unzipped the front of his tent and stepped outside. The nylon folds parted like curtains as the light blasted his eyes. But as his mind adjusted to the light, he was left with a far more pleasant image: Jane.

Had she been working out? While nowhere near as beautiful as someone else he had known, Jane’s once unimpressive breasts now possessed actual definition beneath her loose shirt. Her awkward, untrained stretching looked impactful, sweat sheening off of developing feminine musculature.

For the first time in his life since the original meteor, when he looked at Jane, he didn’t immediately wish he was looking at Kate instead.

Jane also seemed to be ogling Jack’s body with similar fervor.

“Wow, looks like you slept well!” was the only comment she could muster, clearly trying to obfuscate specifics.

“Yeah, I did! Strange too, I only got like, three hours of rest I think.”

Jack intentionally left out the part where he cried himself to sleep last night.

“Same here!” Jane reciprocated. “I felt so invigorated this morning that I ran a full mile. I don’t even know what motivated me to do that! I haven’t even eaten anything yet!”

She was almost giddy with excitement, her voice increasing an octave with every exclamation.

Jack couldn’t help but gleam with positivity as well. Sure, they’d be returning to dead-end jobs and exes that would likely become gods of the universe, but it was almost as if the potential severity didn’t register within his head. All his attention was square on his and Jane’s new bodies.

He just felt so… optimistic. A far cry from the slow descent into misery that had peaked last night. Even though they had come for the meteorite, Jack and Jane stayed for the scenery and hiking activities for the rest of the day.


“It just doesn’t make sense…” Carl lamented from the ivory tower that he and Kate now resided in.

“You’re feeling it too, huh?” Kate responded, flying up to grip Carl’s hands and reaffirm her own feelings. “You think we would’ve gotten stronger… but I don’t feel any stronger.”

Kate could have continued, her face displayed clear as day that she had more to say but didn’t want to say it. The same expression was plastered along Carl’s face too. He also knew what she wanted to say, but he was afraid to say it all the same.

Their powers had gotten weaker.


Returning home from the campsite, they found themselves rather fidgety as they took turns driving. It was as if they both wanted to just get out of the car and just run the entire 15 mile drive back to the city.

Jack had to let Jane drive as he found his wandering eyes constantly drifting towards her impressive body. Somehow, she seemed almost more beautiful than she did yesterday. Her quivering hands on the steering wheel seemed to suggest a similar attraction towards him.

But Jack was nervous to act upon it. The two of them already had a strange relationship as is. Once Kate and Carl had left them behind, they engaged in sex on the regular. But there was no passion behind it, just a desperate attempt to recapture a fleeting feeling he feared would be lost forever.

But as he gazed at Jane’s body, the swell of her ass as it filled the cushioned seat of the truck, pronounced legs that threatened to rip the fabric of the tights she had commonly worn. She wasn’t much of an athletic girl, but her torso of today suggested otherwise. Had she really gained such a toned abdomen from just a mild jog yesterday?

Jack had accompanied her on the run, usually not much of an athlete himself. He had recalled the days where he was too groggy to join Kate in her early-morning runs. Why was he so optimistically eager to… improve?

In an attempt to distract his mind from the beauty of the woman’s body before him, he could only find it drifting one other place, his own. He had always been a decently fit guy, but his sadness at the loss of Kate had caused Jack to let himself go a bit. But it was as if the simple three mile long run with Jane was enough to bring him back to the confident build that had taken years of maintenance to achieve.

But that must’ve been a fluke. He had read something about the placebo effect and the power of a positive mindset, perhaps this was similar? Though, he wasn’t exactly sure what spurred such a mindset—but he could not deny the results.

“What’re you staring at?” Jane spoke playfully, returning Jack to reality. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he did surmise that he had likely spent all of it staring longingly at Jane.

“I was staring at… you,” Jack almost blurted, unable to conceive a believable excuse. The honesty drew a blush onto Jane’s cheeks.

“Maybe some of that meteorite did affect us after all…” Jane wistfully mumbled to herself.


The covert mission was going as planned. The money was in the heavily armored truck, the alarms had been silenced and the guards were none the wiser. It was the perfect heist.


They were sure no one had heard, but they had failed to account for the supersonic hearing possessed by the West coast’s native superheroes.

A preemptive high-five was exchanged between the men as they drove down a deserted Oregon road, the darkness of the night sky providing perfect cover, or so they thought.

While Kate and Carl had several well-known abilities—flight, superspeed and enhanced hearing to name a few—they liked to omit what they deemed “not on a need-to-know basis” with the public. Night vision was one such unspoken power.

This had turned from an effortless tracking mission to an effortless stealth mission.

“Going somewhere, fellas?” came a confident voice clearly imitating that of Christopher Reeves, perhaps with a bit of Hasslehoff mixed in. But to the robbers, who resided within that truck, recognized that voice as only one person’s: SuperCarl.

They wouldn’t get a chance to respond to the voice from above, as a far more pressing source of worry came from the road itself. Like an un-reactable deer made of titanium, The car crashed into Kate as soon as she had come into the headlight’s view.

Kate had done this sort of maneuver before, but never had it hurt. Sure, the two men in the front had been reduced to bloodied messes, but Kate could feel the impact of the armored vehicle almost dislocating her entire shoulder. The injury quickly healed itself, but Kate was left feeling sore afterwards.

The four remaining men weakly piled out of the back, all regaining their footing. One of the criminals quickly passed out automated rifles to the other three as they all entered a rather unorganized formation. A standoff between four average humans and two superhumans had commenced, with Kate and Carl reciprocating the formation on the other side of the truck.

Then there was silence.

Kate looked at Carl in confusion. These four unsuspecting souls were in prime laser-visioning range, yet he hadn’t acted upon the opportunity.

He was squinting on and off, as if trying to call upon his usually responsive laser vision.

“What’s going on, Carl?” Kate asked in a desperate tone, as if she felt her lover was embarrassing her.

“I… don’t… know!...” he responded, timing his words to each repetitive squint.

The four criminals were equally confused, but weren’t about to pass up an opportunity. They opened fire upon the two superhumans, a barrage of bullets that mostly went unnoticed to the bickering couple.

Eventually, Kate became annoyed at the hailstorm of lead. Sucking her teeth and sighing, she grabbed the steel truck with her good arm—lifting it over her head with a bit of a struggle—before bringing it down upon the terrified men. Three of the men were struck true, flattened into red paste on the asphalt. The final man, terrified out of his wits, fled aimlessly into the desert.

But he was the least of their problems. He was far from any civilization, he wouldn’t last a day in the desert. There was a bigger elephant in the room.

“Alright, I didn’t want to say anything yesterday, but now I’m getting worried. My night vision was acting up on the way,” Kate admitted, hitting the side of her head as if her brain was a stuttering camera that needed a little tough love to fix.

“Yeah, not to mention I could actually feel the bullets,” Carl responded, now feeling more comfortable in sharing his fears now that his partner had initiated the dialogue. “They didn’t hurt, but I could actually feel them…”

He picked up a rock casually and tossed it over his shoulder, traveling several meters in a millisecond and beheading the last criminal who had fled. Carl hadn’t even looked his way.

“I’m guessing that’s what happened to your laser vision,” Kate ascertained. “Some sort of ailment affecting the both of us.”

“But it doesn’t make sense… we swooped in and stole another meteorite from Jack and Jane, why are we getting weaker?”

“Jack and Jane…” Kate spoke, musing over what Carl had said. “Do you think that meteorite wasn’t what we thought it was?”

“What are you saying?”

Kate’s gaze narrowed angrily. “I think we were set up.”


“Jane! Jane! You have to come outside and see this!” Jack exclaimed, his powerful voice echoing throughout the house, only for seemingly no response.

“Boo!” came a surprising call from directly next to his ear, nearly causing Jack to jump in fear. Jane had somehow snuck up behind him when he wasn’t looking.

“Ack! W-what the! Jane!” he jumped, startled by her sudden presence.

“Heh, scared?” Jane taunted playfully. She had only gotten faster with each passing day.

“J-just a little surprised is all!...” Jack replied sheepishly, before trailing off. He had become lost in Jane’s eyes. Beautiful didn’t even begin to describe them. They seemed to resemble the night sky, complete with the stars that twinkled within them.

Jane’s physical prowess had improved with each passing day, yet Jack only seemed to notice the little things about her body. Instead of her ballerina-esque legs, endless skin shaping perfectly into voluptuous hips, he only noticed the cute keychain of a cat that adorned one of the many belt loops on her pair of short shorts. Instead of her perfect face that seemed to contour naturally without any makeup, Jack only noticed the adorable freckles that came in pairs of four on both sides of her face.

She wasn’t just a pretty girl—Kate was a pretty girl—she was a pretty girl to Jack. He was beginning to feel as if they were made for each other, in a way. While he had found himself devoted to Kate’s stunningly beautiful body as she ascended.

Of course, ogling Jane wasn’t the reason he had called her out here, as was evident by the curious look developing on Jane’s face. She gestured at him as if to say “well?”

“Uh, oh yes!” Jack exclaimed awkwardly, though it was well covered up by his chiseled features. Building his assuredness back, he concentrated a large bout of power into his core before unleashing it from his bending knees.

The force was converted into vertical momentum, shooting Jack into the sky like a firework. After his ascension had cleared more than quintuple the size of the house, he reached his peak before gradually descending rapidly until he cratered in the neighbor’s lawn.

Jane worriedly ran over to check on Jack, only to find him laughing to himself unscathed within the mound of dirt and stone.

“Oh my god! Jack! A-are you okay!?” she exclaimed, though already knowing the answer in her heart. He had been getting increasingly more reckless with each passing day, yet only seemed to be vindicated in his experiments.

As soon as they had gotten home, he had lifted the entire couch without pulling a muscle. It wasn’t long before he was running reps on weights he had never even been capable of lifting before in his life. 100 felt more like ten in his hands.

Jane was quick to realize that whatever applied to him, applied to her too. Yesterday, she spotted him on a particularly difficult bench press, around 200kg of sheer steel. He had almost dropped the absurd amount of weight on his neck, but she managed to catch it with her own two hands. Jack suddenly jumping 80 feet in the air felt almost like a natural progression after the events of the past few days.

They spent the day hiking out to the middle of the desert where there would be no nagging neighbors. There, the real fun could begin.

Jack and Jane took turns flinging their bodies into the sky like fleas, before careening back towards the earth and sticking the landing.

After five minutes, the desert had so many craters it better resembled the surface of the moon than any place on a habitable planet. While never within thirty feet of each other at any given time, they could always hear their voices clear as day.

They were having the times of their lives. Like adolescents jumping on a bed, the simple act of them bounding into the sky was enough to leave them fulfilled.

Their leaps would begin to sync after a while, eventually holding hands as their superpowered thighs catapulted them to greater and greater heights.

A brief bout of fear entered their hearts as Jack mistepped on one of his takeoffs, careening them wildly off-course. They grabbed each other right before crashing into the ground, creating a stone’s skip of craters among the flat plane. When they finally came to a halt, clothes all torn and dirty, Jack and Jane laughed themselves into hysterics.

Jack was only on top for a brief moment before he lazily drooped off of Jane, unfolding himself parallel to her body into the grass.

They continued to laugh like school children, reveling in the excitement that their new powers had blessed them with. It was as if Jack had been reborn as a new man, same with Jane.

“Think fast!” Jane shouted with glee, jumping atop Jack and playfully attempting to pin his arms and legs.

Jack made a minor effort to shake Jane off, but decided to let her have her fun. As their laughter calmed, a passionate, palpable silence was all that remained. Their cheeks burned with passion as their hot breaths clashed in the space between their two faces.

The arid desert and coarse sand did nothing to deter the powerful desire shared between the two of them. The voice of reason within both of their heads was gone. All that remained was an unrelenting, aching yearning.

It had been five days since the big camping trip and since that day, Jack and Jane had spent every single waking moment together. Their craving for each other’s bodies increased with every passing hour, but they had managed to keep themselves busy. There was a sort of unspoken agreement ever since that sorrowful parting one year ago, but that phantom pact was rapidly deteriorating. A superpowered lust overpowered all rational thought.

Instead of throwing Jane off of him, Jack’s hands went straight for her button-down shirt. Jane didn’t object.

His gaze was immediately treated to a pair of full breasts, practically spilling out of her flannel shirt. They pressed against his tight chest like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object in the heat of passion.

Jane’s hands moved from holding herself up—her breasts were more than capable of that job now—settling upon Jack’s face to steady it. Her full lips descended upon his, Jack embracing her as their tongues engaged in a fierce battle for control.

She broke the kiss abruptly, hastily undoing her belt. She simply couldn’t wait any longer.

“Oh fuck,” was all Jane could exclaim, her throaty voice throwing Jack’s mind into overdrive. Her shallow breaths transformed into yelps as Jack gripped at whatever he could on her body, holding themselves tight to each other as his firm hands clawed at her unyielding flesh.

“Fuck, I haven’t been able to contain myself, Jack. Five days away from you was five days too long.”

She eyed him up and down like a prized animal, ready to pounce. Jane didn’t wait for permission, she had been waiting too long. But so had Jack. While he had once been woefully underprepared with Kate, his resolve was greater than ever.

And that wasn’t all, his dick had gotten bigger too.

But Jack wouldn’t get a good look at it as Jane plunged her sex on top of his powerful member. The impossible firmness of her body was unlike anything he had ever felt, especially now that he possessed the power and resilience to keep up with her.

The couple rode each other through powerful orgasms, able to exude as much force as they so desired. Her deliciously tight core was wrapped around his uncompromising erection, complimenting each other perfectly like two puzzle pieces that completed a picture of a passionate, healthy couple.


“Morning, sleepyheads,” came a beautifully melodious voice, though it possessed sinister undertones.

Other than the blinding midday desert light, Jack was treated to a far more pleasing presence as his eyes adjusted to being rudely awoken. Kate’s beautiful face greeted him, her blonde ponytail and errant strands of hair radiating a sight almost more golden than the sun adjacent to her.

But… why was Kate here? This was still the desert in the middle of nowhere, right?

Jack’s groggy brain attempted to piece together the series of incongruent events. It all didn’t seem to add up.

Wait… where was Jane!?

He sat up fast, only for Kate to kick him in the head with her boot, returning him to the dusty ground with a round of pain for good measure.

“Ah, ah, ah, don’t sit up too fast now,” Kate taunted, blowing a lock of hair out of her face. “Wouldn't want you to get headrush.”

“W-where’s Jane?” Jack managed to sputter in between throbs of pain from his injured forehead. “What did you do to her?”

“Oh, nothing… yet.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Jack could see what appeared to be Jane held in place by Carl. She was struggling, but no good seemed to come of it.

“Mayor informed us about a few hooligans setting off TNT in the desert,” Kate continued, nonchalantly checking one of her perfectly manicured nails. “Turns out, it’s exactly the two ‘hooligans’ we’ve been looking for this entire time.”

“W-what do you mean?” he asked, genuine confusion in his voice. As his eyesight finally returned to full, he noticed that her eyes seemed less radiant and pretty, the hue resembling more of a depleted purple than a full, vibrant color.

“Don’t act like you don’t know, Jack,” she hissed, her composure broken for but a moment before reconstructing itself. “Our powers are getting weaker. You’re actually getting powers. What was in that meteorite? How did you trick us with such a convincing fake!?”

Kate was getting furious, red-faced like he once had when she and Carl had taunted him. It didn’t help that his member was hopelessly engorged at the sight of her. Just as things were beginning to turn around for him and Jane, Kate’s supermodel body and passive-agressive bitchiness was right there to keep him from reaching the top.

“Fake?” was all Jack could muster for a response.

Her brow furrowed in brief puzzlement, before going all the way back into anger. She lifted her boot back up, only to stomp it downwards into his erection. Breathless fury overcame him as she grinded her shoe further into his groin.

“Well, if you won’t give me the answers on how to reverse it, I guess I’ll just keep forcing climaxes out of you until there’s nothing left for you to give,” Kate spoke with sadistic fervor. “Let’s see if you’re still as fun to play with as I remember.”

“There isn’t any way to reverse it, Kate!” Jane exclaimed in desperation from Carl’s clutches. “It was just some strange meteor! We didn’t premeditate this, I swear!”

As if Kate was in denial, her face remained confident while the faintest hint of desperation was present behind her face. Jack was sure he’d spot the same anguish in Carl’s face should he turn his head more to the right.

“Looks like we’ve got a double date with maximum security prison for you two tomorrow. The interrogation techniques should be far more efficient there. How’s that sound?”

Kate didn’t give Jack the chance to respond before stomping on his face, knocking him out cold.


Despite being kicked in the face and tossed into a cold cell without any consideration for his health, Jack woke up feeling… amazing.

Jane was even better for wear, already making the most of her situation and doing pull-ups on her upturned bed.

“Good to see you’re awake. I’m busting us out of here,” Jane spoke very matter-of-factly, not even straining with the pullups she was performing.

“Busting out of… Jane! We’re not strong enough to take them!”

“Maybe not yesterday, but today is a new day,” Jane spoke rather cryptically, finishing her reps by leaping off of the upturned bed’s bar and landing in front of Jack.

Her tarnished outfit did nothing to squander the otherworldly body donning it. Torn at the midriff, her abdominal musculature laid bare for Jack’s eyes to lap up. A sheen of sweat called even more attention to her flawless abs and silky thighs. Her chest then stretched what little fabric remained into a perfect vistage of two tantalizing swells. Any bigger, and she’d have another rip to worry about, this time vertical.

While determination was the dominant emotion, Jane did a little twirl to give her new lover a complete view of her stunning body. No matter how dire the situation, it seemed that Jane wanted Jack to be as aroused as possible.

Retaining her sultry Mona Lisa smile, she waltzed over sensually to the opposite wall, beckoning for Jack to follow. He did as he was told without question.

“Alright, I’ve surmised that this wall is the weakest. If we both strike it at the same time, it should collapse easily!”

Jack’s nervous gaze darted between Jane’s determined face and the reinforced concrete wall. But the more he looked at his lover’s face, the more he rationalized she only had the best intentions for him.

As it turned out, the wall was even easier to smash though than she had initially thought. The concrete shattered like glass before them, immediately exposing a second trial before them: they were on the 50th floor of this building.

Other than the momentary acrophobia, this was no big deal. They had fallen from heights greater than this just two days ago—self-inflicted heights, no less!

With a minor leap, they prepared for a rapid descent downwards. But they did not descend. It almost felt as if they had never left the ground at all.

Jack and Jane were flying.

But their elation would be short lived, as they spotted all-too-familiar silhouettes along the horizon. Or at least, they seemed familiar. Them being the only other humans on earth who could fly naturally was a dead giveaway, but their less-than-perfect bodies betrayed their reputation.

Kate and Carl still resembled statuesque gods straight out of a comic book, but as if a B-Team of artists had been assembled to portray them. Carl was far less triangular in build, still quite muscular—but almost disappointing knowing what he had once been capable of. Kate’s breasts were a bit less full, her Captain-Marvel-inspired superhero suit not hugging her as tightly as it once had.

She was still above average in her beauty and her body still commanded Jack’s attention, but the effect was lessened once more. He suddenly didn’t feel so helpless around her—that sense of hopeless romanticism he had always felt.

“I knew we should’ve put tougher walls on the prison, Carl,” Kate lamented, talking about her former husband and best friend as if they were no better than caged animals.

“Don’t worry honey, we’ll just beat ‘em so bad, they won’t even want to leave prison.”

His response seemed to reassure Kate, the two of them shooting bedroom eyes at each other. Jack felt anger stewing within him once more. Their flirty glances…the constant dehumanization of him and Jane…It didn’t matter if Kate was once his wife or if Carl was his best friend, he wanted nothing more than to kick their asses.

“Jane, you take Kate, I’ve got Carl.”

Though perhaps he still couldn’t bring himself to harm Kate directly.

But Jane didn’t question his decision, nodding her head along as she readied her stance for battle. They crossed lanes, switching spots in the air as they clashed with their same-gender counterparts.

Jack and Carl traded blows, but Jack’s appeared to be more devastating. Even though he had very little experience with the recently-acquired power of flight, he was already utilizing it more effectively than Carl was. It was rather easy, Almost as if Carl’s attacks were slightly telegraphed before becoming fully realized.

Carl threw a left hook and Jack swerved around it, retaliating by catching his upper arm. He pulled Carl into a devastating knee smash, striking his former friend right in the ribs. Carl attempted to counter with another hook, this time from his right hand, but Jack was too fast and Carl was too predictable. Catching his other arm and twisting it, Carl let out a cry of anguish.

Determined to finish him off—Jack delivered a powerful headbutt to Carl’s face, breaking his nose and sending the once-God careening semi-consciously into the concrete fifty feet below. Kate looked down in terror at what had transpired, but she could not act upon it. She was dealing with trouble of her own.

Jane was ferociously laying into Kate with all she had, the fight proving almost therapeutic for her as a year’s worth of bottled up rage was shown on display for the whole world to see.

“This is for stealing my husband! This is for turning him against me! This is for imprisoning me!” with every exclamation, another powerful fist struck Kate’s body. Jack had struggled slightly against Carl, but it seemed as though Jane wasn’t holding back anything, reducing Kate’s sculpted body into putty with her punches.

Kate managed to swerve around a batch of reckless punches from Jane, but instead of seizing the opportunity to fight back, she chose to flee. Rocketing down to the surface, she retrieved Carl’s unconscious body before escaping into the sunset.

“We… we did it. We were actually strong enough to send them packing…” Jack responded in disbelief, heavy breaths trilling past his teeth. “We wo—”

But his disbelief was cut short by Jane, who tackled him midair only to pepper him with passion. A quick tempo of kisses and sharp breaths attacked his face, her desire reaching its peak.

“God, getting revenge on our shitty exes has never felt so fucking hot, Jack,” Jane moaned, rubbing her hands along the contours of his body.

Jack managed to stabilize himself in midair, only to return fire with love of his own, his hands feeling every crevice of her ever-enhancing body.

Were they really about to fuck in the sky?

Jack’s rational side would have hesitated, but he couldn’t even hear its call anymore. His thoughts kept demanding to be pleased, who was he to deny them?

They spent a few more minutes kissing uninterrupted before Jane raised a proposition.

“Hey Jack, I just thought of a really sexy idea.”

“What’s that?”

“Wanna track down our exes in a few days and see if they fall pathetically head-over-heels for us like we once did to them?”

DAY 12

Each day spent hiding from Jack and Jane was another day spent getting weaker. In just five days, Kate and Carl had lost their powers of flight and night vision, and their stamina and strength was waning. They were willing to fight if it had to come to that, but all they hoped was their superpowered counterparts would never find them.

Of course, as soon as they made an effort, Kate and Carl were discovered instantly.

“Well, well, well… look who we found at the old house!” Jack’s hefty voice spoke from the skylight. Kate and Carl were given no time to react before the entire roof was suddenly demolished into debris above their heads.

Jane entered through the door like a normal person, yet the lust-filled grin on her face was anything but normal.

Kate hid behind Carl—her old, timid self was all that remained now when confronted. But Carl didn’t back down, he threw a punch without warning in Jane’s direction. While in their last fight, there was always a slight hint as to what he was going to do next, Carl was practically attacking in slow motion now. Jane dodged around the punch effortlessly, scooping Carl up by the shirt.

But she didn’t kill him. Perhaps that would have been too merciful. She had other plans for her ex-husband.

Kate ran, but Jane didn’t give chase. She had what she wanted now. She ripped his clothes to shreds as if they were wrapping paper on Christmas day, yet she found herself ultimately disappointed by the present within.

“This isn’t the titanic cock I remember, Carl,” Jane taunted her former lover, her lips parting into a humorous grin as she gazed upon his less-than-impressive member. “You’re lucky I’m horny as fuck, because otherwise I wouldn’t let that pinprick anywhere near me.”

She pinned her pathetic ex to the ground, his engorging member the only part of his body unable to lay flat. A sadistic smile was growing upon her face. After he had broken her, she couldn’t wait to reciprocate the favor.

She lowered herself to him, sliding the opening of her sex alongside the head of his cock. Perhaps there was still some semblance of superhumanism within him, it was the only explanation for why he didn’t immediately cum on the spot.

But Carl desperately wished he was brought to completion, as his flesh was bent and abused with every subsequent failed entry.

Jane knew there’d be no chance of him breaching, but she didn’t care. Like a machine with a sole purpose to breed, she continued her assault upon his bruised crotch.

A mix of pain and reluctant arousal was all that could be gleaned from Carl’s incessant groaning, Jane now slamming her pelvis atop Carl’s like a jackhammer. He was eventually allowed the privilege to cum, but by then his hips had been crushed into a fine powder and he had blacked out from the pain. His body was left to convulse randomly, complimented by unconscious, incongruent moans that seemed choked in suffering.

“Hmmph, look at you Carl,” Jane spoke, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she read. “So much for ‘fortune favoring the bold’, hmm? You’ve touched two meteorites, dripping with power, yet I remain on top. Enjoy the rest of your forever unsatisfying life like I had to.”

Kate had made it out the back door, only for Jack to be on the other side of it, his arms crossed along his barreled chest almost like a parent disappointed with their child.

“J-Jack wait!” Kate sputtered in desperation. “I… I can still be of use to you! W-we can still make this work!”

But the more she talked, the less he heard. It was as if she became a satellite radio in his tunnel vision, becoming staticy and inaudible as his eyes naturally focused on the woman beyond her.

As more and more raw power was siphoned into his body, the mental image of Kate was scrubbed away. Like waves lapping at a child’s sandcastle.

“If you couldn’t love me at my weakest mortal state, you don’t deserve me in this new, godly state.”

Jack reached a finger forward, traveling lower and lower in its trajectory towards Kate’s body. She didn’t move a muscle, but she also had no defined ones to move. It seemed pointless to resist, so she didn’t.

He drove the tip of his finger up her body, starting at her thighs. each inch exploding new bouts of pleasure into every crevice and angle of her form. She felt herself orgasming at his touch, collapsing backwards into the painful concrete as soon as his finger had reached its destination at her temple.

He didn’t even have to penetrate her. It was all too easy.

Him and Jane fled the scene, understanding now that their exes had nothing left to provide them. After all, there was a new superhero vacuum that needed to be filled in the world.

Once Kate and Carl awoke, they were in anguish both physically and mentally. Their bones were cracked and sprained, while blood was being coughed from their mouths.

But despite everything, Kate just couldn’t escape from the mental image of Jack. Sex would never be the same for her from that point onward.


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