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Written by Hiker Angel

Commissioned by Omnomplus

“Rita, this is dangerous.”

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not. There’s no way we’ll just be able to go the rest of our lives without anyone noticing.”

“We’re still 20, Melinda. We can just say we had a late growth spurt to explain the growing breasts.”

“Okay, but if this spell is as powerful as the legends claim it is, they’re gonna swell up a lot farther than something like puberty can just explain.”

“Would you just shut up?” Rita said, finalizing the discussion. “Your rambling is distracting me from my lock picking.”

While that was partially true, Rita knew she couldn’t come up with a good counter argument. From what she had heard, this rumored spell book was insanely dangerous. At least, that would explain why it was locked behind such a difficult lock.

“Do you even know how to pick a lock?” came Melinda’s crass nervousness again, interrupting Rita’s focus. One could almost see the steam seeping out of her ears.

“I thought I told you to shut up! This may be an abandoned part of the city, but there could still be stragglers around every corner.”

“Ugh, why would a book with what we want even be here? You think more people would want a boob growth spell anyways.”

There was a brief pause as a hint of introspection washed over the two witches, but they both quickly shook the thoughts away.

A victorious click eliciting from the door garnered a smug “told ya so” reaction from Rita as she strutted through the door with Melinda in tow.

Dust choked their throats as they searched the cobweb-laiden shelves for their prize. But they were invigorated! True power was almost within their grasp.

“Found it!” exclaimed Melinda proudly, sticking her tongue out at Rita as she added another unseen victory point to their unspoken rivalry.

Sure enough, it was the book. Rather thick on the page count, it bore an intricate green cover with a tarnished bronze textlock.

They wasted no time ripping off the seal and flipping past the myriad of warnings sprinkled throughout.

“Blah, blah, blah, dangerous… blah, blah, blah, spells can be the harbinger of the apocalypse… blah, blah, blah… ah! Here we go!”


“No, that can’t be it. That means we take boob size from someone else. There’s got to be one for just raw growth, no strings attached, right?”

Melinda frantically scoured the rest of the pages, but no such spell seemed to exist. This was the book, no doubt about it, where the hell was it?

“You think the page got ripped out or something? This book is, like, hundreds of years old.”

“Can’t be,” replied Melinda, using a magical enhancement to hone in on specific words. “The table of contents lists this one as the only spell with ‘breasts’ in the title.”

“Try searching for tits or boobs or honkers or something!”

Melinda looked at Rita like she was stupid.

Out of desperation, the two witches searched through the many paragraphs that composed the spell, hoping and praying that there was some variation of it, but that too bore no fruit.

“Ugh, this is bullshit! Why the fuck does this spell need ten pages and nine of them are just a history lesson!”

“Well, look on the bright side, Rita, at least we have something that can grow our boobs. We’ll just need an unsuspecting victim to trick into giving up their size for us. I’m sure there’s plenty of women with back-aching breasts looking to give…”

But a nascent smile from Rita caused Melinda to trail off, only to adopt a similar expression of devious intent.

There was one girl both of them knew that would certainly have breasts to spare and common sense to ignore.

“Jiggly Jenny.” The two spoke in unison, smiles reaching their full crescendos as they did.


A set of bouncing E-cups drew the animalistic gaze of all the boys as a certain senior strutted down the hallway. This was a familiar routine, yet it felt brand new all the same. A thin waist bridged the gap between the complementary actions of large, natural breasts and a peppy step from sizable thighs that bounced them tantalizingly.

The morning walk to class was like a carrot on a stick. Her favorite choice of clothing always came with a sizable boob window, practically begging for the men to never take their eyes off of her, lest they miss the millisecond where something rather “unsuitable for television” would be slipped into view.

But most surprisingly, this ritual of hers was not intentional. Drawing the longing stares of boys and ire of other girls was pleasant, but she could take it or leave it. She was kind and even rather studious, never missing a single day of school. Although, if she retained any of the information she learned was still up for debate.

To say she was a bimbo was calling water wet, but it was hard to blame her for being off the brighter side.

In her four years of high school, where witches were expected to learn at least three new root spells every year, Jenny managed to coast by without picking up a single one. But the two hemispheres jutting beautifully from her chest proved to be more powerful than magic itself.

Just one look, and any man was hypnotized. All they wanted to do was help this lost, dumb girl. Jenny wasn’t even acutely aware of the power she possessed over half the population, a fact which made Rita and Melissa irate with jealousy.

They had worked hard, only to be usurped by an unaware bimbo. “Jiggly Jenny” was more than just a cruel tease. It was a jealousy-backed form of defiance. They’d have to adopt the opposite approach if they wanted what she had, but they had no doubt in her mind that Jenny would be none the wiser to their plot.

Thankfully for them, Jenny followed her routine almost ritualistically. They were able to effortlessly intercept her on her way to lunch, calling her into an empty classroom far away from any potential witnesses.

“Oh em gee! Rita! Melissa! I haven’t seen you guys in a while! What is up, besties?”

“Jenny! It’s so good to see you!” Rita lied through her teeth. “We’ve got a special little spell here for ya!”

“Yep, it’s so special, we immediately came to you, since you’re our most awesomest, best-est friend ever!” Miranda added, sweetening the lie with flattery. “Consider it a proper apology for all the times we called you names at the beginning of highschool.”

It worked like a charm, Jenny practically squealed with joy, her massive chest mountains nodding along in agreement as she shook like a massage chair.

“Oooooh! I’m so excited! What does it do? Does it make boys fall madly in love with us?”

Rita and Melissa exchanged jaded looks. Every day, Jenny managed to surprise them with a new level of unawareness they had previously thought to be impossible.

“Yeah, something like that, Jenny,” Rita answered dismissively, cracking open the bookmarked page to where their prize sat. She made sure that her point of view was facing Jenny, the target of her and Melissa’s desires.

Melinda sucked her teeth as she scanned the page. “This incantation is literally one line of text. It really doesn’t need all of these annoying warning labels.”

“Yeah, they were probably just put there by headmaster Evelyn or something,” Rita joked. “That bitch is like… an infinity years old anyways. She’s no fun.”

“Aww, you guys shouldn’t be so mean to her! I’m sure she has her reasons!”

Both of them were instantly reminded of why they had such disdain for Jenny and her cheerful attitude. At least, they reasoned separately within their own heads, she wouldn’t be so cheery for much longer.

“Amosia enaq patru sarasijam” the two girls spoke together, their voices growing deeper and huskier as they repeated the forbidden words on the page. The lights in the classroom went haywire, a mysterious wind blew from an impossible angle.

And then came the pleasure.

An overwhelming, orgasmic pleasure.

Rita and Melinda began to change, their bodies writhing in pleasure as the forbidden magic washed over them. Both possessing mere A-cups, their transformation into blossoming Bs was met with a powerful wave of desire. It was unlike anything they had ever felt, a second puberty from the dark arts themselves.

Jenny, in contrast, looked at the two ecstatic girls in confusion. Why didn’t she feel the same happiness? Why did her body feel… off?

“Guys?” Jenny responded, the tips of her eyebrows curling upwards in nervous fashion. “Is this spell supposed to give me a tummy ache? I don’t… think it’s working for me.”

Rita and Melissa smiled at each other. The dumb bimbo’s tits were so big, it appeared as though she hadn’t even noticed they shrunk an entire cup size right underneath her very own eyes.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, Jenny,” spoke Rita, her voice drunken with pleasure. “Just be happy that we feel so pretty.”

“I-I mean…” she spoke, a frown beginning to form on her face. “I am happy for you guys, but—”

“Just… be quiet for a moment, Jenny,” came an equally aroused voice from Melissa. Her gaze was focused exclusively on her new breasts, basking in the unfamiliar heftiness that now adorned her chest. If this was how good a mere cup size felt, she couldn’t imagine how it would feel to relinquish the stupid bimbo of everything her chest had to offer.

They couldn’t wait to steal more from Jenny, but they were also too invested in the initial spectacle to act upon their desires.

“Aww c’mon! I wanna have fun and be pretty like you guys! Lemme say the spell!”

“No Jenny!” Rita shot back, quickly racking her brain to find a good excuse. “You’ll, uh, mess it up if you try to repeat it. It could have dangerous effects!”

“It doesn’t sound that hard to say! I’ve been practicing!” she responded, a determined glint in her eyes. “Amosia enaq patru sarasijam.”

She recited it perfectly. With her gaze locked firmly at Rita and Melissa as she spoke, Jenny undid all their hard work in a single sentence.

Rita and Melissa gripped their chests in despair as they witnessed their once burgeoning breasts reset to mediocrity. Jenny’s, on the other hand, flourished back into the E-cups she had been infamous for. She hugged her body in joy from the pleasure, closed eyes missing the agony her self-described “best friends” were suddenly experiencing.

The two girls attempted to vent their frustrations, but it was as if their breath had been sucked clean out of their lungs. Their bodies couldn’t handle such a large amount of flesh being suddenly stolen off of it. They needed the time to recuperate—time that Jenny’s unaware outlook wasn’t about to give them.

“Hehe!” she giggled innocently. “That felt good! Again! Again!”

“...W-wait! Jenny, don’t!” Rita exclaimed weakly, finding just enough breath to call out to the big-boobed senior.

But it was too late.

“Amosia enaq patru sarasijam!”

Once more Jenny recited it perfectly and once more did Rita and Melissa shrink, their pitiful A-cups disappearing into their chests. All the while, Jenny’s chest surged forward, lapping up what little her tiny-titted friends had to offer.

The spell did not overwhelm Jenny with pleasure in the same way it had her cohorts. It was potent, yes, but she was used to the ambrosia of prodigious breasts. Even as they swelled to F-cups—her pleasure was only momentary.

“Sorry there, Rita, got a little lost in my happy place there. Did you say something?” Jenny opened her eyes, only to witness a shocking sight before her.

Both Rita and Melissa were knocked out cold, unable to secure enough oxygen to their brains before they fainted. She almost couldn’t see them on the floor over her new

“Ahh! R-Rita!? M-Melissa!? A-are you okay!?” Jenny exclaimed in worry to the two flat-chested girls she had just accidentally K.O’d. “D-don’t worry, I’m going to get you guys to the nurse’s office!”


“You did the right thing bringing them here, Jenny,” the school nurse spoke offhandedly, scribbling some notes on a clipboard. “What did you say the cause was again?”

“Uh, I don’t really know?” Jenny answered honestly. “I think it had something to do with that book they wanted to show me.”

“Yes, and that book is now within school custody. That was dangerous magic those two were playing with.”

“Oh no! D-does that mean I’m in trouble too?”

“No, Jenny. I’d expect these two troublemakers to do something like that, but not you. You’re free to go back to class as soon as I finish writing this report.”

“Okiie! Thank you, nurse!”

“You’re quite welcome, Jenny. Tch, that girl’s poor back…”

With that, Jenny was left to roam free, returning to class per her routine. No one could quite place why she looked extra enticing, but it was as if everyone’s pupils were magnetically drawn to her blooming chest. With an extra cup size to her name, the fabric of her already-strained top worked overtime to keep her twin tantalizing treasures hidden yet forever enticing.

She remained blissfully unaware as she sat in the center of the classroom, pressing her massive breasts against the table as she blindly reached for something in her bag. But something caught her attention—the sensation of the wooden desk on her nipples.

Was this some sort of special wood? Her breasts had never been this sensitive before. It didn’t take much for her to forget the initial question, her mind all too eager to succumb to the simple pleasures her surroundings could offer.

But the bursts of pleasure quickly became inadequate, the dopamine rush fleeting with every additional rub. This scarce euphoria was not nearly enough!

Her mind drifted back to Rita and Melissa. How consumed they had become by the pleasure of the spell. She wanted that for herself! Perhaps she simply hadn’t spoken it correctly?

She ruminated over the pronunciation within her mind. Oh my, how did it go again? Jenny thought to herself, placing a curved finger to her bottom lip. Amosia enaq patru… sarasijam, right?

The girl sitting at the desk in front of Jenny—a pretty brunette named Carli—suddenly experienced a tightening in her chest. It didn’t matter that she was only within the busty girl’s peripheral vision. It didn’t matter that Jenny was slow on her pronunciation. It didn’t matter that Jenny hadn’t even physically uttered the powerfully dangerous phrase.

An audible “w-huh!?” snapped Jenny back into reality. Carli was gripping her chest in confusion, equally perplexed and terrified as her breasts visibly shrunk before her very eyes.

“What the fuck!?” she shrieked. “Where the fuck did my tits go?”

Her gaze of ire was immediately drawn to the girl to the left of her, a blonde who looked equally confused.

“Very funny, Katie,” she accused the blonde sarcastically. “Now give me my tits back!”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, Carli!” the girl answered honestly. “You sure it’s not a curse or something?”

“Bullshit. I know you’ve been jealous of my tits ever since middle school. You must’ve placed a hex on me or something!”

The argument quickly drew all the attention away from Jenny, including her own. Carli, whose breasts had shrunken from Cs to As, was frantically searching Katie’s desk for some sort of conduit for the theft of her chest flesh.

Jenny wanted to speak up, but a wave of pleasure shut down all other functions. Her breasts had grown again, and she was still none the wiser. All she did know was that she wanted more.

More pleasure.

More euphoria.

As the battle before her raged on, the teacher unable to quell the rage, Jenny was lost within a labyrinth of her own mind.

It can’t be anything else, right? It has to be Amosia enaq patru sarasijam.

Carli suddenly fell to her hands and knees in fatigue. Katie found herself almost glued to her seat, her eyelids heavy and waning. Melissa, a girl previously unrelated to the conflict, found herself afflicted with the same exhaustion, nearly falling out of her chair.

“What’s going on!?” cried one student. “It must be some sort of virus or something!” reasoned another.

But no one suspected Jenny. She didn’t even suspect herself to be the cause as her own breasts grew and grew, filling out into perfect 25 centimeter spheres that adorned her chest.


Now possessing G-cup breasts, her school uniform was beginning to falter.

Another pop.

M-more… Amosia enaq patru sarasijam.

Pop, pop, pop, pop rang out; as another girl from the class came under the effects of the mysterious ailment.

Due to the air of chaotic commotion, no one had noticed that six out of eight of the buttons from Jenny’s shirt had popped off. Firing off like a revolver, they all struck the teacher square in the head, knocking him out cold.

“Ah! The sickness has gotten to the teacher too!” one of the students exclaimed in horror, only noticing the man had been downed after hearing his hefty body strike the floor.

Without a authoritative presence, the students fled the classroom in terror. Jenny was left alone with a KO’d teacher and four half-conscious, flat-chested girls before her.

Finding a sudden wave of clarity, she realized just how bad of a look this was for her. She had no clue what was happening, but she also didn’t want to be mistaken for the cause of this unknown affliction!

She sat up, only to be greeted with an unfamiliar pain in her torso. Her back! Why did it hurt all of the sudden? She never had to deal with such discomfort before now!

Only then, after six victims and six buttons popped, did she realize what had been happening to her.

“Have… have my breasts been getting bigger!?”

But she wasn’t as disturbed as she thought she might’ve been. This feeling… this sensation… It felt natural. It felt right.

She wanted more.

She needed more.

Once the desire overwhelmed all other bodily feelings, the pain went away. As long as she could feed it, then—she reasoned—the pain might never return.

More… More… Go out and get more… came an intrusive thought in the back of her head. Who was she to deny what she wanted?

Her legs seemed to guide themselves as she exited the classroom, her widened eyes scanning the hallway for more pleasure to consume.

She wasn’t sure what her brain meant by pleasure exactly, but there must’ve been some commonality between the previous two scenarios that resulted in her breasts expanding in size.

Outside of the diminishing number of fleeing classmates, the only remaining members of the student body were a group of all-too-familiar delinquents. The tallest of the three spotted Jenny amongst the commotion, a smile curling up on her black-painted and double-pierced lips.

“Well, well, well… if it isn’t ol’ Jiggly Jenny,” she then exhaled a puff of cigarette smoke into the busty girl’s face before a hex she had cast earlier evaporated the fumes so they would not set off any school alarms. “Let me guess, that little mass exodus from Mr. Robert’s class was your doing, wasn’t it?”

Jenny wanted to respond, but a haze of desire prevented her from speaking. A worried look remained on her face, unflinching.

“Looks like I’m right on the mark,” she responded to Jenny’s inaction with an ever-widening smile. Bending forward until their noses were almost touching, her height made it quite evident she had been held back a few years… as did her breast size.

They were nowhere near as big as hers, yet still endlessly appealing as they peaked out of the gothic corset that the leader of the delinquents adorned. Jenny found herself unable to take her eyes off of them and the girl noticed.

“Wow, since when did you become a slutty little lesbo, Jiggly?” she taunted further, taking another hit from her cigarette. “Look. word spreads fast around these halls, and a little birdy told me that you put my sister, Melinda, in the hospital. I really didn’t think you had it in you… but don’t you worry your little head now, me and the girls are gonna make sure you never have it in you ever again.”

The girls…

The two seemingly inconspicuous words rang through Jenny’s head, her eyes darting beyond the breasts of the tall girl before her and onto the chests of her two lackeys. They possessed almost equal size, if not greater. Their far more mature breasts taunted her from a distance, egging her towards an unsure conclusion.

Breasts… breasts…


Amosia enaq patru sarasijam.

The tall girl’s smug smile was suddenly wiped clean. Was… was her corset suddenly a bit tight? No… it felt loose.

“What the hell—?”

She didn’t get a chance to finish that sentence before collapsing. The other two girls in her clique rushed over to attempt to help, but their consciousnesses were too cut down before they could even make it halfway.

Then came the pleasure. The lovely, overwhelming pleasure. It came to her in three pulses, one for each downed girl. She writhed lovingly as each wave tenderly washed over her, the core of the pleasure centering in her breasts. By the time she came off the high, she had all but forgotten about the three girls that had come at the cost of it.

After all, there was a new problem that commanded her attention: her bra.

Her breasts were still growing and her clothes just couldn’t keep up. She would have to rush home and fix this, schedule be damned!

Thankfully for her sake, Jenny was already used to making custom adjustments for her cow tits ever since puberty.  Though her early teenage years appeared to be only part one of a long-running puberty saga.

But everything would be fine! She assured herself. It’s just a two-block walk home, nothing would get in her way if the all-encompassing reach of the school’s staff couldn’t.

With all the ensuing chaos, the uninterested security guard didn’t even look up from his phone to acknowledge Jenny’s presence.

“Going somewhere, little lady?”

“Or should we say, big lady?” there was an ensuing chuckle from at least three other people.

Her gaze was nervously drawn to several large men exiting an alleyway beside her, roughly five. She didn’t manage to get a good look—one of them had a knife that drew most of her attention.

“I hear witches are worth a lot these days. They got that special magic that can really make a body rock, so I’ve heard.”

“And it looks to me like you’ve got a surplus,” another one of them spoke, eying below her head towards her breasts.



She didn’t even utter the spell’s words, inside or outside of her mind. She didn’t have to. The pervasive memory of acting upon it was enough. Its invisible tendrils shot forward, leaching at whatever the men before her possessed for breasts.

If Jenny knew she could activate the spell, she wouldn’t have used it on the men, because they had no breasts to steal. If the men knew of an attribute theft spell that focused exclusively on breasts, they wouldn’t have thought it effective since they had no breasts to steal.

But the spell didn’t know that. It was an uncaring force of nature. It would keep draining and draining at any piece of flesh it could latch on too.

Jenny’s breasts didn’t grow, but they didn’t have to for the transaction to complete. The men’s chests compressed inward, almost becoming concave. The skin of their chests and the subsequent shirts atop it conformed around the rib cages inside their torsos, as if a vacuum had been placed where their lungs should be.

Just like that, Jenny had taken out five muscular men, each with about two heads of height on her. She quickly fled the scene in terror, unsure of what had befallen the muggers. One of the men attempted to grab at her in desperation, but an instinctual hand swat on her part effortlessly shattered all of the bones in his arm.

She was getting stronger. And she was none the wiser to this fact.

Running into her home and locking the door behind her, she found her body hyperventilating as it decided that now was the optimal time to process trauma. She didn’t ask for any of this, she was a nice girl who just happened to have large breasts! Large… tantalizing breasts…

She found her eyes drifting downwards to her own chest, twin hemispheres quickly filling in much of her view. She watched, hypnotized, as they rose and fell with the tempo of her breathing. They were beautiful.

Jenny had been staring at her own breasts for so long, she had forgotten what exactly she was so worried about. There was work to be done!

Busting out the trusty sewing kit, she constructed herself a new bra that properly contained her massive mammaries, alongside a new shirt to hide it all. Unsure if she were to be growing any further she made sure the replacement fabric was extra stretchy, accounting for at least three cup sizes beyond what she now was.

She was tough! She was strong! She was going to get through whatever weird stuff this second puberty was going to throw at her!

And then she looked down at what she was sitting on. More accurately, what she wasn’t sitting on.

There was about a foot and a half gap between her ass and her bed. She was floating in midair.

“Ack!” she screamed, breaking her concentration which also seemed to break her flight. She collapsed onto the bed, her breasts jiggling about and clashing into each other from the preserved momentum like a simplified Newton’s Cradle.

This was getting out of hand. Even for someone as clueless as her, she knew these powers she was developing were not natural in the slightest! This was not simply puberty… It had to be something more.

She had to see someone about this.


“Ah, Jenny, welcome back. This is the second time today you’ve walked into my doors. I take it you have some more KO’d students to bring to me?”

The nurse was joking, but Jenny didn’t seem to be in her usual jovial mood, evident by the nervous look on her face.

“Aww, sweetie, is there something wrong?”

“Y-yes, Ms. Nurse. I-I think there is.”

“Well, you came at a good time. There was a sudden string of barely conscious students that were brought to me, I’m guessing Rita and Melissa spread that dangerous spell to more people than we thought. Hell, seems as though Melissa even injured her own sister over it! Isn’t that crazy?”

Jenny nodded, doing her best to hide a rising feeling of guilt as the sound of Melissa’s sister passed the nurse’s lips.

“But thankfully, there hasn’t been a new case in over an hour! I’m thinking we’ve finally contained all of the people that this piece of wild magic affected. Which means more time for you!”

The nurse had Jenny fill out the necessary paperwork before seeing her to a private room. But once the two of them were finally alone, that sense of desire returned in full force.

It was as if Jenny had become hyper aware of exactly how much breastage her fellow women possessed, their chests highlighted with a glowing aura which even appeared to permeate through walls. The nurse was no different, a single unfastened button revealing an unobstructed view into the heavenly pleasures of cleavage.

“So Jenny, what’s been bothering you lately, Jenny? Stress? Anxious tremors? Uh, boy troubles?”

“Um… well… It’s like…” she started, only to be interrupted by an instinctual biting of her lip. Somehow, even without any movement or alteration, the nurse’s breasts had become more enticing to Jenny. She tried to speak her mind once more, but the same result was intensified. It was as if her body didn’t want her to explain herself.

But then, what did it want?

“It’s okay Jenny, you can take your time and figure it out. High School is a tough time for a lot of witches, even though the school board tries to suppress wild magic, it has a tendency to slip through the cracks. Just remember, this is a safe space where you can tell me anything, no judgments, I promise.”

“It… was… a… s-spell…” those were the only words she could utter without the pleasure totally consuming her, as if satiating it with the promise for more. She wasn’t particularly sure what spell, but that was what her deeper conscience had strung her mouth along to.

But those words also raised an eyebrow for the nurse, and now it was her turn to stare at Jenny intently. It was as if she was putting all the pieces together in her head, until her eyes suddenly shot open in fearful realization.

“Jenny… what was the name of that spell, exactly?”

Suddenly, Jenny’s mind found a clear path forward. A singular sentence which seemed to cause her no overwhelming desire nor pain.

“Um… well, I wasn’t sure of the name. But the phrasing was Amosia enaq patru sarasijam.”

“Wait! Don’t say it out lou—!”

But it was too late for the nurse to summon a counter spell. Her body was locked in place as the feeling of the void consuming her chest overtook her mind. The spell was becoming more powerful, hungering for more size as a great plague that knew nothing but consumption would.

The nurse didn’t just shrink a cup size, or two, but all five. She collapsed in agony as Jenny ascended in euphoria. The spell had grown in intensity—the mere verbal utterance of it from Jenny was enough to flicker the lights of the entire school.

“Jenny… what have you done…?” was the last question the nurse spoke before collapsing onto the ground.

The now double-H-cupped student wobbled in unfamiliarity as she adjusted to her new breast size. She knew she was in trouble, but her mind kept rewarding her with unfathomable orgasmic pleasure—and the pleasure was winning.

It appeared as though she didn’t know her own strength, her grip nearly ripping off the door handle as she fled the nurse’s office. Whatever was happening to her—it was getting more powerful.

But staring at her from the other end of the hallway was the one person who could take it all away: Headmaster Evelyn. Her tall, brooding stance cast an impossibly long shadow down the tiling, yet one that accentuated her beautifully developed curves that had only become more refined with age.

“I see you’ve been busy, Ms. Pattinson,” her voice carried across the expansive hall as if she were right next to Jenny. “Busy messing with magic you don’t understand.”

Jenny was immediately terrified, but she did not give in. The pleasure was in control now, and she was happy to follow it as ritualistically as she did her school schedule.

When Jenny did not respond, Evelyn suddenly teleported forward until she was within standard dueling range—eight feet—of her adversary.

“Last chance to back down, Jenny.”

“B-but why?”

“Magic of this element has been forbidden for centuries, and for good reason.. All it takes is some big-breasted bimbo to realize the energy is looping endlessly and she’s over the moon with ecstasy. You shouldn’t even know it exists. No one should. It’s a gross misuse of the power that the gods have blessed us with. Power that I will take from you and redistribute back into the earth.”

“Does… that mean I won’t feel good anymore?”

“Just for a moment, Jenny.”

“Hmmph, then I don’t want it!” she replied, darting her head sideways in defiance.

“Very well…” spoke the Elder Witch. “Then I shall be forced to take it from you. It’s a shame, you managed to coast by in school without learning a single other spell. That shall be your downfall.”

Bringing her hands into a circular shape before her body, Evelyn channeled an ancient, mystic power. Instantly, three spells were cast. One set up a shield-like barrier before her, no doubt to protect her from incoming attacks. The next created a similar barrier that spanned the entire area of the square hallway behind Jenny, in order to prevent her from fleeing the battle. The final spell was less similar—a large, ghostly hand erected from Evelyn’s head, closing the distance between the two of them until it touched Jenny’s forehead.

“I’m sorry I have to do this, Ms. Pattinson, but that spell is locked firmly within your mind, actively influencing your thoughts and praying upon your darkest desires. If you feel a slight pinch, that means I pulled out a bit too much brain, but I’m sure you won’t exactly notice.”

As soon as the hand breached Jenny’s forehead her mind went blank. Like the numbing poison of a mosquito bite, the Elder Witch had added a mind fog effect to her opening salvo to derail any counter-productive thoughts Jenny might possess. Her brain was already lacking in complexity, but now it was exceptionally dull.

Jenny was left wide open, unable to even conceive a next step to her plans. But even with her mind emptier than usual, there was still a pervasive thought bouncing about. It was as if—though the fogging of her mind had been effective—the mere visual of her breasts peeking into her peripherals had reminded her of why she was really here.

Boobs… more boobs… bigger boobs.

If it was anyone else at that moment, they may have second-guessed themselves, that was what the Elder Witch was hoping for. But Jenny was not anyone else, she always went with her gut. Fog or no fog, she was already running on low battery.

“Amosia enaq patru sarasijam,” she spoke without hesitation, her eyes staring firmly into Evelyn’s.

Suddenly, the magical hand glitched and sputtered, as did the shields, the Elder Witch losing control of them. With the overwhelming size of Jenny’s bountiful breasts enhancing its devastation, the spell ate away at Evelyn’s defenses, leaving the once-unparalleled witch now on defense.

The barrier behind Jenny dissipated, giving her an opportunity to flee. But she didn’t take it. Instead, she took a step forward towards Evelyn. Then another. Her breasts felt weird, as if they had been filled with lead, but she didn’t stop. She needed more.

The Elder Witch called upon a few failsafe spells in her weakened state, summoning three mystical daggers between her fingers and expertly tossing them at Jenny’s breasts. Even if she had to kill one of her students, it would be worth it to prevent the unhinged chaos that would’ve superseded it.

But Evelyn’s own spells would prove to be her downfall, as a miniature version of her shield barrier was summoned briefly before Jenny’s tits, blocking the impact of all three daggers. When the spell was absorbed, so were its attributes.

But she knew the limitations of her own spells and would not be outshined again. One more solid strike at the shield from a knife would disable it.

Summoning two more daggers to strike true, she unleashed them in quick succession. The first one lodged itself within the shield, destroying it successfully. Jenny’s body was now primed to be pierced, but no such event happened.

As if the dimensional steel had suddenly been replaced with mere plastic, the powerful dagger bounced harmlessly off of her left breast and rattled about on the floor. It was pointless—her tits had become impenetrable.

The Elder Witch was running out of tricks.

“Y-you don’t understand!” Evelyn pleaded in a last-ditch effort to reason with the unreasoned. “One of the most powerful types of magic in the world is breast-related. If you do this, you could doom the whole world! Wars will erupt like the days of old!”

“I don’t care. I just wanna feel good.”

The Elder Witch casted one last-ditch spell, one that silenced Jenny’s vocal cords. But the beautiful teen’s silence was arbitrary. She didn’t need to speak the spell. She didn’t even need to think about the spell. All she needed to do was want.

Evelyn’s body suddenly convulsed and spasmed as Jenny called upon a shadow of the spell in her mind. Her breasts surged outward, the well-developed woman’s body serving Jenny’s ascension well.

With no one powerful enough to stop her, Jenny went on a silent rampage. Many women didn’t even see her coming as her clairvoyant eyes spotted well-endowed chests from every angle. Her body count reached a hundred fast, breasts swelling into a 20-inch diameter as darkness encroached upon the sky.

Pretty soon, she had amassed a small village of breasts, a pair of exercise balls thrusting from her chest. The sewing machine was no longer cutting it, but she could make a far sturdier bra through the latent telekinesis she now possessed.

This bra would only increase in area before being abandoned altogether. After an entire town’s worth of victims had been absorbed—her breasts now standing larger than her entire body—telekinesis proved to be a far superior method of keeping her breasts from sagging along the floor.

Twenty-eight thousand victims later, her breasts were almost as impressive as the city of people it took to achieve them. The high arch of her massive spheres breached the ceiling, leaving a trail of cracked paneling above and below her as she went about her daily routine. It didn’t matter that running the motions ultimately achieved nothing physically productive, she was lost in a constant stream of unending pleasure—changing her school schedule was nowhere near her list of priorities now.

She was the archwitch of the entire city and she only knew one spell. She wasn’t even aware of the power she radiated nor the title she had technically acquired. All Jenny knew was that she was happy. She loved her bountiful breasts and the pleasure they bestowed upon her.

But it wouldn’t be long before she wanted more.


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