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Here it is! The final Chapter of Super Jaded! Sorry for the delay, this ended up being a long one! Hopefully, it's worth the wait! Look forward to an epilogue sometime next week!

Chapter 23: Together

Imagine being the most powerful person in the entire world and yet feeling so powerless all the same.

It was supposed to be a simple three-step process. Play out the scenario with Nina, destroy the one device capable of stopping me, establish peace. Even with the vast expanse of knowledge at my disposal, how could I so easily forget the most annoying thing about humans in power: they’ll do literally anything to keep it. Even just thirty minutes of me and Nina on the moon was enough time for a new weakness to be theorized and proven successful.

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t hear. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t even blink. Despite being together with Nina once more I had never been more alone with my thoughts.

Her smile. Her warmth. It was all right there, just out of my grasp.

Even though I wanted to rip every armed guard to pieces, if given one last chance to accomplish anything, it would be what I always did at a time like this. I’d give Nina a big hug. Offer her a nice, soothing bath or a plate of her favorite food. Whenever she was happy and calm, so was the world.

But the world did not like it when she was happy and calm.

And I couldn’t be there for her as she toiled in anguish, her impossibly beautiful body writhing on the floor like a dead cockroach being re-animated through periodic shocks.

All I could do was watch as the girl I had spent years of time and an eternity’s worth of love cry out in pain, her consciousness echoing the sentiments of her agony into my head.

Wait a minute, I could still hear her thoughts!

My brain was almost too flooded with torment to relay a message, just barely able to conjure the first thought that passed through my mind.

“Nina… I’m… sorry…”

Her state of distress didn’t alter, but I could sense the noise in her head dissipate partially. I continued.

“I shouldn’t… have roped you back into all this. I should have just… let you unleash your vengeance on the world.”

The remaining screaming in her head slowly morphed into coherent thoughts.

“That’s… okay. You just wanted to do what was right… I still want to believe you’re right.”

“But it’s not okay. I’m not right. I thought this plan… was going to work. I thought everything… was going to work out.”

Nina’s response, despite everything, was surprisingly content.

“I didn’t count on everything working out, Fern. I just wanted to be with you one last time. I got that.”

For all the power Nina had, even before I had surpassed her, she always felt like a human around me. A vulnerable, scared, woman who was often unsure—always having to make split-second decisions that could spell life or death for those without her awe-inspiring abilities. But she was now that for me. Even as I felt myself becoming distant from what humanity could offer, I knew I could always count on Nina to give me a reason to stay. I needed her. She needed me. We needed each other.

If someone’s thoughts could convey tears, Nina would be bawling. So would I.

Humanity wanted me to choose between Nina and itself. I chose humanity at first. I will not be so foolish as to make the same mistake again.

I knew what I had to do. Sending one last message to Nina, I prepared a plan to get us out of this situation.

“Wait for the cue... You’ll know when you feel it… Once you do, start firing off.”

I then concentrated my sights on the suited man before us. It took a herculean effort to accomplish such a simple task, but once my eyes were locked upon his frail form, it was easy to focus on something other than the pain. He wasn’t even looking at me. Instead, his focus was squarely centered on some sort of device that a scientist was showing off.

All I had to do was let him know how I felt.

It started as a small tingling at the back of his head as my thoughts invaded his. I told him everything, filled his mind with as much useless information in as short of a time as possible. Nina’s grandfather, my mother, us meeting for the first time, us on our first date, us in Norway, Nina’s first lesbian experience at a party. All thrust into his mind with as much intricate detail as the pages they were typed upon.

At first, it manifested as a nosebleed, a small trickle of dark red that shimmied in-between the margins of his beard hairs like a ball in a plinko board. Then, he rubbed his head in discomfort, before gripping his temple in pain. His lips thinned as a massive grimace grew upon his face. His mind becoming overwhelmed with white noise, he, too, began to break down in agony.

Fellow soldiers took notice, but all they could do was look upon their aging superior with frozen confusion locked onto their faces. Some gawked further, some murmured amongst themselves, but there was nothing that could be done to help him.

He was an old bastard, and he was going to die an agonizing, unpreventable death.

The last thought—spoken louder above the rest—would be the final sentence he’d ever acknowledge. “This is what happens when you fuck with my girlfriend, asshole.”

His head erupted like a fountain, spraying blood with a solid foot of height gained from where his neck was. A radius around his body was painted red, the sight of it causing several men to panic. But they would not be free from my wrath.

My pupils twitched ever-so-slightly to the left, honing in upon the nearest man. Now that his superior with ulterior motives was dead, he had no qualms with aiming the power-draining device in our direction. Unfortunately for him, by concentrating so hard on struggling to operate the device, he left his mind wide open for my intrusion. Once again, I filled a man’s head with 22 chapters worth of backstory all in a single millisecond, leaving him bleeding out of his eyes and collapsing on the ground in a seizure state.

Unsure and confused, one of the scientists turned off the hypersonic frequency device, fearing that it was malfunctioning and harming others.

A great quiet came over us.

That was the cue.

Immediately, Nina and I got back to back and ignited our irises. Floating off the ground slightly, the two of us pushed each other’s naked backs at an angle. Spinning about in midair, the two of us fired steady twin streams in every conceivable angle.

Wherever that frequency device may have been located, it certainly didn’t survive the cyclone that was our combined prowess. Admittedly, nothing within a mile radius survived either.

The burnt corpses of anyone who stood opposed to us littered the ground. What was left of the power draining cannon was unrecognizable. There was nothing left of the suited man.

With the world finally at a small semblance of peace, even amongst a scorched earth, me and Nina finally took our time to breathe. It was as if there was a great blockage within our lungs that had persisted since our brief outage to the moon, maybe even earlier.

We turned to face each other, simultaneously locking wonderstruck eyeballs. Our blurry visions finally focused on our tattered, bruised and yet impossibly perfect faces. There were a million things I wanted to say at that moment, but they didn’t matter.

We embraced, two stunning visages clashing. It felt like a race to see who could pepper the opponent with more impassioned kisses first before some sort of arbitrary time limit ran out. We practically melted into each other, Nina’s malleable body fitting into all my curves and muscles.

A putrid odor of burnt metal, rubber and flesh all mixed into a particularly repulsive airborne stench. But every other sense had been overwhelmed by my lust for Nina, such that it dissipated as soon as the smell had arrived.

The two of us broke into laughter soon after. It was impossible not to find joy when Nina was around.

“Huh, maybe it’s just how effortlessly powerful and muscular I’ve become, but you’re not tense at all, Neens!” I exclaimed, finding any excuse to grope my girlfriend sensually.

“Huh, I guess you’re right,” she responded, giggling softly before kneading her head into my breasts. “I guess you can say I’ve finally found my happy spot, right… here.”

Her voice became muffled, but the reverberations more than made up for it. Like being splayed out frontwards in a massage chair.

“Mmm, you know all the right spots, babe. God, I missed you.”

“Heh, and now I can be as rough as I want.”

She tightened her grip on the outside of my breasts. Such titanic amounts of pressure would likely squeeze coal into diamonds, yet it produced no discomfort on my end. I was in ecstasy, but that was nothing compared to how Nina must have felt.

She had finally gotten the ending she had wanted. We were together and nothing in the world could separate us now.

I could tell Nina was nervous going straight to third base after the rocky past couple of weeks between us. Thankfully, I was always the more ‘take-charge’ one between the two of us.

I bent my head forward—slowly—letting my hot breath tickle her ear before I dropped a bombshell on her, my voice dropping a whole octave.

“Hey Nina, are you ready for me to fucking ravage your body?”

Her heavy breathing stopped, I could have sworn her heartbeat briefly did as well. That sounded like a yes.

With that nonverbal confirmation, I exited out of my floating state, letting gravity take over as I yanked Nina with me. We fell a solid six feet before cratering into the grass on the White House lawn.

I had her pinned, but she wasn’t fighting back. How could she? I had her bested in every attribute. She was going to get this love whether she liked it or not.

Nina tried to speak, likely to interject with a joke, but I cut her off. A slow, sensual kiss on the lips shut her up immediately. Probing her thoughts, I found that the noise had dissipated completely. I had made her forget what she was even thinking about with a mere kiss.

Not wanting to peter out, I upped the intensity. My long, firm legs shifted downward, relieving pressure from her waist while exposing her long-overdue netherregions to my hungry eyes.

Heat rose from within my body, cooking the air around me with its intensity. My lips broke from her face, only to be replaced with a playful hand around her neck. Although the pressure I was applying was very real.

“You’ve been a bad, bad girl, Neens,” I taunted, my enhanced husky voice helping her reach new levels of eroticism she hadn’t even thought were possible. “But lucky for you, I’ve come around on jaded, pathetic girls like yourself…” her excited breath quickened. “...So I think I’ll keep you around to ‘rehabilitate’ you.”

With every syllable of “rehabilitate” marked another line two fingers made as they completed a full 540 degree lap around Nina’s clit. Each traversal of my snaking fingers elicited another meek coo from her lips. I couldn’t tell if it was from my absence or my enhancements that was making her so down-bad horny, but I wasn’t about to let an advantage go to waste.

My burgeoning breasts pressed down on hers like a weighted blanket as my fingers lowered to her nether lips. I wanted her to feel almost claustrophobic in my presence, my muscular shoulders and thick hair combining to create a veil that blocked out the midday sun.

She bit her lip as the mere tips of my fingers entered her. No one pleasured Nina like I did—and now I could achieve the same result thirty-fold. I traced the contours of her inside, probing like a devilish little alien predator taunting her prey. I knew where Nina’s prize was, it was just a matter of raising tension before I claimed it as my own.

A cool breeze washed over the singed grass around us, yet I denied Nina from experiencing it. My warmth was like its own eco-chamber, trapping her within and nourishing her like a rare flower with a hyper specific climate.

“F-Fern…” she tried to speak, almost choking on her own words as her arid throat tried to conjure what I had so effortlessly denied her brain from relaying.

“Shhhhhh…” I responded, the sound washing over her like magic sleeping powder. “You will speak when spoken to.”

I felt her body twitch erotically underneath me. She was like a puppet to its master now. I had her under my control.

A sharp inhale followed as I cheekily slipped a third finger into her erogenous zone. She had her expectations, and one by one I shattered them. It certainly helped that I could literally read her mind.

Only then did I strike her G-spot. A sudden yet delicate jab, like a butterfly’s bite. She wanted to scream, but remembered the rules I had set for her and kept it inside, her cheeks ballooning like a chipmunk.

My large yet silky digits continued to fondle her most sensitive area and I could sense an orgasm building up within her.

Then, my fingers pulled away ever so slightly, leaving her without release. She looked confused, longing for a sufficient climax.

“You’ll get your orgasm, Neens,” I projected, my thoughts invading her headspace. “But not here. Not in a place as insignificant as this.”

There was one last power I wanted to try. Something I had always figured I could accomplish if I concentrated yet never had the time to give it an honest try.

Focusing my energy, I closed my eyes. Time appeared to decelerate around me. I could feel my eyelashes strike my skin in slow motion, the sound produced echoing as everything ceased to function.

But that was only half the story. Concentrating further, I pictured a location inside my mind. I felt reality itself bend like a piece of paper as I continued to vividly imagine exactly where I wished to manifest.

Then, in an instant, everything changed.

The wind swapped direction; the sounds of sirens—which only became noticeable once removed from the equation—were replaced with the calm sounds of nature; the smell of ponderosa trees permeated the air. Of course, these were still features being denied to Nina as my intense musk overwhelmed all else.

However, I couldn’t lie to her eyes. She looked around in confusion and certainly would have broken her vow of silence if we both didn’t suddenly crash smack in the middle of mount Rushmore.

The rock effortlessly caved to our invincible bodies as we carved a new face into the mountain, demolishing all four faces off the side of the stone with ease. The cathartic ritual brought a building orgasm to my own body. Now, I knew we would finish at the same time.

Pressing Nina up against the rock, I immediately returned to my three-finger position within her as if nothing had changed. Instantly, she was brought back to sensory overload, a tsunami of desire short-circuiting her higher brain functions.

My heels hooked her ankles as I exerted more control over her movement, binding her like the crimson bands of Cyttorak. My pace was rapid-fire, far more exuberant than I had ever been capable of before.

I was nearing my climax and so was she. There was no denying it anymore. My thoughts pierced hers, but they consisted of little more than throaty hums and off-key moans.

To finish her off, I inserted a fourth finger and pressed as hard as she had during our earlier fight. But this time, there was only passion behind it, no malice.

She screamed, but it was drowned out by a scream of my own, an ever-escalating duo crescendo of airy wails. Our curvaceous forms practically melded into one as I placed one last powerful kiss over her lips, sucking the soul out of her body as her screams became lost in the back of my mouth.

Time briefly stopped. Our toes curled, Nina’s back tried and failed to arch.

A flooding surge of orgasmic energy erupted from our loins, generating a tumultuous explosion that decimated what little remained of Washington and Lincoln. Flocks of birds fled the scene in a mile radius. The nearby trees shedded their nettles.

Sex had never felt that amazing before. We had just finished and I was already eagerly anticipating the next event.

I rolled off of Nina, the heavy thump of my body strong enough to cave a small hole for me to comfortably relax in.

Silence settled in, but it was earned. We cherished it. No more attacks, no more threats, just pure bliss from here on out.

We must’ve laid their for an hour in silence before Nina finally decided to speak up, her voice coarse, yet I could sense a certain melody to it that only appeared when she was free of anxiety.

“Thank you Fern. You’re all I could ever ask for and yet you manage to surprise me every time with your greatness.”

I chuckled dryly. “You’re very welcome, I had to pull out the ‘things Nina likes’ archive out of the dusty basement and I’m guessing it was worth it.”

“It totally was. Don’t believe me? Read my mind!”

“You know I’m totally gonna abuse that power from here on out, right?”

I couldn’t see Nina, but I could sense a goofy sense of anger finding its home on her face.

“Hey now, don’t forget, I still have that serum formula memorized! If I really wanted, I could make myself a hulkish beefcake too!”

I just chuckled. “Sure you could, but what’s stopping me from reading your mind and finding it out myself? I bet I could get those ingredients faster than you, Nina…”

I heard a small “eep!” escape my girlfriend’s lips. Her empty threat instantly turned against her. The prospect of me ascending even further certainly sent a chill down her spine.

“Oooh, imagine what I could be capable of with four times the amount of serum. Or even five,” I taunted. “Best not to think about the specifics of that recipe, hmm?”

A quick glimpse into her head surprised me. She actually was imagining it—rather vividly even. Her, still at a measly single dose while I appeared to have far, far more than three. Pinning her down with just a finger as my hulking, naked body leaned over her, my height breaking into the teens of feet. My proportions were almost cartoonish, but I didn’t doubt that I’d likely resemble exactly that should I become a serum junkie.

“Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask…” Nina suddenly interjected, the vivid desire disappearing in her head as fast as it had been conceived. “Why Mount Rushmore of all places? I know at least half of the presidents on it sucked ass, but, why specifically here?”

“Because this land once belonged to the Lakota Sioux,” I replied, my eyes gazing wistfully into the sky. “What better way to say fuck you to the colonizers than to literally fuck someone atop their stolen land?”

“Heh, guess I can’t argue with that. I’d like to see them try to repair Washington's nose now!”

We laughed and chatted a bit more after that, simply enjoying the company of each other’s presence.

“Well, what do we do now?” I asked, lying nonchalantly cross-legged amongst the rubble of our collective orgasm, Nina cuddling my side.

“Simple,” she replied. “Whatever we want.”


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