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Here's the newest beautification story, looking to be roughly 17k in length... but how should it end? You decide! (Don't worry if yours doesn't win, all endings will be written and available exclusive to patrons! But only the winning story gets published publicly)


“Hi, kiddo!” I greeted my younger sister cheerfully as I opened the front door to the house. “Happy Thanksgiving!”

“Emma! You made it!” said Lexie, jumping up from the sofa. She ran to me, a thin trail of dark blonde hair billowing behind her until her tiny arms reached around to give me a huge hug.

“Wow! Check you out!” I said, shocked by the energy she had. “That new treatment must really be working, huh?”

“It is! The doctors say this experimental gene therapy I’ve been doing can counteract all the effects of my hypothyroidism! It’s supposed to give me the puberty I never really had. Can you believe it?” Lexie gushed, clearly excited at the prospect.

I grabbed her by the shoulders to give her diminutive frame a once-over. My brows furrowed as I sensed something amiss. It took me a moment, but finally, I identified it, noting that the top of her head now came to my nose. “Are you taller?”

Lexie blushed. “I’ve grown two inches since you last saw me! I’m almost five feet tall now, can you believe it?”

“I guess I can!” I grinned, giving her cheek an affectionate pinch. “I’m so glad that you’re finally getting the help you always needed.”

Lexie smiled, blue eyes gleaming as she looked up at me. “Thanks, Emma. You’re the best sister ever!”

“Now, come on, kiddo. It’s time for another chess match.”

“First of all, quit calling me kiddo. I’m 17 now, Em! Only a few months away from officially being an adult! Second of all, do we have to?” Emma made a face. “You always crush me when we play chess. It’s so complicated and strategic and…”

“...fun?” I assisted, finishing her thought with a crooked grin.

“You would call it that. ‘Cause you have a totally screwed-up sense of fun.” Lexie stuck out her tongue at me before scampering out of my reach.

Struck again by her energy, I simply marveled at the sight of my tiny, waifish sister smiling and running about. For our entire childhood, she’d been lethargic, often confined to bed as a result of her condition. Not only that, but her body had barely developed since she’d turned 12. The doctors had tried so many different treatments that I hadn’t held out much hope that this one would actually work. Clearly, I had been wrong. But I was glad. I was happy for her.

“Alright, I’ll play chess. But only if you give me the scoop on your new boyfriend Matt,” said Lexie with a sly wink, clearly in a playful mood. “It sure didn’t take you long to hook up with a boy after heading off to college. Is he cute?”

I laughed as I dropped my backpack of clothes by the front door, heading for the cabinet with the board games. As I retrieved the chess board, I bit my lip, firing a sly look in her direction. “Well, he looks pretty good naked…”

Lexie’s jaw dropped. “Naked?! Does that mean…? Oh. My. God!”

I couldn’t decide if the girl looked more mortified or awestruck. Either way, I couldn’t stifle a giggle. “Just kidding, sis.”

Lexie frowned, deflating from her outburst with a half-relieved, half-disappointed sigh. “You’re evil.”

“I know,” I said, smiling as I placed the pieces on the board.

Five minutes later, the game was over, and dad came in to announce our turkey prep duties. I had won, of course.


At Christmas, only Dad was there to greet me when I arrived.

“Where’s Lex?” I inquired, eager to see my younger sibling.

“I think she wanted to make a more dramatic entrance later,” he said with a grin. “She’s really excited about the effectiveness of her treatments.”

I returned his smile. “I’m so glad they’re working.”

“Me too, honey,” dad said. “She’s definitely becoming more confident with her body.”

He guided me to my room, where I threw my duffle bag onto the bed to unpack.

A moment later, my sister waltzed casually into my room. “Lexie?!” I gasped, the top in my hands falling to the floor.

She smiled, twirling for my benefit. I couldn’t help but notice the small bumps that distorted the reindeer on her sweater in a way I’d never seen before.

“You have breasts!” I exclaimed, dumbfounded.

“Barely, but yeah. About time, huh?” Lexie joked. “I’m only 17 3/4!”

I gave her a hug, noticing that her eyes were only a few inches below mine now. “And you’re taller too!”

“5’2”,” she shrugged. “It’s nice to not feel like a complete midget. Maybe someday I’ll know how it feels to be 5’6” like you.”

“Yeah,” I said, a slight queasiness churning my stomach. I quickly brushed it aside, however, painting a reassuring smile over my lips. “That’s great, kiddo.”

I saw a frown flicker across her face at the mention of the word ‘kiddo’, but it disappeared so quickly, I wasn’t sure if I had simply imagined the fleeting reaction.

“What do you say we play another round of chess?” I suggested. I wasn’t sure why I’d suggested it. I simply felt the sudden urge to do something I was really good at.

“Again?! You crushed me last time!”

I shrugged. “We don’t have to…”

Lexie crossed her arms, causing the slightest little jiggle under her sweater. “Fine.”

I beat her again, but it took almost 20 minutes this time. That did nothing to diminish my satisfaction, however. I knew it was childish, but the victory chased away the momentary feelings of competitiveness that had startled me earlier. Things were still as they should be. And I was happy for Lexie and her little growth spurt.


When I went home after the holidays, I didn’t really chat with my sister for several weeks. Not until I received a text the afternoon of Valentine’s Day.

“OMG, Emma! A guy asked me out!!!!”

Amused, I thumbed in a response. “That’s great, kiddo!”

“What should I say? What should I do?”

“Just say YES, silly!”


“And wear something nice!”


“I seriously need to go shopping!”

“Mom’ll take you.”


“Good luck!”



From her texts, it sounded like dates were becoming more and more frequent, though she never sent any pictures. It wasn’t until early May, after I had finished exams and came home for the summer that I saw her again.

I looked up as she opened the door. “Hi there, kid⁠d—” My use of her nickname ended abruptly as I sucked in a breath. She stood there, waiting patiently for my reaction as she answered the door with a sly smile.“Lexie?!” I breathed.

“In the flesh…” she replied with a broad smile, looking me directly in the eye for the first time in her life.

She was as tall as I was.

My gaze took in her long lashes and full lips, and I swallowed hard. She was pretty! Maybe even prettier than I was?

My eyes fell to her breasts, which pulled her tight top taut across her chest. They were definitely larger than mine. Probably by a full cup size. My breath caught.

Descending to her slim waist, athletic hips, and toned legs, bared almost fully by her tiny shorts, I almost couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Your legs! You look so strong!”

“I joined the track team,” she said, seeming pleased.

“You have the energy for that now? Sports?”

Her smile broadened. “I pretty much have the energy for anything. Including dancing. Which is good because three different guys asked me to the prom!”


“Yeah. You have to help me choose between them.”

“I, um…”

Lexie pulled her phone from her tiny shorts. How she was able to fit a phone in those things, I wasn’t sure. They seemed to have trouble enough containing the firm curves of her taut derriere! “I can either go with him…” She showed me a picture of an athletic young man with blonde hair.

“...him…” She swiped to a picture of an older teen in a stylish coat and tie.

“...or him.” She flipped to a photo of a young Latino with a sexy smile.

Her gaze drifted back to meet my eyes, an expectant look on her face as her hand landed on her hips. “Well?”

“I, um…”

“I kinda like the third one. He’s super nice, and his smile is super amazing.”

“I, um…”

Lexie cocked her head to the side. “You keep saying that, sis! What’s up?”

“I, um…”

She gave me a suspicious look before a broad smile burst over her cute face. “You’re just messing with me!” she laughed. I wasn’t. But I was glad that she thought that’s what my shock was all about. In actual fact, I had no idea why I was having trouble coming to terms with the fact that my sister was as tall as I was. And bigger around than I was. In the chest. Definitely not in the waist.

“My teachers tell me I’m getting cleverer, you know. So you shouldn’t be messing with me anymore,” she deadpanned, planting her hands on her hips. “I’m even getting an A in Mr. Thomas’ class!”

Her boast snapped me back to reality. She had to be fibbing about that. Mr. Thomas, the AP English teacher was infamous for never giving out A’s. But I wasn’t about to rain on Lexie’s parade. She just seemed so happy!

“Well, I’m glad your senior year is turning out so well,” I finally said, forcing a smile.

Lexie looked mildly surprised, but her smile returned a moment later. “You’re right,” she said cheerfully. “It is, isn’t it?”


“Dad?” I asked hesitantly, approaching my only parent later in the day.

“Yes, dear?” he said, smiling warmly.

“Lexie’s growing incredibly fast, don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” he said sheepishly. “But she seems happy.”

“Yes, she does,” I agreed. “But doesn’t growing that fast seem sort of⁠—I don’t know⁠—unnatural?”

“Well, it’s an experimental therapy that she’s on, Emma. Lexie told me that the doctors said that she was simply experiencing some side effects.”

“Side effects?”

“Yes. Apparently, it’s resulting in some changes to her muscle density. And skeletal structure. She’s developing additional synapses between the nerves in her brain, and her estrogen is off the charts. The doctor’s say that the hormone imbalance will probably result in some ‘enhanced feminine characteristics’.” He shrugged. “But as long as she’s happy and healthy, I’m fine with the rest. They all seem like good things, really. And it’s fun to see her with so much energy. She’s spent so much time bedridden over the course of her childhood.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I said unenthusiastically.

Dad kissed the top of my head. “Just give her her time in the sun, kiddo.”

Kiddo? Dad is so forgetful sometimes. That wasn’t my nickname, it was Lexie’s.


“Have you been bleaching your hair, Lex? Going blonder or something now that you’ve turned 18? It looks lighter,” I said, running her silky tresses over my palm. “Thicker and longer too.”

“No. Nothing like that. It’s just been growing really fast, and the roots seem to be a little lighter for some reason.” Lexie tugged at the cups of her strapless prom dress, flesh bulging as she fiddled. “I think I should have gotten a dress that was bigger in the chest…”

“I helped you shop for that dress,” I protested. “It fit you perfectly!”

“Yeah, but that was a week ago. I’ve grown since then.”

“A cup size in a week? Dream on, Lexie,” I scoffed. That was impossible. Even at Lexie’s accelerated rate, breasts didn’t grow that fast. As I looked at the firm hemispheres that rippled with her ministrations, however, I wasn’t so sure. The dress did look a bit small for her up top. It had been a C-cup. Did that mean she was at a D-cup now? Two sizes larger than I was? Good Lord!

I did her hair quickly, marveling at how amazing it looked as I finished pinning it into the elegant up-do she’d requested. Lexie beamed as she saw it, turning to give me a heartfelt, “Thanks, sis!”

I circled around her. It was time to keep the other half of my promise and apply her makeup. “Your skin is really clear these days, Lex,” I said as I sponged on a light touch of foundation.

“I know,” she said as I picked up the mascara..

I began to apply her eye makeup. “And your lashes, Lex! They’re crazy long!”

“Kinda like my hair, I guess. They just keep getting longer.”

“And your eyes look bluer than normal. Clearer somehow.”

“That can’t be. It’s got to just be the light.” Lexie flicked her sapphire irises to meet my gaze in the mirror.

“Maybe,” I said, unconvinced, moving on to add a touch of blush to her cheeks. “And these cheekbones seem even more pronounced than when you were skinnier.”

“Well, as far as my waist goes, I’m just as skinny as I was before. Maybe skinnier. But you’re right about the rest of me. I’ve definitely gotten bigger in other places.” As if I needed reminding about her now-massive boobs! She gave her dress another firm tug, her flesh rippling at the lower edge of my vision.

I reached down for the lipstick, coating her lips in scarlet. “Pucker,” I said, noting just how full her lips looked as she did so. ‘Enhanced feminine traits’ indeed!


I was still watching TV when she arrived home from prom at midnight, having just finished Facetiming with my boyfriend. I heard a faint, “You were so great tonight,” from the porch.

“You’re a pretty good dancer yourself,” said Lexie to her date as she opened the door.

“No, I mean after the dance,” said the male voice in an adoring tone.

“Oh!” said Lexie, casting a furtive sidelong glance in my direction through the crack in the now-open door. “Um, thanks. Good night!” Abruptly, she squeezed inside, swinging the door shut to turn her attention squarely on me.

She must have seen the look of what was probably surprise or disbelief written all over my face, because she sighed, then lowered her long lashes to gaze at her feet.

“You had sex with him?!” I said incredulously, my voice more shrill than I’d intended. I was just shocked. Never in a million years would I have thought my bedridden kid sister would do the deed before I did!

“Shhhhhhhhhh!” said Lexie imploringly. “Dad might hear!”

“Besides,” she continued. “I didn’t have sex with him…” Her eyes found mine for a brief moment before flicking quickly away. “...exactly.”

“What do you mean ‘exactly’?” I asked, crossing my arms. I didn’t want to sound momish, but I couldn’t help it.

“I just went down on him. That’s all,” I watched Lexie’s cheeks redden.

I had never had sex with a guy. I’d also never gone down on a guy. And I was about to be a sophomore in college! I opened my mouth to say exactly that, then quickly clapped it shut without speaking. For some reason, my mothering instincts quickly fizzled out. Maybe I simply didn’t really want my sister to know that her sexual experience now surpassed mine. Maybe it was the obvious embarrassment my sister was feeling, judging by her crimson cheeks. Maybe I just didn’t want to come across as bitchy to a sister I cared about more than anything.

Catching sight of the chessboard in the corner of the room, Lexie seemed to see it as an opportunity to distract me from her previous subject. “I’m not really tired yet. Wanna play some chess?”

Thankful that Lexie had thought of a quick and painless way out of our brewing conflict, I glanced at the board, then at my sister. “Sure!”

An hour later, the match ended in a draw, much to my frustration. I really didn’t want to whine about Lexie’s choices. Or to feel envious of her for dabbling with sex. But chess was my thing. It always has been. Even as the growth in Lexie’s curvaceous body outpaced mine, and her social adventurousness advanced beyond mine, chess was the one thing I could count on. It was something that I would always be better than Lexie at. Something she wasn’t interested in, while I’d spent years of hard work and research honing my skills. I’d been in the chess club all four years of high school while she played only against me on rare occasions! It had to be a fluke.

It had to be.

I put away the chessboard in a huff, then stormed to my room for the night, leaving a startled Lexie in my wake.


“So a bunch of my friends are going to the beach to celebrate on graduation night, Em. Wanna come?” asked Lexie two weeks later, her eyes hopeful.

I eyed the bulges under her t-shirt, noticing that they looked even larger now. If they didn’t sit so high and proud on her chest, I would have said that they were close to becoming too big. But the gorgeousness of their shape made them always appear just right for her body somehow. It was as if her body knew exactly how to optimize its own sexiness in ways that just wouldn’t work for anyone else. Breasts as full as hers should be able to appear weightless. They just… shouldn’t!

But I forced down my envy and forced a smile. “Sure!” I said, watching a smile light her beautiful face, transforming her features into a configuration even more breathtaking. As if it needed any help!

“Great!” she said. “Maybe we can go swimsuit shopping later? I’m pretty sure my old suit isn’t going to fit.”

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Of course she would need a new bikini to fit those unbelievable curves of hers. Because, well, that was just my life now. Waiting to see exactly how far beyond mine my sister’s stunning form had progressed.

“I’ve, um, got plans later,” I lied. Going to the store to try on swimsuits with my younger but more developed sister didn’t sound too appealing. It was bad enough to be forced to deal with her superior figure seeing it through her t-shirt and shorts.


When graduation day finally came, I gave Lexie a congratulatory hug. My heart sank, however, as, for the first time, I had to look up to meet my sister’s eyes, despite the fact that we were both wearing similarly sized heels.

“Thanks, sis. I feel like I’ve graduated in more ways than one,” said Lexie, a breathtaking smile painted over her plump lips as she looked down at me.

I had known Lexie was prettier than I was. She had been for some time now. I had known that her breasts were larger. That she was sexier. That she had matched me (once!) in chess. But the new balance of power didn’t truly hit home until that afternoon as my head tilted back to see my staggeringly beautiful sister smiling down on me.

As my hands slipped past her miniscule waist to fall back to my sides, I wobbled slightly, staggering back to my room to put on my jewelry. As I clasped a necklace around my neck, I looked into the mirror, seeing a slight quiver in my eyes.

Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry! I willed myself, knowing that the last thing I needed was streaks of eyeliner and mascara running down my flushed cheeks.

“Ready?” I heard Lexie’s voice call from outside my room.

“Almost. Just give me one more minute!” I replied, noticing the faint tremor in my voice. I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. I did it again, swallowing the emotions that had threatened to spill over, forcing them back into the smoldering pit of my churning stomach.

Satisfied that I could keep it together through graduation, I exited my room, flashing my sister an untroubled smile as I prepared to support her on her big day.


“Ready to head to the party?” said Lexie, popping her head into my room.

“I guess so,” I said, giving my scantily clad form a critical eye in the mirror. I actually had a good body. Bikini worthy, even. My stomach was pretty flat, though without any real definition. My legs were fairly toned, and my breasts filled out the top of my suit reasonably well. In all, I was satisfied with the view. As I turned to see Lexie walk into my room, though, all of those feelings changed in an instant.

Lexie was absolutely stunning.

Slender and sleek, her legs were both longer and shapelier than mine. Her hips were supple, flaring elegantly outward in seductive fashion before tapering into an insanely tiny waist. Her stomach was beautifully sculpted, softly flowing lines of definition running vertically along her torso to draw my eyes upward to the crown jewel of her riveting form. Her breasts dominated her slim frame, firm and full DDs perched high on her chest, effortlessly broadcasting both her lush femininity and nubile beauty to anyone who had the privilege of seeing their perfection. Somehow, they looked more pert than mine despite being more than twice their size. By the time my gaze reached hers, they had taken in a spectacularly gorgeous face and sparkling blue eyes, framed by light blonde tresses.

“My God, sis,” I breathed.

“Not ‘kiddo’ anymore, huh?” Lexie laughed, biting her full lower lip in amusement.

“Not…? No…” I shook my head, giving a hard swallow.

She twirled in place, clearly pleased by my reaction, giving me a chance to see her toned back and perfect ass. She seemed made for the suit she had chosen, the tiny little pieces of fabric only seeming to accentuate her sultry curves. I was hard-pressed to think of anyone I’d ever seen with a body that amazing—including any of the surgery-assisted models on social media.

“Geez, Lexie! Your treatments have done all that?” I gaped, unable to help myself.

“Actually, I prefer to think of my treatment as releasing my true self,” she said with a smile. “The doctors said I’m finally free of the disease. But they said that even though my treatments will stop, I may see some lingering effects and continued changes. They say they’ve never seen anyone’s body react to it as mine has.” She shrugged. “I guess I’m just one of a kind.”

“I’ll say,” I muttered under my breath, now-familiar feelings of envy and jealousy rearing their ugly head.

We each slipped on a cover-up and headed to the beach in flip flops. As we walked and talked, I couldn’t help but notice how Lexie’s lighter hair glowed in the sun. How her slim muscles popped into gorgeous definition as she moved. How her full lips seemed fascinating as they formed words. She was just so beautiful. Like a particularly entrancing actress in a movie that made it difficult to tear your eyes away from the screen.

When we reached the beach, Lexie chirped a greeting, and everyone turned toward her. She pulled off her cover-up, revealing that body to their eyes. The girls scowled. The boys seemed hypnotized. I didn’t blame them. She was that pretty.

I watched her gallup toward her friends, her coltish legs making the motion look almost like a dance. She made it a point to hug each of the guys, who seemed to line up for the chance to press their bodies to hers. Even the girls’ glares seemed to soften as the chipper young beauty greeted them. It was difficult to bring yourself to want to dislike even someone that pretty when they were so good-natured and happy. None of her friends seemed to notice me at all. It was as if I were cast in the shadow of the sun that was Lexie.

In many ways, I was happy for her. In other ways, I was burning with jealousy. Lexie had always been the little one. The young one. The needy one. She had been trapped in bed, trapped in a body that couldn’t function as well as mine because of perpetual tiredness. I had learned to care for her and, though it sounds terrible to say, to pity her. Seeing her basking in the attention of her classmates, glowing with excitement was not something I was accustomed to. I was used to attempting to help her blossom in social settings. Now, if anything, I was the one who needed that sort of help.

Seeing that it would be hopeless to try to pry male attention from my sister’s mostly naked form, I walked up to one of the staring girls instead. “Hi there,” I greeted with a warm smile. “I’m Emma, Lexie’s sister.”

“You’re Lexie’s sister?”

I shot her a wry grin. “Yeah.”

She turned toward me, giving me her full attention. “What happened to her? It’s like all of a sudden, she went from being a mousy girl I was barely aware of to, well, her…” She gestured toward my bikini-clad sister with an expression that was equal parts disgust and awe.

“She, um, got treatment for a health condition.”

“A treatment?” said the girl incredulously. “Can I get that treatment? Because if it did all that for her, then damn. What would I look like if I got some of that?

I laughed at the facetious comment before suddenly sobering.  It wasn’t a bad idea. Maybe I needed to try the treatment myself. I looked over to see that the girl was still grinning. Clearly, she wasn’t actually considering the possibility as I was.

As we continued to chat, Lexie joined a beach volleyball game with a bunch of shirtless guys. A fresh tinge of jealousy crept up my spine as I watched the tanned, good-looking men fawn over her. But more surprising was the athleticism she displayed. My formerly bed-bound sister sprang shockingly high into the sky to spike the ball every bit as hard as even the most athletic of the men.

I wasn’t the only one she impressed. It became increasingly clear that every single one of the muscular boys that surrounded her on the sandy court was enamored with every aspect of her lush but athletic body.

As the sun set, turning afternoon to twilight, I caught a glimpse of Lexie sneaking off with one of the members of her team. When they arrived back at the beach a good hour later, Lexie’s hair was disheveled, and her companion had a goofy smile on his face.

Brows furrowing, I marched over to Lexie, pulling her aside. “Did you have sex with that guy?” I asked in a hiss, my finger stabbing in the direction of the admittedly cute volleyballer.

“Yes,” she said simply, looking more curious than upset by my reaction.

“Do you think that’s a good idea? I mean, you don’t even know that guy.”

Lexie’s gorgeous blue eyes flicked toward him before returning to mine. “I know how my body responds to him,” she said nonchalantly. Then, her smile grew wicked as she added, “And how his responds to mine.”

“But you can’t just go around having sex with whoever you’d like!” I said, my whisper gaining volume.

“Why not?” she asked, seeming not offended but genuinely interested in my answer.

“Because!” I began in a huff, searching my brain for the reason. For some reason, however, it refused to come. “Just because!” I finished, knowing it sounded lame.

“You can’t think of a reason, can you?” Lexie asked, arching a sculpted brow.

“Not right now, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one,” I said, crossing my arms over a chest that seemed painfully small in comparison to hers.

“You just don’t know what it’s like to have this much estrogen raging through your system, Em. The doctors say I have something like ten times the hormones than a normal girl my age would as a result of my treatments.”

Ten times? Would I be able to resist a guy who looked as good as than if I had a libido ten times as strong as it currently was?

Pursing my lips, I decided that she had a point.

Lexie saw the change in my demeanor and smiled. “I thought that might help put things into perspective,” she said. “Now let’s find you a guy to make out with too.”

My stomach fluttered at the thought of fooling around with a guy as hot as the one she just had. But I quickly shook away the thought, quickly remembering that I had a much stronger reason for not fooling around than she did. “I have a boyfriend, Lex!”

She shrugged, her long lashes lowering slyly. “It was just a thought.”

Shooting me an amused smile, she turned and joined her other friends as they gathered firewood for a bonfire. I simply stared after her, stunned by the changes in my younger sister. And, for once, I wasn’t thinking about any of her physical changes.


As I stepped, blurry-eyed, from my bedroom, Lexie’s door opened. She came out of her bedroom yawning, stretching her arms over her head in a way that made her prodigious chest seem to explode outward, instantly dropping me in a bad mood.

“Geez, Lex. How big are those things now?” I mumbled, still half asleep, plucking at my tangled mass of bed-head. I stared at Lexie’s perfect locks longingly. How was it that she no longer got bed-head? It was back enough that she looked like an airbrushed supermodel. But all humans with long hair got bed-head, didn’t they? How was her hair able to defy the fucking laws of physics? Did they have the same anti-gravity powers as her damn breasts?

“Their growth has slowed down a little, now that I’m no longer receiving treatments, but they’re still growing. Yesterday, I picked up a DDD-cup bra. It should work for a while.” Her voice sounded slightly breathier than I was accustomed to, as if it were trying to keep up with the ever-increasing sex appeal of her body. The combination of both was potent, sending a wave of goosebumps over my skin.

She sauntered toward me until she was looking down on my 5’6” frame from three inches higher. “The growth in my legs hasn’t slowed down yet, though. Maybe it never will…”

Now that was a scary thought. My sister, the giant sex goddess. I almost laughed out loud⁠—until she turned toward the kitchen, giving me a breathtaking view of her perfect ass. Could the human body really be formed into a shape that perfect?

“You kind of look like a Barbie doll,” I found myself saying, instantly regretting it.

“I know, right?” she said, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. “Except I think I might be a little bigger than her up top. You know, proportionately and all.”

It wasn’t until that moment that I fully realized just how utterly stunning my sister had become. She had a better body than Barbie. Fucking Barbie!

Taking a large sip of her juice, Lexie eyed me thoughtfully. “Want to play chess, Emma?”

I was floored. It was the first time Lexie had ever asked to play me in chess.

“Sure!” I replied, instantly rising to get the chess set. After starting my morning staggered by more realizations of just how ridiculously sexy my sister had become, I wouldn’t mind re-establishing my board game prowess. Our last game had ended in a draw. I was determined not to let her escape a pounding this time.

The game lasted over an hour, but in the end, I lay my king on its side. Lexie stared at it in seeming disbelief. “I won. I really won!”

“You won,” I grumbled, feeling hollow. The one thing I had over Lexie had been taken away from me too. How the hell had her gene therapy made her smart enough to take down someone who’d studied chess for years without any study herself! It had to be a fluke. I must just be rusty. I hadn’t played much since I’d gone off to college. I needed to practice more. To get back to my “A” game. When we played next, I would at least reestablish superiority in this one area. It was all I had left!


I opened the door to see my grinning boyfriend at the front door. After Lexie’s victory at chess, I had broken down in tears while on the phone with him, and he had offered to come visit. I had instantly taken him up on it. I needed something⁠—or someone⁠—to cheer me up in the middle of a frustrating, Lexie-dominated summer.

“Matt! Thank God you came! I’ve been having a really rough summer.” I hugged him so tightly that tears squeezed from my trembling lashes. I followed up my hug with a passionate kiss.

“Easy there, tiger!” He laughed, gripping me by the shoulders. “What’s gotten into you?!”

“I’m sexy, right?” I asked him, looking up into his dark eyes with uncertainty. My slender fingers found his stomach, descending to his crotch, determined to massage life into his cock through his jeans.

His eyes widened, and he grabbed my wrists, pulling them away. “Geez, Em! What has gotten into you!” He guided me to the sofa where we both sat down.

“I want to have sex,” I said, not feeling like beating around the bush. I’d given this a lot of thought over the course of the last few days, and I wanted to feel… wanted.

“Okaaaaay,” said Matt with an uncomfortable smile. “That’s quite a turnabout. I thought you wanted to save that for our wedding night?”

I felt a surge of emotion send my heart to my throat as my boyfriend reminded me of those words. It felt like I’d spoken them a lifetime ago. Before…

At that moment, interrupting my train of thought, Lexie came out of her room, braless, in a so-thin-it-was-practically-sheer tank, boxers stretched low across her hips. It was the same thing I wore to bed, yet somehow, her staggeringly perfect body made the look mind-bogglingly sexy. Her breasts, so inexplicably firm that they thrust proudly forward without the need for a bra’s support, pulled the hem of her skimpy top upward to bare a good two inches of smooth, sculpted stomach. She strode toward us on endless legs, supple hips rolling sensually. Why couldn’t she walk like a normal person anymore? Had her hips been dipped in sexy sauce or something? Was she not able to walk like a normal person anymore?

I turned to Matt, only to see his hungry eyes devour my sister’s luscious body. Fingers clenching in horror at my sides, I closed my eyes, hoping that when I re⁠-opened them, I would somehow unsee what I had just seen.

I opened them. But the second try only served to confirm my boyfriend’s astonished ogling. Shit. I cast a frightened glance in Lexie’s direction, only to see her zero in on Matt from across the room. With a coy smile and a slight lowering of her absurdly long lashes, a voice that seemed more sultry than ever addressed my boyfriend. “You must be Matt. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

My eyes dropped to my boyfriend’s crotch⁠—the same one I’d just been handling. My stomach sank as I watched it respond to Lexie more quickly with nothing but a smoldering look and four innocent words than I had with a sensual kiss and a freaking groin massage.

“Matt, this is my little sister. Lexie,” I said, attempting to keep a lid on my rising fury. I knew that Lexie wasn’t trying to go after my boyfriend. She was just so staggeringly feminine that it seemed she couldn’t help attracting members of the opposite sex. She was a flame so bright that it seemed as if she could turn pretty much everyone that liked the fairer sex into a moth.

That didn’t mean that I had to like it, however. Meeting her innocent look with a scowl.

“This is your little sister?” said Matt disbelievingly. “The one with the, um, condition?”

“My condition has changed a bit,” said Lexie with a sly smile before turning to enter the kitchen with more swinging of the hips. Always the swinging of the hips! “And it just keeps on changing…”

“She had to undergo an experimental therapy, and it had some, um, side effects,” I said. I tugged down my low-cut top in an effort to regain Matt’s attention.

It didn’t work. He simply continued to stare at the blonde bombshell as she opened the refrigerator door.

In some ways, I understood why. She was a sight to behold. It wasn’t every day that you saw someone that gorgeous. That tall. That fit. That… perfect. But couldn’t he just find it within himself to ignore her for one tiny little moment to see me instead?

Lexie turned toward the fridge, bending over to retrieve the juice and milk. The act drew her boxers tight against the firm swells of her succulent ass, emphasizing their tantalizing arc. I glanced downward to see Matt’s erection raging like I’d never seen it before.

Lexie kicked the door shut with a shapely calf before dumping half a box of cereal in a mixing bowl and filling it with a quarter gallon of milk. Seeing how much she was eating for breakfast, I couldn’t help a snide comment. “You keep eating like that, Lex, and you’re going to get fat.”

Eyes shooting to meet mine, Lexie set down her bowl and juice at the kitchen table and frowned. She ran a hand over her chiseled stomach, as if to reassure herself it was as firm as ever. “I’m just a growing girl, sis. 5’11” now. Gotta have some calories to fuel the growth spurt.”

As Lexie meandered to the kitchen table, defined muscles popping from the smooth surface of her slim legs as she moved. As she took a seat, Matt looked at me, shifting uncomfortably on the couch. “Did you still want to, uh, do what you were talking about earlier?”

“What?!” I blinked, trying desperately to remember what we were talking about before my sister entered the room. Damn her distractions.

“You know…” Matt looked sheepish, his cheeks flushed, beads of sweat forming over his brow. “What you wanted to do?”

Oh! Right! How could I forget that! I cast a sidelong glance in my sister’s direction, seeing her casually munching on her breakfast, looking at her phone, before returning my attention to Matt. “Absolutely.”

I took his hand and guided him to my room, ignoring my sister’s curious glances as her gorgeous face rose to arch an eyebrow at us. As soon as we got to my room, Matt was all over me, pressing my back against the just-closed door.

“What’s gotten into you?!” I breathed as he plastered urgent kisses down my neck, his hands quickly working open my jeans to tug them down my hips.

“I’m just feeling inspired right now,” he said, his voice husky. He pulled my panties to mid-thigh before his fingers rose to squeeze my breasts. “I’ve always wanted to make love to you…”

I smiled, pleased at his sudden enthusiasm. He wanted me. Take that Lexie! I opened his pants as well, smiling as his eager erection popped free. “Don’t you think we should get to bed?”

As I made the suggestion, however, he shoved me harder against the door. Apparently he didn’t care about beds right now. Why was he suddenly so…

I gasped as his cock parted my nether lips. This was all moving so fast!

He thrust inside me, and I gritted my teeth in pain. The sensation was strange. I’d never had so much so deeply inside me before. I felt as if I were being filled⁠—in a way I’d never quite experienced when pleasuring myself with fingers. Before he even finished pressing his member into my body, he shuddered, however. “Guuuuuuunnnnhhhh!” he grunted, his muscles tensing. The tendons in his neck popped out.

His hips bucked against mine several times, then he pulled out. I blinked, watching his crimson cheeks as he pulled up his pants, the sharp metallic purr of his zipper startling me from my daze.That was it? That was what all the fuss was about? That was sex? It seemed like it was over as soon as it started!

“I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” he said⁠—before I had a chance to say anything. Or even gather my thoughts.

He hurried out of the room as I stood there, dumbfounded, trying to come to terms with the fact that I had just lost my virginity. The worst part was that it hadn’t been pleasurable at all. Or even particularly memorable. Wasn’t your first time supposed to mean something?

I walked over to the bed, collapsing onto it, feeling tears well. As drops fell down my cheeks, I let out a loud sigh, then quickly wiped them away, gathering myself. When Lexie had snuck off with those guys, sex had seemed mysterious. Glamorous. Fun.

Why had it been so disappointing for me?

Had I done something wrong? Matt had seemed so eager. Too eager? He had climaxed quickly, right? In a way, that was a good thing, wasn’t it? It meant he was super turned on, super fast, right? But wasn’t I supposed to enjoy it too? How could I do that when it was over in a matter of seconds?

I waited. And waited, trying to come up with something meaningful to say when Matt returned to my room. I reached into my back pocket for my phone, only to realize that it had fallen out of my pocket when Matt had pulled down my jeans by the door. I rose from the bed and retrieved it, only then recognizing that it had been nearly fifteen minutes since Matt had left the room!

I opened the door to hear his laughter coming from the dining room. Proceeding quietly down the hall, I stopped short as he came into view. He was sitting across from Lexie, eyes ravishing her gorgeous body as she play-acted a beach volleyball game, relaying her heroics at the graduation party. She jumped up, mimicking the act of spiking the ball, braless breasts bouncing, the lower hem of her tank riding even higher on her perfect stomach.

“I can tell you’re an incredible volleyball player,” said Matt, resting his chin in his hand as his dreamy eyes raked her breathtakingly feminine figure.

Lexie tucked her chin demurely, breasts jiggling until they settled into their usual gravity-defying position, blue eyes flashing with delight at the compliment. “I try. I’ve just been getting so much stronger with my treatments. Even now that they’re over, it’s like my body’s in total overdrive.”

Matt seemed about to say something about the body in question, so I decided it was a good time to interrupt, dark feelings of bitter jealousy rearing their ugly head once more. “Lexie, don’t you have that thing you were supposed to be doing?”

Her eyes found mine, eyes narrowing in an unasked question. “Wha⁠t are you—?” she started.

“That thing!” I said forcefully, giving her a pointed stare, eyebrows rocketing up my forehead.

Her eyes flicked toward Matt, then back to me, understanding playing across her stunning features. “Oh yeah. The, um, thing.”

She muttered a quick apology to Matt, then galloped into her room, her shapely body disappearing inside.

Matt looked confused. “She has something to do in her bedroom?”

I shrugged, giving him an apologetic smile. “Yeah. Kids, right?”

“Right. Kids,” he repeated, his eyes growing distant. “Kids” Now that he was turned toward me, I saw the bulge in his pants. He was turned on again? So soon? How was that possible?

“Mind if I go to the bathroom?” said Matt, rising to his feet, shifting uncomfortably.

“Well, sure, I guess,” I said, still attempting to figure out what had Matt so worked up. He had only been talking to Lexie. There’s no way that that alone could… not after we had just…

He brushed past me in a hurry to get to the bathroom. The door clapped shut behind him.

Puzzled, I snuck down the hall, pressing my ear to the bathroom door. I heard some whooshing sounds. Then, a soft moan. Then, panting. The pace of the whooshing and panting steadily increased, until it suddenly stopped with a deep, though still fairly quiet, groan.

It wasn’t until it ended that it occurred to me what was happening inside that room. He was masturbating!

My stomach sank. Why on earth would he do that right after having sex with me? Had I not been good enough? Had I not satisfied him?

But that didn’t really make sense, did it? He had climaxed. I was sure of it! It was me who hadn’t orgasmed. If anyone should be doing that right now, it should be me! As the toilet flushed, I hurried back out to the dining room, taking the position he had left me in as he came out of the bathroom, my mind still whirring through the meaning of his activities.

It wasn’t until he took a seat and his eyes returned to Lexie’s closed door that I realized what had happened. It wasn’t that he hadn’t orgasmed with me. It was that just looking at Lexie had worked him up enough to be ready for a second time that quickly.

I felt wetness rising in my eyes, but I quickly blinked it away. I didn’t want Matt to see me cry.


It was August now⁠—the day of Lexie’s college orientation. She had asked me to drive her there, since she didn’t have a car. But we were running late. Annoyed, I knocked on her door, watching it open with a click. When Lexie came out of her room, I was utterly speechless. For the first time in months, she had gone all out. Eye makeup. Lipstick. Curling iron.

Even without makeup, the girl could have graced the cover of a magazine. Hell, she could have graced the cover of any magazine. Now? I was quite certain there had never been any human being as staggeringly gorgeous as this young woman had become.

My sister.

Lexie’s perfect brows furrowed in concern. “Don’t I look alright? I just wanted to dress up a little for my first day of college.”

I said nothing, still taking in the elegant contours of her ripe breasts, miniscule waist, and endless legs in the tight, scarlet halter and tiny shorts that she wore. I heard people joking say that a woman was so gorgeous she could stop traffic. In Lexie’s case, I didn’t doubt that it could actually happen. It was impossible not to pause and drink in such impossible levels of beauty. Her sex appeal was absolutely devastating. I was her sister, and even I felt the radiant sensuality of her eyes. Her lips. Her everything.

“Thanks for driving me,” Lexie continued, apparently deciding not to wait for my response. She had to know she looked absolutely stunning. “I really appreciate it.”

As she spoke, I was fascinated by the lines of definition that appeared in her stomach when she spoke, abdominal muscles of every sort under the lower hem of her crop top every time she breathed out. They matched the deep striations that sculpted the tanned flesh of her insanely perfect legs with every movement until disappearing into perfect smoothness when her movement stopped. It was as if her body wanted to show off just how staggeringly fit it was whenever it wasn’t busy broadcasting its spellbinding attractiveness. Her body looked as if someone had started with Barbie’s shape, decided that she wasn’t perfect enough, and made hundreds of improvements.

Looking puzzled, Lexie walked over to the mirror, fluffing her thick platinum mane before studying her appearance in its polished surface. “Why aren’t you saying anything, Em? I was hoping you’d tell me how hot I looked after all my prep! I don’t see anything seriously wrong. No zits. No bad hair. I think I look pretty good. Don’t you?”

My lips formed several words before sound actually began to come out, dripping with sarcasm. “…great, Lex. Seriously. Amazing.”

“What was that?” she asked, turning twin pools of smoldering sapphire toward me with a blink of her ridiculously long lashes.

With an exasperated sigh, I told her what she wanted to hear. Again. “I said, ‘you look amazing, Lex’.”

“Thanks!” she quipped, lips pulling back to flash me a breathtaking smile. She swept past me to the front door in a swirl of perfumed air.

“What kind of perfume is that? Smells amazing!” As I said it, I realized I needed some different words. I was using ‘amazing’ far too much to describe all things Lexie-related lately.

“Oh, it’s just the new one from Chanel. One of my friends gave it to me.”

“One of your male friends?” I asked, a now-familiar stab of jealousy piercing my chest.

“Yeah,” she said simply, sauntering out the front door. I saw the sly smile on her lips as she turned toward the car.

I got in the car, turning it on as Lexie struggled to fit her endless legs into the passenger side, finally reaching beneath the seat to slide it back a few inches.

“How tall are you now?” I mused aloud.

“Over six feet,” Lexie shrugged. “Maybe 6’1” or something?”

Jesus! The girl was becoming some kind of amazon. She looked like a blonde Wonder Woman⁠—the version from the comics, not the live action one. There was no way that even the prettiest and fittest of Hollywood actresses could possibly match up to my sister. She was even getting to the point where even exaggerated, comic-style artwork was having trouble keeping up.

The thought sent another ripple of jealousy up my spine.

“They keep telling me that my estrogen levels are super elevated and are likely to continue ‘enhancing my feminine characteristics’,” she air-quoted, the act sending a sensual ripple through her massive breasts, as if to draw attention to just how enhanced her feminine characteristics already were.

“Whatever’s going on, it sure seems to be good for my skin,” she continued, running her fingers over the exquisite flesh of her tanned thighs and perfect complexion. “And these.” Her hands rose to cup the achingly perfect swells of her lush breasts.

“It seems like you’re constantly getting fitter, too,” I deadpanned, noting the sculpted muscles of her sexy midriff.

“Yeah,” Lexie sighed. “The doctors say my muscle density keeps increasing. Weird, huh? They say that’s never happened with anyone else on the treatment. At least, not as much as it is for me. I’m getting seriously strong.”

I stared at the road, wondering how strong she actually was. I remembered seeing her demonstration on the beach volleyball court three months earlier when she had looked every bit as athletic as those muscular guys. Could she actually be stronger than that now?

“I mean, feel my abs.” As I watched the rolling pavement before the car, she grabbed my right hand and placed it on her stomach. I felt her clench her abdominal muscles and gasped as my fingers dipped into the center trench that ran between their steely cobbles. I pressed a finger into her unyielding flesh, unable to make the slightest dent. The girl’s muscles felt solid, as if they had been carved from marble—smooth, sculpted, and impenetrable.

“Pretty crazy, huh?” Lexie said. “I don’t even work out! It’s just like my body wants to improve in every possible way. Quite a change from how it used to be, huh?”

“You can say that again,” I mumbled. What would it feel like to possess a body so perfect in every way? Maybe I really should see if I could get the same treatment. Lexie was my sister. Our genes had to be similar, right? Maybe my body would react as hers had?

“They guys certainly seem to like the new me, though,” she said with a wink as I pulled into the school parking lot.

“So I’ve seen.” My eyes darted toward the swarm of students gathered at the edge of the grass by the parking lot as I turned off the engine. When Lexie opened the door, stretching to her full 6’1” height, I watched in amazement. First one student turned toward her, his eyes widening. Then, another. And another. Within seconds, every single student was watching my sister’s sultry approach. I wondered if the roll of her hips and leggy, breast-bouncing stride were purely a product of her new body or if she were playing it up for attention. Lord knew, she didn’t really need to try hard for that these days, yet it seemed to be natural for her now.

She circled the group to stand next to the orientation leader, a really hot upperclassman, touching his arm lightly with her polished nails. He wobbled, looking as if his knees might give out at any second. I continued to watch from the car as she said something to him, giving him a flirty wink and a heart-stopping smile. He gazed back at her adoringly, mesmerized by her utter perfection.

I rolled my eyes at the familiar sight of my sister effortlessly wrapping yet another man around her little finger, a withering burst of jealousy detonating in the pit of my stomach. One little sentence, one light touch, one little smile, and the guy was absolute putty in her pretty little hands. Her latest conquest consummated, just like that.

I closed my eyes, then shook my head before starting the car again and driving away. My decision was made. I was going to go to the doctor to see if I could get the gene therapy too. It was all too much, seeing my little sister become so… superior.

I wanted what she now had for myself.


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