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Written by HikerAngel

Commisisoned by A.Drum

Heavy eyes struggled to open as natural light pierced into the room. Chapped lips instinctively smacked, calling upon pain from a parched throat.

What time was it? Oh no! Oh shit! What time was it!?

Chloe sat up, her panicked brain finding a boost of energy from somewhere within her. Her back was suddenly stricken with pain, thanks to the uncomfortable sleep position she had fallen to on the couch.

Her blurry eyes focused, gazing upon the screen of her phone, which itself was almost dead due to her neglecting to charge it last night.

It was 12:03 PM. She had overslept.

Immediately, Chloe’s mind filled with the responsibilities of hers that this new information would seriously conflict with. There would be no way she’d be able to get a decent meal in her stomach before work at 1, that would have to be skipped. She'd have to leave right this instant if she even wanted a chance to fulfill her dog-walking obligations. But then, one thought triumphed over them all.


Without a second thought, she ran upstairs as fast as she could. Laying in the bed that they once slept in together, Jaime’ pale face poked out from below the covers to greet Chloe with a half-lucid smile.

Just three weeks ago, he had been afflicted with some sort of unknown disease, one that had rendered him bedridden ever since. Chloe has exhausted every expense trying to find out what was wrong with him, all while having to become the sole breadwinner of the house with him unable to even walk.

“D-don’t forget the key…” Jaime spoke weakly, reminding Chloe of the often-misplaced brass key to the house she was pet-sitting for. It was just supposed to be a short gig to get them some extra cash while Jaime was unable to do much of anything, but it was proving to be even more of a strain on Chloe’s already-strenuous schedule.

“Don’t worry about me, my love. I’ve gotta get some food and water in your system.”

She ran back downstairs to prepare a simple meal he could digest. All the while, anxieties flew through her head. If she was late one more time to work, they’d likely fire her on the spot, literally the last thing she needed right now. But, if everything went perfect; she could help Jaime, walk that dog and just barely make it to work on time.

The first part went off without a hitch, other than Chloe having to resist the tempting offer to lay with Jaime and sleep the day away.

Her bike, as she quickly discovered, had a flat tire, so she was forced to rush to the house on foot.

Her body was quickly losing steam. A lack of breakfast mixed with a poor sleep and bad cardio created a cocktail of misery for Chloe as she sprinted down the sidewalk. Why had she decided last night was a good time to finish her college essay? A new form of pain twinged within her at every second, but she finally made it to the front door. She then rustled around in her purse to find the key.

It wasn’t there.

She had forgotten it at the house.

Once the realization fully hit her, she broke down crying. There she was, hungry, sleep-deprived and stressed, a combo that only created a downward spiral of forgetfulness and regret. She punched the massive oak door until her hands bled, one reinforced so that no one could break into the valuable house. It was over for her. The time it would take her to run back to her house, back here, then back to her house once more… she’d be fired for sure!

Chloe fell to her knees in defeat, her clean work pants muddied by the ground. All she could do now was wallow in her own misery.


“My queen! My queen! I have tremendous news!”

“Well then? Spit it out, already. I haven’t got all day.”

A disgruntled sneer formed on the ruler’s face as she leered down at the creature that dared speak to her out of turn. At an impressive height of fifteen feet, even sitting down in her throne created an inherent air of superiority around her.

“We’ve found her… the perfect vessel for you to inhabit, my queen!”

“Really? How so?”

The little informant’s hand suddenly shape-shifted into a perfect replica of Chloe, animating to show her at her current moment in life.

“She’s got a very plain body by human standards, meaning she’ll blend in with crowds as you plan your conquest of the world, my queen. She also has no extended family outside of a pathetic, bedridden boyfriend who will be easy to dispose of. Not only that, but she’s going through a mental breakdown at this very moment. Her mind is vulnerable, my queen. Perfect to assimilate into yours!”

A smile grew on the lips of the extra-dimensional succubus queen. She was amused by Chloe’s suffering, at how easy it would be to erase her thoughts from existence and replace them with her own. Her burgeoning, reality-manipulating powers would fall under the radar within such an unassuming vessel.

“I’m not proud of having to walk around in such a hideous body, but I suppose it will have to suffice,” she spoke, ruminating on her own abilities as she gazed into the wine glass she circularly groped within her hand. “That’s the beauty of my power, after all, even a creature as weak as a human’s could adapt to it and change.”

She turned her half-lidded eyes back to her servant. “Very well, let the ceremony commence. Let my reign begin anew and may it last for thousands of years!”

Her throne room erupted with glorious cheer. Minions of all shapes and sizes dancing around in excitement.

With a flick of her wrist, the wine glass she held evaporated into dust. Uncrossing her legs, she stood up and undid the waist wrap of her kimono. The entire article of clothing fell to her ankles, exposing a Venus body that put all others to shame. The queen moaned softly as her body assumed an A-pose and light began to engulf it.

After a solid two minutes of crying, Chloe finally got back onto her feet. Her darkened eye bags were caked with tears and she was struggling to breath steady.

She gripped her head in discomfort and let out a moan. All of the sudden, it felt like her brain was about to split in two. What was going on? She had experienced brutal migraines in her past through similar means, but never to this extent!

It felt like her mind was being… entered. She simply had no better way to properly describe it. As if her brain matter was being stretched to its limit to allow another creature of higher thought into it.

Trembling hands gripped either side of her skull as ailments attacked her from every which way. Then, as if to torment her further, they were all suddenly given a voice.

Do not resist which is inevitable, mortal. You are about to become something much greater that you could even comprehend… me. I will make something of your pathetic species. A new order that I alone rule. Submit now. We both know your life has lost all meaning.

Chloe could feel her brain losing itself. Like the feeling of sleeping on one’s arm, it was becoming dull and staticky to her from the inside out. As much as she hated the voice, reminding her of the self-doubting inner monolog that often plagued her head, she wanted to give in to its demands. It was right, she was at her wits’ end and wanted nothing more than to give up. It was just her life on the line after all. Her useless, will-shattering life…

But it wasn’t just her life, was it?

If she gave up now, that would be the end of Jaime. He’d have no one to take care of him.

All other thoughts disappeared from her head, consumed by the corrupting force. But she didn’t let whatever it was take a single memory of her and Jaime. What little energy she had left, reserved for brain power of remembrance. All the good times they had, even when he had become sick.

What are you doing? The voice called out. The transference is nearly complete, do not make this more difficult than it needs to be. Accept your fate and become me!

But Chloe did not accept her fate. She couldn’t. The pleasant memories of Jamie overtook the malignant presence in her brain, reclaiming all the gray matter territory of her thoughts piece by piece.

Cease your resistance this instant! I will not be cast aside by a mere human! I am a god amongst gods! Queen of millions of dimensions! You shall not—

And then Chloe fully reclaimed her brain. With that, the voice was no more. Its consciousness had been removed from existence by the tired, starved human it had attempted to so easily conquer.

Chloe was thrust back into reality, lazily looking around with confusion quite visible on her face. Had she fallen asleep and had a fever dream? After all, she suddenly felt very well-rested, as if she had gotten a full night’s sleep.

Not only that, but all the other various sources of pain had completely vanished. She didn’t feel famished, nor was her back in pain. In fact, she felt more than just okay. She felt amazing!

It was as if all the stress that built up in her body over her entire lifetime had suddenly vanished, replaced with a far more capable body that could withstand the impossible standards of modern American living.

She looked towards the heavy oak door, remembering why she was here. Anger and resentment welled within her as she recalled her forgetfulness. Channeling all the anger into a punch she knew would be no harder than the last ten she had thrown, she struck the door with her fist.

Strangely, however, the door did not injure her hand. Quite the opposite was true, in fact. The massive obstacle cracked upon impact and opened slowly inward.

Had she…broken through a steel bolt with just her fist? There seemed to be no other method of explanation.

But this was no time to deliberate! She had a job to do!

However, the family dog did not greet her with the same enthusiasm as it had always done. It was as if the hound could tell something was off about Chloe, but she was more concerned about her race against the clock to notice. Thankfully for her, the dog was more concerned about going to that bathroom at that moment than the growing chaotic power that festered within the overworked woman.

Fishing the job quickly, Chloe rushed back home. Her enthusiastic skipping resembled more leaps and bounds as she streaked across entire street blocks in mere seconds. She got home in record time, literally twice as fast as it took her to make the first half of the trek.

“I guess I still have a bit of time to check up on Jaime…” Chloe reasoned with herself. “After all, I’m pretty sure I got home faster than I would have even if I took my bike.”

She walked upstairs with gusto, throwing open the doors and leaping upon her sickly boyfriend. After the hell that was the past ten minutes, she wanted nothing more than to indulge herself for a short moment with the love of her life.

“Chloe, what are you—?”

But a precise finger over Jamie’s lips silenced him further. All she wanted to do was cuddle up with Jaime and let the passage of time become an irrelevant leaf in the wind.

But as she thought about Jamie, it was as if something had been awakened inside of her. Like a sort of pseudo pavlovian response, thinking about him seemed to trigger a change within her blossoming body. She felt her form press hard against the mattress.

However, her body hadn’t moved an inch from her conscious decisions. Burgeoning breasts squished the comforter, fitting themselves right beside his prone body like puzzle pieces. Unbeknownst to Chloe, her body was literally growing in size. Her tiny, 4’11 frame was becoming increasingly irrelevant as her height shot up through the fives.

As her body morphed in both beauty in size, her mind subtly began to wander. Thoughts of galactic conquest arose, a throne fit for a goddess far larger than her stood upon the ruins of the civilizations that opposed her. How easy it would all be if she would just desire it more adamantly…

No, that wasn’t her. A world in disarray would only be one worse for Jaime.

What he deserved was someone who could nurse him back to health better than any of the greedy doctors that had plunged the two of them in debt. She would grow into the perfect healing force for him and even after he was nursed back to health, she’d continue to make sure that this would never happen again.

Chloe muttered sweet nothings into Jamie’s ear, her body growing further just to reach his ear with as few movements on her part as possible.

But then, a wayward whisper from Jamie thrust her back into reality.

“Chloe… What about work?”

Her eyes opened wide. Sure enough, with a glance at her phone, all the extra time allotted to her from the speedy return had been used.

An all-too-familiar sense of dread threatened to erupt from her gut, but an unexpected wave of confidence suppressed it.

She was going to make it.

She wasn’t going to get fired.

They needed her more than she needed them.

Chloe wasn’t sure where this bout of self-assurance emerged from, but she wasn’t about to question it.

Standing up tall, it wasn’t just her height that had increased. The slouching torso of hers had vanished. While, physically, she had only grown about a foot and a half, she felt the effects of a full three.

Leaving the house, she strutted to work in an outfit that was perhaps a bit too risque, but Chloe didn’t care. She was high on life. On cloud nine. Her burgeoning body now bloomed bountiful breasts and she’d be a fool not to show them off for the entire world to collectively gawk at.

Walking to work, time almost seemed to run on her schedule. Was it, perhaps, the quelling of her anxieties that made time less of a concern for her? It almost felt like the minute hand of the universal clock bent to her desires. Her usual panicked, unfocused, mad-dash to work was replaced with a confident stride.

Chloe’s azure eyes were locked in a forward position, yet she still caught glimpses of every man who walked by trying their hardest not to stare. Of course, she’d never have eyes for any of them. Her destiny was set firmly in her love for Jamie. Nothing could change that now.

Walking into her packaging factory fashionably late with an emphasis on the ‘fashion,’ she quickly turned the heads of every man and woman in the warehouse. Every man, that was, except for her boss, whose sheer rage overpowered any sense of passion he may have felt towards her.

He stared Chloe down as she was within earshot. Or, at least he would have stared her down if she wasn’t inexplicably the same height as him. The drastic change in size stopped the words in his throat, but he once again resisted, his struggle only manifesting as an awkward stutter.

“M-ms. Ellis! You’re late. Again.”

Her mind processed the emotion of being paranoid with fear, but her greater mind wouldn’t let her experience it. The suave, confident expression remained on her face as her inner-Chloe was going through a mental breakdown.

She wanted to say. “B-but that’s not- I was just handling stuff and I don’t think I’m actually that late but um…” but what came out of her mouth was rather sultry: “Are you sure I’m late? I think your watch would disagree with you.”

A blink of confusion was quickly followed by a dry chuckle. “Well, that’s certainly a new excuse, Chloe. I must say, you’re getting worse at coming up with them.”

But then, a double take at his watch confirmed her words. It was 12:55. She wasn’t just on time, she was five minutes early.

“What!?” the boss shouted aloud in sheer disbelief. “How is that possible… the wall clock said—”

His words were caught once again when said wall clock only reciprocated the time on his watch.

With every external factor pointing in Chloe’s favor, all the boss was left with was conspiratorial anger.

“This must be some sort of trick! You must’ve convinced the electrical engineer to set the clocks back! Probably paid the favor with that new slutty body of yours too!”

Now, Chloe was angry. She wanted to lash out in righteous anger, that her boss would rather fire a hard working woman who just wanted to care for her sickly lover than admit he was wrong. Nut once again, her body’s executed plans took on a different form.

Hips swaying, Chloe’s intimidatingly sexy form approached her boss. Every footfall Chloe took towards the man was like an invisible staircase increasing height, each step adding luscious inches to her beautiful form.

By the time she was standing right before him, Chloe was a whole head taller than him. It was as if his mind was playing tricks on him, had she always been that tall? Such confusion was purposeful.

Dissatisfaction beamed down from Chloe’s half-lidded eyes at the smaller man, judging him like a sinner at the gates of heaven.

The boss instinctively swallowed, terrified out of his wits despite technically holding all of the power in the scenario.

“I quit.”

“E-excuse me?” her former boss blurted in confusion. Internally, Chloe was equally as confused.

“You falsely accuse me of tardiness then verbally assault me for my outfit and accuse me and other workers of conspiracy. I will be filing a harassment claim.”

With that, Chloe turned about-face and made her way to the exit. However, she stopped right before she reached the door, turning her face ever so slightly to shoot a side-eye at the confused, smaller man.

“And if you’re still lucky enough to work for the company after all this, don’t worry, you’ll be working under me soon enough.”

A sultry cackle echoed through the vast space of the warehouse as the tall woman made her departure. No one was quite sure what she meant by that last part, not even Chloe herself.

As she walked home, all the dreadful anxieties returned. What was she doing!? She just quit her main source of income! And she did it on a whim no less! Would it even go through? She hadn’t even put her two weeks in for it!

Such thoughts boiled inside her head as her confident exterior handled the walk home, drawing even more attention from passersby as her form nearly breached the seven foot mark.

But then, all her self-anxieties were forgotten once she got home and returned to Jaime.

He looked half dead.

His face was pale and his eyes were distant, and the next doctor’s appointment was a week away. He was only going to get worse before he got better.

If Jamie was to survive, Chloe was going to have to take matters into her own hands.

She spent the rest of the day ordering whatever technology she could find. Chloe wasn’t quite sure why she was spending what little savings she had on all this stuff, but it was as if the simple act of thinking of Jamie was causing her brain to think so far ahead it went beyond her very own conscious comprehension.

It would take a day for all the materials to arrive even with the best shipping plan. That could be arranged.

For the first time in such a long time, Chloe had a free day. One she could devote entirely to her lover.


Jamie awoke in an upright sitting position. Usually, this would invoke an unbearable dizziness which quickly led to vomiting, but whatever he was sitting upon relinquished any potential queasiness. It was the softest material his skin had ever known, a far departure from the often uncomfortable bed that their pittance could afford.

Had he died and gone to heaven?

“Feeling any better now, Jaime?”

No, this was even better than heaven.

He tried to glance about towards the source of the voice but two large, perfectly-manicured hands reset his head back into position. Observing what he could see, he appeared to still be in bed, although its once sickly, stained appearance had been replaced with fine, iron-pressed sheets.

Peeking out from underneath his legs were far longer, slender ones. Large, dainty feet hugged his smaller ones, loosely wrapping around them like vines in an orchard.

Jaime’s mind raced to make sense of the matter. The voice he had just heard was clearly Chloe’s but there must’ve been some third person in the room with him. She was always a woman on the smaller side. And if the two “pillows” he had been resting his head on were what he so desperately wanted to believe, there was no way her body matched up.

But if that were the case, why did Chloe’s voice apparate from the mystery woman holding him?

“Don’t squirm too much… Just get lost in my body and let me care for you.”

The answer was obvious, only hindered by Jaime’s foolish preconceived notions. This massive mystery woman was Chloe.

“Ch-Chloe?” He spoke outwards, still not quite lucid, into the void.

Yes, it’s me, my beloved. I’m going to nurse you back to health.” Her vocals were unlike anything else. Gone were the stuttering words and nervous ticks, replaced with an otherworldly echo that lingered within a room that lacked the proper ambiance to even generate such a soundwave.

“Now just sit still for a moment, I need to support your back. You’re dangerously low on fluids.”

Her breathy words brought a certain comfort to his body that he would have once thought impossible for mere vowels and consonants to achieve. They numbed the unrest of his limbs far superior to the myriad of painkillers he had been subjected to as the weeks went on. For the first time in what felt like months, he was at Zen.

She brought a glass of water to his mouth tenderly, portioning his sips perfectly so that he didn’t choke. The liquid was the perfect temperature, instantly quenching his thirst as the streams of water slid into his arid throat. He paused to take a breath, yet she seemed to know exactly when he was going to do so.

“There we go, better?”


And that was the truth.

“Good…” a slim yet firm hand ran through Jaime’s hair. “My little trooper.”

His head was then drawn upwards, glassy eyes becoming reacquainted with a familiar yet different sight in the best way possible.

Chloe was gorgeous. She was already beautiful in her own special way to Jaime, but now… there was simply no one to compare her to. She was beyond supermodel levels of pretty, perfectly sculpted cheekbones, pearly white teeth held within plush pink lips and bright, large eyes that half-lidded themselves to contain her hypnotic azure pupils that almost seemed to burn with passion.

Then, to get a positional advantage for her next move, Chloe thought deeply about Jaime once more. His body jolted and wiggled as it attempted to adjust to the rather unfamiliar feeling of someone growing in size beneath it. Jaime watched as he almost appeared to shrink in his lover’s grasp, her growing breasts transitioning from comfy pillow to weighted hat. Now pushing nine feet of height, the final step of preparation was complete.

She bent her neck forward, tilting Jaime’s head so that their lips were at a perfect angle to interlock. As she leaned, Jaime noticed just how much larger her head was, especially compared to his own. But then, another more pressing thought entered his brain.

“W-wait, we can’t kiss,” Jaime said, pausing Chloe’s descent in place. “What if my mysterious symptoms are contagious?”

“Trust me, Jaime,” she spoke with a knowing smile. “Even if they are, I won’t catch them.”

At this point, Jaime was inclined to believe her. He closed his eyes, unguarding his lips for Chloe’s embrace.

Their lips locked and it was like fireworks. Her larger lips engulfing his as their pseudo-spiderman kiss took him to new levels of ambrosia.

He hadn’t felt this amazing in ages, and he was deathly ill.

The two of them spent what felt like hours cuddling, with Jaime riding the wave of happiness for as long as it’d last. Once again, time seemed to slow to accommodate Chloe's desires, as if the world revolved around her and no one else.

Jaime was now so surefire in Chloe’s new plans that he didn’t even question the massive influx of experimental tech that suddenly littered every square inch of the bedroom as he awoke the next morning. Chloe was already hard at work, providing quite the unusually sexy sight of a massive, nude woman sitting in a chair more than a little small for her, clacking away on several different tiny keyboards. Multiple diagnostics were being run in every visible direction, borderlining on one hundred.

Jaime was getting overwhelmed just looking at the room yet somehow Chloe was multitasking dozens of operations in every which way, her increased height granting an expanded arm’s reach. Visual stimuli battered his senses to the point where he missed his lover using telekinesis to bring a diagnostic result to her from across the room as well as the ceiling itself stretching upwards as she rose from her seat.

Even though Jaime hadn’t made a noise, she could tell he was wide awake. He couldn’t help but gawk at her form. A bathykolpian body blessed his gaze as she turned her entire form around to face him. The roof finally settled at a new height as her Venus-like body stood to its full height of eleven feet.

“Ch-Chloe! Y-you’ve gotten even taller!”

She looked about her own body as if she was unaware of its changes. “So I did,” her mouth twisted into a lovingly smug smile. “I guess I thought about you a lot last night.”

A charming *ding ding ding* rang out from the other side of the room, which a mere wave of Chloe’s finger silenced. That same circular finger motion floated the device gently over to her hands, where her slender fingers plucked a small vial out from the top.

“And all that thinking is about to pay off, my dearest.”

She leaned forward, placing the tiny test tube within the same eyeline as her voluptuous breasts so that Jaime’s attention would be drawn to it.

“What is it?”

“It’s the cure to your ailment.”

“Y-you found out what my ailment was as well as a cure for it, all in a single night!?”

“Even better. I cut out the middleman of that statement.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I mean, I found a cure for every ailment. Known or unknown.”

Jaime couldn’t believe his ears. What Chloe was describing was something that would revolutionize humanity as they knew it.

“And you made it just for me?” Jaime asked, tears of joy reaching the corner of his eyes.

“Babe, I couldn’t have made it without you. Every time I invoke thoughts of you, my brain becomes smarter. My body becomes more advanced and beautiful. Every time I remind myself of what’s worth fighting for on this earth, my hold on it grows.

That last part was a bit ominous, but Jaime wasn’t worried. Fate had once dealt their relationship a fatal hand, but now, everything was turning out for the better. It seemed that, while Chloe could very easily use her abilities for malice and power, she didn’t even want to think about doing so.

With a single sip of the blue elixir, Jaime felt completely reinvigorated. He sprung out of bed, his legs landing on the ground in stride as if his bedridden state over the past few months was nothing but a nightmare that Chloe had simply woken him from.

“Wow, I feel… wow…” it was hard for a mere mortal to verbalize the experience. Thankfully, Chloe was no mere mortal.

“It is as if all of your twenty seven senses have been factory reset after being bathed in ambrosia and dried off with a golden towel. And yes, I had to test it on myself before I gave it to you.”

“Well, now that we know it works, what happens now, my love?”

“Quite simple,” Chloe responded, standing up tall and crossing her arms. “Distribution.”


It wasn’t long before news about the miracle serum had hit the news. Chloe’s old boss was more than ecstatic to hear that his company would be one of the first to be allowed to distribute it to the masses. However, he was less enthused when a meeting with the CEO of the company was scheduled and the woman in question arrived.

The entry door was far too small for her fifteen foot tall body, but a quick phase through the wall proved that such human concerns were long beyond her.

“Well, well, well… I’d say ‘I told you so’ but that’d be far too generous of a statement as is. You’re lucky I’m only here because I’m a woman of my word. I said you’d be working under me, I’d better not be left disappointed.”

“N-not at all, Ms. Ellis… It’s a pleasure to meet with you…”

The man had to utilize all his might to stare straight ahead, lest he catch a glimpse of the cleavage in her glorious bosom and forget everything associated with reality.

“I couldn’t say the same. But enough with the formalities. The jig is simple: I create the miracle cure-all, you distribute the miracle cure-all. You get paid solely on what you distribute, which will just be enough to break even. I will not be making a dime off of this operation, understand?”

“B-but why? Don’t you want money?” The former boss turned worker couldn’t help but speak up. “This is a billion-dollar industry, after all! You’ll like”

“No, I want to give it to those in need. After all, it’s what people like Jaime deserve.”

“W-who’s Jaime?”

“Oh he’s just the sweetest, most caring, lovable man I’ve ever m—”


Suddenly, the very formal sheath dress that Chloe wore was ripped to shreds as her body ascended another 5 feet of height, with the room’s ceiling raising to accommodate her new body.

“Oooops…” Chloe spoke with sarcastic worry. “That happens sometimes when I gush longingly about my loving husband. But I do believe this meeting can continue, regardless of the wardrobe malfunction, correct?”

The boss nodded, but he didn’t agree with the shake of his own head. He was caught between a rock and a hard place.

This was going to be a rough partnership for him and Chloe was going to love every second of it.


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