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Written by HikerAngel, with writing assistance from Au Goose and CT117


DAY 41

Jane grunted and groaned as she tried and failed once more to swing the heavy garbage bag into the smelly dumpster. With an eight hour shift nearing completion, fatigue was quickly setting in over the poor woman’s body. She coughed, the putrid smell of the back alley interrupting her gasps for air, hindering her further attempts at the trash shot.

Eventually, she found some semblance of stamina and attempted once more to chuck the garbage bag in just to be done with it. Readying her stance, she swung the bag around her, doing her best impression of an olympic throwing event, before using the centripetal force to launch the plastic bag away. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t aim very well.

The bag struck the sharp lip of the dumpster, splitting in two and spraying garbage everywhere. Jane froze up in disgust as she could feel flecks of it hitting her skin. The alley somehow smelled even worse now.

Tears began to well up between her wispy lashes, an all-to-common occurrence over the past twenty days. Accepting defeat, Jane collapsed backwards towards the opposing brick wall, no longer finding the wherewithal to stand upright. A terse sigh escaped her plain lips. How did things fall so far for her?

Just 41 days ago, she had a normal life. It wasn’t perfect, but she’d give anything to return to the sense of normalcy it offered. When she had first gotten together with Carl, he had convinced her to quit her steady job and become a freelance artist, assuring her that he’d always be by her side to provide a steady income if hard times fell upon her. Well, those very times had befallen her and Carl was nowhere in her life.

He was a big shot superhero now, growing more powerful by the day. Carl also had a new, burgeoning relationship with Kate, her best friend who also wanted nothing to do with Jane now that she too was super. The poor girl was left to pick up odd jobs at fast food restaurants just to pay the bills. It simply wasn’t fair! What had she done in her life to deserve such a cruel fate!?

It didn’t help that Jack, the only person who could possibly understand her pain, had gone down a dangerous rabbithole in his life. He was hellbent on finding a similar meteorite to the one Kate and Carl had touched, becoming a nomadic grifter who travelled from town to town based on meteorologist patterns. He didn’t even care about Jane as a person. He just wanted his old wife back.

Jane wasn’t sure what she wanted. Part of her desired revenge for the world’s two newest superheroes ruining her life, but she also craved what Carl possessed between those legs of his. The corrupting desire hadn’t left her mind, even 26 days later. Her anxiety peaked with the thought of never feeling it between her legs ever again.

Reluctantly ready to return to her life of mediocrity, she returned to her feet. Her annoying boss was probably going to shout at her for taking too long with the garbage. But just as she reached for the side door of the restaurant, a blinding flash of yellow light knocked her back down onto her rear.

Blinking her eyes rapidly to offset stunned irises, Jane took a good look at whatever had decimated the despised dumpster before her.

Her jaw dropped. She must’ve been dreaming. That blinding whiteness was a nuke that wiped out humanity and this was the afterlife, Jane thought.

Before her was a meteorite, nearly identical to the one that Kate and Carl had touched. The one that had started the sharp and steady decline in her life. Her eyes narrowed as she slowly approached the mystical asteroid. The familiar amber crystalline called out to her, unclear as to whether or not it was her mind finally succumbing to insanity.

A trembling hand reached forward, inching ever closer to its prize. Jane wasn’t even sure if the same results could be expected, but at this point she had nothing left to lose.

“Jane! Wait! Stop!” A familiar voice cried out from behind her. Her entire body paused, leaving her only head active as it turned to face her caller.

It was Jack.

He looked panicked and disheveled. After only fifteen days out on the lamb, he looked like he had been homeless for over a year. Curly, uneven beard hairs took over a great deal of his tired face and much the same could be said about the veins in his bloodshot eyes.

“Please, don’t touch that meteorite without me! If we touch it together, we could match Carl and Kate in power! Wouldn’t that be great!?”

He was sounding more unhinged with every word. The nervous, unsure woman’s first instinct was to trust the one person who had stood by her side through these difficult times, but at the same time, Jack hadn’t been there for her lately. What if he touched it before she tried to? That was a scenario she simply couldn't risk.

She wasn’t going to be left behind again.

Before he could approach, Jane placed an open palm on the foreign rock, staring him down with her hurt face the entire time. But her expression was quickly turned into shock as she appeared to be struck by some sort of static electricity from the meteor.

At that point, all Jack could do was fall to his knees in defeat. Another opportunity to reunite with the love of his life had been squandered. Meteorites of that significance only fell every couple thousand years. He’d likely never get his chance ever again.

But then, to Jack’s surprise, Jane walked over and comforted him. His crestfallen head placed firmly on her smooth stomach, a sense of confused comfort fell over his body. With puppy dog eyes longingly looking upwards at Jane like a follower to a messiah, his mind was more conflicted than ever.

“Don’t worry, Jack. I may not approve of you leaving me for so long, but I promise I won’t leave you like Kate did. We… We can still make this work. ‘Till death do us part, y’know?”

He wasn’t sure he believed her, but what other choice did he have?

DAY 42

Upon waking up the next morning, Jack was already surprised to see how fast Jane was progressing in her transformation.

On Kate’s first day post-meteorite, the effects were largely negligible. Jack recalled her stamina improving slightly and her beauty becoming ever more present, with her breasts filling out alongside her waist.

Jane was already flying.

Jack’s head rose ever higher in disbelief as his eyes locked in with Jane’s, his jaw trembling at her already tantalizing form. She was once the smallest member of their friend group, but that looked to be already changing.

With the morning sun peering through the window, reflecting off the back of her like a cascading halo, her enhanced body already appearing holy in sight.

“Wh-what… ahem what are you doing up… there?” Jack sputtered, barely able to squeeze his words out upon gazing at the sculpted musculature that was growing upon her body.

“Oh, y’know…” Jane responded casually. “Just flipped a pancake a bit too hard this morning and now it’s stuck to the ceiling.”

Jack hadn’t even noticed. He was so overtaken by her new beauty that he had never stopped to ask why Jane was actually on the ceiling.

“But I’m not too worried,” she continued, and Jack could tell. Now that she had powers, her anxiety seemed all but gone. “Now that I can fly to work instead of relying on the shitty transit we have, I can focus more time on the two of us!”

With that, the roof pancake was flipped back on to the pan where it belonged and Jane came back down to the floor.

With both of them on ground level, Jack was able to get a better look at the new height disparity between him and Jane. Jane was a rather mousy girl in both size and stature before today, being a measly 4’10 and slouching often, she was often lost in a crowd. But now, she was far beyond the five foot margin, her longer legs and firmer stomach giving her a six inch boost in height. A boost in confidence from the power-up also meant she was slouching less. Now the top of her head was at Jack’s chin and he knew that such a discrepancy wouldn’t last by tomorrow.

“You want me to fly you to work too, Jack?”

“Uh… well, about that…”

A curious brow rose on Jane’s prettier face.

“I lost my job hunting down that meteorite.”

He expected to be reprimanded by the supergirl for his admittedly shitty behavior, but no such recourse came. Instead, Jane brought him into another loving hug.

“Don’t worry about it, Jack. Things are different now. You can stay with me as long as you’d like.”

Jack returned the hug, but he detected an unmistakable sense of lust behind the sweet words of Jane. He had a feeling of dread towards what lay ahead in his future after work.

DAY 42, 2:30 PM

“Carl, does this look like what I think it looks like?”

“Guess we’re already dropping the superhero names, huh babe?”

Kate turned to deliver a fast, fiery kiss to Carl’s cheek. He tried his best to maneuver around it, but she was too fast.

“Listen babe, until you can dodge my super-kisses, I’m not calling you ‘Super Carl’. That name sounds silly.” She shot him a sultry wink before returning her focus to the inert meteorite that lay before them. She bent forwards when she didn’t need to in order to get a better look, when it was really done to taunt her super-lover with a good look at her toned ass.

Kate then found Carl’s large hands gripping at her rear, caressing her flawless form as she moaned softly in delight. She couldn’t care less about the government’s order to investigate some space debris, desiring instead to satisfy her enhanced libido, even if the situation was less than ideal.

Turning her attention away from the meteorite once more, she gripped at Carl’s muscular form. Her feet then left the ground as she floated upwards ever-so-slightly so that her molten hot breath could be felt on his ear.

“We could fuck right now in front of all these bystanders and no one would be able to do anything about it. Wouldn’t that be so fucking hot?”

Carl said nothing in response, but he didn’t need to; his powerful body did all the talking for him. Kate could feel the warmth radiating off of his titanic cock as it erected into its trunk-like state.

She fondled the bulge in his straining jeans with her slender, perfect fingers. Both at the peak of their respective sexes, the two superior humans began to passionately make out. They cared not for the collateral damage as their kissing sesh slammed them from wall to wall of the tight alleyway.

Only the sounds of the distraught restaurant owner interrupted their lewd actions enough for them to stop, but by that point they had already crashed through his wall. Workers fled in peril, but the owner stood his ground for the briefest of moments before realizing just who he was barking at. But it was too late for him.

He had interrupted their destructive love, that was unacceptable.

Breaking from the lips of her super-lover, Kate floated over at a rather casual speed before yanking the frightened man up to her level by merely his collar.

“I hope you have a good reason for shouting at us like that,” Kate whispered at the man in a breathy tone. He squirmed about, but none of his desperate actions could break her hold. “I’ve been a merciful hero up to this point.” She then shifted her hand position from his collar to his neck, threatening to break it. “Although that could all change in a snap.

“L-leave him alone, Kate!” Came a solitary voice, drawing the attention of the two superheroes.

“Well, well, well,” Carl spoke, a leering smile appearing on his face before his eyes even locked on the source of the voice.

It was Jane. She may have not cared much for her boss, but to sit there idly and watch him die was decidedly not the right thing to do. However, once her superpowered former lover looked her way, she cowered in fear behind the nearest object she could find.

Kate was behind her in an instant, her sheer presence causing Jane to be startled rather exaggeratedly, falling out behind her useless cover.

Despite possessing super powers of her own, she suspected she didn’t stand a chance against Carl or Kate. Sure, her body had blossomed spectacularly in such a short time, but it did not compare to the rippling musculature of Carl or shapely thighs and breasts of Kate.

All Jane could do now was hope they’d take pity upon her.

“Long time no see, eh hon?” Carl said snidely, referring to her as if they were still close. “Fancy running into you in this dump of a fast food restaurant. Don’t tell me this is where life has taken you?”

Jane’s breathing quickened as she struggled to contain her welling anger. How could he be so cruel? This was not the Carl she had fallen for so many years ago!

“Gotta say, you’re looking mighty fine these days,” Carl took a brief flight around Jane’s body, thoroughly checking her out from breasts to thighs like she was a meat section at the supermarket. “Too bad that just one pump from my titanic rod would splatter you all over the wall.”

“That’s what you think.” Jane muttered from underneath her breath. But Carl’s super-hearing was not to be deceived.

“Oh really? That’s what I think? Is there something I don’t know that you’d like to fill me in on, plain Jane?”

Kate cackled. “Plain Jane? That’s what everyone called her in highschool when she was a late bloomer. Guess it makes sense now though, no matter what changes she goes through in life up to this point, without the enhancing power of the meteorites, she’ll never be as pretty nor as powerful as us.”

Carl joined in on Kate’s sparse laughter. “That’s right. Why do I even entertain the thought about a pathetic little past fling? I already have everything I could ever need right here.”

With that, he and Kate threw themselves at each other and continued to make out. The force of their superpowered bodies colliding created a shockwave that was powerful enough to take Jane off her feet. While her latent powers prevented any physical pain, the emotional pain she had sustained in the encounter was overwhelming.

She scrambled to her feet and fled the scene, tears welling from her face that she could not hide despite her best efforts.

Jane was done with Carl. She was done with Kate. It was her and Jack against the world, that she was sure of.

DAY 43

Jack had fallen asleep before Jane had gotten home last night. He wanted to stay up for her, but he had found quite the comfortable position in bed and passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

But now, that comfortable position was suffocating.

Jack’s oxygen-deprived brain forced his eyes open, forcing them to harshly adjust to the world of various light sources around him. Despite laying on his side, it was as if a steam roller was slowly moving over his chest.

With the burden of Atlas pressing upon his lungs, he began to flop about like a beached sardine. He could not move anything above his elbow, leading him to deduce that something was wrapped around him. Had he been kidnapped? What the hell was going on?

“Mmmmm” came a sleepy moan in his ear. The mystery had finally been unraveled for Jack: Jane was so strong, just her unconscious snuggling was too much for him.

Using the last of his breath, he called out to her.

“Jane…! Wake… up…!”

Thankfully, her super-hearing kicked in and she instinctively yawned as consciousness stirred within her, releasing her grip on Jack as she stretched her arms forward to loosen them up.

Seizing the small window of opportunity, Jack rolled out of Jane’s grasp. He fell to the floor, where he greedily gulped down whatever air he could. Weak, shaking arms struggled to find the floor.

“Hey Jack,” Jane added with a smile and a yawn, half of her face peering at him from atop the bed where she still lay. “What’re you doing down there on the floor?”

“Oh, just trying not to get crushed to death.”

“Oops, sorry. Guess I still don’t know my own strength through all this! You wanna cuddle some more? I promise I’ll be more gentle this time.”

“Thank you for the offer Jane, but I don’t think I feel like risking that again.” Jack then accentuated his accepted defeat, remaining upon the hard floor. At least it was a safe place for him at the moment.

“Fine then, we don’t have to cuddle…but what about sex?”

Jack’s eyes lit up. Suddenly, the floor didn’t feel so comforting. He began to rise from the ground, but the libido-enhanced Jane sped up the process for him with a single arm, chucking him onto the bed like a ragdoll.

Jane lunged upon him like a feral animal, pinning him to the mattress. Jack finally got an unobstructed view of her new form, one which greatly bewildered him.

It was as if someone had expertly photoshopped Jane’s head onto a female bodybuilder. At just three days in, her body was already equal in both beauty and flair to Kate at day six!

However, to call her body a copy of Kate’s would be doing it a great disservice. Her rippling musculature turned the more common hourglass figure on its head. Her body seemed to resemble more of a precursor to one, with the top vestibule growing into a far greater circumference than the bottom.

But such muscularity failed to compromise the bountiful breasts that bloomed from her chest. Bouncing naturally in opposition to every movement of her torso, the cantaloupe-sized growths hypnotized Jack with their movements.

She leaned forward with a sensual moan, one brimming with sexual desire. Her breasts pressed into Jack’s chest, threatening to deprive his lungs of oxygen once more if she were any more powerful than she already was.

“Is the Jack Hammer going to come out to play tonight or am I going to have to settle for some more powerful tools?”

Not wanting to be put in the latter camp, Jack hastily undid his pants without even looking at them. His member was released into the world, resting softly between the bottom crease of Jane’s massive breasts and the top of her eight-pack.

“Mmm… Now that feels like an eager little fella. Better give him what he wants…”

Jane lifted her body up into the air, suspended by nothing. Somehow, Jack had been staring transfixed at her breasts that he hadn’t even noticed that her pants and underwear had been removed from her body!

Her bare crotch gleamed with a fine sheen of desire-fueled sweat, further enticing Jack to pierce its radiant sheen.

Jane then dropped her body like a meteorite and with pinpoint accuracy guided Jack's cock into her pussy.

Jack couldn’t help but gasp as an all-too-familiar sensation came over him from the experience. Despite how much bigger Jane was, it was as if her vaginal walls were tighter than ever.

Jane’s moans scaled octaves as she proceeded to move her body up and down, riding her new lover. Jack’s experience with the situation, however, was less than ideal. Jane's pussy seemed to be only looking out for itself. Sure, Kate’s enhanced sex had been hard to penetrate when it was even possible for him to do so, but this was something different in its entirety.

“What the hell…?” Jack said to himself as he continued to groan. It was like her pussy had a mind of its own. He could feel her vaginal walls crush his dick like a trash compactor, hurting him more than giving him pleasure. It was as if her crotch contained some sort of parasitic alien worm that was draining the life out of him.

“Jane..?” He asked, but she clearly wasn’t paying attention. Her eyes were shut and her head tilted towards her back, moaning with every thrust.

“Oh yes, sweetie… give it to me… GIVE IT TO ME!” She roared as her body tensed up in a coiling orgasm. Her walls increased in pressure, only adding to the pain.


“C’mon sweetie… just a few more orgasms.” Jane moaned.

“J-Jane! Stop! PLEASE!”

“Huh?” Jane asked as if she had been hypnotized the entire time, only to look down and notice Jack’s struggling. She immediately flew off of him, finally releasing his tortured cock from her confines.

“Oh my God, Jack, are you okay!?”

Jack, once again at the mercy of his deprived lungs, took a few heavy breaths as he felt around his cock, gently stroking it to help alleviate the pain.

“No…” He squeaked out, not culling his bluntness.

“Oh no, what have I done!? I’ve hurt you, haven’t I? God, I’m such an idiot…”

With that bout of resentment, she carefully cradled Jack’s crumpled cock. “I don’t think even the best doctors could heal what I’ve done to you. I wish there was some way I could fix you, Jack…”

Then, Jane’s hands began to glow. A sharp exhale of relief exited Jack’s body as the same bright glow overcame his member, healing it back to the way it was before Jane had ravaged it with her death trap of a crotch.

“Y-you healed it!”

Jane slapped a relieved hand on the side of her head. “Yeah! I guess I really did! T-this is great!”

Her enhanced mind immediately put two and two together, her crotch suddenly glowing with the same bright energy that her hands were erupting with.

Needless to say, the sex afterwards was incredible for both parties involved. Jack was even able to compete with Jane’s enhanced libido thanks to her healing powers negating his refractory period. But, no matter how good her healing powers were, eventually her human lover’s body became too sore to fix. Thankfully, the two of them mutually agreed to a “ceasefire,” as it were.

“Oh god, that felt fucking amazing, Jack! Thank you, I really needed that!” Jane said, her awe-inspiring body floating a foot above the bed so she could lock eyes with her lover.

She leaned in for a kiss and Jack just barely had enough strength to engage in it with her.

“Y’know, I’m down for anything, Jack. Anything you want. Just say the word and I’ll do it for you.”

It sounded hyperbolic, but at that moment, Jane meant every word. It was nice to have someone like Jack, someone who clearly loved her for who she was. At least, she assumed as much.

It would take a few hours for Jack to make a full recovery, and even then his pelvis was still sore beyond belief. Luckily for him, he was greeted to a breakfast in bed, or as he would later find out, dinner.

Jane sat at the side of the bed and watched as Jack gobbled down the meal she had made for him. It was easily one of the best breakfasts for dinner he had ever had. Everything was expertly prepared, and Jane’s enhanced perception, strength and speed was to thank for that.

After the meal was finished, Jack found a rather pestering thought that wouldn’t leave his psyche.

“Hey, uh, I’ve actually got a bit of an embarrassing request, but, I mean, you did say you were down for anything, right?”

Jane’s smirk was practically breaking the sides of her face. She knew that it was time to show Jack what she was capable of.

“Would you be opposed to doing a sexy cosplay…” He swallowed nervously. “...of Kate?”

Jane’s smirk disappeared as fast as it had appeared, but she kept true to her word.

“Um, I-I mean I guess I could...”

Her response was a reluctant one, that much was obvious. But just as Jack was beginning to question if he said the wrong things at the wrong time, Jane’s sultry smile was suddenly reinvigorated.

“Y’know what? I’ll do it. Give me until tomorrow to prepare, okay?”

That certainly was a 180!

“Sure thing! Anything I should do to prepare?” Jack asked, eagerness brimming from his voice.

“As a matter of fact, yes. Don’t leave this room until tomorrow, okay?”

That would be easy enough for Jack to handle. After all, it wasn’t like he had a job to attend to or anything. This was going to be great!

DAY 44

“Ready?” Jane texted.

“Yes.” Jack sent back. She’d insisted on hiding from him until she was fully in costume, getting into the spirit of the game way more than he’d expected. He hadn’t seen Jane since yesterday, upon her request, probably to blow him away with just how sexy she had become once the sun arose!

At first, Jack was fearful that she would quickly become too powerful to be penetrated, as Kate had been. But with Jane’s healing powers presumably getting more potent in conjunction, the optimistic side of his brain convinced him that it would be smooth sailing from here on out. He almost felt bad for Kate and Carl, he had clearly gotten the better deal here!

The room was dark, so when Jane opened the door, she was nothing but a soft silhouette backlit by the light in the hallway.

It was a noticeably sexy profile, he realized, his brows furrowing as he attempted to focus on the shapely shadow, one that seemed to be wearing Kate’s improvised Captain Marvel costume and it fitted to her awe-inspiring silhouette far better than he expected.

“Hey, lover. This is the costume you like, right? That one you were talking about at camp?” she teased, Jane’s rich voice capturing Kate’s breathy excitement perfectly.

She closed the door and the room was plunged into near total darkness again. Moments later, he felt her smoothly rounded torso sliding enticingly up his legs, almost as if she were floating, which she probably was. He hadn’t heard her footfalls crossing the room to his bed, either. Damn, she was really good at this! Had Carl been enjoying roleplaying nights like this for years while he and Kate barely ever made love this personally passionate? Even with her here in his bed now, he felt a pang of jealousy.

Still slowly creeping up the bed, Jane’s face pulled up even with his, her hair as fragrant as a field of wildflowers, warm breath tickling his skin in the darkness.

“Ready to pleasure your favorite superhero?” she moaned into his ear. Jack’s cock stirred, pleasantly surprised by the authenticity of this simulation of the real Kate. Jane must have worked all night to capture what little details she could mimic.

His hands rose to grope her chest, and the results shocked him. Did they get even bigger overnight!? Or was this just costume padding? he wondered. Jane’s now watermelon-sized breasts felt leagues firmer and sexier than Kate’s! It was as if she was combining everything he loved into the perfect melting pot of desire.

She hugged him, their legs entwined. Then she rolled over, pulling him on top of her like he weighed nothing. “Oh, Jack! Your hands feel so good!” she moaned. She kissed him with a hunger that wasn’t play-acting at all. “My body is just so sensitive. After touching the meteor I’m horny all the time now…”

It was almost creepy how effortlessly Jane seemed to replicate his once-wife’s voice. With every word that exited her plush lips, it was like an artificial intelligence perfecting its assigned task.

“My libido just keeps growing and growing to match this incredible body. I need you so bad, Jack.” Jane’s eager touch was electric, her firm fingertips drawing patterns over his squirming back and buttocks. He was fully rigid, without Kate being there at all. This was turning out to be even better than yesterday!

“That’s it! Now give me the Jack Hammer! I want to feel you inside me...!” Jane spread her legs wider than a yearning cheerleader, lifting her hips, angling herself to maximize his desperate lunge into her waiting depths.

He slid into her warm and moist pussy, determined to bring her to a roaring climax…

Only he didn’t.

His tip slid up the crease of her thigh, skittering off her smooth flesh. He tried again, sliding past her opening a second time. Jane’s soft nether lips refused to part for his raging hard on.

She sighed under him, lowering her hips. “So that’s what it feels like. No wonder Kate was so disappointed.”

“J-Jane… What are you doing?” he objected. She answered by undulating her inhumanly tight abdomen against his stiff member until he felt a juddering bolt surge through his groin. She’d made him cum with just the touch of her flawless skin, like Kate was able to!  He grunted as thick ropes of cum shot across her defined belly. His mind reeled as he realized he was as powerless to resist her sensual presence as he was Kate’s.

“Aww, looks like Mr. Big Shot blew his load early again. That’s so sad. Maybe I can call up Carl again… he’s a real man with real powers, isn’t that right?”

“Jane, s-stop this! Give me the healing ability so I can penetrate you! Please! This isn’t you!”

“You’re right, this isn’t Jane. It’s all Kate now.” She answered, her laughter echoing musically in the darkness. “I could just heal it up again, but would Kate really do that? After all, she sees you for the pathetic loser you actually are, Jack. Now quit being such a pussy and penetrate mine, if you even can.

She dug her hands into the tight black costume that clung to each curvaceous inch of her absurdly sexy torso, and slowly ripped it apart, revealing that her extravagantly Kate-like figure was no mere cosplay.

She even looked like Kate now.

Jack considered actually punching himself in the brain, hoping that this was all some sort of horrific nightmare that he desperately needed to wake up from.

“Sorry Jack, but this is no dream.” She added, as if she could read his mind. Jane then gently seized his wrists, guiding his hands over the muscular swell of her shoulders, the subtle ridges of her ribcage, then finally to cup her spectacular breasts. “But even if it was, why would you want to wake up? You finally have everything you could ever want from a woman.”

She then burst out laughing once more. “Oh wait, that’s right! This woman wants nothing to do with you! You’re a pathetic tool with nothing to offer her!”

“Jane, please! This… this isn’t what I want!” He was practically shouting in dismay even as his hands instinctively massaged the achingly pert globes decorating her chest.

“Aww, well then you should really be more careful about what you wish for then, huh?” Her eyes were delighted, the expression of the exquisite features that surrounded them artificially apologetic. “You wanted Kate instead of plain ol’ Jane huh? Then you get Kate.

Jack’s face was a mask of horror even as his hands continued to move of their own volition, stroking and fondling Jane’s voluptuous form in the darkness. Only now did his brain register what was happening, how his selfish desire had brought about his own downfall.

“But I must thank you Jack, seriously.” Suddenly, her voice sounded a lot more like it used to. “This power… it’s giving me abilities Kate and Carl could only dream of.”

She shivered with remembered pleasure, setting his own body trembling again. “It was like a raging waterfall of power just smashed into me. Only I didn’t have to share it with anyone. Not you, not Carl, not Kate. And I can still feel it flowing through me, changing me so quickly that I’ve already caught up to Kate’s three weeks in just three days. Can you imagine what I’ll become by the end of the week?” Jane laughed again, describing what was probably the end of human civilization as we know it.

Jack’s mind boggled at the implications. Without two people to split the power up evenly, Jane was ascending at an even faster rate than ever before seen. If he had just found that meteorite first… He could have made Carl his bitch, and it would be Kate helplessly worshipping his body!

“Seriously. Did you even think about my feelings at all these last few weeks? No. You just wanted Kate back. You never actually cared about quiet little Jane. The girl who just sighed as your bitch of a wife stole her husband.” Jack’s vision became a haze, as if the mere act of Jane’s recollection was enough to force painful memories into his head.

“But now it’s my body, my libido, and my beauty outgrowing everyone! I just hope that shy little Katie and my delicious, wayward husband can do more to please the insatiable Sex Goddess I’m becoming as they grovel for forgiveness at my feet than you ever did for Kate…”

Even in the near darkness her eyes sparkled, drowning him in the cavernous depths of her erotic needs he’d never be able to fulfil. She licked her lips and cooed encouragingly, a rich, vibrant sound that stimulated his body instantly, taking him right over the edge again. Jack’s aching penis twitched and another glob of aftercum dripped onto Jane’s creamy thighs. She reached down to dip a long, slender finger into the physical manifestation of his desire and smiled darkly as she slipped it between her perfect lips, swirling her tongue over it to savor the taste of her sexual supremacy.

“But you keep trying if you like. It tickles. A little.” She drew her arms back and arched her chest, inviting him to continue to worship her newly divine body. With her new height now rivalling his, he couldn’t gaze longingly at her beautiful face without craning his head to the heavens.

Jack tried to find the willpower to reject Jane’s overwhelming sex appeal, only to find himself humping her muscular thigh and clutching one of her melon-sized breasts in both his hands, licking his tongue raw on her harder-than-diamond nipple in a futile effort to please her. It was no use. In the time since she’d glided into the room her unbelievable beauty had gone from stunning to literally irresistible, turning his body into a puppet for her every erotic whim.

He physically threw himself at Jane until she was bored of his human fallacies. With no more than a wayward glance to his pathetic attempts to pleasure her, she phased through the ceiling.

Jack was left in a tiny puddle of his own cum, the mere scent of Jane lingering in the air was enough to bring him to orgasm again and again.

Jack was simply not worth it anymore, Jane had decided. He was fun to taunt, but a certain pleasure built up inside of her that could simply no longer be satisfied by him, no matter how many times she enhanced his pathetic member.

Now was the time to do some soul-searching.

DAY 45

As Jane floated thousands of feet above sea level, her eyes remained locked upon the wide peaks and crevices that made up the massive mountain range before her.

When she was a child, they seemed impossibly large to her, stretching far beyond the curvature of the earth and disappearing into the horizon. Such a sentiment was shared well into adulthood. But now, in just three day’s time, they appeared puny and insignificant to her.

These were not the mountains that once took her twelve days to climb. Now, it would take her a mere five minutes to hike if she followed the trail. One minute if she chose to fly to the peak. Two milliseconds if she chose to teleport to the top.

Did the time measurements of her achievements even matter if she could slow time down to a crawl? That was still up for debate within her mind.

Did her mind’s decisions even matter? Her enhancements were reaching a point where the unconscious side of her brain was processing decisions and dishing out answers to problems before her lucid side could even garner a proper reaction.

Did ‘problems’ even matter anymore? Jane thought not. Anything that couldn’t be accomplished by her today would be squashed by her tomorrow.

This was only day four for Jane.

DAY 49

There was an explosion big enough to wake everyone on the west coast, yet one that didn’t seem to phase Kate or Carl. As the self-proclaimed “heroes” of their city, they sure seemed to care more about having mind-achingly amazing sex than actually saving endangered lives.

Both of them had managed to stave off an orgasm for nearly ten hours, a new personal record. The lewd act had long devolved into them floating in the middle of the room, clutching each other tight as Carl’s trunk-like erection thrust in and out of Kate’s infinitely tight pussy, his head bumping her cervix with every strike.

Then, just as the two of them were about to reach their respective climaxes, so did Jane.

The explosion that followed was much harder to ignore, shattering glass and kicking up an intrusive amount of dust from the deserts. It was one of the most brutal sandstorms ever recorded in human history, just enough for Kate and Carl to become annoyed by it’s disruption and seek out the source.

Fortunately for them, the source was a mere thirty second flight away. While the sandstorm caused irreparable damage to the masses, the two superheroes utilized it as an opportunity to fly above it uninterrupted as they had no intention of covering their naked bodies.

As they flew, hand in hand, their superior vision quickly detected a much unusual sight. Mount Elbert, often considered the tallest peak of the rockies, ceased to exist. The entire range had simply disappeared like it was taken out from a photo with an editing tool.

They flew down to the base of where it would have been, noticing a rather familiar figure sitting naked, her legs splayed about like a pregnant woman at the hospital. They both were confused at first, but they quickly pieced two and two together with their superior intellect.

“Hey there,” said Jane, looking at the both of them with a ferocious hunger in her eyes that neither of them could hope to match. “I bet you’re both wondering what happened to ol’ Elbert here?”

The two superpeople simply steeled their gazes, but said nothing in response.

“Well, let’s just say, there isn’t a dildo on earth that can quite satisfy me anymore. I had to compress an entire mountain down to one just to feel something, y’know? You guys probably felt my orgasm back there, I saw the sandstorm it kicked up. Too bad that’s probably going to be the best one I have for a while, nothing can quite compare to the size of Elbert on this side of the country…”

“Let me guess,” Carl interjected. “You want me to fuck you, isn’t that right?”

“Veeery perceptive, my old fling. But, you’re wrong. I don’t want to be fucked by you, I want to fuck you.”

Faster than both of the once-uncontested superheroes could react, Jane sprung into action. She effortlessly pinned Carl to the ground, her 7 feet of height overwhelming his mere 6’5”. Kate quickly attempted to rescue her lover with a strategic shoulder tackle at top speed, but she was unable to make the hulking Jane so much as budge. Instead, Kate’s humerus bone was what budged, her shoulder brutally dislocating on impact. The supergirl fell to the ground in shock-induced pain, having felt the uncomfortable nerve signal for the first time in nearly fifty days.

“Kate! Help me!” The now-terrified Carl called out to his pained lover. But his gaze was quickly returned to the original lover above him once she set a large yet gentle hand upon his cheek.

“What’s the matter, Carl? Suddenly not the strongest being in the universe anymore? Sorry, can’t relate. After all, I’m just ‘Plain Jane’ right?”

Her voice then turned sinister as her caressing hand suddenly wrapped itself around his throat. “If I allowed you to speak, what would your next words be? An apology, perhaps? Maybe you’ll double down on your narcissism. The truth is, I don’t care. All your words are meaningless to me now.”

She closed her titanic thighs around his massive member, which surely would have generated a scream of pain had Carl been able to breathe at all.

“You like that? You could call it a small taste of what’s to come. You treated me like a human to an uncaring god when you had the meteorite, but I will not extend to you the same luxury. You are an object to me now. That’s all you’ll ever amount to. By tomorrow, I’ll have outgrown your purpose, and that’s if you’re lucky.”

Her twin, indestructible pillars that could be described as legs finally released his cock from their confines, but his neck was not so fortunate to receive the same fate.

Through a mixture of her feet guiding it and latent telekinesis, Jane inserted Carl into herself without breaking eye contact with him. Her morally bankrupt glare piercing his desperate one and never letting up.

She began to rotate her painfully perfect hips to a rhythm, enjoying herself as she crushed his once proud member with her superior walls like an empty beer can. Going ten hours on edge earlier could not have been helpful for him.

Jane took his entire length again and again, her muscular thighs releasing shockwaves as they collided with his pelvis, threatening to fracture it with every strike.

Poor Kate was forced to watch helplessly as her new life was, inch by inch, taken away from her. Carl couldn’t hold on, cumming a flood into Jane’s hungry pussy.

Jane finally broke eye contact with Carl, throwing her head up into the air, arching her back with perfect form as an earth-shattering orgasm overcame her. Or, at least, it would have been earth-shattering if Jane hadn’t concentrated all of the energy directly onto Carl’s pelvis.

All that energy striking such an already sensitive part of his body proved to be too much. Carl stopped struggling, his body fell limp. He wouldn’t be lucky enough to survive until tomorrow, it would seem.

And then, Jane turned her attention to Kate. She didn’t even get the chance to flee before Jane was atop her, pressing her far larger breasts against Kate’s as if it were some sort of contest.

Kate was sure that this was the end for her. Jane had so effortlessly fucked Carl then discarded him, why would this be any different? But then, Jane began to talk to her once-friend of so many years.

“I’ve always been rather fond of you, Kate. I never told anyone this, but you were such an inspiration to me as you became more and more powerful from that meteorite… More powerful and more sexy.

Jane leaned forward and delivered a passionate kiss onto Kate’s lips. The lesser superhuman could not help but join in, Jane’s oppressive sexual aura was impossible to resist and this was certainly preferable to the fate of Carl.

“I haven’t forgotten about how you treated me, but I also haven’t forgotten about how fucking beautiful you’ve become.” Jane spoke as she broke the kiss between the two of them. When I found out that I could alter my appearance, I became ecstatic to have my first request be you. As much as I envied you, you’re simply the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes upon.”

The women’s lips reunited, but this time, Jane applied a bit of her healing ability into it. In a jiffy, Kate’s injury was healed. The lesser superhero could feel more and more power being added to her very essence with every prolonged second of the passionate kiss. After all, Jane had power to spare.

“So, what happens now?” said Kate, her half-lidded eyes suggesting a trance-like state she never wanted to be free from.

“It’s quite simple. We pay a visit to a certain someone. I’ve got a job I’ve left unfinished, after all.”

DAY 50

Jack had spent the last five days a shut-in, unaware of the outside world.

All he wanted was to feel something. Anything. Masturbation did nothing for him anymore. After his body had recovered, that magical second night with the superpowered Jane was the only thing on his mind.

Some part of him knew that the chances of anything coming close to that night was impossible, but he couldn’t shake the desire from his mind. All he wanted was to see Jane again, or Kate, or both

Then, as if the universe had been listening with monkey paw in hand, the two of them appeared before him.

They floated above him like angels with devilish expressions, endless legs dangling in the air before him. Kate looked absolutely magnificent, better even than she had even in his deepest dreams

They were both quite naked, With Kate’s body seeming to match Jane’s in size and height. Jack, as if on instinct, was desperately trying to give Kate some kind—any kind—of pleasurable sensation while she all but ignored him.

He licked her, caressing her voluptuous curves. He stroked her inner thighs, his hands clutching at the cannonball swells of her powerful ass. She sighed once, her breathy exhale clearly delighted, and he all but came on the spot, only to realize it was just something Jane had whispered into her ear that sparked interest.

She glanced at him, her eyes softening in mock sympathy. “Keep trying, dear.”

His frustration only grew. If he was powerless to please her, maybe he could get her attention another way. He began to claw at her unyielding, muscular body, trying to scratch her flawless skin, only to feel his nails crack and grow ragged against even her softest flesh. He bit her as hard as he dared and couldn’t even leave a mark. He slapped and then punched her glorious thighs, unable to make them do anything more than jiggle slightly.

She didn’t even bother to look at him as she muttered. “Really, Jack? You’re far too much of a wuss to hurt me. But keep trying if you like. It tickles. A little.”

His face crimson, his lips trembling with shame and anger, he thought about getting a bat or maybe a crowbar and seeing if she thought he was a wuss then? He was once her husband, dammit! He DESERVED even the slightest sense of acknowledgement!

But then, another finger of the proverbial monkey paw curled as he was suddenly laid flat upon the bed, his limbs in an X-shape. Jane and Kate then appeared above him, caressing each other with the felt pleasure Jack could only dream of. He sat up, only to be suddenly sandwiched between the two most beautiful women in the entire universe. Too bad he was but a mere spectre to them.

“H-hey now! Why are you two ignoring me? Is this a dream or something? Why are you two suddenly so… buddy-buddy?”

“Because she’s my best friend, Jake. We share all kinds of things.” Kate finally acknowledged Jack, a sultry eyebrow raising, yet one not addressed to him. “Maybe even more than friends…”Kate trailed off with a husky breath, remembering some past episode between them. Something that made her nipples push into Jake’s bare back like a pair of steel bolts, displaying far more arousal than anything he’d managed to tease out of her.

“You remember Beth’s doe party…?” Jane responded, even the simplest phrase squeezing another pathetic orgasm out of Jack.

“Oh, I do!” Kate agreed. “God, we didn’t know anything about sex back then…”

Evidently the rumors were true: his wife had done a little exploring back in college. He just hadn’t realized it had been with Jane!

“I think we should try that again. With our new bodies it should be much more... pleasurable,” Kate suggested, responding to what Jane had whispered earlier. Her breasts ground against his torso, her nipples hard enough to leave welts on his chest as she began to rock her smooth hips against Jane’s muscular thighs.

Jane giggled. “I finally get what you’re going through, Kate. I’m so tired of having to get myself off. I need someone who can squeeze my tits so hard I can actually feel it. Jack tries but he’s not even close to enough for me any more.”

“Ladies, I…?” Jack grunted, growing uncomfortable being trapped between two warm, living statues made of something far harder than any marble. The two increasingly aroused demi-goddesses barely seemed to notice the mortal between their eager bodies.

“Oh shut up, Jack,” Kate answered him. “Can’t you see Jane needs a real fucking? You’ve failed as her husband. You’ve failed her as a man. You’ve already failed me too, but now your streak ends here...” She snagged his wrists and tugged down on his arms, dislocating one of his shoulders as she forced his open mouth into her luscious cleavage.

His howl of pain was swallowed by Jane’s fabulously enhanced breasts even as Kate’s equally impossible bosom cradled the back of his skull. He could just barely peer up with one eye though their combined cleavage to see the two women kissing passionately even as his ribs began to creak and bow under the inescapable pressure of their torrid embrace.

He managed to slip one of his hands out and threw fists at whatever he could out of sheer desperation, only to receive a painful reminder of how pathetic he was in comparison. His knuckle colliding with Jane’s breast was like punching a brick wall, shattering bones on impact.

Jack heard Jane begin to moan in ecstasy as someone finally stroked and tweaked her incomparable body hard enough to matter, even if that person was someone she had personally enhanced. Jane’s lush hips began to beat against his bent and bruised cock, not even trying to guide him into her impentatable core. His waist was trapped in the steel vise of Kate’s succulent thighs, which began to tighten around him as she sought the touch of the only lover she’d known before him. He felt the bones of his pelvis crack. A hot copper taste boiled up in his mouth as unspeakable pain filled the crushing darkness that closed in around him…

“Don’t worry, Jack,” came the heavenly voice of Jane. It was distant, yet the power of her vocals seemed to penetrate the very unconscious mind he was rapidly losing. “I kept my promise, babe, I didn’t leave you…”

“...‘Till death do us part, after all…”



Wow, so much to discuss. First of all, thank you for taking the time to write this much anticipated sequel. I’m sure it had to be a daunting task to take on. So many suggestions, so many different directions you could have taken with this story. I’m sure no matter what, some people will not be happy with it no matter what as everyone had their own vision of what could or should happen in the sequel. My initial thought is that it is very well-written, highly erotic and it has a satisfying, and justified conclusion. I’ll hold off adding anything else until after I’ve read it a few more times, but thanks again for creating this.


Thank you so much! I was actually unsure of how people would respond to it, since it veers off into a bit of a different direction than the first, but I very much appreciate this thorough comment!!!


I have to say I was surprised by the conclusion. After not only being betrayed by her husband and best friend, but also repeatedly embarrassed and cast aside, it was a surprise to see Jane not exact some sort of revenge against Kate. I guess the sheer beauty of Kate overwhelmed her need for retribution.

CW Moss

I absolutely love this genre in erotic stories. The theme when a smaller normal woman has a romantic (sexual) relationship with a guy and starts to change, growing stronger, taller, smarter, super powers and all other woowoo stuff. At first it's wonderful for the guy but he slowly starts to become more worried about things until she eventually looks at him as a lessor being and things start to get dark. "The Monolith" was also a fantastic story. One of my all time favorites. Thanks so much for continuing to write stories in this direction. I hope that you will consider more like this. Thanks again CW