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Part two of a three-part commission from UnluckyShoe. Sorry for the tardiness on this one!

Here's the first part if anyone needs a refresher: https://www.deviantart.com/hikerangel/art/My-Kingdom-Come-877850573

“Mmmm.” Lillian hummed to herself, her bed rocking like an old clipper ship in a violent storm. There wasn’t anyone else in the bed with her. She wasn’t even touching herself.

Her eyes were glued intently on the screen of her phone, its blue haze providing the only form of illumination in the room. It was seven in the morning, which she discovered was prime time for her daily ascension.

Most students were either on transit to their classes or trying to stay awake for their AM classes, both opportunities for the college-aged populace to mindlessly scroll through porn on their phones.

Thanks to the invasive algorithms of social media timelines, it didn’t take long for her posts to be bombarded with likes, retweets, shares and every other variation she could think of. As her follower count increased into the thousands, she practically came on the spot. All of the power stewing within her body willingly manifesting as one of her three greatest desires: beauty.

While other students slaved away in classes, Lillian squirmed in pleasure beneath her warm covers. She couldn’t directly see the awesome changes she was adding upon her body, but to say she merely felt every inch of her skin alter itself would be underselling the experience.

She could feel her dainty toes tugging on the blanket as her shapely legs grew ever longer, fighting for control over the middling sheets with her perky, burgeoning breasts.

Stealing teensy bits of everyone, they would be none the wiser while she would be all the sexier.

She could barely even focus on the screen anymore, her vision going crossed as her breathing intensified alongside her lust. But her physical eyesight was no longer important. Lillian knew within her mind’s eye how quickly her followers were growing.

No longer able to resist the temptation, she thrust her free hand downwards and began pleasuring herself. Her bed was definitely on the verge of breaking, but now was no time to steady her pace.

She increased the intensity, dropping her phone on her face haphazardly as she reached her other hand downward to attend to her needy folds. The heat emanating from her device was hot, but she was hotter. Quite literally, Lillian’s internal body temperature had reached rapturous levels, yet she remained none the wiser. After all, the ever-enhancing college student had all her attention diverted to what was quickly becoming the greatest orgasm in her life.

And then, Lillian came.

A reverberant scream followed by moans of a similar caliber shook awake anyone within a mile’s range trying to sleep in.

But Lillian did not care about whomever she woke up. She deserved this.

“Ahhhhh…” Lillian’s voice trilled, a wave of euphoric calmness washed over her body. Her eyes became half-lidded and her jaw went slack. Now in a state of post-orgasm clarity, she began to reflect upon her current status.

She finally possessed the body she desired… but it wasn’t enough. Sure, posting risque images of herself online was an entertaining way to obtain easy attention and game Rowan’s little system, but it was merely half the fun. She also craved the face-to-face pleasure of it all. She wanted to further bask in the jealousy of those who had dismissed her body earlier, as well as those who had not.

Plus, a large gathering of students would be the perfect place to test her new latent abilities.

She took her time to get dressed, borrowing a few more “fashionable” clothes off of the dorm lobby’s drying rack. Her body was far more form-fitting, stretching the limits of even the prettiest girls in her dorm. Lillian had to go bra-less just to prevent her breasts from tearing the fabric!

She strutted down the student halls, her sashaying ass catching the attention of the bustling students. None of these pathetic nerds could resist. No matter how important the class nor how late they may have been to it, they stopped and stared all the same.

Playing around with her new abilities, she shot a wink at a student. He had a similar composure to Martin and crumpled all the same. But she found herself overjoyed with how adorably dorky he was.

If Lillian wanted, she could certainly bend him to her will. But there was a certain charm to him she didn’t desire to exploit. It was fun to watch all the men in her vicinity ogle helplessly at her stunning form, but she didn’t desire much more than the three enhancements, of which she already achieved.

So why did she desire even more?

Lillian had more than enough. Easily the most attractive girl in her entire university plus a fresh revenge victory on Troy under her belt.

Perhaps this was another aspect of Rowan’s curse? No. That couldn’t be it. She deserved this. After all the torment she had suffered through from her life as a scrawny twig of a girl, this was positive karma finally taking its course. Who was she to deny it?

She could beat anyone in a fight thanks to her body. Outsmart anyone in a duel of wits on account of making any man dumber than dumb. Fuck anyone she wanted wherever she wanted! Maybe it didn’t even have to be limited to men…

Bursting through the cafeteria doors and striking a hip-thrusted-sideways pose with her mind-bendingly sexy body, all attention was immediately drawn to her.

All conversations ceased. Silence permeated the cafeteria. Lillian noticed several bottom jaws vibrating uncontrollably at the sight of her tantalizing form.

Such a large area. So many delightful options. She was like a kid in a candy store!

Her eyes scanned the area for fresh pickings before settling on a familiar face. Franklin, one of Troy’s basketball team lackies who was laughing along as she was pushed around pre-beautification. He wasn’t with the rest of his clique, all alone in the wilderness—where any predator could swoop him up and have him as a meal.

But Lillian’s position at the top of the food chain was unique. She didn’t have to catch her prey when they were alone. In fact, she loved it when others were nearby.

Sitting down next to Franklin, she spent a good deal of time adjusting her rear in the seat. With every subtle movement of hers chosen with great calculation to maximize appeal, it was unsurprising that she could sense someone subtly touching themselves underneath the table.

With a magical flick of her wrist and a twirl of her finger, she had an apple from a nearby student’s tray firm within her grasp. She then began to fondle the sinful fruit, absentmindedly shuffling it in her hand as she stared deep into his soul.

“Uhhm, h-hey there,” he spoke, his now-timid voice cracking under the pressure Lillian was applying but just sitting next to him. “W-what brings you to my table, g-gorgeous?”

The edges of the beautiful girl’s smile curved devilishly. This was simply not the boastful, brash boy from yesterday. She had him completely at her mercy.

Deciding to taunt him further, Lillian lifted her long, powerful leg with the grace of an acrobat, flipping herself rightwards to sit atop his lap. Her face was mere inches away from his now. She then wrapped her long, slender arms around his muscular ones like malignant weeds, trapping him in place.

“W-what are y-“

Those were the last words he’d ever speak out of his mouth.

Lillian kissed him hard on the lips, invading her slippery tongue far past his teeth as her sloppy french kiss gave him no room to breathe. Her left hand, which had been previously occupied by an apple, was now making its way into Franklin’s pants.

No one had noticed this, but the fruit had been reduced to space food, as Lillian—in the heat of passion—had sucked all the nutrients out of it with her magic. A dried brown husk fell to the floor, turning to ash as it struck the tile.

She was ready to make love in front of everyone, but also found that the table they were engaging upon was quite uncomfortable. Lillian didn’t quite care for an asshole like Franklin’s comfort, but she preferred her coitus to be on a more even playing field.

Calling upon her magic once more, she dug her perfect hands into the wood of the table. A wispy pink outline surrounded the entire object, connective seats and all. With an effortless tug, she channelled the insurmountable power within her to create a clean split through the table down the middle. Both recently created sides of the table gave way, causing Franklin—with Lillian still atop him—to come crashing down to the floor. The basketball player was saved from certain injury by his backpack full of gym clothes, but that part was inconsequential to the sex-hungry girl.

Wasting no more time once she found compatible positioning, Lillian retrieved his member from his pants and inserted it within herself. She bucked her hips slowly and sensually atop him, giving everyone a good view of the two’s love making exercise.

Franklin’s pittling moans were drowned out by Lillian’s far louder ones, practically screaming into his mouth as she continued to deny a normal breathing pattern from him. He was on the verge of passing out from a mixture of exhaustion and pleasure while she had never felt better.

“C’mon baby… just cum for me… then you can rest…”

Franklin did as he was told, unleashing his orgasm into her then immediately falling half-unconscious.

The familiar stoppage of time washed over Lillian, imploring her to make her decision. But this time, she wasn’t so sure what she immediately wanted. Sure, beauty was great, but she felt like demanding more and more of it while not getting anywhere. She wasn’t exactly sure where the “where” was that she wanted to be, but she knew somehow that beauty wasn’t the only way to achieve it.

“Choose.” The thought said again. It had been a while since she had allowed it to repeat. But now she was sure what she wanted. Her new choice flickered into her mind.


She knew she had to be more specific, as she did with the beauty stat, but it seemed as though this aspect of the spell was different.

Lillian felt the wonderful flow of power transfer into her, travelling upwards to sit in her throat. It was a lovely feeling, like taking the first sip of a spoonful of hot soup on a cold day.

But she didn’t feel any more powerful afterwards. Sure, everyone was still gawking at her, but that was because she had maxed out her beauty stat!

Maybe power was different from beauty? After all, it was a far more general term, and not many things about Franklin really screamed ‘power.’

Did being a good basketball player count? No. That couldn’t be it! Being one of the best players of an unranked college team would grant her negligible influence in the world! Then what exactly had she stolen?

Lillian would find out quite soon, all things considered. Franklin woke up, standing on shaky feet and wobbling knees. He attempted to speak, but nothing came out. He gripped his throat, as if he was choking on something, yet there was nothing.

And there being nothing was precisely the problem.

Lillian had enough of his strange antics. “SIT DOWN!” She commanded, her voice booming in an unusually loud yet still very feminine way. It was as if she was speaking out of a megaphone. Franklin obeyed her without hesitation.

Had she… Did she take his voice? It certainly sounded like it. When she fawned over Troy over the past few months, she recalled hearing about Franklin’s commanding voice on the court, how he often used it for an advantage over his adversaries.

But taking a specific attribute from someone else? That was new. Did she always have that ability? If so, she was glad her guinea pig for it was a jerk like Franklin.

After all, it wasn’t stolen! No, it had been earned! The key to Franklin’s power over others was not his strength nor his height, but his voice! She began to wonder how many other powerful people possessed other such specific attributes. If she could harness them all, then she’d thoroughly dominate anyone foolish enough to stand in her path.

But not here. Not now. She wanted to obtain as many as she possibly could at once, not waste her time chasing down person after person individually with her ‘dumb girl’ routine.

She turned around to leave, but stopped in her tracks once she noticed the pile of ash on the floor. Immediately putting two and two together, she realized that it was the apple she had been holding earlier. She could do that!? What other abilities was she unaware of!?

Skipping her classes for the day, she went back to her dorm and prepared a simple announcement for her vast amount of social media followers.


Lillian made sure to pick the most obnoxious background and text color to catch her viewers’ attention, but she knew she could have also put literally anything for a large turnout. This was her they were talking about! Her OnlyFans already had over 500 people paying near maximum subscription price just for her lewds.

She was like a drug to these people now.

Then there was Troy. If Lillian was a drug, then he desperately—desperately wanted to come off the high.

He had been unable to cum since yesterday, thanks to Lillian’s accidental curse placed upon him. Sure, he could feel pleasure and almost reach release, but was left constantly edging. Without knowing he had been cursed, he had spent all of last night attempting to reach an orgasm. His heart was racing. His eyes were bloodshot and his hands were sweaty.  Not helping the matter was he had just found prime fapping material—Lillian’s OnlyFans.

He may have been rejected by her in real life, but surely, he thought, she could not deny him her wondrous body.  That proved to be the biggest mistake of his life.

All he could do was hope that this orgy was the final push he needed to achieve an orgasm. Not having any clue what could have caused this sudden bout of infertility, his only theory was that his body was punishing him for not being able to score with Lillian.

The event was at 6, but that didn’t stop people from coming as early as 4:30. In just a day, Lillian had gone from unremarkable to unforgettable! The desire of her entire college and beyond! People she had never even seen on campus were at her doorstep, begging for a mere peek at her brilliance.

She opened the floodgates on time, with everyone who came early rushing through her tiny door without complaint.

Lillian took five steps back before trust-falling directly onto the floor, denting some of the ceramic in the process without any injury to her. The lust that was in the air—the lust for her—was dulling her less important senses like pain.

She was spread out on the floor like a giddy child making a snow angel on the first winter’s snow. Lillian wanted people to play with her body, for them to puppet her around only so that she could ultimately become the puppet master of their essence.

What happened next was like a lightning round of sex. Every orifice and crevice on her body was quickly filled with cocks of every shape and size. She was like an assembly line of workers all wrapped up into one person. As soon as one dick had blown its load, another was quick to replace it.

At first, Lillian was admittedly a little overwhelmed. She was fantastic at one-on-one interactions with people—practically twirling them around her finger—But she was losing focus with this many people.

It seemed as though multitasking was out of the question, but a few absorbed cumshots later and she came to the realization that such an ability was actually within her reach. One dispersion of power later and it was as if her brain had been shredded into a ground beef hive mind.

She could now divert her attention to every individual limb, allowing for a fully conscious focus towards the multitude of blow, hand, breast and foot-jobs she was giving for maximum efficacy. Now, she was back in control.

Following this, the event quickly became less of an orgy and more of a funhouse carnival ride with an absurdly long line and Lillian as the main attraction. As easily the most attractive person in the room, People were pushing and shoving at each other just to claim a piece of her and ignoring anyone else.

Lillian didn’t mind this, of course. The more power directed her way could only be considered a win in her book!

With a torrent of seed pouring into every orifice, she simply couldn’t direct her surge of power fast enough! Her skin absorbed the gooey cum, thickening up her breasts, ass, thighs and lips. Each boost gave her body a nice jiggle, especially since she practically controlled when anyone came. She had her power bursts coming in waves, nearly losing count of how many men she sucked dry.

But the women weren’t safe, either. Having more experience in how to work a pussy meant that her slender, dexterous fingers were prime targets for the minority of women that showed up.

Like a poisonous flower to a swarm of insects, it wasn’t long before everyone who used her dropped to the floor in weakness.

Troy now remained as the only man left standing. The only witness to the absolute apocalyptic beauty that was Lillian. Her body illuminated by the power that was reflected in her glowing locks.

What was once fading embers was now a roaring fire! The blazing orange color of her gorgeous locks left those lucky enough to witness her beauty to ponder where her hair ended and the flames began. The tips of her shoulder-length locks were anything but frosted! They curved upwards in defiance of gravity, hungering for the oxygen-rich environment that composed the world of the humans.

Lillian needed more. She always needed more. The flames burning within her created a primal need, something she was all too eager to satisfy.

Troy was stunned. His body was in a flux state, unsure if he should be scared or aroused. Settling on scaroused, he fell to his knees before her magnificence—a renaissance painting in the making.

“Now… let’s see if all that trouble you gave me was worth the hype.” Lillian’s booming voice echoed around the room. She put a calming hand to Troy’s cheek before giving him tonal and physical whiplash by suddenly grabbing a fistful of his hair and yanking his face into her folds.

Her long, slender legs put the knelt Troy at the perfect pussy-eating height. The inside of her burned like the center of a fresh-out-of-the-oven pie, yet Troy’s tongue betrayed his better senses and dug deeper for that cherry taste.

“Mmm… Good boy.” Lillian cooed, knowing at least subconsciously how much this probably hurt for Troy. “Keep at it, and I’ll play with that little cock of yours. How’s that sound?”

Troy released a slow, muffled moan of positivity, still under the foolish belief that she would be the one to finally let him achieve release. He began to work harder at her smooth folds, bringing Lillian closer to the edge as he pathetically humped the air beneath her, overwhelmed by his pent-up desire.

Then, with all the grace of a flamingo, Lillian got up on one foot, using the one she had just lifted to wrap around the back of Troy’s head. He was locked in place like a bolt, forced to bear the brunt of a steaming hot torrent of Lillian’s juices. Cock burning and throbbing with desire, the pain only arousing him further at this point. Troy wanted to cum more than anything, an overwhelming sense of pleasure was the only feeling still present within him.

He was willing to do anything to get rid of it. The pleasure was torturous to him.

“Well, that was quite satisfactory.” Lillian spoke, removing her restraining leg to allow for Troy’s freedom. He fell flat to the floor, erection propped up in the air for her personal use. “Now, let’s finish you off.”

With one hand tightly gripping his already strained shirt, Lillian straddled her once-adversary and went to town. It became immediately apparent to Troy that this sexual experience would be no different from anything else, sex with Lillian wasn’t the solution he thought it would be.

But Lillian didn’t know that.

Having no male refractory period, she continued to ride him well past the average length of sex. He was grunting in pain the entire time, but Lillian didn’t care. His cock felt amazing in the heat of the moment and she was ultimately impressed how long he was lasting—a little too long, even.

“Alright… *ah* now’s the time to come for me, *unf* quit holding back from me!”

With every second passing, Lillian only got angrier at the man she had unknowingly cursed. Her tone rose with each thrust, pissed that she was being denied the power she so rightfully deserved. All the while, Troy was too overwhelmed by pleasure to give a reasonable answer. But even if he was perfectly lucid, the chance of either of them finding out the true culprit behind his infertility was miniscule.

After another five minutes of Lillian trying every technique in the book to get Troy to release, she gave up. The poor basketball player was left squirming on the floor, begging for the very same release as his entire body twitched in pain.

But if such a fate wasn’t already bad enough, Lillian sought to punish Troy for leaving her unfulfilled at the end of the night.

“Ugh! You’re such a pathetic little whelp!” Lillian shouted down at the man still spasming on the floor. “You don’t deserve to call yourself the best athlete in the school! You don’t deserve those big, attractive muscles! Hell, you don’t even deserve to set foot near any form of exercise ever again!”

Once again, unbeknownst to Lillian, fate’s die had been cast by her at that very moment.

It would take Troy a few hours to wake up, plus a few more hours to hobble home back to the college house he shared with his fellow gym buddies. Upon waking up the next morning, his body would be sore from how hard Lillian rode him—yet his gym bro friends would still demand that he join them for a morning exercise routine.

He’d try his hand at lifting the nearest weight, only to find that he couldn’t so much as grab it. I would be as if a force field of sorts surrounded all gym equipment and he was the only one in the entire world magnetically opposed to it.

Not willing to be defeated so easily, he’d attempt some cardio exercises. Troy would quickly discover that moving any faster than a light jog would cause his body to stiffen up and freeze in place. The same fate would be true of push-ups, sit-ups and even jumping jacks. It would seem as though anything within the collective human lexicon that could be considered “exercise” was now off-limits to him.

All he could do now was suffer.

Back to the present, Lillian walked atop the bodies of her fainted classmates. She divided all of the stolen essence into sheer power, feeling the raw yet surprisingly cozy effect it had on her body as it burned brighter than ever, overflowing with energy.

She closed her eyes, rubbing her hands sensually over her luscious curves and powerful mounds. With a luscious lick of her lips, she felt as though nothing could top this experience. A lingering thought of sadness appeared, a long forgotten side of her once-pessimistic brain informing her that she had reached her peak at this very moment.

It was as if what the human body could offer her simply wasn’t enough anymore. After such an overwhelming event, she’d have to replicate it times ten just to get the same rush she felt at that very moment—and that wasn’t even including the unsatisfying end to it all with Troy.

But as if fate itself was listening to her cognitive cries, she saw quite the strange sight upon opening her eyes. Two figures stood—no—floated before her. They were humanoid at best, one sporting a large crown of purple fire and horns; the other appearing to wear a hazmat suit made of gore. Those were only two of the myriad of strange features that adorned them.

“You two friends of Rowan or something?” Lillian asked, them being tied to him was the only thing that made any semblance of sense at this point. They responded in a panicked frenzy, as if she had just spooked them.

The gore-splattered hazmat-like creature then attacked without warning, but Lillian didn’t need a warning. Time seemed to slow as it got closer, allowing her to effortlessly dodge its attack and retaliate with one of her own.

Throwing a hard right kick with her naked leg, she landed a direct hit on the monster’s side. Her flawless toenail striking through its skin like a hot knife through melted butter. The creature collapsed immediately afterwards, landing face-down atop a group of passed-out students.

It recovered quickly, the gash on its side only growing larger and larger. That would prove to be somewhat to its advantage, as what seemed to be a branch-like appendage erected from the gash. This limb was a radiant silver and electricity was visibly coursing around it. Massive bolts of lightning shot out in Lillian’s direction, which she managed to just barely avoid.

“Ugh! What a pain!” She exclaimed, unconsciously channeling magic through her body with her anger. “If I had some weird magic limbs, you’d better believe I’d use them!”

And then, visible magic appeared within her hands.

“Well then…”

Even though she had no idea how she was actually supposed to use it, her wish-granting body was more than happy to create an ideal magic system for her tastes from the ground up in milliseconds. Being a flashy goth at heart, she loved large pyrotechnics and other elemental magic from fantasy comics and the like.

Thrusting her hand forward, her brain filled in the rest. A tiny spark which seemed to bend the very light waves around it exited from her fingertips, travelling forward at a slow distance towards her adversary before seemingly fizzling out a few inches before its face.

Lillian was disappointed. Was that really all her super powerful body was capable of? The gored hazmat creature was equally unimpressed. Little did either of them know, what Lillian had just fired possessed an absurd amount of built-up energy, awaiting her next command.

“Damn! I thought it was going to explode or something!”

And with that, all of its pent-up power expanded outwards, engulfing the creature in a glorious, fiery explosion. When the explosion dissipated, a huge gash had been torn in the gore-splatter suit, of which the creature seemed unable to cope with. Hundreds of tiny silver branches tried to erect from its body all at once, the overcompensation leading to its silver innards ultimately falling limp, along with the rest of its body.

The creature collapsed to the floor for the final time.

Lillian then turned her attention to the other creature. Despite possessing quite the musculature with a crystalline exoskeleton which surely granted it protection, this demon seemed more terrified of Lillian than anything; especially judging by the way it slowly backed away on webbed claws.

Even though Lillian was no surreal monsterfucker by any stretch of the imagination, the thought of earning powers from whatever the creature before her was capable of enticed her beyond any reasoning.

The monster tried to run, but Lillian was quick to stop that. Its long, lizard-like tail was just begging to be yanked. Despite the creature being absurdly large, easily somewhere in the seven-foot range for height with the appropriate muscle mass to boot, it was no more difficult to swing around than a sturdy handbag.

Lillian pinned it to the ground with minimal effort. The creature squirmed and swayed about, all useless under her shapely legs which remained firmly planted on its chest. She desired to weigh it down and her powerful body was more than happy to comply.

The creature’s pathetic squirming slowed as it came to realize the futility of it all. Its mouth opened to speak, the voice that left its mouth bone-chilling to listen to, like distorted sounds from a corrupt audio file instead of anything resembling human speech.

But Lillian wasn’t fazed. She had already turned a 180 on her knees, her eyes glued towards its crotch with desire. What she saw was something she could only describe as a “pubic bone.”

Unlike the other bones of its exoskeleton, this one seemed to be intentionally detachable. Lillian slid her finger along a smooth groove within the bone, gently unfastening the biological jock strap. It popped off without resistance, dangling limp between its legs with a single piece of connective tissue like a cap to a sports bottle.

But what was under the removed bone proved to be far more impressive. Lillian’s eyes widened as she gazed upon a most magnificent cock.

It was nine inches long and as thick as a soda can! Mind racing with desire, Lilliam wasted no time taking it as far down her throat as she possibly could. With her gag reflex functioning more as a gag suggestion, it wasn’t long before her plush lips half-kissed the monster’s balls.

Gripping the creature’s legs tightly, she effortlessly held it in place as she gave legendary head.

Needless to say, it wasn’t long before her throat was inundated with boiling hot baby-matter. If there was one thing Lillian was absolutely amazing at, it was obtaining that sweet, sweet release regardless of gender, race, or even interdimensional monster.

And she was only going to get better at it.

As the power from the creature entered into her body, all of her unconscious wishes were immediately granted. First and foremost, she found herself able to interpret the weird grunting it was doing. Not only that, but she knew exactly how to speak its language.

“Alright, listen up weirdo, what the hell are you and why did your friend attack me?” Lillian demanded in its native tongue.

“You aren’t supposed to be able to see us demons or even interact with us!” It responded, clearly terrified of her.

“So, you creatures are self-proclaimed demons, huh? Interesting.” Lillian liked how sultry and commanding this new language sounded when spoken by her. It paired well with the booming voice she stole from Franklin, creating a commanding voice one could not help but obey.

“Ho-... h-... -...”

As more and more of the demonic language filled Lillian’s brain, the less the creature talked. It was as if she was literally stealing the knowledge out of its head.

Upset at its diminishing responses, she began lapping up at whatever seed remained, zapping more and more of its attributes. The purple flames on its head died out, adding on to her radiant orange ones to create a wonderful gradient. After the flames came its horns, which retreated into its head only to sprout a moment later from Lillian’s head, parting her strands of fiery hair like curtains. Its unusual exoskeleton was next, wrapping around her body like a spider’s web to provide protection. The radiant crystalline only made her more beautiful, all the while providing a convenient censorship of her wonderful form.

To call her a painting by the renaissance masters would be selling her short.

Sensually rubbing her hands through her hair, Lillian found herself loving the feeling of her new horns. A flood of pleasure washed over her as many yet unknown powers transferred within her. She didn’t even want to bother with experimentation. After all, she now knew that a whole world of untapped potential existed before her very eyes.

It wasn’t long before Lillian figured out how to conjure a new summoning circle. Gone were the days of her summoning bargain bin demons to her world for shitty, one-sided deals. Now, the demons would be the ones on the bad end of the super shotgun.

Hands and knees floated over the frigid concrete, Lillian’s semi-confident telekinesis drew the chalk over the final line. Thanks to her new night vision, the girl was easily able to see the shape she had just drawn irregardless of the dim, orange flickers from the five thin candles. She rose further in the air to inspect her work, no need to dust off her hands anymore, she thought. The legs that emerged from under the hem of the tight-fitting black cloak seemed almost to block her view of the finished product. She rubbed them together, basking in the warmth and pleasure now afforded by her wonderfully enhanced form.

Lillian shivered again, this time not from the cold but from the thought of what she was about to do. Again, she questioned herself.

Was it really worth it?

She looked down at her thick, voluptuous body, black velvet cloth straining to contain every aspect of her womanhood.

Of course it was fucking worth it.

She once again wondered if it were really necessary to be naked inside this cloth for the ritual to work? Perhaps it wasn’t, but she didn’t want to chance anything going wrong. It wasn’t every day that someone attempted to summon themself, after all.

Her mind placed the final candle at the outer tip of the pentacle’s last triangle, then retrieved the grimoire without as much as a head turn.

Eyes endlessly burning amber, Lillian’s face appeared horrifyingly beautiful as writhing shadows danced over its smooth, tanned flesh. The girl glanced her eyes on the dark book, her fingertips gliding over its dry, weathered pages as she firmly grasped both sides.

It was the only other copy of such a tome in the entire world.

She then effortlessly tore the book in two.

Lillian could already recite everything those pages had to offer. She literally knew the entire language now! Without as much as a second glance, her fingertips ignited and the original key to her ascension was burned to ash. But she had to do it, lest another foolish human try and retread the path that was rightfully hers!

She deserved this, after all.

Exhaling slowly, she recited the words in her booming voice, sounding more like a demon than the two she had already encountered.

A flare of crimson light brought a greedy smile to the girl’s face as she finished the dark Latin phrase. The flames threatened to spread, but a mere snap of her fingers killed them off instantaneously. It was now or never.

With a roll of her shoulders and a straightening of her back, she closed her eyes and began to disassociate with the world around her. It was as if her body and mind were separating into millions of little pieces only so that they could travel to a location outside human limits.

When her molecules completely reassembled on another plane, she opened her eyes to gaze at the new world before her.

What a shithole!

This was not the “hell” she had pictured in her mind. Instead of fiery caverns and lava pits, this new world seemed far more melancholic. Thick fog complemented the overall gray and monotone pallet of the environment. If it weren’t for the surreal residents of this location, Lillian would have just as soon thought this was a post-apocalyptic future from some cheesy 80’s movie.

Demons of all shapes and sizes stared at her in confusion, only for her to stare right back, licking her lips with desire. Muscular men and rubenesque women only served to further whet her appetite.

“Good evening,” Lillian’s booming voice startled even the most burly of creatures as her Cheshire grin grew to absurd proportions. A smorgasbord of options were laid out before her, a chance for endless power awaited.


“Boss! Boss!” A rather annoying voice came to whom the title belonged.

“What is it, Beez? Spit it out.”

A powerful yet curt sigh of annoyance followed. Rowan had become quite invested in a certain novelization, even going so far as to hang a fancy, cursive do not disturb sign outside his study. But apparently, politeness was a foreign concept to his secretary today.

“Well… uh… remember that one girl you made a deal with yesterday?”

“Should I have?”

The secretary gulped. “W-well, she’s gotten into limbo on her own accord and is stealing power from demons there left and right!”

That got Rowan to turn away from his book, but only for a moment. His head turned a mere 45 degrees to give a side-eye glance towards his lackey.

“And why does this concern me again? In case you’ve forgotten, we aren’t in Limbo, we’re in hell.”

“B-but, if she’s made it that far, what’s stopping her from coming here!? She’s been bedding succubi and incubi left and right! She’s obtained teleportation, telekinesis, flight, size-change, you name it!”

Rowan returned his gaze to the book, chuckling to himself softly.

“So, it would appear as if my spell worked better than intended.”

“B-boss, what do we do!?”

Rowan grunted once again out of annoyance.

“Simple. We do nothing.”


“If there is a great imbalance in the universe, then the angels will come to handle it. They’ve never failed before and I don’t see why they suddenly would now. Now, leave me be. I wish to return to my dissertation in peace, if that is still even possible!” He then took a slow draw from the amber liquid in his glass before continuing. “If you ruin another sip of this scotch with your blathering, you’ll wish an angel could enter these depths to save your pathetic soul.”

Beelzebub walked off with a worried gaze, not exactly satisfied with that answer. If this problem human somehow got her hands on an angel’s power, not even his boss would stand a chance, he thought.


Lillian moaned soothingly as the last incubus in her sight had been thoroughly drained. She nearly felt bad for the poor bastard. When she had first encountered him, the pink-haired human-like was downright frightened of her. He almost reminded her of Martin, in a way. How he stuttered with every other word in her presence, yet ultimately seemed eager to have his way with her.

If she were anyone else, he would have been snarky and domineering like an incubus should. Lillian almost didn’t want to take his powers. Almost.

With a loving kiss to finish him off, his spade-shape tail came curling out of the bottom of her spine. At a hundred succubi and incubi essences inside her body, even a parting glance at her irresistible form could prove fatal.

The realm shook with every step of her dainty feet. With so much power pent up inside of her, it was expressing itself in any way it possibly could.

Lillian teleported about, searching for any signs of life. With the succubus population effectively culled, no other demons seemed to want to stay and face her wrath. That was, until a literal Deus ex Machina appeared before her.

“Cease your disruptive ways, my child,” a soothing voice spoke, one that didn’t seem to match up exactly with the palace lips that spoke them. “This is not what the way of the world demands. Continue down this path and I will be forced to intervene.”

At this point, Lillian was far past her days of being frightened by every new thing that appeared before her. She welcomed this new challenger with a self-satisfied grin, her long, nubile forked tongue ran over her plush lips as she gazed at the creature’s magnificence.

The angel before Lillian was undeniably a drop-dead gorgeous woman, her body brimming with luscious curves and just the right amount of slender, smooth skin exposed underneath her pillowy robes. The toga she wore seemed to sparkle in the light, same as her large, white wings; nubile brown hair and radiant Halo that drowned out all other light in the area.

Admittedly—Lillian was just a smidge sexier by proxy. After the journey she had been on, it wasn’t much of a surprise. But she didn’t care if she was the prettiest thing in a hypothetical multiverse, Lillian saw a chance to seize even more power.

“Damn, you’re cute,”  was all she had to say in response to the angel.

For the briefest of moments, Lillian swore she saw the heavenly creature blush at the compliment. But as soon as her cheeks turned a shade redder, it was as if reality hit the reset button on her and she had never heard the compliment at all.

“Whatever irrelevant responses you throw at me will not aide your side in the upcoming battle.” The angel spoke, readying her body for an all-out war. “This is your last chance to surrender before you are stricken with the full force of God’s kingdom.”

Lillian rolled her eyes. As if she hadn’t heard basically the same cookie-cutter talk from her parents again and again.

“Ugh, it’s not like I wanted to go to your crappy, holier-than-thou club anyways. I’m a goth for life, bitch!”

And with that, the battle was on.

Stretching her hands outwards in a crucifixion pose, the angel let a solitary tear streak down her face, one shed for letting another human fall under her watch. Light began to form as a thick outline around her body, with orderly, concentrated beams firing off in all directions like a cartoon sun.

Lillian attempted an attack, but the Angel was faster. At the speed of light she was at Lillian’s throat, hoisting her into the sky effortlessly. Remaining still and without any sort of startup, the Angel took off into the foggy sky—Lillian remaining firmly in her grasp.

In the span it took Lillian to blink, she and the Angel were suddenly thrust back into the human realm, right in front of her college campus, to be exact. The Angel then dropped Lillian to the dirt, letting gravity accomplish the rest of the intention.

“I won’t let you place harm on any more of those residents in Limbo,” the Angel spoke down to Lillian. “If you want to destroy the order of a world, let it be your own.”

“Ugh! Just shut up!” Lillian shouted back, clearly flustered by the Angel’s incessant grandstanding. “This is a fight, not ethics class or whatever! But don’t worry, once I get my hands on you, I’ll make sure your tongue is reeeal busy!”

Once more the Angel blushed at her sentiment and once more was its reaction immediately corrected by a staticy interlude. It was as if she was being denied the very ability to feel certain powerful emotions by a higher power.

Like she was being denied what she so rightfully deserved.

That settled it in Lillian’s mind. The gods above were truly cruel. Not only had they tried to deny her the right to fame, money and beauty, but they did it to their own underlings as well. That would be her final destination of conquest: the palace of the gods itself.

Using the downtime after the Angel’s reset to her advantage, Lillian teleported out of sight. The Angel immediately sent out a homing beacon to find her, only for it to tell her that her target was right above her.

Looking up a little too late, Lillian was able to get the jump on the holy messenger. She tackled the heaven-spawn by the chest and wrapped her flexible arms and legs around her adversary’s body much in a similar fashion to how she pinned Franklin. The two gorgeous women crashed onto the concrete, the Angel squirming like a wild animal to escape Lillian’s grasp.

But this was only part one of her plan. Lillian knew that she couldn’t out-punch the angel, she was far too slow for that, nor could she out-magic the Angel, as she didn’t have literal gods on her side. But she could out-pleasure the angel.

The Angel managed to break free from Lillian’s left hand, only for the powerful human to retaliate with a finger to the crotch. Yet again, a force above both of them corrected the angel’s mindset, but Lillian wasn’t going to let that stop her. In fact, she was going to use it to her advantage.

Utilizing a power earned from a succubus, her finger began to vibrate rapidly as if possessed by an electric dildo. Lillian pressed her finger harder into the holy messenger's crotch, hot-dogging the lips and pressuring the clit.

The Angel let out a glitchy, stuttered cry as her higher power’s programming worked overtime to correct her behavior only for the first thing she experienced to be overwhelming pleasure. Lillian didn’t let up, hoping to put the Angel in some sort of stutter loop before putting everything she had from the sexual demons into one orgasmic thrust to thoroughly defeat her adversary.

But before her plan could unfold, the Angel found a small window of opportunity to teleport away, warping a mere five feet away. Even with her many resets, the heaven-spawn looked disheveled in a way she hadn’t before. Strands of hair fell out of place, miscellaneous drops of sweat visibly beaded on her smooth skin. Lillian was slowly breaking her down, even if she nor her superiors wanted to admit it.

Lillian went on the attack again, but this time, the Angel was ready. The holy messenger began to teleport all over the place, never being in one spot for more than a millisecond. This thoroughly confused Lillian, who—after staring dumbfoundedly for a few moments—attempted to make some sort of pattern out of the nonsense before her. It was at that moment that the Angel struck, lulling Lillian into a false sense of security, then delivering the hurt upon her. A solid blow was delivered to her jaw, knocking her off-balance. The Angel then further capitalized off this new lead, grabbing Lillian by the side only to overhead slam her into the concrete below.

Lillian attempted to recover, but the Angel started kicking her when she was down! The anger building up in her core then manifested itself as a fiery explosion cascading in every direction like an expanding sphere of red, forcing a retreat from the Angel. Everything within a block’s radius would have been reduced to ash had the two of them decided to fight outside of the campus’ grassy fields.

Needless to say, the ruckus from the fight was beginning to attract a large group of bystanders, unsure of what to make of what they were witnessing. Among the humans was Troy, who had recently awoken from his power-drain-induced slumber only to wonder if he was still dreaming. There was the girl he had initially rejected, although now she looked borderline demonic with flames, horns and tails sprouting out from every inch of her head and rear.

The fight raged on, with the Angel repeating her seemingly foolproof tactic of teleporting about and attacking when Lillian least expected it. She had gotten better at preventing the Angel from delivering a brutal series of attacks, but no matter what she tried, she just couldn’t seem to secure the slippery bitch.

Casting spells, slowing down time, laser vision, flailing about like a madwoman. Nothing seemed to work and Lillian was running out of options in her arsenal. That was, until a rather devious idea appeared within her head.

At first, Lillian believed there to be too many options at the Angel’s disposal with no way for her to properly account for all of them. But if she could time this particular ability correctly, she could easily account for all of them.

She paused her movements and collected her breath. Lillian would need to find the correct balance of power and effectiveness for this next move, all the while being peppered with attacks from her angelic adversary. Somehow, she managed to find the perfect sweet spot and readied herself, running headfirst into where she predicted the Angel would be next.

As soon as the Angel teleported, she activated the stored energy. In a blink of an eye, Lillian shot up to the size of a fifty story building! With a massive clap of her hands, the resulting shockwave disrupted the Angel’s frantic teleportation. Capitalizing on her turnover of the situation, Lillian slapped the holy messenger into the dirt.

Dazed, the Angel was left wide open to become a prisoner within Lillian’s titanic hand. Having her shoulders be higher than any building in the city left the magical girl with quite the presence, one she was all too eager to capitalize upon.

She did a little strut around the park with her gorgeous naked body, letting everyone obtain a nice view of her unstoppable form. Lillian couldn’t even feel the Angel struggling and failing to escape her grasp, but her focus would come later.

Right now, it was all about giving these humans the attention they so desperately craved.

She faced the largest grouping of people and bent down to greet them with a cute yet sultry wink. That drove the crowd wild. One pucker of her lips later and many of the men had already came their pants.

At this point, their praise did very little for her. But to pass up free power like this? It was like picking up a penny on the sidewalk: debatable if it’s even worth one’s time to pick up something worth so little, but how could someone resist the temptation?

“Let me go, you charlatan!”

Right, she still had to deal with this bitch.

“Oh ho ho, not so high and mighty now that you’re trapped, huh?” Lillian was grinning ear to ear, already reveling in her victory. “Well, I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your life, because it’s going to be one between my pussy lips, understand?”

“N-no! Never! Never would I fall so far to worship a lowly human such as yourself! You’re sick!”

Lillian had noticed that her tone had become far less composed and formal. It was official, she had broken this uppity, repressed slut. Now, it was time to free her.

She opened her palm in such a way that the Angel was still pinned by the arms with Lillian’s thumb and pinky finger. Flexing her wrist back like a mock operating table, the Angel’s body was now at Lillian’s full mercy.

Lillian dragged her fingernail carefully down the Angel’s midsection, slicing her clothes in two and exposing her perfect breasts. Just this mere action was enough to trigger a lewd reset within the holy messenger. Lillian could tell that she was close to giving away all of her precious power.

It was time for the finger massage again, Lillian thought. With how potent it had been during their battle, Lillian couldn’t even comprehend the potential ecstasy that could come out of a finger over two hundred times larger.

Pressing her finger up to the sweating, nervous adversary was enough for three consecutive resets to fire off, one at a time. Lillian hadn’t even turned on the vibrating feature of her finger yet.

And so she did, consciously thinking of a hypothetical low setting, which her body was all too happy to abide by. Immediately, the glitchy, interrupted moaning returned, the rules of her body struggling to keep up with her immediate desire at that very moment.

Then Lillian switched the vibration to medium. The intensity of the moaning only increased. This chastity reset button—for lack of a better term—seemed to be on its last legs. It was taking longer to react and the resets didn’t always seem to remove the Angel’s desire completely.

So, of course, Lillian turned up the vibration to maximum. The Angel’s orgasm was imminent at this point as the stuttering borderline disappeared, the amount of pleasure coursing through her body proving too much to reset. An ear-piercing scream erupted from the Angel, two large streams of tears pouring down her face like a mountain’s edge, a pitiful mix of pleasure and sadness.

It was official now, the Angel had came, much like the humans she believed she was above. She had failed her mission of defeating Lillian, yet failure had never felt so good. Lightheadedness overtook her as she felt her powers drain from her body, multiplying onto Lillian’s already absurd amount of sheer energy.

Now, the Angel was no more powerful than a regular human. A horny, desperate regular human.

Lillian threw her head back in pleasure as the composition of pure light began to outline her gigantic body. A massive wingspan sprouted from her back, eclipsing the sun for all the gawking humans before them while providing more light for them than the sun could ever hope to accomplish.

While most other people were looking away at the display of absurd lewdity, Troy couldn’t help but stare. It was all he had left. Now that even masturbating was considered a sort of exercise to him now, he wasn’t even allowed to touch himself to any of this. His eye twitched. All he could do was watch as his hyperactive cock begged for release and the girl of his dreams got even prettier.

Growing tired of the battle she had just fought, Lillian stretched in place before lying on the ground, her massive form just barely contained within the campus’ park.park grounds. Knowing that the Angel before her was no more, Lillian released her grip on her former adversary.

“Ahhhh,” Lillian spoke with satisfaction, the rough terrain smoothing out all the kinks in her back. “I feel like I could just lie here all day, although…”

Her eyes opened, glancing at the fallen Angel who was simply sitting on the ground naked next to her. Now that her purpose had been stripped of her, the forcefully retired Angel simply sat there, unmoving as if she had been frozen in place.

“Hey, you,” Lillian commanded, causing the Angel to turn her head slowly toward her. “Need something to do?”

The nod that followed from the Angel’s head was stiff, but it seemed to be genuine. It seemed she was still unsure how to act as a “human.”

“If that’s a yes, then get over here and pleasure me, I promise I won’t squirm.”

Lillian had spoken that last part with such sexual ferocity that the former Angel simply could not refuse the opportunity. With the crowd still watching intently, she made her way atop Lillian's massive form and attempted to fit the giantess’ large nipple into her mouth. Like chewing on a foam volleyball, there was no way the entire thing was going to fit in her mouth, but she suckled upon it like a newborn anyway.

A soft moan escaped Lillian’s mouth. Even without her powers, the Angel’s touch was still heavenly. She clearly possessed quite the experience and the drive, most likely after being repressed from her true feelings for many eons.

“Mmm, good… very, very good.” Lillian’s moaning voice could be heard from the other side of the state at this point, her booming vocals only enhanced by her great size.

“Enjoying the show down there, Troy?” Lillian suddenly added, her enhanced senses suddenly  detecting him now that she was in a calm state of mind.

But Troy couldn’t respond to her inquiry, all he could manage was a pathetic “gurk” noise as his body begged him to orgasm.

“Mmmhmm, that’s what I thought.” Her voice was callous and uncaring, much as his was when he threw her aside upon their first meeting. Now, a literal angel was pleasuring her body while his musculature rapidly deteriorated.

Troy continued to watch in agony, unable to remove his gaze from the scene. His mind was beyond broken, unable to function without sexual stimulation, even if he could never achieve a proper orgasm. Like a drug addict chasing a high that never fully satisfied him.

Massive toes curled as the fallen Angel continued to pleasure Lillian’s body, leaping over to suckle upon her other breast. The giantess could feel an orgasm coming along, one she was all too eager to reach. With all the power in her body practically doubling, she craved release.

Lillian thought really hard about someone pleasuring her needy pussy and almost instantaneously the former Angel was teleported to the very spot. That was certainly a new power of hers!

The fallen angel got to work and almost immediately Lillian came. Her powerful scream of orgasmic pleasure brought every adult in the entire city to their knees, instantly cumming on the spot. All that wonderful power was instantly added to her, although even a population of 500,000 adults wasn’t enough to cause any noticeable change to Lillian at this point.

As her orgasm subsided, post-nut clarity decided that she had her fun with being giant, willingly shrinking back to her “normal” height of 6 '3.

But she already wanted more. A whole city’s worth of orgasms meant nothing to her! She needed more.

“So, tell me Angel, are there other worlds beyond what I have visited?”

“Yes. There is heaven, that is where I am from.”

“Yeah, I figured. Anywhere else?”

“Well, there is also hell. The realm where Guess rules over.”

“Guess? Is that supposed to be some sort of name or something? Sounds dumb.”

“Guess goes by many names. Humans may know him as Rowan Chagess.”

Lillian’s flawless lips began to form a most devilish smile.

“Well then, I think I know where I’m going next.”


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