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A story to be uploaded on Halloween night, enjoy!

Ribas’ Keep. A place home to dangerous beasts and vile criminals; Also the beautiful and pure princess pumpkin. At least, that was the legend told to the three men that stood outside it.

“Now then; Reginald, Olumas... we all agree on the stakes set for us?”

The tallest of the three men, Armagh, diverted his look upon the two men, waiting for a response. They both seemed hesitant, Reginald especially.

“Any objections? Reginald?”

“Well, what if two of us find her at the same time? I don’t want to have to fight someone to the death that I just got to know, you know?”

“I assure you, that’s highly unlikely—“

But before Armagh could finish his response, Olumas interrupted.

“If you wish not to fight those you just met, then perhaps you are not up to the task of finding the princess.”

His voice was deep and it cut the air like a knife. As he focused his attention to Reginald, Armagh shot a quick look at the small green necklace he bore. The metal had a familiar glisten to it, one associated with enchanted relics. He had noticed the same sheen on a ring on Reginald’s finger prior.

Relics such as those were incredibly hard to come by, but none were as valuable as the one Armagh possessed. He wouldn’t even take it out of his side-satchel unless it was absolutely necessary. Just one relic gave the user who wielded it a huge strength boost plus highly specified and potent powers. Just being near two other relic wearers without his own equipped made him feel quite naked, but he was sure of his quick wit and silver tongue if things went awry.

“Fine, if it means getting a chance to marry princess pumpkin, I’ll fight you in that scenario.” Reginald conceded, turning left and walking straight towards the entrance of the dungeon. To many, that would be seen as an unfair head start, but neither Olumas nor Armagh really believed that he’d get very far to begin with.

“Well, then, may the best man win.” Armagh put his hand out for Olumas to shake, but the man turned away and walked towards the cave after Reginald. “I plan on it.” Then he slipped inside the darkness.

Armagh walked through the caverns with a casual stride. The enemies here weren’t really anything to ride home about. Most of the gremlins and slimes he encountered went down with just a quick slice of his blade! Part of him hoped he wouldn’t even have to equip his relic.

As he mindlessly took out pathetic enemies, his mind begun to wander about the musings of Reginald. The young lad wanted to marry her of all things! That was almost too cute. Armagh knew what his place was as a bounty hunter: to kill the princess in cold blood. Her own parents paid a hefty price for her head, after all, and he didn’t care if he had to slash through Reginald or Olumas to get to it.

Olumas, on the other hand, was going in a completely different direction in the caves. He was certain he could hear her call growing louder with every step forward. He imagined how much he could sell her for on the underground market. A piece of pussy that valuable would sell a fortune. A malicious smile grew on his face as he imagined her, gagged and bound, begging for mercy with muffled cries as the filthiest men had their way with her. Such thoughts were the only ones that got his depraved mind off at night.

He gruesomely murdered any enemy that appeared in his vision. He didn’t even let a single one of them escape his grasp; The relic necklace he bore only enhancing his strength and desire to kill. While Armagh was killing them out of boredom, Olumas took great pleasure in brutalizing every single creature in dungeon. And he would be more that happy to kill either of the other two knights should they cross his path once more.

Meanwhile, as Reginald delved deeper, he began to doubt if this was going his way. The pact all three of them agreed on was essentially “first come, first serve.” But the terms of that were shoddy at best. He didn’t trust those brutes at all! But part of him didn’t really want to fight them, either. All he could do was hope and pray that he found the princess first.

Then his ring began to glow like crazy. It would do that whenever he was in immediate danger, and had saved his skin numerous times. He looked ahead and behind him, wondering if it was the other knights. But he couldn’t see any danger around him. Then the floor gave in beneath him and he fell.

“Goddamn it. I wish my ring would be more specific about the danger in question.” Reginald lamented as he stretched to get the kinks out of his back. He fell a good hundred feet, but fortunately his ring negated him from about 90% of the injuries, leaving him more mildly inconvenienced by the fall.

Then, he saw her. Right down the corridor he had just fallen into. He couldn’t believe his luck. He had literally found Princess Pumpkin on accident, but what a lucky accident it turned out to be!

He dusted himself off and ran over to her upside-down, suspended body, dangling from chains in the air. She was completely bound and gagged, leaving all of her senses cut off from the outside world. For a brief moment, he didn’t even believe it was her. But her tattered dress and iconic orange skin meant it had to be her. He had only seen her beautiful face in posters plastered about the kingdom, this was certainly a different perspective.

“Don’t worry, Princess Pumpkin! I’ll-I’ll get you down from there!” He said, putting on his best hero voice even though she clearly couldn’t hear him either way.

He scaled the wall nearest to her and drew his short blade. While precariously hanging from jagged brick, he proceeded to hack at one of the chains. It took great effort and precision, but he managed it.

She was only suspended about three feet in the air, but Reginald still went the extra mile to make sure she didn’t hurt herself in the fall. After all, he wanted to ensure his chances with marrying her later on.

Now that she was free of her chains, Reginald gingerly removed her other bindings. She looked even more beautiful in person. Taking off her blindfold revealed her cute orange-hazel eyes with unusual black sclera, removing her ball gag accentuated her perfect white teeth and pretty lips that were a shade darker than the orange of her skin. Untying the ropes on her torso unsheathed her modest breasts still properly contained within her dress, which were now free to breathe and quickly took their regular shape.

Reginald was awestruck at the specimen of beauty before him, so much so he didn’t even notice that his ring began to glow once more, warning him of imminent danger in his future.

“I’m... *urp*... I’m free?” The princess said with confusion and nausea in her voice. She had clearly been suspended there for quite some time, looking around the room and blinking profusely to regain her bearings.

“Yes you are! I, Sir Reginald, have freed you, fair maiden!” The eager knight spoke, trying his hardest to sound as royal as possible.

“I’m... actually free.” She had a small bout of hysterical laughter to follow her repeated revelation. “Yes, I can feel myself returning!”

Reginald didn’t think much about that second line, he was too busy fantasizing about how the next few minutes were about to play out. He pulled out an engagement ring from his side-satchel and hid it behind his back, ready to pop the question.

“Um, excuse me?... Princess Pumpkin?” Reginald said rather meekly, obtaining the princess’ attention. “I’ve got something to ask of you.”

She turned to face the nervous knight with a curious expression. She hadn’t even so much as glanced at her savior until this moment, and she wasn’t particularly impressed by what she saw.

“Um, yes? What is it?” Her head cocked to the side innocently, causing her long, black hair with orange highlights to cover one of her eyes.

“Since, uh, Y’know... I uh...” He was racking his brain for the words to setup the final kicker, but he had too many butterflies in his stomach. He just blurted it out, shoving both of his hands with the engagement ring in front of her face. “Will you marry me!?”

Her face looked taken aback for a good while, and Reginald was beginning to feel like he was being too forward. He was so absorbed he didn’t even notice just how bright his ring was glowing to warn him of the danger. But the princess certainly noticed his ring. Her expression changed to more of a sultry smile, and that was all it took to win Reginald back over.

“I’m flattered by your approach, brave knight. But you must understand: to win me over, you’ll need a far more valuable ring than what you’re offering.” She then made an exaggerated glance towards Reginald’s relic ring on his finger. “Now that is more my style!”

“Well, um... that relic is kinda...”

“If a brave Knight were to give me that, well...” She added, interrupting Reginald’s nervous retort. “...I might just marry him without even knowing his name first.” She even included a sly smile to really seal the deal.

He still seemed resilient, but the second he gazed into the princess’ lustful eyes he was won over instantly.

“O-of course, my princess! Anything for you!”

Without a second thought, he tossed the planned engagement ring behind him and slid the relic off of his finger. He looked up to see the princess’ hand outstretched, eagerly waiting for him to slip it on and seal the deal. He began to fantasize about just how happy he’d be with her. Her parents were probably filthy rich and he could raise his children without them ever knowing the struggle of poverty.

And by the time he noticed just how bright the relic was glowing, it was too late.

Princess pumpkin closed her fist once the ring sat firm on her finger. Reginald wasn’t sure what was going on, but a repressed gut feeling told him something was seriously wrong. She began to pant softly as the power of the ring surged through her body. The pants evolved into louder and louder moans, only encouraged by her other hand greedily groping at her lady parts.

“Oh... oh goodness...” she began to coo in between gasps of pleasure. “This is exactly the extra boost to my power I’ve always wanted!”

“Extra... Extra power boost?” Reginald responded with confusion. “I-I don’t understand what you mean? Aren’t we getting married?”

She looked over to Reginald and began to laugh. It was a dark cackle, unlike anything out of her mouth previously. “Oh, you are quite the naive child, aren’t you, Knight?”

“U-uh... w-what?”

She giggled slightly. “Let’s just say there’s a reason I was locked up within this horrid prison, sweetie.”

Reginald now fully understood just how screwed he was.

He drew his steel short-sword and swung it at her. She dodged the strike effortlessly, contorting her body only slightly with great speed. He swung again and again, missing her every time as she leaned and bent like she was magnetically opposed to the blade. He managed to back her into a corner, but she escaped with ease; Jumping fifteen feet into the air and landing behind him. Now he was the one backed into a corner and felt more threatened than ever, and she didn’t even have a weapon to threaten him with.

He lifted up his blade, ready to strike again, but his fatigue was showing and he let his sword tip strike the earth as he caught his breath.

“My turn.” The princess broke the silence, delivering a devastating punch to Reginald’s chest with the hand that had his ring on it. His chainmail was reduced to ash, absorbing the entirety of the blow and sending him flying backwards in his undergarments.

The knight hit the wall with a great thud and began to moan in pain. He doubled over, landing on his back and clutching his chest like a distressed mother might.

“Aww, did I hurt the brave knight?” The Princess cooed with malice in her voice. She stood over the fallen knight with her arms crossed under her breasts and a cocky pose with her hip jutted out. A dark orange blush was becoming more and more apparent on her cheeks as she looked down at the helpless man before her. Her full strength had returned to her now, and she still had the ring to make her even more powerful than she ever had been before.

“P-please, don’t kill me! I’ll-I’ll do anything for you!”

Princess Pumpkin just giggled softly. “Why would I kill you...” She began to disrobe, throwing her dress off like a cape. All that remained were tiny, black panties that covered up her nether-regions. “...when you’ll make such a fun toy for me to play with?”

Reginald was once again awestruck by the beauty on display. Her body was damn near flawless in every way, with perfect curves and ample breasts. He even detected a slight cinnamon smell wafting off of her body.

But the circumstances were all wrong! He didn’t want to be her plaything! With great effort, he attempted to get back on to his feet, but such autonomy would not be approved by the fair Princess Pumpkin.

She picked him up by the neck with ease and pinned him against the wall about a foot off of the ground. He desperately kicked and squirmed for mercy, but all of his struggles were rendered moot against her ever-increasing power. It felt as if he was striking a marble pillar whenever his boot connected with her flawless orange skin.

Once the princess had clearly gotten bored of pressing him to the wall, she effortlessly overhead-slammed him to the ground behind her. The wind was knocked out of him, and the irregular ground punctured him painfully.

She then mounted him, pressing her round ass on top of his stomach as she began to dry hump his body. This was very clearly pleasurable for the princess, her nipples fully erect as her breathing approached a climax.

Reginald tried to move, but she was proving to be too heavy. He looked like a little scampering cockroach as she continued to pleasure herself atop him uninterrupted. Then, much to his dismay, she started to lean forward towards his face. It wasn’t to kiss him, her face was too far up. No, she was going  to suffocate him with her breasts.

His hands desperately clawed at her body. Something, anything, to slow her down. But he might as well have been trying to slow down a hydraulic press at that point, her slow descent towards his face an inevitability.

He struggled desperately as her plush mounds of flesh engulfed his face, the flailing only enhancing the pleasure she got from it. Princess Pumpkin bit her lip as she tried to stifle her oppressive moans, but they broke free all the same. She didn’t particularly care if a monstrous creature discovered them, she knew that she was more than capable of taking out any threat to her now.

But what ended up discovering them was a monster of an entirely different caliber.

“Well, well, well... credit where credit’s due, Reginald. I really didn’t think you’d survive long enough to beat me here.” It was Olumas, completely unaware of what actually was playing out here. “Gotta say, never took you as much of a breast guy.”

The princess looked up at the massive man with a sneer, annoyed at her moment of pleasure being interrupted by his drivel. But she changed her tune once again when she saw the relic that adorned his neck.

With a sultry smile, she snaked off of Reginald’s unconscious body into a kneeling position. She then slowly walked on her hands and knees over to where Olumas stood, pacing around his feet like a lost kitten. She wanted to lower his guard so that she could disrobe him, but it seemed that this one would not be solved so slyly.

“Wow, you really are a slut.” Olumas said with a chuckle. Before she realized what he meant by that, he had thrown a heavy metal collar around her neck with a chain attached to both the back of it and his waist.

“W-what? What’s…” She started, confused and unsure about what Olumas’ true motivations were.

“Shut up, bitch.” Olumas said with vitriol in his teeth. “You belong to me now. And soon, you’ll be sold off to the Orcs of the underground cities. It’s the only fate a trollop like you deserves.”

She stood up, pouting and crossing her arms. The heavy neck shackle being more of a nuisance to her than anything.

“Ugh, you’re no fun.” The princess stated. “That place became a total bore after I personally ripped it to pieces. With Reginald’s and your relics, it would just be even more of a slog to revisit.”

Olumas looked at her with confusion while she casually checked her nails, his powerful presence seemingly ineffective towards her even though he stood about two feet taller than her.

“I don’t care how much of a bore it is now. You’re as good as property towards me now.” He tugged on the chain to pull her along, but was surprised to find that she wouldn’t budge and inch. He yanked at it over and over until the chain threatened to break. It felt like he was trying to pull the entire mountain out of its resting place or something.

“Shame. I thought you would either be fun to fight, or fun to play with. It seems like you are neither.”

Before he could respond, she grabbed her neck harness on either side and yanked it in half. It was with such force that a piece of shrapnel from the tear was sent flying at Mach speed towards Olumas, striking him right in the gut like a crude bullet. He grunted and doubled over in pain. The defensive power of his relic being the only thing that saved him from immediate death.

“Unngg… You crazy whore.” The knight grunted as he writhed on the ground in pain. “You’re lucky you got the jump on me. I won’t go easy on you now.”

The orange princess nearly burst into laughter. “Really? You still think you have some sort of advantage over me now? No wonder my folks used to say that two narcissists fighting were like an immovable object and an unstoppable force colliding. The only difference is that you are very… moveable.”

With that, she hoisted Olumas up by his relic necklace, bringing his face close to hers.

“You see this ring on my finger here?” She brought it up to his face for him to get a good look. “My recently departed husband gave this ring to me. It glows whenever there’s danger nearby. I should know, after all, it wouldn’t stop shining until he took it off his finger.”

Her words were dripping with playful sarcasm. Even the morally bankrupt Olumas was terrified of how casual her sadism and cruelty was. “Now, notice how it doesn’t glow, even when less than a centimeter from your face. You’re not even a glimmer of a threat to me, do you understand?”

She then began to twirl his necklace around her finger until she was practically strangling Olumas with the rest of his own relic. His mighty fists came down upon her, yet the simple grip of her finger did not yield.

With another twirl of her finger she heard his neck snap from the pressure. His struggling ceased and his body fell limp, being held up only by the princess’ dainty digit.

One swift untwirling motion and necklace dangled from her finger, unobstructed by the disgusting neck of the knight that once wore it. Another loverly relic within her grasp. She was already strong enough to effortlessly eradicate other relic-enhanced humans, but now she’d be beyond even dragons and other massive beasts.

She spun the garment about her finger lazily as she gazed upon the two defeated bodies with a self-satisfying smile.

Then, right as Armagh walked into the dungeon room, she slipped it around her neck and felt the power surge through her.

“So, that’s why there’s a bounty on your head.” The massive man spoke casually, immediately piecing together everything with a cursory glance about the room. “Looks I’ll be doing the world a service by taking you out of it.”

“Bold talk... for fresh meat, that is.” The princess’ new relics glowed radiantly as her power climbed exponentially. “I can sense a relic on you. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll make a run for it. I’ll have more fun chasing down my prey, anyways.”

Armagh merely shook his head and reached into his side satchel. “I am an honorable knight who does not back down from a fight. You may have two relics, but they are nothing compared to what I possess.”

The princess nearly burst out laughing.

“Seriously!? That’s a relic?”

The gaudy sunhat that now adorned his head did not seem to phase Armagh, wearing it as if it were any other piece of armor. A sheen washed over the fabric, confirming its status as a relic.

“Yes it is. One of the more powerful ones.”

The edges of the princess’ lips curled devilishly.

“I can already picture it looking way better on me than on you.”

Armagh remained stalwart. “I’m sure you can, but picturing it is all you’ll ever do. Your sadistic reign ends here. After all, your family hired the best.”

Princess pumpkin seemed briefly surprised at the revelation, before defaulting back to her usual smug expression.

“So… even my parents have it out for me, I can’t say I’m surprised.” She began to pace slowly, adding a slight curve to her steps to circle Armagh as she walked. She licked her sharp teeth with every other step, eyeing him like the prey he was.

Armagh wasn’t afraid, but he should have been.

“The King and Queen probably told you a lot about me, huh? But I bet they didn’t tell you everything.”

Without warning, thick vines burst from the ground and attempted to subdue Armagh. Each long and waggly like tentacles, the vines were undoubtedly those of a pumpkin, albeit far larger and each as thick as a mead bottle. The last remaining knight dodged and parried to his best ability, but was quickly overwhelmed.

Strapped to the ground like Lemuel Gulliver, Armagh thrashed wildly against the might of the vines, his composure had long been shattered. He summoned the might of his relic, but even its strength was not enough to rip through the ever-thickening vines.

“Now see, here’s the problem with having a relic as flimsy as a straw hat: even the slightest breeze could carry it away.” With that, she pursed her plush lips and exhaled quickly yet softly, like blowing out a match. The relic was carried off of his head by the gust, where it was caught by a lone vine and redistributed to the top of the princess’ head in a single motion.

The orange-skinned maiden basked in the pleasure of yet another relic added to her arsenal. She didn’t even particularly care about its unique abilities, she simply loved the rush of power and the cute hat that completed her fit.

“Ahhh… I must say, Knight, you have fulfilled your purpose splendidly. I believe I am finished with you now.

“W-what are you going to do to me?” Armagh asked, fearful of the answer.

“Oh, I’m going to do what I always do to foolish men who stand in my way.” Other vines began wrapping around the deceased knights before him. “You’re getting mulched.”

His terrified reaction brought joy to her cold soul.

“Aww, don’t be so surprised. After all, a girl’s gotta eat.” Armagh felt his limbs stretch as the vines tugged at him, dragging his body into the earth. His screams quickly became muddled as pounds upon pounds of dirt and soil caved over him. “Don’t worry, I’m sure a big strong man like you has plenty of nutrients!”

With the final knight’s screams fading into the silent ambience of the dungeon, the princess slipped on her tattered dress and made her leave. No creatures stood in her way, as if they unconsciously knew the fate that would befall them should they cross paths with her. That didn’t stop princess pumpkin from going out of her way to ensnare as many creatures as she could find.

Exiting Ribas keep, she breathed in the crisp October carbon dioxide and gazed upon the beautiful landscape. A series of kingdoms that had not known war in several generation, a mix of creatures coexisting in harmony.

Not if she had anything to say about it.


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