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Chapter 6: Revenge

When Nina awoke from her long and intimate sexytime with Fern, she wasn’t exactly surprised at her lover’s absence. She knew that the Mars project would take up a lot of Fern’s time, but such distractions would hopefully be coming to a close soon. Fern had promised this “would be the last visit for months” and “it will be just to passively observe these billionaires like the animals they are.”

Even though Fern would never be gone for longer than a few hours at most, Nina felt like a pet who was left at home. Whenever her beloved was gone, all Nina could do was wait for her to get home.

Then, Nina’s ears perked up at the sound of tearing wind, one that reached a speed far faster than she could ever reach. In that moment, she knew there was great joy to be had. After much waiting, her beloved had finally returned to her domain!

She lazily floated out of her secret waterfall cave, awaiting the warm, comforting embrace of her lover. The sounds of flying had long since ended, her eyes scanning the horizon for any semblance of Fern, though no such semblance arrived.

Instead, her senses detected not one, but two beings lurking somewhere in the horizon. Perhaps Fern had brought another rich asshole for them to teach a lesson to. She knew Nina couldn’t resist the uppity ones! Her smile slowly disappeared as she noticed with her enhanced sight that it couldn’t have been Fern. Nina of all people knew how huge and hulking her lover was to mere mortals. Maybe these trespassing idiots were lost? Perhaps she could scare them off if she levitated herself from the ground to remind them who lived here and who were the two puny mortals in way over their heads.

As the two unfamiliar women walked into her sightline, Nina’s eyes narrowed. She shrunk slightly, as if the puritanical shame associated with nudity has returned to her in full force. Something was not right.

“Hey! You two! Get the hell out of here! Don’t you know this is Fern and I’s property now?”

Even Nina was surprised by how generous she was being with her demands. Despite this, the two women did not budge.

“Are you both deaf? I said—”

“Do you remember what you did to my mother?” the woman with green streaks of hair asked, interrupting Nina with surprising gusto in her voice. Uppity bitch must’ve forgotten what planet she was on if she thought she could talk to me that way. Nina thought, perturbed at the idea of a mere human who forgot their place. Oh well, I suppose there’s nothing to stop me from brutalizing these two in any way I please. After all, they did instigate this encounter.

“Do you remember what you did to my whole fucking country?” the woman with the beetle-black eyes added, her pretty teeth gritted with years of anger. Nina didn’t recall doing anything specific to anyone’s mother, let alone an entire country, but this pitiful attempt at revenge would meet the same fate as any other: Nina standing tall, half-lidded eyes gazing in disappointment at two smears of blood on the rock before her.

“Alright, let’s make this quick,” Nina said with a roll of her eyes. Expecting it to be little more than a formality, she cracked her knuckles and rolled her head, spurring a series of popped joints from her powerful body that echoed throughout the rocky valley. Strangely, this minor display of absolute dominance did not deter the two women, with them remaining as stone cold as statues in their anger.

Are they trying to be martyrs or something? Nina wondered, knowing that no amount of controversy could ever bring about her downfall. If Gods ever fell, it would be through hubris and internal conflict, and the only other god Nina knew was literally dating her. She had to admit, they were brave. Perhaps she would have to make their demise slow and painful, just to ensure that those defiant emotions were wiped clean off of their faces.

In a flash, Nina tore through the sound barrier. Her hand gripped the woman on the left’s face, the one with green like a stoplight ordering Nina to go. She flew with enough force to tear off any mere mortal’s head. Instead, she found her arm—which subsequently meant her entire body—had not only been stopped, but caught.

Then, her arm went from caught to twisted as the green-haired woman lifted Nina up over her head and slammed her into the dirt.

“Toma!” Anya smirked, flaunting her native tongue a bit.

Nina’s first instinct was to fly away, but once more her desires were denied as the girl she had tried to execute just moments earlier had the blonde’s arm in a death grip. If she wanted to flee, her limb wasn’t coming with her.

“Who—what are you!?” Nina asked with terror enveloping her face, as if the attractive girl before her was some sort of eldritch abomination.

“Name’s Iris, and your reign is fucking over!” she yelled before grabbing Nina by the throat to her surprise only to use all her might and power in slamming the blonde super directly into another portion of the ground, this time forming a massive crater. Iris was shocked by how easy her body provided such a feat. She felt her sinuous muscles bulge with power and might at every subtle motion. No wonder Nina felt like a god all this time. It was infectious.

Nina tried to get back up and process what the hell just happened. From her nose trickled something warm, a feeling she hadn’t encountered in quite a while. The taste of metal breached her lips as the red trail continued down her face, dripping like a melting icicle once it reached her chin. I haven’t felt pain like this since I fought with Fern… hell, I haven’t felt pain at all since that time… She wouldn’t be given much more time to ruminate as the other girl grabbed a fistful of Nina’s blonde waves, the roots of her scalp exploding with fiery hot agony.

“Huh, looks like god can bleed! And I’m Anya, by the way, pendeja. Remember the name as it’ll be the last one you ever learn. I can’t wait to bring whatever’s left of you back on a pike to show my family.”

Nina’s face was then greeted by Anya’s knee, shattering the cartilage in her nose and ensuring that the previous trickle was no isolated incident. The subsequent knees weren’t slouches either, giving Nina multiple concussions as she tried and failed to fight off the unfair team up that had blindsided her.

After a minute of bashing Nina’s face in, Anya was content with letting gravity solve the rest of the equation. Iris wasn’t. Once Anya released her titanium grip on Nina’s hair, the Eternal supergirl was treated to a devastating stomp from the green-tipped girl as she flew high up into the air only to then fly back down with the same force just to cave Nina’s face further into the dirt.

Nina’s first instinct was to scream, but she couldn’t even do that. The amount of pressure the green super was applying onto her throat only stifled her further. This felt worse than being strangled by Fern on the moon, at least her lover had been pulling her punches somewhat.

“Heh, I bet the ground wouldn’t hurt so much if you wore some clothes once in a while!” Iris cheekily remarked before slamming her powerful bare foot onto Nina’s head, thrusting it back down into the dirt. Even though she absolutely despised the woman that laid half-conscious before her, she couldn’t help but sneak a peek at Nina’s exposed back muscles and bare ass that caused her to become momentarily distracted before Anya’s insults helped her snap back to reality. 

“And you ruined fútbol!” Anya added with disgust. Iris fired a confused eyebrow her way, with Anya holding her hands up defensively as if on impulse. “What? Don’t give me that look. I couldn’t think of any other time to air my grievances!”

The look from Iris continued.

“Look, I’m all for killing all the billionaires and shit like that, but Colombia was totally going to win the World Cup before she snatched up all the organizers and investors!”

Anya probably would’ve continued, but her spiel was interrupted by a prolonged groan of agony from the beaten, bruised and bloodied supergirl that Iris and Anya had just thoroughly bodied in battle.

“F-Fern… H-help me…” she sputtered, her once-melodious voice caked in blood and mucus from her humiliating beatdown.

Anya just laughed, squatting down before Nina’s prone body and casually slapping the supergirl’s ass to humiliate her further, watching with glee as it jiggled like a plate of Jell-o. “Aww, crying out to your little girlfriend isn’t going to save you, this isn’t a superhero comic. By the time Fern gets back from her little mission to Uranus or wherever the only parts of you left to save will be in my trophy room.”

Iris hesitated to say anything. Her usual silence was one thing, but now she seemed actively nervous. With a collective four times the amount of serum between the two of the newer supers, she knew Nina stood no chance, but Fern… that was a different story. Even the ever-scheming Dr. Loken, who had fifteen different backup plans for everything, seemed to lack a concrete solution for Fern beyond ‘don’t die.’

“Iris? You good? This is our moment of victory and you look like you’re about to throw up,” Anya asked, her words fading into the background as Iris’ heartbeat only became more and more prominent.

There was also a far darker aspect of her thought process that even Iris herself didn’t wish to acknowledge.

In this moment, one of supposed triumph where she finally conquered her greatest foe, she could only feel sympathy for the murderer that lay before her. Hearing her pained words, calling out for her lover, it twisted Iris’ heart into knots. She had talked a big game about ending Nina’s reign but she knew she wasn’t a killer.

“Hey, Iris? Iris! Que tè pasa? Look alive! We need to hurry up and kill this bitch before her bigger, scarier girlfriend comes or we won’t stand a chance!” Anya emphasized, snapping her fingers in front of the taller girl. Iris shook from her funk quickly afterwards, immediately spilling her guts in a torrent of sudden sadness.

“Anya, I-I don’t think I can do it. C-could you be the one to deal the final blow please?”

“What? I-uh, s-sure! No biggie, I’m sure a few more solid kicks should do it!” Anya replied, trying to remain positive about Iris’ emotional situation while also dealing with the whole “about to kill another human being” situation.

She lifted her foot up, ready to stomp this superbitch out like an unwanted fire. Yet, her foot remained suspended in the air, as if some invisible force prevented it from falling any farther. 

Anya was hesitating too.

“Shit. Why is my heart pounding so fucking much. Stupid body, just get over it!” Anya ranted at herself, beating her own chest with her fist like an angry neighbor banging on the door of a particularly loud next door party. “S-she’s a monster. A murderer. You just gotta put her out of her misery and the world would be better for it.”

With another deep breath of affirmation, she bit the bullet and slammed her foot down atop Nina’s head, burrowing the top half of her body further into the rock. Aftershocks trembled across the State of South Dakota. Nina’s golden hair whipped about like it was caught in a hurricane, though even still it looked better than any supermodel’s.

Yet, Nina was still alive. Both Iris and Anya could still hear her heartbeat amongst the chaos.

Anya slammed her foot into Nina’s head again. And again. And again. And again… And again. And again. And again. Still, the world’s first supergirl refused to die. Tears streaked down Anya’s face the longer she had to prolong this act she hated.

“C’mon! Just. Fucking. Die. Already!” she screamed to the heavens, punctuating each stomp with another word. Then the heavens provided an answer she didn’t want to hear.


The vitriolic words parted a sphere in the cloud layer as Anya was torn from Nina’s battered body in a flash. She found herself being dragged across half of the country in an instant, tearing through farm towns and major cities alike before Anya could even process what was happening. Once the momentum finally slowed, the shorter hispanic girl found herself pressed up against the Seattle Space Needle, her face forced to take punch after punch of devastating destruction from Nina’s nude lover.

Thankfully for Anya, Fern had left a trail of destruction and Iris was good at following clues. The tall girl’s knee met the side of the tallest girl’s head, briefly discombobulating Fern and allowing Anya to slip from her grasp.

The two newer supergirls exchanged a wordless look, knowing that the only way they’d be able to get out of this alive was to work together. Fern wouldn’t pull her punches with them like she had prior with Nina.

Fern’s attacks ignited the air around her as she swung at the lesser supergirls like she was swatting at gnats circling around her head. Iris and Anya were barely able to dodge the super speedy strikes, and found little openings to retaliate themselves.

“You bastards! I knew it was only a matter of time before someone else cracked the superserum, but to wait until I was out of range so you could attempt to kill Nina alone? Despicable. I’m going to rip your fucking spines out!”

Fern’s rage proved to only worsen her fighting skills as she zeroed in on Anya. Iris used this frequent weakness to her advantage to land some cheap strikes, while Anya hid behind terrain—no matter how destructible it was—in order to take the heat off of her a bit.

Unfortunately, Iris and Anya’s plan ultimately worked as well as waves lapping against a large rock. They were able to get a few licks in, but to properly whittle Fern down to something more manageable would take years.

Fern’s rage eventually subsided and she caught onto their tricks, psyching out Iris by pretending to focus her attention on Anya, only to deliver a rib-shattering uppercut to the green haired girl’s torso. Even though Iris needed very little oxygen to survive, the wind was thoroughly knocked out of her, and she collapsed to the ground from the sky in a whimper.

With Iris temporarily incapacitated, the already weakened Anya didn’t stand much of a chance. Her eyes heated up, ready to blast Fern with a bout of laser vision, but she didn’t get the beams past her cornea before Fern closed the distance in a flash, jabbing Anya in the gut, sending a spinning kick into her jaw, then finishing the job by swinging her forehead to Anya’s, sending the weaker super’s head whipping back. The back of her skull cracked the concrete below, the rest of her dazed body landing shortly thereafter.

She scooped up both women by their necks, one in each hand, hoisting them up high. They kicked and flailed with all their might, but Fern steeled her body and grunted through their attacks. The massively muscular woman knew she could fight off their beestings longer than they could breathe with their windpipes being crushed.

“Alright you two,” Fern said with a murderous intensity to her voice. “Let’s talk.”


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