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Chapter 5: Rebirth

Fire. Pure, burning and unrelenting in its blazing glory. That was all two women could feel as their bodies throbbed and writhed, occasionally twitching and thrusting like lazily-manned marionettes from their positions firmly on the floor. Consciousness ebbed and flowed from their minds, meeting lots of pain in the beginning but also pleasure on their rollercoaster ride of a superhuman drug trip.

Iris was the first to be injected, so her body was the first to undergo change.

Her B-cups weren’t mosquito bites by any means, but they would’ve looked inadequate compared to what they were becoming. Supple flesh filled her loose-fitting shirt, which was only becoming more strained as cords of muscle trailed from her core to the tips of her limbs. Her body pulsed like a boiling oobleck, size surging beneath her skin sporadically as every inch of her form was enhanced to feminine perfection.

Any flaw that could’ve been physical was ironed out. Any acne that was present on her body slowly faded away. Iris had always been a girl on the lankier side, now her figure was properly bulky as the strength of twin serums flowed through her veins and mingled with her DNA.

Her head twitched occasionally, moving at superhuman speeds as if footage of her was sped up at key moments. With each jut of her head, her hair lengthened and thickened, until inch-by-inch it was down to her stomach in length. Her frosted tips of green hair did not dissolve, instead they were strengthened as her hair surged in vibrancy. The style resembled more a crazy rocker chick and less of a depressed girl whose obsessive, bottled-up anger was the only aspect keeping her alive.

Anya, having been injected later, underwent her transformation second. 

Unlike Iris, Anya already had several assets from her mother that she could be proud of, covered as they were by her less-than-flattering choice of attire. Her breasts were prominent C-cups, bordering on D’s, with an ass that rivaled a pop star’s. None of that was lost in her transition—if anything, the bubbly bonuses of her uneven hourglass figure only improved as her form was imbued with power beyond what mere mortals were capable of. Her expanding muscles only served to further accentuate her existing assets as they tore at her hoodie, parting the curtains of her thick clothing and unveiling the masterpiece being improved upon underneath. Unlike Iris, Anya experienced more jarring pain at the beginning, her bone structure elongating from her shorter natural height and strengthening to its peak levels. 

Anya shuddered erotically, running her thicker tongue across her lips. They were a fraction fuller than before, and softer too. With a trembling hand, she felt around the foreign form that her head was now attached to. Massive breasts strained the cleavage-baring neckline of what was supposed to be a hoodie, yet it now served the purposes of a skimpy tank top. Her half-lidded pupils did not even have to gaze downward to catch an eyeful of her magnificent, fleshy swells.

Finally, their shoes burst as a result of their feet becoming too big to be contained by them, socks quickly following in tow. The two women found the ground uncomfortable for shifting bone, muscle and skin such as theirs, so they simply rose above it, wiggling their toes in relaxation along with the rest of their body. Before the two of them were even consciously aware of their powers, they were already utilizing them efficiently and effectively. The sheer brainrot of Iris and Anya surrounding themselves with horrid instances of Nina and Fern flippantly using their power sets to inflict harm upon a frightened populace. Their unconscious minds were already harnessing what they knew Nina was capable of. How could they forget? Trauma had singed the powers into their minds like a red-hot branding iron to their gray matter.

Then Iris shot awake with a start, coughing profusely as sections of her lungs adjusted to no longer requiring a large influx of oxygen to function. Every subtle shift of her hands caused muscles and joints to pop like a chiropractor’s wet dream, her newfound muscles slotting nicely into place after she had spent about two hours passed out on the floor.

Wait. How the hell did I know that? Iris pondered, rubbing a hand through her luscious emerald locks. How could my mind keep track of the time even when I was unconscious, especially when what little could be mustered was consumed by the more pressing matter of being near-fatally shot?

“Congratulations, you two,” Dr. Loken said, almost too loudly. Both Iris and Anya gripped their ears in distress, the unfamiliarity with the girls’ new superhearing causing them to adjust on the fly. “You are now both the second-most powerful people on planet Earth. And if you both work together, you are likely the strongest.”

The sounds of Loken’s boots echoing off of the steel floor allowed the new superwomen  more time to adjust their hearing to reasonable levels, but the sensations outside their bodies were difficult to grasp. Iris’ vision jumped between X-Ray and infrared, each blink of her eyelids summoning a different power like a television with only two channels. Anya, meanwhile, could hear every squeak and skitter of rats and other burrowing creatures within a five miles radius as if they were all right next to her, prompting her to leap up in fear and frantically inspect every inch of her body for any rodents that might be on her, which only served to tear even more of her already-tattered clothing. 

Loken quietly observed as the two women came down from their bad drug trips, but the doctor found themself suddenly strung up by their neck. In an instant, Anya had zipped forward and seized Loken by their neck, holding them up nearly a foot off the ground. Prior to the serum, such a feat would have been impossible for numerous reasons, but most prominent of them all was the new height which Anya now commanded.

It had been hard to convey just how tall she had become as she had spent the last two hours curled up on the floor in agony. Now that she was up and about, it was easy to see that her height had shot up from the greater inches of four feet to the greater inches of six. Between Iris and Loken, she was the runt of the litter, but now it was as if her and Loken’s roles had swapped. The only reason Anya was still looking up to see the doctor’s eyes at this moment was due to the aforementioned chokehold.

“Un pedazo de puta!” Anya exclaimed in her native tongue through gritted teeth. “You almost fucking killed us!”

“Yes. That was the point,” Loken replied bluntly, remaining eerily calm even as they were being held in a strenuous position. “But the key word is ‘almost,’ Anya. I told you that the serum only works when someone is near-death.”

“You couldn’t have given us a warning, or something?” Iris asked, also rather upset that she had been shot at point-blank range without her consent. As she addressed her concern, she felt the area of her body where the bullet had entered only to see that there was no indication of a wound. It was perfectly healed, not even a scar in sight. 

“If I had, you two never would have agreed and the process would have become far more complicated than it needed to be,” the doctor answered. “It was either you two ascended, or I had you killed over a hypothesis.”

“Hold up. You mean you weren’t even fucking sure if shooting us would work!?” Anya said, her rage returning threefold as she tightened her hold around Loken’s very mortal neck ever-so-slightly. Any more, and she would probably crush the doctor’s windpipe.

“I can never be one hundred percent certain about anything I do, but I saw a calculated risk and I took it,” Dr. Loken said, attempting to retain their calm voice while being actively asphyxiated. “Let’s face it, I would be doing you two a favor either way. You both would’ve spent the rest of your lives miserable as you bitched endlessly on that forum, trapped within the cycle of hopeless hatred. Now, you two can get the revenge you always wanted.”

Seeing that Loken was beginning to lose consciousness from the increased grip, Iris sighed as she intervened.

“Just drop them, Anya. We’re not killers like our contemporaries,” Iris spoke, her voice adopting a distant tone as if the conflict between Anya and Loken had become beneath her.

Anya eventually conceded and released the doctor, but only because of Iris’ suggestion. “Yeah, we’re not killers… yet,” she added, attempting to strike fear into the unwavering heart of the doctor.

Loken wasted little time regaining their composure, instead ready to move on from the moment and get down to business, only pausing to briefly massage their throat. “Now, hopefully that demonstration sparks curiosity about what else your bodies are capable of. If you wish to retain the element of surprise in the coming conflict, now might be the best time to test your newfound abilities. My sources tell me that Fern is currently out of orbit and therefore likely out of earshot.”

“Test them? Pfft, why the hell would we need to test our powers?” Anya said with a scoff, the beginnings of a smile forming on her face as she flexed her new and improved muscles. “We got them now and we know what we got, it should be a piece of cake!”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. Do you recall when ‘Nina Eternal’ first burst onto the scene? Even as she figured out the breadth of her powers at 14, it took her many years to hone them into the efficient killer she is today. Fern, on the other hand, had said ‘efficient killer’ as her personal trainer when figuring out her powers. You two, on the hypothetical third hand, have only yourselves to bounce ideas off of one another.”

Loken frowned—or, at least, allowed their face to somewhat betray the stoicism inherent to it—seeing how the two girls were already distracted with their new forms. Iris, several feet away from them, placed her hands on her hips displaying her new and improved back muscles before them. She, too, was enamored—her eyes locked on her own cobbled abs which were tantalizingly hinted at through a tear in the front of their shirt. “Girls?”

“Uhh, well, I guess flight would be a good place to start,” Iris pondered, her distracted mind piecing together words before coming to an actual consensus on what she wanted to say halfway through the sentence. “Yeah, uh, after all we were both unconsciously doing it earlier, definitely a good foot to put forward.”

“Yeah, I guess we were…” Anya turned to agree, only to be blindsided by Iris at her full height. The verdant-gradiented girl might’ve lacked many of Anya’s horizontal endowments, but she more than made up for it through the sheer verticality of her appearance. She was tall. Fern had a full dosage over her and yet Iris was still creeping up on her height.

Like the emotionally-stunted NEET she was, Anya blushed right in front of Iris. Iris’ pale face immediately followed, lighting up with vibrant reds as the two were caught in an awkward loop of uncomfortable emotions. Anya appreciated the absurd height, Iris appreciated that such a beautiful girl with stunning curves was swooning over her.

“So, uh… flying then?” Anya asked.

“Y-yeah, flying,” Iris agreed.

Anya scratched the back of her head nervously, unintentionally causing her bicep to bulge with immense power. This did not benefit Iris’ desire to move on one bit. Iris’s powerful eyes unconsciously magnified, bearing witness to the veins that throbbed against her friend’s skin as a result of her flexing. The taller supergirl gently bit her lower lip in a desperate attempt to stifle her lust. 

Both women eventually broke eye contact, then walked ten awkward paces away from one another as if engaging in some sort of impromptu duel. Surely, the strange thoughts they just experienced could be memoryholed with sufficient distance from one another. Clearly, experimenting with the extents of their scantily-clad bodies would be less provocative if the wayward glances towards them were farther apart.

“Alright. I’m… flying. I’m flying now. Yes,” Anya spoke, hyping herself up. “I’m going to fly, I’m flyinnnnnnnnng!” The last word was stretched over several long moments as her head embedded itself in the ceiling and cast down a spray of subceiling, “Holy shit. Holy shit Iris did you see that?” She demanded enthusiastically.

“I was trying my best not to do that! It’s hard to focus on flying instead of focusing on… other things.” Iris replied, her eyes still intently cast groundward. After a moment of delay she slowly rose from the ground, “Is it working? I um– Can’t see my feet now…” She admitted sheepishly. Iris added her arms to the equation, trying to balance her flight. 

“Yes, you are currently 1.721 centimeters above the ground.” Loken opined, “Your relative acceleration is 9.72 meters per second per second, counteracting the natural acceleration of gravity. That is, suffice to say, a minuscule fraction of your capabilities.” 

“Minuscule or not, I’m trying not to bonk my head on the ceiling or anything!” Iris stated.

“Why not? The ceiling cannot harm you. If you desire to truly put an end to Nina and Fern’s reign, you must be ruthless. Property damage can be repaired.”

“Right… I was moreso trying not to break the soundproofing,” Iris worried,  electing to ignore Loken’s sudden bloodthirst for wanton destruction. “But, uh, if you say it’s okay then…” 

The two women continued to experiment with their powers, only for Anya to cheekily attempt to peek at something she had been curious about ever since she had met the doctor in that fated Waffle House. Her hopes were, however, unexpectedly dashed when a strange codpiece seemed to be blocking all X-Rays from passing by. As if somehow knowing exactly what Anya was up to, the doctor waggled their finger.

“Ah ah ah, no peeking. The weight of lead-lined undergarments is a small price to pay for complete and total anonymity.”

“Jesus. Didn’t you have to, like, deal with the TSA or something?” Anya remarked.

“I outranked the TSA. Private flights. Then when most of the malicious government organizations were disbanded after Fern did a rough restructuring of the system through fear and force, I was taken along with them. I suppose me and the TSA have a strange kinship in that way.”

“What organization were you in, by the way?” Anya asked, pursuing the line of questioning further with a glint of fervent anger in her eye.

“Nothing that concerns you or the mission you are on,” Loken responded with the banality of a lifeguard giving orders about what can and cannot be done in the pool. “Time is of the essence. Return to experimenting with your powers.”

Anya responded by evolving said glint of anger into twin beams of heat vision from her eyes, the plasmic energy nearly grazing Loken’s boots as it produced a horizontal line of molten metal before them. The doctor took a step back, remaining physically calm, but Anya could detect the rhythm of their heartbeat had increased.

“Oops,” Anya said snarkily. “Just experimenting a bit with my laser vision.”

“Ms. Torres, I assure you my intention is not to keep relevant secrets from you. I simply value my privacy, as I’m sure you do. For example, I’m sure you wouldn’t want me knowing about your extended family, such as your brother, parents, grandfather and cousin, correct?”

Anya was left speechless. She would’ve rammed straight through Loken if Iris hadn’t immediately sensed the rising tension of the room and flew over to hold Anya back. What seemed like a millisecond to Loken was actually elongated by the two superior beings as Iris navigated her way towards her friend, her instincts taking over, inadvertently allowing her to fly with more precision and grace.

“Hey! Hey! Simmer down!” the taller woman demanded as Anya squirmed in her tight grip. The sheer kinetic energy of the two clashing generated enough wind power to knock Dr. Loken off of their feet. Iris didn’t know if it was the adrenaline or the serum coursing through her veins but holding onto Anya and imposing her strength for the first time without hesitation gave her an electrifying energy that spread from her bulging biceps throughout. So much power… Is this how Nina and Fern felt everyday? Her thoughts were knocked out of her as a result of Anya’s frustration.

“How do you know about my family!? Huh!? Answer me you creepy bastard!” Anya demanded, simmering down on her attempts to escape Iris’ iron grip.

Loken quickly covered their ears to prevent what would’ve been permanent hearing loss from Anya’s loud and powerful rageful outburst.

“Don’t you ignore me!” Anya spat only to feel a gentle tap from her friend.

“C-careful. Lower your voice. It’s easy to hurt people’s eardrums now. Remember what Fern did to that French Ambassador?” Iris stated as the Colombian supergirl rolled her eyes and nodded. 

Seeing that her mouth was shut once again, Loken removed their hands from their ears and slowly rose back to their full height. “I perform background checks on all of my associates and clients. I was merely demonstrating my point about why privacy is desired.”

“I don’t give a shit about your point. Keep my family as far away from your damn, dirty mouth, pendejo.” With Iris’ guard down, Anya managed to wrestle her way out of her bind, but she didn’t attempt to hurt Dr. Loken, instead, she began to walk away. “C’mon, Iris. Let’s go kick Nina and Fern’s asses.”

Iris said nothing, but she followed in tow.

“Are you both quite sure that you’ve trained enough to deal with them?” Loken asked.

“We’ll get some extra training in on this stupid base of yours,” Anya remarked.

“Ah, yes, because inanimate objects are a suitable way to—” 

Loken’s words were cut off by Anya’s far more enthusiastic response. “If the door isn’t open in 15 seconds I’m opening it myself. I bet that’d feel incredible.

Iris couldn’t help but suppress a slight smile as curiosity overwhelmed her mind.

For once, the doctor’s movements carried a frantic urgency as they sprinted toward the inner airlock door and keyed in the combination to unlock and open it before Anya decided on a more kinetic method of egress. 

The beginnings of the airlock hissing could be heard briefly before both Anya and Iris struck the impediment with their fists in tandem. They expected the door itself to cave to their powerful strikes, but instead the door fired off of its hinges—the wall around it—and was sent careening into the darkness beyond what the meager halogen lighting could display.

“Hell yeah, teamwork! We got this in the bag!” Iris exclaimed with a rush of excitement. Both women were surprised by how perfectly-timed their combined strikes were, but such comradery would have to be cut short as the sheer power of their impacts had irreparably jostled the very foundation of the lead mine they all resided within.

“Hmm. How unfortunate,” Loken remarked as a low rumbling quickly escalated into a full-on earthquake of a collapse. “I suppose I will have to make my leave as well.” 

Iris and Anya wasted no time getting the hell out of there, forgoing the need for lead-resistant suits as they effortlessly escaped the crumbling Redoubt facility. Flight proved to be faster than they could ever imagine, the world appearing to slow around them as they elegantly weaved around debris and chunks of earth.

As they made it out with time to spare, their eyes adjusting to the sun’s brightness and the air’s freshness, Anya and Iris took a moment to breathe. With the tension of the escape over, Anya turned her ire to her fellow supergirl.

“Why did you stop me back there? Don’t act like you actually trust that scheming prick.”

“It’s not like that… I just… I didn’t want to see you become Nina.”

“What? Why would I—?”

“Ngggh, I know it sounds like a stupid trope, but killing someone crosses a line! It fundamentally changes who you are! I’m sure the first couple of people Nina and Fern killed weren’t done out of callousness, but it was a slippery slope! Humans weren’t meant to kill each other! It—it corrupts something fundamental about our brains.”

Anya had but one sentence to respond with. “So what will we do if our only option is to kill Nina and Fern?”

“I guess we’ll find out when we get there,” Iris said, steeling her resolve. “C’mon, let’s go save the world.”

The two took off into the sky, not once looking back at the facility or the doctor which had birthed them anew.


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