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Super Jaded 2 is now the next big project that I will be undertaking. Expect frequent updates! Chapter 2 will be releasing before the end of this month!

The prologue chapter can be found here.

Chapter 1: Eternal

“Hurry up with that spare drill rod! you assholes are on the clock and you sure as hell aren’t salaried!”

The two maintenance workers flinched on reaction. This new foreman was far louder than the last one, and they weren’t exactly working for a company with the interests of those two in mind. The eyes of the burly, impatient man narrowed as he spotted hesitation amongst his men.

“Oh? Something wrong, men? Negative twelve suddenly too chilly for your asses and now you’re freezing over?”

The two other men exchanged nervous glances, with one finally mustering up the courage to vocalize his concern. “Foreman Steven, s-sir, shouldn’t you be a bit more quiet? What if she hears you?”

It took a moment for the foreman to register the man’s distress, but all Steven could do was bellow in laughter.

Be a bit more quiet? We’re in the middle of a fucking arctic blizzard, son! We’re probably the farthest point any human could be from those juiced-up freaks on earth!” saying it out loud only had him laughing harder. What didn’t have him laughing was an actual response to his gloating.

“Not the furthest point, that would be Perth, Australia, actually. I should know, it took me a whole minute to travel there. Of course, Nina wasn’t far behind. Isn’t that right, dear?”

“Heehee, that’s right babe!” I added. Fern really picked the perfect time to interrupt. God, I loved her so much!

Steven’s blood fell colder than the ice surrounding him, eyes adopting a thousand-yard stare as the recent exchange vividly echoed in his head on loop. While he couldn’t bring himself to turn around and face his destiny, the fallen faces of his workers said everything about just how real the threat behind his stiff body was. I couldn’t read his mind like Fern could, but I wondered if he believed that we showed up after he had gloated loudly or that we had been watching his operation for a little while, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The former would’ve been the perfect little dose of irony, one that I really wanted Forman Steve to die believing.

A surreal amount of heat cut through the cold, the sheer amount of energy radiating off of our bodies enough to return a nearby Celsius thermometer to a positive value.

“So, do you assholes want to die just standing around or do you want to die fighting?” I asked. With that declaration, gunfire from all directions immediately sounded off, rivaling the blizzard in intensity. The snowcover provided decent protection against the horizontal rain of lead, but I was surprised just how many bullets were striking my form—even if it didn’t do anything.

“Nina! We’re not trying to kill these people! You don’t need to make it sound like we are!” Fern thought, tactically projecting the words into my head.

“C’monnnnnn Ferny!” I thought in response, knowing that Fern was listening. “These guys are like, destroying the environment and stuff! They don’t deserve your sympathies!”

“That’s true to an extent, I suppose,” Fern continued the talk as she landed upon one of the nearest suspended walkways and began to casually toss people off of it into the icy depths below. “I just try to avoid death unless it's absolutely necessary.”

“Oh yeah, what about that plane?” I teased, making casual conversation as I obliterated everything below a man’s kneecaps with my laser vision, allowing him to melt into a flaming puddle of his own viscera. “Was that absolutely necessary?”

“Hey! That’s different! We were cuddling then and I didn’t want to get up!” She replied, shattering thousands of dollars in scaffolding with a single flying kick, decimating a walkway that was crucial to the escape of these men.

“Well, what if we started cuddling now? I bet this blizzard would make for a nice breeze to complement our snuggling session.” I cheekily suggested. Fern didn’t respond immediately, but switching to my thermal vision revealed a prominent blush growing upon her cheeks. “Heheheh, sounds like you can’t wait.~”

I interrupted Fern’s attack on her latest opponent, only to flail uselessly against her rippling musculature. I wasn’t really trying to throw off her rhythm—everyone in the base was as good as dead if the two of us really cared to put our minds to it—but I loved watching her annoyed face quickly morph to a loving one as she found herself falling in love with me all over again.

While we had found clothing that we both loved and represented our bodytypes and cultures well, they were pretty quickly discarded as we desired a more intimate connection with our bodies.

We crashed through ice and metal alike without a care. It wasn’t until my slender fingers brushed against her sensitive nipples, a wave of electric arousal pulsing through Fern as I did so. Running my hands over the dense web of muscle that was Fern’s entire form, I guided her with as much grace and sway as a runaway bumper car—and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Such is a perk of both you and your girlfriend having indestructible bodies.

I moaned pathetically as my smaller body grinded against Fern’s, pressure welling up within my aching sex. A powerful thrust of my immensely strong hips ricocheted off of Fern’s immovable body and sent me careening away. Nothing a little midair flight couldn’t fix. I floated in the air above the rubble of our cuddle session, my back arched, perfect, naked breasts pointed toward the sky as I shuddered in a raging flurry of climaxes.

“Damn, I really made you cum from just a cuddle, huh?” Fern remarked, teeth whiter than the blizzard around us now visible from how much her smirk had blossomed upon her face.

“J-just a little bit, y’know,” I answered bashfully, burying half of my face in my hands in embarrassment. “But, think about it like this: that was totally the most fun way we could’ve destroyed all those bad guys and the base they operated within!”

“Well, the base isn’t completely without function, I’ll see to that personally,” Fern replied. I knew she had better expertise in the field of environmentally-friendly demolitions than I did. “And… are we sure we got everyone? I feel like, amidst the chaos, we’re now missing someone…”

“Oh, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about him.”


Foreman Steve hid within the deepest, most secluded room in the whole base. He probably thought he was safe, given how his breathing began to calm as he heard the heavily-padded door lock behind him. He also probably, rather foolishly, thought that if he kept quiet and hidden that we wouldn’t know exactly where he was within the labyrinthian construct of the base. Credit where credit was due, he remained quiet as a mouse for over an hour. Then again, most people would when it was life and death—and especially when my girlfriend was the judge and jury and I was the executioner.

While Fern had grown bored about fifteen minutes in, leaving to repair the environmental damage that the oil rig had already caused, my x-ray vision remained firmly on the foreman like a predator. When I was young and weak, I would always imagine myself as the perilous hero, thrust into an unwinnable situation where I somehow still emerged victorious despite the odds. Such childish thoughts could only entertain me for so long. The Foreman probably believed that about himself, that since he was the sole survivor of this excursion, attempting to circumvent a foe far superior than him, that he probably had some chance of making his way out of this alive.

This was not some male power fantasy movie.

I would give him false hope, only so the satisfaction of stripping it away from him was palpable. God, sometimes I wish I had Fern’s mind-reading ability, just so I could get a sense of the thought process that was going through Steve’s head right at this moment. Him being frightened of a gorgeous, naked, and very unstoppable girl chasing him down only made me want to hear his own inner monologue speak about it.

I continued to silently stalk him as he made his way to the nearest exit. Even though I had only gotten a layout of the place about an hour ago, I was able to effortlessly predict his route throughout the complex and torment him accordingly. I hid among sparse shadows, moving so quietly and quickly between them that he could only catch doubtful glimpses of something moving within his peripheral vision. He never truly moved to a high alert phase, however. He probably thought the stress was making him lose his mind. Man, I really wanted him to think that I wouldn’t do something like this. That I was above stalking my prey and would’ve just killed him had I known of his location.

Knowing exactly which door he would attempt to leave through was perfect, as I had already trapped him. He walked down a lengthy corridor to reach it, darkness surrounding him on all sides. I could barely stifle my giggling as I watched him swipe his keycard after much deliberation—as the three robotic chirps of confirmation made a significant amount of noise—only to find that the door didn’t open. The light above the swiper had turned green, everything seemed to be working as intended, but the several-hundred-pound door refused to budge. He swiped the card again, the light and chirps of confirmation lit up again, yet the door again refused to grant him freedom.

“Leaving so soon?” I spoke, my body still bathed in the haunting darkness at the end of the hall to obscure my true position. If he was scared before, Steve damn near had a heart attack once he heard my sultry voice at the other end of the corridor. His movements became frantic as he uselessly attempted to swipe the keycard over and over and over again, getting green every time but without any change to his situation. He no longer cared about being quiet, desperate to escape by any means necessary. If only he could’ve known that I had already fused the metal of the opening mechanism so that it would jam every time.

Without any method of escape, he resorted to bargaining. “P-please! It’s not me you want, it’s my boss, right!? The guy who hired me to excavate all this oil!? R-right!?” I kept letting him yap on as I moved closer and closer to his location, the solitary light above the jammed door slowly revealing my presence like a horror movie villain. Fuck, I shouldn’t be loving this so much! “It’s John Willikins, former CEO of OilStar United, he-he’s the guy behind all of this! J-just please, kill him and not me!”

I shut him up with a solitary finger, thrusting my hand forward mere inches away from his face, piercing the door behind him like a bullet. He shriveled up like a fruit in sunlight, heart beating faster than a hummingbird’s as he fell to his rear in fear.

“Oh, I don’t care about any of that. Maybe Fern does…” I paused for a moment, a whimsical smile growing upon my face as I thought about my lovely girlfriend who I loved so very much, only for my face to quickly fall back to seriousness. “...But I’m not my girlfriend. I’m doing this because I very, very much enjoy it.”

“P-please! I have a wife! I have children!” He begged. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man so large or so beefy cry as much as he was at this moment.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard that one plenty of times before,” I replied with an eye roll. “Can’t you be more original?”

He clearly didn’t know how to respond to that, stuttering like the unoptimized program I knew he was. He might as well’ve been a “Hello World!” prompt to the Hal 9000.

“Here, let me offer an example that would really intrigue me,” I proposed, lodging my other hand within the door on the opposite side near his face. Now Steve was both metaphorically and literally trapped by me. “For example, if you had pledged yourself to me at that moment. If you had said ‘I fantasize about you, Nina Etana, every single day! I would fit it my wife in a heartbeat for you, and would gladly make some new children to plead with! They’d even be superheroes, far superior to my old kids in every way!’ then I would’ve found you far more interesting.”

If poor little Stevey wasn’t confused before, he definitely was now.

“But you didn’t have to say that, because I know that’s how you really feel about me, Steve,” I inched closer to him, my naked body pressing up against his, warmer than any coat he could’ve worn. I felt no sexual attraction to him—I was still a raging lesbian after all—but the feeling of taunting this absolute pathetic excuse for a man… It was exhilarating in a way I had never felt before. With him still too flabbergasted to respond, I continued to put words in his mouth. “You know my body is far superior to whatever your pitiful wife could offer, and this might be your one and only chance to score.”

I didn’t even know what his wife looked like, but she could’ve been a supermodel and my point still stood strong. Other than Fern, there was simply no one else in this world anywhere close to us. I was an anomaly, an exception to every statistic that would’ve been excluded, only I had made myself impossible to ignore.

I began to press my body up against Steven with greater intensity, biting my own lip with desire as my moans echoed throughout the halls. The pressure his mortal body had to endure was excruciating, but that only made me want to do it more.

I imagined the door behind me was Fern, that the two of us mashing our bodies together once more in a loving embrace. I had already forgotten about my relentless taunting, Steve becoming a bystander to his own suffering as I imagined grinding myself against a more malleable Fern. I had literally just cuddled naked with her no less than an hour ago, but I was already craving her body once more. Then again, perhaps I was unconsciously craving her pre-ascended form. Maybe I should…


The smell of copper permeated the air and crimson sprayed everywhere like a balloon filled with ketchup. Welp, there went foreman Steven. I was pretty sure I had heard him confess earlier that I was indeed the woman of his dreams, so, eh, good enough for me. I broke him mentally before I broke him physically. Head explosion was one hell of a way to go, but it was nothing a little dip in icy cold water couldn’t clean up. What Fern didn't know wouldn't kill her. Hell, I don't think there was anything on earth that could kill her.


I returned just in time to see Fern, still in the nude, chucking the last chunk of mining equipment into orbit like a discus. God, she’d fit right in with the athletes of ancient Greece, though perhaps they would sooner assume she descended from Mount Olympus than rose up from humanity.

“Heeeeeey Ferny,” I said casually, performing a little midair twirl as I floated over to meet my beloved girlfriend’s eyes with my own. “Good news, that Foreman Steve guy totally spilled the beans on who was running this joint from behind the scenes. John Willikins himself commissioned this project, just like you had presumed.”

“Oh, sweet! I was probably going to subject him to horrors beyond his comprehension anyways, but now I at least have a reason. Anyways, I’ve got one more thing to wrap up here before we leave.”

The two of us flew over to the nearest town of Inuit people, clearly the part of the trip that Fern was most looking forward to seeing. With my advanced brain, I could understand languages really well. Speaking the tongues was a whole other deal, so I let Fern do the talking when it came to us traveling to other countries and liberating people from oppression. She really seemed to go the extra mile when it came to that sort of stuff. Or maybe her mind was just more receptive with three serums coursing around inside of it.

She was polite enough to don some sort of clothing, twisting up and contorting sheets of metal until they resembled a makeshift skirt on her body. I wasn’t exactly sure why Fern would grow self-conscious about her nudity if shame was all that could be offered. Maybe it was a respect thing? Maybe she just didn’t want the children of the town to fatally imitate her.

“We’ve dealt with the invaders of your land,” Fern spoke to the leader in perfect Inuktitut. “Soon, all the invaders will be purged from native territories everywhere,” she added cheekily, looking over just to see my surprised reaction. I wasn’t sure how serious she was, but I also wasn’t confident in my own speaking ability to offer any sort of opposition.

I felt like a bit of an outsider, but I knew it was all in good fun. What I didn’t expect was what Fern would say next as we flew away from the village..

“Hmm, I’m thinking we should 86 the Willikins plans.”

“Oh? Why’s that? We’re giving him plenty of time to formulate an exit strategy.”

“I’m not worried about anything he could do. I just… I really want to see my mother again. It’s been too long… I’m sure she’ll have to understand.”

Oh boy. That was a conversation I didn’t think we’d ever be ready for. While a mother's love was supposed to conquer all boundaries, there were some limits to even that. Lasering a plane out of the sky was one such limit.


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