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*Finally DONE! Sorry, it took a while. I was struggling to find responses in Nobara's voice, but I think I did a decent job in the end. I'm going to bombard you with a bunch of stuff now, so give me answers!*

"What’s the best way to fit in with the other students at Tokyo Jujutsu High?"


Yuji Itadori: “Just be yourself :D”


Megumi Fushiguro: “I’d start by avoiding asking such a weird question.”


Nobara Kugisaki: “ Honestly? What Fushiguro said…”


Maki: “Show us how capable you are in a fight”


Toge Inumaki: “Spicy cod roe,” he said with a pump of his fist


Panda: “Definitely by being yourself. Trust me, I’m a panda hahaha”


Gojo: The best way to fit in, eh? Hmm… I’d probably steal one of the girl's uniforms and make everybody laugh haha.


Who were you to argue with the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, though you had to admit sneaking into one of the girl’s rooms felt more than a little pervy, not to mention putting on one of their uniforms… Gojo did say to put it on, right? You slowly raised your hand to knock on Nobara's door, a force of habit you quickly overruled as you shook your head and just entered immediately. You’d just seen her outside with the others, so there was no way she was in her room. Inside, you gently closed the door behind you and carefully stepped your way further in.

Nobara's room contained a full-length mirror, wardrobe, and was kept mostly clean despite the unsightly amount of shopping bags she had sitting in a corner of her room.

“The girl must love to shop…” you mumbled, making your way deeper into the shallow room. All things considered, you couldn’t say that you were all that impressed with the Nobara’s room. She’d done very little decorating, though it did smell nice… a very subtle floral scent wafting through the air. It made you wonder what Maki’s room looked/smelled like, but you didn’t dare steal from Maki, or you were sure she’d kill you. With your initial inspection of the room done, the wardrobe was the first and only place to start as you gripped onto both handles and yanked it open with one quick pull…


What Nobara lacked in room decoration, she more than made up for in outfits, the wardrobe containing dozens of them completely put together, ready to be pulled out and worn. You were only after her uniform, though, the dark navy easy enough to spot among the other brightly colored outfits that you promptly pushed aside to reach in and snatch the uniform off the dowel before holding it against your body.

“Might be tough to fit into…” you mused nervously, “Let’s just get this over with.”

You stripped down to your underwear and socks and started to put on pieces of Nobara’s uniform.

The long-sleeved white undershirt was stretchy enough to pop your head through, even though it was rather tight on your chest, shoulders, and arms. The same could be said about the navy jacket that was supposed to cover it. Easy enough to get on, but buttoning it together was never going to happen. Next was the skirt that you stepped into and pulled over your hips, the stretchy waistband making it the most well-fitting article and honestly rather nice to wear as you shifted your hips side to side to play with the flowiness of it before focusing on one of the remaining pieces… the black tights.

Pass. You weren’t going to wear her tights, but maybe her shoes? That’d be funny. You approached the wardrobe again and easily found a pair of her brown dockside-style shoes that you snagged and slipped your toes into…  and that was about all that could fit. You shuffled over to the full-length mirror and laughed. You looked comical wearing a jacket that was strained at the shoulders and arms, a sharp contrast to the skirt, which looked fairly normal, then right back to ridiculous once you got to the shoes that only the top half of your foot could fit into. Gojo was totally right. This was gonna–



The growling feminine voice surprised you but not nearly as much as the rattling of both your feet that were suddenly sucked into Nobara’s shoes. Your thick toes and broad soles compressed and shortened in such a quick fashion it left you confused as to what happened when the brown shoes suddenly fit perfectly.

Your gaze darted from your feet to the entrance of Nobara’s room, where she stood with her brow furrowed and a scowl painted on her face.

“O-oh! Nobara! I was just–” You instantly tried to worm your way out of her jacket, but Nobara really let you have it as she slammed the door behind her and marched toward you.

You absolute pervert! What do you think you’re doing wearing my uniform!

Your face was instantly red hot as you raised your arms in defense and desperately tried to defend yourself, even though you only had one excuse…

“It was Gojo’s idea! He said the best way to fit in was to make everyone laugh by stealing one of the girl's uniforms!”

GrrrrrRRRRRRRRRR!...” Nobara growled, a few veins in her head looking like they were about to explode as you closed your eyes and prepared for punishment.


The punishment never came as you slowly opened your eyes to a much more composed and collected Nobara, like she’d just flipped a switch and did a complete 180.

You know what, new guy, it’s okay,” Nobara said calmly.

“Um… what?” you asked, lowering your guard and looking down at your feet were still stuck firmly in shoes that they had no right being able to fit into, but they felt… smaller.

After the first time the boys stole my uniform, I wanted to make sure it wouldn’t happen again, so I set up some countermeasures… I guess I’m quite lucky that you’re such a novice and weren’t able to tell that the uniform you’re wearing is steeped in my cursed energy… So, I think I’ll make an example out of you, while also granting your wish to “fit in.”

You didn’t understand, but it was the way she spoke that made you gulp loudly and break out in a light sweat, a slight raise of your eyebrow signalling your confusion. Confusion that Nobara picked up on.

Don’t get it? Let me enlighten you with one simple word… Resonance.”

You suddenly felt something crest over your ankle, the crawling sensation sparking your gaze to twitch downward to see black tights climbing your legs and passing over your calves!

“H-hey! What is that?!” you yelled, the black tights over your knees as you started to reach down to stop it from spreading further.

Ah! I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Nobara tittered, stopping you in your tracks as the material covered your thighs, and you lifted up the skirt to find it fully pulled up around your waist, your boxers stuffing it awkwardly.

“Ehhh! And why not!?” you asked, stretching out your leg only to have the tights stretch with it.

I’d hate to have you miss out on fitting in is all…” she said with a sadistic smile, “...Resonance

Like it was the magic word, your bunched-up boxers rapidly began to retreat, heading quickly for your groin as the fabric tightened and turned softer, squeezing lightly around your pelvis as they became an article of clothing that made your masculinity squirm…

“Panties?! You turned my boxers into panties! How are you doing this?!” You folded the skirt between your legs in embarrassment, feeling how soft and springy the panties felt caressing your cock.


You couldn’t explain why you suddenly gained an erection. Maybe it was just the completely unusual feel of the panties or the strangely sudden, light, breathless feeling you had work its way into your body, some sort of foreign force intermingling with your cursed energy and making your skin feel so sensitive and soft. Regardless, you couldn’t explain it, but your face was hot, and you made sure to cover your crotch so that Nobara’s grinning face didn’t see your shameless boner.

“Listen, Nobara, I can understand why you’d want to embarrass me by changing my clothes, but, I’m really, really, sorry. Just give me five minutes, and I’ll take off your uniform, and never touch it again. Hell, I’ll never even think of trying something like this again, promiseuhhh!” you said sincerely, shifting uncomfortably as a light moan slipped past your lips.

Damn right! But it’s too late to apologize. Resonance…”

She said it again even though you were wearing every piece of her clothing at this point. What more could change?! Your eyes darted down to your legs, which started to shake uncontrollably, your knees wobbling like a newborn calf as you felt your bulky calves tighten, a disgusting squelch sounding out as they sucked themselves small.

“What’s happening?! *POP* *POP* *SUCK* AHhhhn!” Your knee’s let out surprising pops, their sudden shift causing them to knock together as you folded at the waist, feeling the throbbing cock that you had your hands pressed tightly against jolt with a pleasurable pull.

“W-what the fuck?! M-My legs look like…” Your eyes were locked on Nobara’s lower legs before darting to your own, in which you found no difference besides the perspective; you both had skinny calves and small knees that were hugged by identical black tights. Accompanied by the shrinkage that had taken place at your groin, it was obvious what was happening.

“Yours?! Nobara, don’t turn me into you!” You yelled

Nobara wagged her finger in your direction. “I think you made it very clear by putting on my skirt that you wanted to embody the very essence of femininity herself, and who am I to deny a man that chance? Resonance…

“F-fuhhhhhhk,” Despite your plea, Nobara made your thighs weaken, the tough muscle undulating as it shrunk before a burst of fat made it swell up again with a much softer and wiggling consistency. You stumbled backward after another jolt of pleasure pulled at your dick. “Ahhhhn Nobaraaaahhhhhnn! Stahhp making it shrink.”

I’m not doing anything. You can hardly blame such a manly thing for not wanting to exist on an increasingly feminine body. It must feel uncomfortable being among such beauty… which I will take credit for. Resonance…

“Nnnnnghhh.” Pressure started to build in your hips the instant Nobara activated resonance again, a pressure that made your hips feel like they were about to be pulled apart, the bones letting out a strained groan as your skin started to stretch, your hips widening slowly until they audibly started to crack, then suddenly crunch, as they jutted against the waistband of the skirt.

You grit your teeth and prepared for what you knew was coming next, the squirm of your manhood signaling another pleasurable jolt as you feel your balls shrink and pull tightly against your groin while your stiff cock pulled back another inch. “Ohhhhhnn gawwwwd Nobarahhhhhh mmmmmm” you burned red, as your ass lifted and swelled, your ass cheeks growing rounder as what loose room your diminishing cock left was instantly used by your plumping butt, the soft flesh escaping from the back of Nobaras panties as they made the flowy skirt lift a bit more with their growth. You groaned as you scraped a hand down the backside of the skirt, feeling your fingers sink into much more fatty tissue than you were used to as you traced the contour of one of your round cheeks.

Ha! Enjoying yourself? My body is rather amazing, isn’t it? I bet you’re just dying to turn into me the rest of the way…” Nobara snarked.

No, I don’t want to… to have your AMAZING tits jutting from my chest or your… beautiful body heeeee...” As you looked at her, you suddenly became obsessed with the way Nobara’s uniform hugged her breasts, and how sharply it contrasted with the way it hung loosely around her slim waist. ‘God, I wan-whan- what am I thinking?!’

You shook your head to release yourself from the strange thoughts, though your eyes would always drift back to Nobara, who held a cocky grin like she knew how conflicted your thoughts were.

While usually, I’d be rather angry with a man for commenting on my body so lustfully… I find that having them come from a man who’s going to be me, much more appealing. So what was that you said? I have a beautiful body?

“What’re you talking about?! I didn’t say–”


Her resonance hit your upper body like like a leech, making your muscles, and bones tremble and be pulled like an object that was too large to fit through a straw, none of it going anywhere as you were forced to endure its pull. You clenched your arms close to your body, the tightness of the uniform jacket at its peak with how flexed your muscles were in the position, your hairless hands shaking in front of your face as the straw finally broke through… You gasped as mass started to leave your body, the tightness of the jacket lessening as your arms dwindled in size, your shoulders letting out sharp pops that jostled your body and followed your narrowing chest.

“I-I-” You could hardly find the words as the walls around you grew, your vision sinking until you were at eye level with Nobara, your shaking hands stretching their fingers on their own accord as they tried to keep their size, but failed as you watched them slim and shrink to a dainty and feminine size, the unkempt nails stretching out to long well-kept tips over your slim fingers as you watched in awe, nearly squealing as your waist tightened and bent at the sides the slim waist you were admiring manifesting on your body as you nearly came from excitement “Ahhhnn!” Your balls suddenly puckering tightly against your groin, and your dick shrinking a whole nother inch, it felt like there were only two more inches of the throbbing thing to go, thank god!

You smiled, put your hands on your slim waist, and pushed downward, feeling the sudden and defined curve as they hit your hips and cooed before… You started to freak out!

“Nobara! Turn me back! I don’t want to have your–super attractive body… ugh…”  Your thoughts were a mess. On one hand, you desperately wanted to become Nobara and share in being the pinnacle of femininity. But on the other, you wanted to be a hot girl just like Nobara… no wait… that wasn’t right. What did you want again?! Your eyes darted around frantically before locking in on Nobara’s breasts, her boobs looking sooo good bulging under the uniform jacket. Your feminine hands grabbing at your own flat chest subconsciously… 

wait, is that what you wanted? Breasts? Perfect-sized breasts? The perfect size for a perfect girl!?

Heh… I can tell by the look on your face that you’re ready to gain a little more of me… hmm?

“Ahh! Yes! –” Your face went from excited to pained as you realized just how much of Nobara had seeped into you, realizing that you wanted to be Nobara so much that you just jumped at the chance to grow breasts. Even though y-you were a… guy?


“Haaaaa…” You felt your nipples engorge under the white shirt, perfect, pink, juicy nipples that you were painted in your mind, as a surprising crack from your lower back thrust them against the shirt, your nipples jutting from fat that was slowly piling behind them. You watched them grow with a pleased grin and held your hands over them to feel them swell, pushing against the white shirt as it grew ever tauter, your breasts growing round and orb-like as their weight increased in your small palms. You closed your eyes and enjoyed their jiggle as you pressed your hands against them repeatedly, loving every ounce that pushed you closer to becoming Nobara.

 It feels ahhhhhnnn! Sooooo uhhhhnn… *POP* *POP* *PUUUUUHHL* guuuuuuudd!

You moaned as it felt like an orgasm that caused your hips to pop backward, relishing the feeling of your loathsome testicles popping into your body, with the added bonus of another inch off your cock and what was left of your sac pulling flat against your groin. You opened your eyes and stared into the nearby mirror before your mouth dropped open in disgust.

“Ahhh Nobara! My face! Why didn’t you tell me I looked so disgusting, bleh! Ahh! And my voice, what the hell!? Fix me, please.” you grabbed at your stupid-looking masculine face. It almost made you sick to see that something was so glaringly wrong when the rest of you was so perfect.

Res–on–ance.” Nobara sang pleased, as a wave of tingles coated everything from your neck up.

You gasped excitedly as you watched your Adam’s apple wiggle before instantly sinking, your breaths noting at a higher register as your face began to shift. You knew exactly what you’d look like, the image already locked in your mind as your eyes visibly twitched as they grew, long dark eyelashes pushing out from them as brown irises turned bright amber.

Already looking much better…” You sighed, as your jaw let out a loud crack, its tough angle rounding nicely into a much narrower and cuter jawline while your low cheekbones popped up before your cheeks swelled. You wanted the rest of your face to change so badly you nearly moaned as you watched your lips swell to pink and perfectly kissable pillows and nose shrink down, your eyebrows following as your hair pushed pleasurably from your scalp and swarmed your vision in your and your twins signature bob style. “hehhe” you leaned forward to let your breasts hang as you ran a hand along your face and took hold of one of your tits.

 “Perfeeeect… besides one small detail… ahhhhhnnn.” The rush of pleasure you felt from your scalp as it was swept over with dark orange was everything, its drip down to the end of each strand making your small little cock jump as it tried to cum but only managed clear fluid at its tip. 

Its existence was bothersome as Nobara walked up behind you and grabbed your breasts.

Looking good… me.

Mmmmmn… Nobara… there’s something wrong…”

“I can sense it, Nobara. It’s just a little nail… you know what we do with nails…”

Of course, it made so much sense… You raised a shaky feminine hand as Nobara held you tightly, your middle finger and thumb touching as you said the word that would solve all your problems…

Hairpiiiiiiiehhhhhnnnnnahhn~” You snapped, and exactly like a nail, your little dick was pounded into lips that opened up to receive it, your crotch gushing a splatter of girl cum as you leaned back into Nobara’s embrace for support, your legs twitching as you were finally… perfect.

Ahhhhnnnn~ ahhhhnnn~ mmmm,” you breathed, your body quivering…

Well, Nobara, let’s show you off to the world, huh?”

Uhhh, but Nobara… I think I came… Shouldn’t I change first?” you asked lifting your skirt and finding your panties absolutely sopping wet. 

Nonsense! I think showing you off to everyone is our top priority, don’t you agree?!

“Oh. Hah! You’re right! We need to show everyone what happens when you mess with Nobara Kugisaki!”


“WHAAAAAAAAT!!” Megumi and Yuji yelled

“Uhhh… so you’re telling me this is the new guy?” Yuji asked, looking at the pair of smug-looking Nobaras, trying hard to tell them apart... “Wow, I didn’t know you could do that to people Nobara…”

Hmph! Of course, I can. So long as my cursed energy is wrapped around them, I can mold them however I want!

“Can someone get Gojo, please?” Megumi asked, already exhausted from the event. “Someone needs to save the new guy…”

It’s Nobara, now, Fushiguro!” You said with a point of your finger, “And I don’t ever want to go back. It gives me a chill every time I even think that I used to be a guy… ehuhuhuh… Like I nightmare I never want to relive.” You said, shaking.

“Ughhhhhh…” Megumi responded with a face full of confusion.

Nobara smiled big and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “See, so now the team is double better with two Nobaras… Unless you two want to make four?...


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