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…What a terrible time to be alive. You slammed your apartment door shut with a depressed fling of your arm before slipping out of your shoes and trudging to the couch. You couldn't be bothered to sit normally, so you flung your body over the armrest and slammed flat against the cushions.

“Guess I’ll watch Anime…” you groaned, the choice an obvious one. There was nothing better after rejection than seeing the perfectly shaped bodies of anime babes strutting around on the screen. The only issue was there were so many different anime out there… but in all honesty, there was only one you wanted to watch…

“Shibuya Arc, let’s go…” you groaned, grabbing the nearby remote and navigating the menus to Jujutsu Kaisen, a show about dudes and chicks with weird and specific powers that allowed them to combat evil creatures with equally weird and specific powers. Despite the weirdness of it all, the show was amazing and exciting. This would be the fourth time you watched the Shibuya arc, and it was rather long, so you got comfortable. Wiggling your way out of your pants, flinging off your socks until you were just in your boxers and t-shirt, the perfect outfit for a binge.


The season starts slow, so you just let it run, kind of watching, kind of not. But every time Mei Mei was on the screen, you paid a little more attention. Definitely a mommy character without actually being a mother, her voice oozing sexuality as it tapered off to a subtle moan at the end of every one of her sentences. You could hardly ignore it.

As the season progressed, there were extraordinary fights scattered throughout, so your position shifted from laying to leaning forward as you really tuned in.

And then she was on the screen again, Mei Mei, literally strutting toward a foe she’d just maimed, her wide hips swaying from side to side. 

It almost made you swoon, “God, Mei Mei, I wish you were real!” You were totally kidding, of course. Your words were more like a horny catcall than anything significant, but if a girl like Mei Mei were real, you’d be all in. The thought brought a smile to your face as you kicked your feet up on the living room table…

“Um, what the fuck?”

You’d noticed almost the exact second your feet had come into view… your toenails were painted dark purple.

What?... Purple, not your color?

The voice was unmistakable, a teasing, mature, womanly tone that oozed sexuality. It was… Mei Mei’s?!

You searched for an answer, but couldn’t find one, your head swiveling around for the source of the voice. Mei Mei was no longer on the TV screen, her scene over, and your phone was… god, you didn’t even know where it was, in your pants across the room somewhere? The voice sounded so close.


Your feet suddenly started to cramp, your purple-painted toes curling involuntarily as you groaned and hissed in pain, the cramp mounting across the bridge of your feet and in the joints of your toes until they bounced with an incredible pop, their size being drawn down in an instant as your feet and toes shrank to a delicate and perfect size.

“Holy shit!”

Much better… The skin’s a little off, though…

It was Mei Mei again, her words causing your small feet to burn, the skin softening to silky ivory while what little hair you had slithered into the consuming skin. You splayed your petite purple-colored toes out to confirm they were even still yours! The feminine feet looking incredibly off attached to your legs.

Now what next…

You were finally able to pinpoint the origin of Mei Mei’s voice. She was simply speaking from inside your head, but she sounded so present, so close!… like she had her arm wrapped around you and was cooing those words right in your ear!

“H-Hold on! I don’t think we have to go much further than this! Let’s just talk, huh?!”

What’s to talk about?… You wished I was real, and I can’t very well simply appear out of thin air now, can I?

“So what?! I didn’t really mean anything by it! What’re you trying to do?!” You yelled, looking down at your fair-skinned and small feet.

I’m not sure yet… you seem like a good enough fellow… a little down on his luck maybe…are you sure you wouldn’t want to try being me?

“Try being you?! I-I’m a man!”

Right… and aalll that can all change… the proof is right in front of you.

Your eyes were locked on your dainty feet. Your small purple-painted toes taunting you with a wiggle. You couldn’t believe this was really happening… she clearly had the power, but you knew exactly what becoming Mei Mei would entail…

“I dunno if I’d be ready for that…heh,” you laughed uncomfortably.

No?... You sound unsure… I can promise you that being a woman is quite amazing…

You could almost imagine her snapping her fingers as your entire body erupted in tingles, making you squirm as you watched your exposed skin lighten, becoming the same soft ivory that your feet had, and what you couldn’t see, you could easily feel, the sensitivity of your skin ticking up as the coarseness of your shirt and boxers became all the more obvious, their braze against your skin irritating if not a little arousing with how different it felt.

“What the hellllll…” Your hands skirted across your body, the feel of your soft and smooth skin addicting. Even your face hadn’t been spared the change, all signs of body hair gone like you never had it in the first place.

Oooooh… not bad huh… I feel EXACTLY what you’re feeling… you want me to keep going, don’t you?

“Listen, Mmmmmei Mei, I really don’t think being a woman would be right for me…” you shuddered, the rub of your silky skin accidentally making you gain a slight erection.

MMmmmmmm, this feels so good… I don’t get worked up easily, but the way you’re making us feel is so… intoxicating…’

“H-Hold on, Mei Mei, don’t get any ideas!”

There was no answer, only a yank on your leg as they were forcibly lengthened, your small calves flexing painfully as they bulged behind your lithe lower legs.

“Mei Mei!”

Your knees popped as they reoriented themselves, gaining more meat around them as you yelled for Mei Mei again, your thighs quivering…


Oooooooh, I can feel how good this next part will be… our thighs are shaking in anticipation… I promise you this is going to feel VERY different… You’ve never had a pair like mine before…

Your legs gurgled, soft flesh squelching in, forcing your soft, fair skin to stretch as your thighs bulged and grew, swelling round with muscle and plump with fat as it closed in on your crotch and pooled on top of the cushion you sat on. They barely managed to jiggle around your manhood, the throb of your cock pulsing through them as you and Mei Mei moaned together. Your hands grasping onto your sensitive, squishy thighs.

“F-fuck! Mei Mei ch-change them back!”

Ahhn ahhn… I’ve never felt like this before! I can’t stop now. We have to keep going. I wonder how you would feel if you had my ass, I have to know!

You tried to object, but it had already started, your flat behind letting out a subtle gurgle, slowly swelling under you as you felt the fat start to pour in, rounding your ass cheeks as they stretched your boxers. You and Mei Mei both moaned in unison again, the growth from your ass strangling your cock as your boxers tightened around your lower half, your ass propping your body up higher on its cushiony surface as it swelled into a heavy perky heart shape that pillowed under you like a pair soft marshmallows.

“Shiiiit! Holy fuuuuhhk!” Your lower body was a wonderland of plush cushion among one extremely hard and throbbing rod, and your hands roamed every inch, from your round and bulging ass to your wiggling thighs and over the tent poking from your crotch.

AHHHnnn! I want more! I wonder if I can trigger more than one thing at a time! I just know that would make you feel even better!

“Mei Meeeei~!”

You could feel your right ball start to move, gradually sliding tighter against your groin as you begged Mei Mei to stop. Whining as your puckered ball started to sink into you, your hips crackling as they jumped out a few centimeters.

Yeeeeeees, this is the feeling I wanted. To be on the brink of orgasm as we trade ahhha~ your manhood for my womanhood!

You gasped repeatedly as the unseen opening sucked at your right testicle, bobbing in and out to keep you right on the edge as you  just what would happen whenever it decided t–



Yes… mmmmmmnnn~ just a little more.


Your stomach tensed as you came, your hips cracking a few additional centimeters, the orgasm resulting in a powerful flex of your cock and a stream of cum as it rocked your body. Even at the height of your orgasm Mei Mei acted quickly, chasing the high it produced as your second testicle wasted no time in pulling tight, the suck of your pelvic floor pulling what slack your missing testicle produced as it slurped up the loose skin and your remaining ball firmly against your groin, you hardly knew what was happening as the second bout of pleasure made you cum again, Mei Mei’s moans louder than your own as you pressed your soft thighs together strangling the only male part of you left.



The final jut of your hips was a shock, but hardly one that mattered as you dug your hands into the couch cushions, your cock still throbbing. Why was it still throbbing?! A bead of sweat rolled from your head as you looked down at your womanly lower half pinched around your pulsating dick.

“Whyyyynn am I stillnnn haaaard~”

Ahhn~ I don’t know, but it feels soooo good, doesn't it?! It’s like we’re about to cum again~”

She was right. It did feel like you were going to cum again. Sitting on the edge just like before.

Ohhhhh~ quit teasing and use my legs already~’

“Huh?! Ohhhhhn!”

Mei Mei moved your legs for you, shifting your plush thighs gently from side to side against your shaft, sliding gently up and down its base as it flexed hard and what felt like an orgasm hit you again, a pleasured shudder riding your spine as your cock didn’t fire and instead let out a vibrating crack as it retracted, your stiff standing rod pulling back by an entire inch closer to your groin as you let out a worried moan, and Mei Mei screamed in ecstasy.


“NOUhhhhhhh! Meighhh Meighhhh, stahhhhhp!”

She was already back at work, shifting her thighs up and down your cock again, pushing you both to another dry orgasm that made your dick let out another loud crack, jolting it another inch smaller. You felt so weak from the multiple orgasms you were being forced to experience. Your limbs like jelly as Mei Mei rolled your thighs over your member without stopping. Oh god, it was making you wet! Wait… Wet!


As your dick sunk another inch closer, hardly poking from between your thighs at this point, you became aware of the moistness between your legs, an opening that your small three-inch cock was heading toward.



“Staahhhp i-it’s alrehhhady too smahhhhll!” Your cock was completely gone from view, hidden between juicy thighs that wouldn’t unclench until their work was done.

Oooooo~ Only a little more left… It was nice while it was around, mmmmm~, but it’s time to trade up…~’

“Nuuuhhoohh!~ Uhhhnn!~”

Your dick slipped further with a small crack, so small you could hardly feel its existence if it wasn’t so sensitive, the tip buzzing as the hungry wet lips between your legs sat waiting. Your hands darted slowly for your groin as you felt another orgasm coming on, a last attempt to keep your manhood around as you reached it just in time for the orgasm to hit you and the rest of your cock to pull its way into moist lips that fully bloomed all at once as your fingers found them.

“Fuuhhhk I haaave uhhn!”

Mmmmnn~ Yes, we do…

Your fingers dared to explore the new addition as you felt only a hint of pleasure hit your new opening before your hands were pulled back to your sides.

Not yet… I’ll teach you all about the pleasures of womanhood once we’re done here…

“Stop controlling my body!”

I think you mean our body…Though if you aren’t a good boy, I may have to evict you…

Mei Mei seemed to have made a full recovery from the intense masturbation session she’d thrust upon you and found new power with it. It made you nervous, realizing just how much control you could lose…

I think we shape up next…’

Compression hit your waist like a vice grip, your sides quivering in resistance until they finally caved while what little belly you had became washboard flat, sinking tight against your abdominals as you lifted your shirt to see a very female-looking midsection.

Nice… right?... long hours of training for a waist this fit, and I give it to you in mere moments… aren’t I charitable?…

“What do you want me to do, thank you?” You asked, tracing your hands along your smooth, shapely waist with a grimace on your face.

It wouldn’t hurt…

You hissed as you looked down at all that had changed, your hands going from your waist to over your wide hips until you noticed your fingernails were looking rather purple… You held them in front of you, watching how your nails gained a glossy purple hue on their own, guessing that not even the strongest nail polish remover could make a dent in their color as your fingernails slowly stretched over each shaky finger.

You watched silently as each digit was slimmed, shrinking with your meaty hands into elegant female appendages.


You twiddled your thin fingers as your wrists started to shrink, the visible muscle on your forearm deteriorating to something more subtle but equally as strong as that feeling rode up your fair arms to leave them thin. The vice grip that was around your waist finding its way around both your shoulders.

“Mei Mei… you were just kidding about completely taking over my body, raaaaaight?” You asked as the vice began to squeeze, a low crackle forcing your shoulders and chest to narrow, bit by bit.

Hmmm… Maybe… though I haven’t quite decided yet…

“Aghhhhh, tell meeeeehh!” The air was forced from your lungs as your torso was condensed, your organs shifting to match your new frame while you wheezed to reclaim the air you’d lost.

Fine… my straight answer is, no… I won’t fully take over your body…

That piece of mind was all you needed, a shaky exhale leaving your lips as your lower back suddenly arched forward.

However… you’ll be living as me, understand?… You’re Mei Mei from now on…

You felt your areola harden and flex, feeling them grow and tent your flimsy t-shirt as electricity ran through them to moisten your crotch.


Now… let’s make you, me…

Your chest throbbed as your nipples distended slightly, a sudden influx of fat pushing forward very small bumps that rounded off at the bottom.

“Haaaa, holy shit!”

Mmmm, don’t be shy… Give 'em a grab…

Your right hand suddenly lurched up and onto your growing breast, instantly massaging the tissue with deft fingers that Mei Mei was controlling. She knew exactly what she was doing, pulling and cupping the small thing in the exact right way to make you moan out loud, your pussy tingling below.

That’s right… mmmmnn~ enjoy it… a little foreplay before the main event is exactly what a girl wants… as you’ll soon come to appreciate…

“Ahhhh~ Ahhhhnn~ ahhhhhnnn!” You repeatedly moan as more and more breast tissue fills your petite hand, the squish and jiggle of it between your fingers to die for as your voice rises and turns more sultry, shifting into the voice that’s been speaking inside you all this time.

Ohhhnnnn… My… voice…ahhhhnn~” Even your cadence had changed, becoming more teasing and sexy, your head tingling as the start of white hair dipped into your vision.

Just… like… mine…mmm~…

Ahhhhnn~!” your breasts couldn’t be contained in your hand anymore, and even so, Mei Mei made it work, rolling your hand over the soft fat and letting it slap against your chest with a wobble before picking it back up again. 

The movement made your pussy gush, your face cringing as popped and shifted, your jaw drawn smaller while you felt your lips purse and swell, a sticky substance finding its way over them while the rest of your face softened to smoother angles, your cheekbones rising and your brow sinking to be less pronounced.

You shut your eyes and basked in the sensations, the tug on the sides of your eyes signaling a change in shape, the tickle of eyelashes brushing against your full cheeks, and the smooth caress of hair pouring down the sides of your face, all while you moaned softly at your own touch.

Your chest heaved one final time, your other hand darting up to catch your enlarged bosom as it grew big and full, your thumbs running over stiff areola as Mei Mei squished your soft breasts against your chest. 

You and Mei Mei both shuddered as your hair fell down your body, some of it finding its way between your groping fingers with how long it’d become.

I’ll take it from here…

You felt a sudden loss of control, both your hands reaching under the hem of your t-shirt as the shirt took a trip over your head and off your body, your bare breasts bobbling as Mei Mei grabbed them both, covering your light pink nipples and made a lewd expression with your face.

Now it’s really time for some fun…” you said suddenly, your body standing and wiggling out of the tight grey boxers that hid your slick slit, your breasts jiggling around as your eyes stared past them.

Wow… Mei Mei… your body is…-

Our body now, Mei Mei…now pay attention…

Your body let out a sultry chuckle as your fingers slid very slowly toward your waiting lips, the anticipation killing you as Mei Mei took her time getting there. Letting her nails drag slowly down your body until they positioned themselves right before your pussy.

Do it already, Mei Mei! Ahhhhnn!... I want to feel it!…’

Your body chuckled lowly again as it bit its lower lip. Mei Mei, controlling your fingers as they touched the moist opening and slid inside.

Ohhhhnnn god!

Mmmmnn that’s it… Deeper…

Your middle and ring finger penetrated further. Mei Mei moving them enticingly in your snatch as she made you get to your knees and lay face down ass up on the carpet, her penetration making you both constantly moan as she put her thumb near the front of your slit… and began to rub.



God, did it feel good, the feeling of being penetrated over and over by your own two fingers, your pussy clenching at them to try and milk them dry even though it was impossible. A reflex you never had before as heat rose through your body, making you flatten against the floor, your tits rubbing against the coarse carpet as your moans grew louder and louder.

Hahhhnn! We’re gonna–

Hahhhnn! We’re gonna–”


Your body shuddered as juices ran over your fingers, and it seemed you were back in the driver's seat as you pulled your fingers from your pussy and lay panting on the floor.

Ha…. Ha… Mei Mei… that was so… good…

Mmmm… I know, Mei Mei… did you want to give it a go… I’d like to see if you learned anything from my example…

Even exhausted your body still ached for more as you propped yourself up on your elbow and looked down, sweat glistening on your fair body, a smile finding its way onto your face…

Hmmm~... I suppose I can give it a try, Mei Mei…


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