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*Hello! Bet you didn't see this one comin. I apologise for the flop on the Courtney Miller story, I didn't think it was bad, but everything I'm seeing is telling me it wasn't very good... So here's this story! If anyone wants to give their two cents on why the Courntey Miller story flopped please do. Thank You!* 

“Ughhh… what am I doing here…” You groaned nervously, each slow step forward coming down on the plush grass of the graveyard ground as your eyes and flashlight flicked to every shadowed tombstone that wasn’t illuminated by the magnificent moon that hung high in the sky.

Contrary to your words, you knew exactly what you were doing in the graveyard at such an ungodly hour, though it didn’t make it any less scary. You hoped to add a ghost-type Pokemon to your team, a gastly… maybe even a duskull would suffice…  the only problem is that their typical hangouts were potentially the most creepy places around, which made you very much regret your shaky trek through the graves of dead pokemon.


You exhaled shakily as you painfully illuminated another shadow with your breath held… to find more nothing… You almost couldn’t decide if finding nothing was a bad or good thing with how you were feeling.

“Just relax… just relax…” you told yourself quietly. You had a whole team of Pokemon on your belt. If trouble arose, they could get you out of any spot a simple gastly could put you in, right? Nothing to worry about.

Hey, heeheehee.”

Well that certainly wasn’t a gastly! The soft whisper of a girl yanked your head and hand in the direction of where you thought the voice came from, the circular light from your flashlight shakily bouncing between shadowed spots to locate its source.

“Hello…” You called out softly, your throat tight as you bent your knees, ready to run if need be.

I’m oooover heeere, heehee,” the voice giggled from behind you, sending a chill up your spine that made you do the fastest 180 you’d ever done in your life as you finally illuminated the source of the quiet voice.

You couldn’t believe you hadn’t seen her before. The girl’s dark figure sat upon a stone coffin, her face shadowed by the moon and a long mane of raven hair that was messed around her like a maniac. Honestly, she looked like one, a maniac. Her violet eyes were wide and crazed as she looked at you unblinking with a wide smile on her face even with a bright light shining right on her.

Despite how she looked, she was at least dressed well enough, her black dress clean, if not a bit showy, revealing much of her pale breasts.

“Oh… hey. You scared me.” You said, your hand hovering over one of the Pokeballs on your belt. You kinda knew how meetings with other trainers went if she was indeed a trainer…

“What’re you doing out here?” You asked, pointing your flashlight to the ground. The moon just barely illuminating enough of her for you to still see her outline.

I could ask you the same question, heehee.

The girl seemed to giggle after everything she said… it was creepy…

“ Well, I’m looking for some ghost-type Pokemon… know where I can find some of those?” You asked, adjusting your cap.

Heeheehee, oh you mean… my friends, heehee… They’re all around you. One is even right in front of you heeheehee!”

She giggled intensely as the chill from earlier returned to your neck. You didn’t see anything…

You stuck out your arm and grabbed at the air in front of you, seeing if you could make contact with whatever she said was nearby, but found nothing.

“Right… You got me.”

Heeheehee, you’re so funny… they like you. They want to play.” Right after she spoke, you felt your belt loosen. All your tools, your items, and your Pokemon, suddenly ripped away as your belt floated off quickly into the graveyard before you could even react.

You were mostly silent as panic spiked in your chest. On that belt was everything that could help you out of the trouble you were in, and now you were apparently surrounded by a bunch of this girl’s “friends” without so much as a potion to your name, all while the girl laughed maniacally.

Heeheehee! Haha! Oops. My friends say they're sorry about your belt, but the air around here has a nasty habit of whisking things away. Heehee

Your flashlight flickered before going out as you quickly slammed your hand against the side of it to bring it back while letting loose a few expletives. With no luck bringing your flashlight back to life, your eyes tried to focus on the girl’s silhouette on the gravestone as you begged her to tell the ghosts to bring your stuff back.

“Hey, I’m really sorry for intruding on your play date with your friend's lady. Please tell them to bring my stuff back, and I’ll leave.”

Leave? Heeheehee, you can’t leave yet. You wanted to see some ghosts, right? My friends don’t want you to leave until you can see them like I can, heeheehee!”

Unceremoniously, what felt like a pair of large hands suddenly grabbed around your ankles, prompting you to pull away with all your might as you felt their grip leave you. You screamed as you took off in the direction you’d come from. You were getting the fuck out of here!

HEEHEEHEEHEE! Don’t run! They only want you more if you run!” The girl's voice carried as you sprinted past gravestones, your breathing ragged with each gasp you took. Fuck, it was so hard to see! You couldn’t see the gate you’d entered through, so you just kept running, making sure not to hit any gravestones as you passed them by. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Never again, you’d never go to another graveyard as long as you lived!

“Ha– Ha– Ha– Ha–”

You didn’t know if anything was chasing you, and you didn’t care to look; you wouldn’t take the chance, the gate was finally in sight! Your eyes had finally adjusted enough to see the black outline fifty yards away, the steel growing ever closer as your legs burned from the effort! You were gonna–!

“Ooomph!” You hit the ground hard as your feet were pulled from under you, a bloody scream for help blasting from your throat as you were dragged along the ground while your hands pulled loose tufts of grass in resistance. You kicked and screamed as the hands ripped your shoes off your feet, pinning you to the ground as your kicks were stifled and the hands wrapped around the entirety of your foot.

“Let me guh–!”


The loud sound of bones cracking vibrated both your feet at the same time, the hands enveloping the entirety of them as they crawled up to your calves and started to… massage them?

“Uhhhhnn! What the fuck! Stop! Stop it!”

You tried desperately to clamber forward, your arms getting tired with how hard you tried to wrench yourself from whatever held you in its grasp, the hands holding strong as they slowly moved from your calves and crept to the backs of your thighs.

“Ahhhhh! Let uhhhhnnn~ go~”

You whined desperately as the hands got to work groping your legs and ass in long strokes, digging into your muscles and kneading your flesh as confusion and subtle pleasure made you struggle only a little less.

Your ass and thighs were being handled roughly with each pass of the hands, cupping and squeezing both as you felt your flesh start to stretch the seams of your pants.

“What’s happenuhhnning~ Uhn!”

You felt like they were growing! Your thighs converging closer and closer together as your ass cheeks were being played with like lumps of dough, both proofing, as you felt them jiggle in the hand's grasp, your hips crunching against the ground with each knead.

“What thuuuuhhhh~ fuuuuuuuuhhhck~”

Your dick was hard as a rock against the ground, the hands suddenly clasping hard onto your soft ass, as you suddenly felt something licking in long strokes just behind your trapped cock.

The tongue felt massive, sliding across your trapped length and balls, each lick bringing with it a reluctant moan from your lips as your hips shook in pleasure. It didn’t make eehhhhhny sense, how was something liiiiiicking your cahhhahhhk, wahhhhiiile it wahhhhs under youhhhunn!

You screamed weakly as your eyes glazed over, your vision blurring as you swear you started to see shadows moving about in the darkness. A quick look behind you confirming one big shadow was holding you down as the licks continued one after the other. You were gonna cum if this continued. Your hips starting to thrust into the tongue with each pass it did over your length. Your moans coming more frequently as you tried to resist.

Your head tingled as your body shook, what color you had draining out of you like you’d been victim to a vampire, your cock throbbing as your soft hair bounced around as you tried to crawl away one last time.

“Ahhhn… ahhhhnn… ahhhhhhhnnn

Your throat tightened as your moans rose in pitch, each one sounding more and more feminine as you felt your face pop and crack, your nose shrinking with a crunch, and your jaw doing something similar as you prepared to fucking cum your brains out.


Your seed left you in pleasurable spurts, making you writhe on the ground as your lips swelled and eyelashes fluttered while you came profusely and repeatedly. Each pump leaving you breathless.

You laid exhausted on the grass panting and seeing stars as you giggled a little bit about how much you’d cum, watching the black locks of hair enter your vision and slide along your cheeks. The licking had stopped, but the hands moved quickly, worming their way under you and grabbing hold of your crotch.

It’s firm hold made you tense as you wiggled in its grip. The hand shifting your manhood around your pants, pushing it tighter and tighter into your groin, all while your hair grew in such a copious amount it pushed your hat off your head. It felt good, like trying to force something where it shouldn’t be, the pressure constant and pleasurable as you let the shadow know…

Hehey stahhhp it doesn’t *SLUUUUUUURP!* uuuuhhhaa~”

Your eyes opened wide as you felt the whole of your genitals slide between your legs and up and into your body, the hands continuing their work as they grabbed your waist and pinched it in tight. Your raven hair pooled on the ground as you finally noticed your skin, hairless and pale, your hands shaking under you from the hand’s onslaught on your body, your fingers twitching... 

...as your nails started to turn black.

You felt like you were going insane, confused laughs slipping from your lips as you watched your entire hand and arm shrink, the palms turning downright tiny and the fingers cute and skinny, decorated with black nails that slowly lengthened over them. Your other arm and hand followed similarly as you looked up to see gastly’s floating about the graves.

Even though you’d already lost your manhood, this completely confirmed it. You were… he…he…heeheehee! Turning into a girl!

The hands very suddenly grabbed your shoulders and crushed them narrow before yanking you downward, your stomach scraping along the ground as your height was forcibly removed. The hands very gently removed themselves from your shoulders before sinking into the ground, disappearing from view before you felt them place themselves on your flat chest under you and start to grope… It felt like your chest eagerly thrust forward to meet the groping hands, your lower back arching as your nipples sprung up.

Uhhhhhnnn~ hehehe~ Nuuuhhhnoo~ I don’t wannahehe, be… ahhhahhhn~”

You could feel your chest jiggling inside the thing's hands, working your flesh in and out of them as more and more became available, the mounds wiggling just above the grass as you felt their weight under you.

Ohhhhnnnn~ he-he, fuuuuuhhk~ feeeeeels souhhhnn guuhhhd haunty~ More...”

You just let yourself be lost in the sensation of your swelling tits, your hips gyrating against the grass as old muscle memory made them push your wet crotch against the grass, your tits growing heavier as you lifted yourself up and let them bulge and hang below you.

Your best friend made sure your tits were adequately sized E cups, sensitive and sexy as he released his hands from your breasts, allowing you to prop yourself up and stare down into perfect jiggling pale cleavage.

Hehehehe, they’re perfect haunty thaaaaank you.

The haunter rose from the ground in front of you, its big dark purple detached hand offered to you as you let haunty raise you to your feet, your oversized clothes spilling off you.

“I was a big boy wasn’t I hehehe~” You laughed, looking down at your oversized shirt, but fairly tight pants, before worming your skinny arms out of your oversized jacket. Haunty made a noise as he reared back and slashed your shirt and pants tearing them and practically causing your boobs to completely spill out,

 the pink of your left nipple barely seen as the blue shirt and pants were infected with a black that spread around what was left of the cloth, the cloth reacting strangely by stretching around your body and starting to repair itself.

Hehehe! Black, just like you like haunty.” You perched your hand on your breasts as the fabric slowly moved around them, your pants and shirt merging together as the pants started to creep down your pale legs in one big, flowy piece,

 becoming a dress that showed a generous amount of your tits as you looked down to admire all that had happened to you.

I… look… peeeerfeeect heheheh,” you said, running your hands slowly over your big round breasts, lost in your appearance as haunty made another noise.

That’s right, you had to thank haunty with a GREAT. BIG. HUG. You moved quickly, grabbing haunty’s oversized head and pulling him deep into your cleavage, smothering your best friend in your bosom and feeling his big purple face being the solid object that your jiggling tits bounced against until you finally decided to let him go.

Hehehe, haunty, I know you still want to play, but don’t you think it would be more fun if both me and my sister played with you?

The perverted haunter eagerly answered yes as you grabbed hold of his hand and skipped in the direction of your sister. It was the least you could do since haunty would be more than willing to take care of you, hehehe…


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